
tomreynit actually took 2 hours. and it did not.00:18
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=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
flocculantpoor attempt at an April Fool :p06:01
BionicMacd=) <- like my hat?06:02
BionicMacoh! lots of juicy upgrades for the beaver tonight.06:02
BionicMacHmmm, again with the "Orange Bag Ubuntu Software" not showing updates available. apt* shows it, gui "Software Updater" shows it and Synaptics all show the same updates available as they should. But not the orange bga. I'll never trust it for system upgrades. Only for the third party blah.06:06
BionicMacIt is a "pretty" way to search/install/remove popular third party apps though. Bu if it doesn't show the 40 updates the other tools agree on to the "t"... then I lose faith.06:08
BionicMacok, I'm done bitchin'. =) 06:08
BionicMacHello lotuspsychje 06:25
lotuspsychjehey BionicMac 06:26
BionicMacI like the new default bluetooth applet/settings/manager. hmmm... changes abound. 06:26
lotuspsychjeyeah cool06:27
lotuspsychjehave you noticed nautilus file transfers progress on the icon like unity?06:27
* BionicMac scratches his head... did I install this blueman manager or was it included in the latest updates? ... =)06:27
BionicMaclotuspsychje: I haven't noticed that.06:27
BionicMacI guess blueman-manager is the default now.06:27
BionicMacSome of my icons look different too.06:28
BionicMacI need to test  file transfer in nautilus to see what you are talking about.06:28
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: wich icons?06:28
BionicMacI've always been a nautilus fanboy.06:29
BionicMacWell... top right corner applts/icons... bluetooth is different there adn m dropbox ... I'm pretty sure i saw an icon/gtk/blah update in the last ouple of days.06:29
lotuspsychjecool, think i need updates06:30
BionicMacI just had 40 upgrades.06:30
BionicMacAnd plus a few yesterday.06:30
lotuspsychjewasnt it suru icons they gonna do?06:31
BionicMacI'm unsure.06:31
BionicMacWhat is strange is I have 2 bluetooth icons in the top right now.06:31
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: strange, BT are integrated in settings now06:31
BionicMacOk, the "blueman applet" is new. 06:32
BionicMaclotuspsychje: How do I get detailed information on an installed package so I can check if it is part of official Ubuntu ?06:33
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: apt-cache policy packagename06:33
BionicMaccli or gui06:33
BionicMaclotuspsychje: universe is not official distro default packages is it?06:35
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:37
lotuspsychjejust updated, noticed high color theme, but not changes i see06:37
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: are you on ambiance?06:39
BionicMacNo idea.06:39
BionicMacWhat is ambiance?06:40
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: install gnome-tweak-tool mate, a bunch of neat settings there06:40
lotuspsychjeand preload too06:40
BionicMacpreload is a package?06:40
lotuspsychje!info preload06:40
ubottupreload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (bionic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB06:40
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: its boosts your overall experience speed06:40
BionicMacok, doing i tnow.06:41
lotuspsychjein tweak tool you can check your theme06:41
BionicMacYep, ambiance06:42
BionicMac=) nice tool. thanks brother06:42
BionicMacDo I have to start preload or restart gnome to run it?06:43
lotuspsychjefor preload you need a reboot06:43
BionicMacok, brb06:43
BionicMacno need to turn it on?06:43
BionicMacok ...06:44
lotuspsychjeit starts as service06:44
BionicMaccan I just start the service or is reboot needed.06:44
lotuspsychjemorning flocculant :p06:44
flocculantmorning lotuspsychje :)06:44
flocculantjust been resizing partitoions and stuff06:45
flocculantdone with Xubuntu :( installing Ubuntu06:45
flocculantdone with testing too 06:46
lotuspsychjeflocculant: schedule getting tighter?06:46
lotuspsychjewhen is feature freeze?06:46
flocculantonly freeze left now is kernel and lang stuffs06:46
flocculantfeature freeze was beginning of March06:47
lotuspsychjevery curious wich impact bionic will have06:47
flocculantnot sure what you mean there?06:47
lotuspsychjeusers impact, in main #ubuntu support06:48
flocculantoh right06:49
flocculantI never06:49
flocculantgo there :p06:49
lotuspsychjei meant final freeze :p06:49
lotuspsychje19 april heh06:49
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: now launching programs should go smoother06:50
BionicMacI noticed a snappy feel when starting firefox... 06:50
flocculantlotuspsychje: in #xubuntu we let people talk about the unreleased version from Beta onwards - smaller set of people looking06:50
BionicMaclotuspsychje: Thank you for the tips. =)06:50
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: np06:51
flocculantBionicMac: interesting - not heard firefix called snappy for a long time :p06:51
BionicMac oxymoron06:51
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: chromium-browser + preload + cleaned up system with bleachbit + ssd rocknrolls here06:51
BionicMacIthink I want to install vivaldi and check it out.06:51
flocculantssd for sure makes loads of difference06:51
lotuspsychjetested vivaldi and brave, they both s*ck06:52
lotuspsychjeflocculant: but even then not happy the with boot & desktop boot times06:52
BionicMaclotuspsychje: flocculant: what are your preferences with a broser?06:52
lotuspsychjevery laggy still06:52
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: FF & chromium06:52
