
TJ-where would bugs about the mini.iso instigated installer be reported against? Issue is that even when installing the most basic option something adds "vt.handof=7 to the boot options so when booting the installed system there's no log-in unless the user knows (how) to switch tty20:39
tsimonq2TJ-: debian-installer I think.20:58
TJ-tsimonq2: I'll poke around in the code... it's via GRUB's /etc/grub.d/10_linux - seems like it's doing the 'desktop' think not the 'server' by default20:59
tsimonq2TJ-: OK20:59
TJ-which comes from the setting in /etc/default/grub ... could be that's been set as the default shipped file. I best check21:00
TJ-I suspect this is one that cjwatson will know how to solve in 2 seconds flat!21:09
TJ-Bug #169796821:11
ubottubug 1697968 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "$vt_handoff causes black screen even when nomodeset is used" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169796821:11
cjwatsonNot been my bailiwick for a while, I'm afraid21:33
cjwatson(There isn't a lot of code, but there are a lot of constraints and they fell out of my head some time ago)21:34
TJ-cjwatson: I thought you were the d-i guru :)21:35
TJ-seems to me the sane way to do it would be to have grub not add 'splash', have it added by a core GUI package/service that's installed for all GUIs21:37
cjwatsonTJ-: Not so much since https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~cjwatson/blog/moving-on-but-not-too-far.html21:44
TJ-cjwatson: oh yeah, I recall reading that originally! ha! Your reputation is too persistent21:44
TJ-you'll have to send me a 'right to be forgotten' demand :)21:46
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