
tsimonq2jbicha: Martin asked me and I bounced to you so they won't find much irt gdebi. :P00:50
Unit193Laney: Hrm, so any chance of that dh backport happening?03:36
Unit193darkxst: Congrats, DM.06:19
darkxstUnit193, thanks!06:34
darkxstUnit193, I probably should have applied a long time ago though!06:40
Unit193DD sigs can be hard to come by!06:40
darkxsttell me about it, will need another before I apply for DD06:41
Unit193I might too, not sure yet.06:42
tsimonq2darkxst: Congrats on DM!22:31
tsimonq2I'll go for DM myself as soon as I get two keysigs at LFNW.22:31
tsimonq2I'm going for two, idc. :P22:32
* tsimonq2 sees the channel name and moves to one of the -offtopics...22:32

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