BionicMaclotuspsychje: "sick" in a good or bad way? =)06:52
lotuspsychjegood way06:52
lotuspsychjebad sorry06:53
flocculantlotuspsychje: aah - I've been talking about a bug - 'my' system is fine06:53
lotuspsychjeflocculant: ill await final now, perhaps reinstall fresh too06:53
lotuspsychjegot too many testing stuff :p06:54
BionicMacI use vivaldi on my Antergos Cinnamon setup. So far so good. I like Antergos too. I literally LOVE Cinnamon. But I tried it in Ubuntu and the system-settings is broken. Kinda wanted that app.06:54
BionicMaccinnamon-system-settings \06:54
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: i also use links2 for text base browse06:54
BionicMaclotuspsychje: nice. I love lynx and links.06:55
flocculantlotuspsychje: I shan't - this install will become xubuntu cantankerous cicada :)06:55
lotuspsychjequick lookup from terminal06:55
lotuspsychjeflocculant: im sticking to LTS for a while again :p06:55
lotuspsychjeflocculant: and continue the heavy bugging06:55
flocculantlotuspsychje: bit hard for me to do that - Xubuntu Team member06:58
flocculantlotuspsychje: so we did find what the slow boot issue is btw - 3 25s timeouts while blueman looks for things on machines without bluetooth basically07:00
lotuspsychjeflocculant: did you hear more of that systemd speed tweak yet?07:00
lotuspsychjesimilar think :p07:00
flocculantconsequently it appears that our iso is dead ...07:00
flocculantI read something in -desktop a while back, but didn't take a lot of notice of the detail07:00
lotuspsychjeif it gets fixxed its good07:01
flocculantyup :)07:03
BionicMaclotuspsychje: Do you run bleachbit on your system or just your $HOME ? 07:06
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: whole system runned as root icon07:06
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: just be carefull when choosing some options, know you might deep delete07:07
lotuspsychjelike autoremove kernels n such07:07
lotuspsychjecleaned 8gig last scan here07:07
BionicMaclotuspsychje: Yes, Iam going to have to get familiar/comfortable with what to delete. I will watch it closely.07:12
lotuspsychjelemme know afterwards if notice speed07:13
lotuspsychjebbl now07:13
BionicMacFor instance, I am not so sure about this: Delete 4.1kB /var/lib/apt/lists/partial07:13
BionicMacDelete 4.1kB /var/lib/apt/lists/auxfiles07:13
lotuspsychjeyeah those are fine07:13
BionicMacbasically a lot of files in /var/lib/apt/lists/* (158.MB worth)07:14
BionicMaclotuspsychje: I read the links you sent concerning the 4 categories of repos. From what I gather, Universe is notincluded in a system installation. Those are packages chosen by the user. Does this sound correct?07:16
BionicMacHow do I fnd un-needed "no longer required" packages? Once I get that list then I will go over it before I hoose to uninstall ny.07:18
ducasseBionicMac: software in universe is supported by the community, not canonical07:19
BionicMacducasse: Thank you.07:21
BionicMacHow do I  find Orphan packages? I googled and found an app called Deborphan. I sthere a tool already on ubuntu for this?07:24
flocculantBionicMac: do you have an issue with disk space? if not I'd likely leave well alone if you're not sure what you're doing07:25
BionicMacNo worries. I would make sure of what packages I remove. I'm just learning in general but I am sure there has to be a way to find those. Then I can go through them with care. 07:26
BionicMacOnly 3 packages show up. I will leave well enough alone then.07:27
BionicMacThanks to everyone for the help. I'm out for the night. Take care. 07:38
meeseeksHi I am experiencing some weird stuff since my upgrade: some youtube video's don't have audio while most do13:30
meeseeksI assumed it was just muted due to copyright at first13:30
meeseeksbut after trying one in chrome this is not the case13:31
meeseekstwitter video is also silent, vidzi.tv streams as well, but they are all silent, on YT almost every video works fine but then others don't13:33
brainwashon youtube you can right click the video player > stats for nerds, and then check the used audio codec13:36
meeseeksYeah I did that, I had an silent SD movie without audio which was vp9, and another movie work fine which was also vp913:38
brainwashI would start firefox.exe from a terminal window and see if it prints any audio related messages when playing a video with broken audio13:38
brainwashvp9 is the video codec13:38
meeseeksopus then?13:39
brainwashis it opus in both cases?13:39
meeseeksvp09. (244) / opus (251)13:40
meeseeksno sound13:40
meeseeksvp09. (244) / opus (251)13:40
brainwashthat's pretty odd then13:40
brainwashdo you have any firefox extensions enabled?13:41
brainwashalso, try my terminal advise13:42
meeseeksI have youtube video popout, noscript and ublock origin13:42
meeseeksyeah I'll try cmdline first13:42
brainwashan extension could be the culprit13:43
meeseeksalthough I can check .xsession_errors perhaps instead nowadays no13:43
blackflowmeeseeks: use --safe-mode switch to temporarily disable xtensions13:43
brainwashyou probably can13:43
meeseekspowerdevil: Enforcing inhibition from ":1.13" "firefox" with cookie 15860 and reason "audio-playing" powerdevil: By the time we wanted to enforce the inhibition it was already gone; discarding it13:45
meeseeksI am on webchat so I'll have to leave and come back to check cmdline debugging13:45
FloodServax▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  buehous: isantop ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄14:00
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