
mcm_after installing slack with snap `sudo snap install slack --classic`, starting it with `slack` crashes xwayland.00:36
mcm_where should can i report the error?00:37
Bashing-om!bug | mcm_ 00:41
ubottumcm_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:41
mcm_ubottu, but which package? wayland, snap, or slack. if slack are the bugs for snap packages reported?00:44
ubottumcm_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:44
tsimonq2mcm_: snapd00:55
tsimonq2Snap bugs should be filed there, because the deb authors should not be responsible for snap bugs.00:55
mcm_tsimonq2, thanks.00:58
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
* enyc meows07:17
enycmy 18.04-on-btrfs  when updated, broke itself...!07:17
lotuspsychjeenyc: btrfs is still a not very good supported way, unreliable07:18
enycthe 18.04-on-ext4 and 16.04 and 14.04  in same VM are fine07:18
ubottuBtrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs07:19
enyclotuspsychje: hrrm...  woneder why btrfs been declared stable kernel-level for a long time07:38
enyci think i had a patched ext4 into something pre-10.04 once iirc hehe!07:38
lotuspsychjeenyc: yes its not experimental anymore, but that doesnt mean its reliable for data yet07:38
enyclotuspsychje: but with ext4  that was 'ext4dev'  until it seemed reliable, i thought07:39
enycthen became ext407:39
enycand there have been issues, but not so widespread07:39
enycwhereas, btrfs ... reports are  it  doesn't like full filesystem,  and  encryption/compression  cause issues.07:40
enyceven, for some reason, running over  luks  underpinning-compression07:40
lotuspsychjeenyc: feel free to file a new !bug on btrfs/18.04?07:41
enyclotuspsychje: hard to file a clear testcase other than "it broke - somehow!"07:42
lotuspsychjeenyc: a bug is a bug, report your experience in detail could help the community07:43
lotuspsychjeenyc: we might not have much users testing it :p07:43
lotuspsychjeso could be usefull you bug it07:44
sweb1safely remove on USB storage like flash or external hdd is take very long time to affect. how can i report it ? Ubuntu 18.04 (development branch)10:03
FauxIt's likely a bug in your desktop environment's stuff, so Gnome or Unity? Possibly "gvfs".10:04
sweb1i want to ensure this bug it's reported and in progress 10:08
sweb1i had another bug for my new laptop for booting when nvidia driver not installed... it's common bug cpu#3 stuck for 23s ... after i add nomodeset on grub and install the proprietary driver and reboot i dont need kernel flag ... 10:10
sweb1i buy new laptop and i want to test whole ubuntu 18.04 for test all functionally to report any problem ... 10:11
Fauxhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ has instructions on doing tests.10:12
FauxBut is otherwise not super accessible to non-employees aiui.10:13
flocculantFaux: iso.qa.com is pretty much only non-employees using it 10:21
FauxI was assuming it was employee only as .. it doesn't let me log in to it. :)10:22
FauxI don't know nothin'.10:22
flocculantFaux: ubuntu sso login afaik10:23
FauxYeah, I'm logged into SSO but the site tells me I'm not logged in and to bugger off.10:24
flocculantno idea then10:25
flocculantFaux: sometimes it doesn't like you not haveing an LP account - but I assume that's not the case10:26
flocculantno idea then still ;)10:26
acylonwhen i try to run system monitor it fails10:42
acylonit does nothing if i choose the icon from 'show applications'10:42
lotuspsychjeacylon: can you try launch from terminal to see errors?10:43
acylonand when i try it from terminal i get this:10:43
acylonubuntu@ubuntu:~$ gnome-system-monitor10:43
acylonUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused10:43
acylon(gnome-system-monitor:7074): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :010:43
acylonubuntu@ubuntu:~$ 10:43
lotuspsychjeacylon: graphics drivers installed correctly?10:43
acylonplease forgive my unknowingness...10:43
FauxIs that from a graphical terminal, not from a vconsole?10:43
acyloni'm running off a live usb stick of bionic beaver how can i check ?10:44
lotuspsychjeacylon: sudo lshw -C video10:44
acyloni'm booted into a gnome desktop environment and then i right clicked and chose 'launch terminal'10:44
acylonit's a big long thing do you have a pastebin i should use or just do it here10:45
acylon*-display                 10:46
acylon       description: VGA compatible controller10:46
acylon       product: GM204 [GeForce GTX 970]10:46
acylon       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation10:46
acylon       physical id: 010:46
acylon       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.010:46
lotuspsychjeacylon: driver= ?10:47
lotuspsychjeare you on wayland or xorg acylon ?10:49
acylonplz hold10:50
acylonubuntu@ubuntu:~$ echo $DESKTOP_SESSION10:50
acylonthat's what i'm seein but i know it can't be right lol so i gotta try to figure this out10:50
acyloni'm seein usr/sbin/gdm3 fromn /cat/default-displaymanager stuff10:51
acyloni think i'm on wayland10:52
lotuspsychjeacylon: wayland could block launching gui programs10:54
