
Unit193* Move laptop-detect from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin - Wed, 08 Mar 2017 00:59:54 +010000:37
Unit193Debian #89448101:03
ubottuDebian bug 894481 in numlockx "numlockx: `laptop-detect` has moved from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/89448101:03
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: tumbler 0.2.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-tumbler-0-2-1-released-tp50878.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)07:55
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: tumbler 0.1.33 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-tumbler-0-1-33-released-tp50879.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)08:22
flocculantif I didn't know that our iso was suffering from this bluetooth issue - I would just assume that I can't install xubuntu and would go looking for something that worked :(09:27
flocculantwillem: thanks :)09:36
willemflocculant, ?? I don't think I complained about bluetooth lately; but then again I'm old and may have forgotten I did...10:52
willemhmm, i did: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1490349, but that was quite some time back11:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490349 in bluez (Ubuntu) "15:10 and 16.04: bluetoothd "Failed to start discovery: org.bluez.Error.NotReady" after bluetoothd restarted" [High,Invalid]11:34
flocculantwillem: we have one at the moment that leads to a 75s timeout in I assume anything with no bluetooth 11:43
willemI read about that one11:47
willemI think I did report the slow boot after first install11:47
flocculantwillem: also - the thanks were for the reply to the testing soon e-mail ;)12:08
willemah, right! I didn't realize that. 12:09
flocculantI only just did when I read you again :p12:09
willemAll I saw was your line about bluetooth and thanking me12:09
willemI hope my e-mail helps, though.12:11
flocculantyep - always useful to get comments like that from 'normal' testers :)12:15
willemNever been called normal before12:16
willemmakes a change I guess ;-)12:16
flocculantI've not talked to you for quite long enough to tar you with the 'crazy people who test things' brush yet lol12:17
flocculantif you're still putting up with us mid- Cantankerous Cicada cycle - I'll call you crazy :)12:18
willemI'll try to live up to your expectations, then12:24
ali1234funnily enough i read that bug yesterday12:42
ali1234apparently it is not a bug12:43
ali1234flocculant: i wish to complain13:34
ali1234the iso tracker tests ask me to verify that "The slideshow is entirely in your language"13:34
ali1234but the xubuntu slideshow has that slide with "hello" written in all different languages13:35
ali1234therefore i have to fail it :)13:35
willemali1234, :-) I was tempted to do the same first time I came across that slide ;-)13:39
TJ-Anyone know of a better channel to catch hold of devs that understand the light-locker<>lightdm interactions ?13:56
bluesabreTJ-: #lightdm would probably be best. The maintainer of light-locker comes and goes at #xfce-dev 15:03
TJ-thanks. 15:03
TJ-I'm sticking in some gs_debug() now to try to trace the lid-closed suspend/resume path15:04
TJ-Looks like the lid-closed>suspend>resume>blank-user-session-vt is a timing issue; with a few debug options and light-locker --debug >/tmp/log I cannot reproduce it16:14
TJ-Getting more interesting. Even without --debug enabled, my local build of light-locker (with embedded gs_debug() statements) will not fail, but the system's version will. So I've got 3 possible diffs: 1) my 5 gs_debug() statements 2) my binary isn't stripped 3) pssobitl different build options16:41
TJ-And just found another data-point that is a workaround. When the blank user VT is present, connecting charger (PM not set to suspend when lid-closed on AC) and then closing and re-opening lid, the VT is active and visible again16:43
ali1234good news: tumblerd's exif orientation code is not broken, it's my images :)19:30
ali1234and also imagemagick is partly to blame19:31
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