
=== Israphel is now known as Guest94452
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
Ohio_Have an Xubuntu question about sessions if someone can assist11:21
Ohio_I have two options when I log in one for xfce seesion and one for xubuntu session, is there a way to remove the xfce session?11:28
cfhowlettnot if you want to continue with xubuntu.  xfce is the display manager, after all11:29
Ohio_I previously had the machine auto login so I thought there might be a way, thank you for your time11:33
cfhowlettit will default to the last selection.11:34
Ohio_I just can't seem to get back to the original way I installed Xubuntu, it saved my password but I still have to hit enter for it to boot, thought the extra session was the issue11:36
cfhowlettnope.  that would be in your automatically login settings.11:37
Ohio_Can you tell me what I may be doing wrong on the automatic login issue then11:39
cfhowlettlooking now ...11:39
Ohio_Thank you, all I see is don't ask for password on login but it still requies you to hit enter11:41
cfhowlettreally?  that's doesn't seem right.11:41
cfhowlettgot it.  reverse this https://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Auto-Login-in-Xubuntu11:42
Ohio_Thank you, rebooting now to see if it works11:50
cfhowlettfingers crossed11:51
Ohio_That did the trick, thank you again11:56
cfhowlettit's all in the wrist, my friend.  now go forth, be fruitful and sin no more.11:56
Ohio_Enjoy your weekend11:57
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube

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