lotuspsychjetry the same on xorg please10:54
acyloni take it back i think i'mo n xorg10:55
acylonubuntu@ubuntu:~$ env | grep -i wayland gives no result 10:55
acylonand this ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE10:55
acylonty for your alls time i just wnated to tell yall that maybe there's somethin for you to look at regarding that stuff11:00
acyloncya guys11:00
howarthAnyone know why ubuntu doesn't default to LVM partitioning in bionic? I thought most other distros had switched to that.16:48
alkisgI think it defaulted to LVM in 8.04; can't say I liked that, too much trouble for no benefit to simple users17:13
FauxWhy would simple users ever see it?17:15
alkisgWell, try dual booting with windows and doing some partition resize to make space....17:25
FauxLVM doesn't affect that at all? You can't resize ext4 or btrfs or xfs or etc. partitions from Windows?17:26
alkisgSure, many windows tools support that17:26
FauxOh, right. But not Windows.17:27
lol768error: write /var/lib/snapd/seccomp/bpf/snap.ubuntu-budgie-welcome.hook.install.bin.$randomCharacters: no space left on device17:53
lol768anyone seen this before when installing (inside VMware workstation 14 pro, if relevant)17:53
TJ-lol768: "no space left on device" is pretty clear!17:55
lol768well sure :P17:55
lol768but there is space!17:55
lol768I am curious as to where /var/lib/ refers17:55
lol768but the hard disk for installation 50GB17:56
lol768* is17:56
lol768I do wonder is VMware's easy install is to blame17:56
TJ-lol768: maybe there's a separate block device/partition/LVM/ZFS volume for the /var/lib/snapd ?17:57
TJ-lol768: try "df -h" and "df -i" check there's free space/inodes17:57
lol768this is during installation, how do I get a terminal?17:58
lol768seems ctrl+alt+fX (where X != 1) just gives me a blank screen17:59
TJ-lol768: No idea; I don't use the 'install' option; whenever I use the GUI installer I use the 'Try Ubuntu' session so it's possible to do diagnostics17:59
TJ-the installer only runs a single tty usually17:59
lol768decent suggestion TJ-, but with easy install you don't get that option19:26
lol768I think I will try to manually install19:26
TJ-so not so 'easy' then?19:27
lol768it's VMware, life is rarely easy..19:30
=== BionicMa1 is now known as BionicMac
moneryah there we go21:43
monerylotuspsychje: my question is php related... I ran into an issue that seems is explained with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/php-mcrypt21:44
monerydoes that mean that ubuntu is going to be including a new php and I just have to wait?21:44
monerythat is my assumption, I was hoping to maybe find someone that knew for certain...21:45
TJ-monery: upstream switched to a different library21:45
moneryTJ- so just wait for the beta repositories to be build fully is solution?21:45
moneryno php-mcrypt means that the project stops sadly... Its amateur radio related so its not mission critical21:46
TJ-monery: you could always manually install the PECL version https://pecl.php.net/package/mcrypt21:49
moneryI am starting to learn to expect this from HAM code...21:50
moneryHAMS seem to offer two options21:50
moneryquick hack, UBER complex21:50
TJ-it was written a long time ago, with what was current at the time, but then not kept up-to-date.21:50
monerysadly this requires it...21:51
TJ-so use the PECL package21:51
monerythx for your info TJ, i'll be looking into this. If you program and would like to take on an exciting challenge, let me know... until thx again and wish me luck21:53
TJ-I think I have enough challenges trying to keep up with fixing the bugs that Ubuntu creates!21:54
monerywell work in the HAM section more. If I can help make this happen, I am pushing and trying to bring the word out for Software Defined Radio. Sadly my programming skills suck...21:55
TJ-I built an SDR-based directonal scanner a couple years ago, around a RasPi, 4" LCD and RTL chipset21:57
moneryDoing a HF Transceiver around pi3 and 7 inch touch, but the software is a pain to use... rather just have a CLI tuner :P21:57
moneryQuisk was for certain written by an engineer :P21:58
monerywhat were u scanning HF for btw21:58
monerylooking for noise or transmissions21:58
TJ-I built a 2.4GHz scanner to do long-distance link detection and testing22:01
TJ-extremely directional 22:02
tomreynthere were vry good reasons to remove mcrypt https://wiki.php.net/rfc/mcrypt-viking-funeral22:08
moneryTJ- HF is 3MHZ-30MHz 2.4GHz doesn't propagate like microwaves. with my frequency range, TCP packets can travel across town, across the country, across an ocean.... ultimate WiFi :P22:09
moneryhigh frequency got its name when frequencies that we do broadcast FM on were considered unusable22:10
moneryanything beyond say 50MHz was tough or impossible for awhile22:11
moneryagain thx for your infomation guys...22:11
TJ-ahhh, the innoncence of the non-engineer! lower frequency = more propogation, lower SN ratio, lower information content. Try loading even an average web page over a 3MHz HF link... I'll come back in 15 minutes to see if it's loaded :)22:16

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