
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassegood morning, everyone06:15
lotuspsychjegood mornito all06:24
EriC^^morning all06:58
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^06:58
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje06:58
lotuspsychjebbl movie09:45
firezephey guys, sorry for a the stupid question kinda new to ubunto[linux in general] do you guys recommend squirrelmail at all or should I look for another email option?13:23
leftyfbfirezep: I definitely do not recommend squrrelmail for use as a ftp or media server13:57
leftyfb^ jest13:58
leftyfbfirezep: as for email, what services are you looking for? Why do you need webmail? What's the backend?13:58
firezepleftyfb, not for ftp just for email usage, also already blocked ftp ports and added failt2ban just in case13:58
firezepwell you know to learn stuff and also have my own email :P13:59
leftyfbfirezep: learn what? A webmail service isn't necessary for to have your "own email"14:00
ducassewhy not just set up a pop3/imap server and use a proper email client?14:00
firezepoh you can do that? fuck im dumb14:00
leftyfbfirezep: no need for the language14:01
firezepoh sry was referring of my self :X14:01
leftyfbfirezep: your #1 focus on setting up an email server is security14:01
firezepnot trying to offed anyone14:01
firezepso just install imap and use it with outlook or something like so?14:01
firezepreally sorry kinda new to linux  :(14:02
leftyfbfirezep: yeah, if you dumb it down to the lowest possible way of referring to it, sure14:02
leftyfbfirezep: an email server is one of the most insecure things you can run on your server. You'll be spending hours upon hours of reading and learning to get it right. I'll be honest, I've been running an email server for about 20 years and I'm still learning and fixing mistakes14:03
firezepwell gotta start somewhere tbh14:04
firezepI was just going to use for private trackers and such14:04
firezepnot like I have a lot of stuff in my current vps that people could steal also.14:06
leftyfbfirezep: if you want to be able to receive email from and check email from the internet, then you need to open up the relevant ports and services to the internet and setup the security properly. It doesn't matter what it's being used for14:07
firezepducasse, what email client would you recommend me then?14:08
leftyfbfirezep: it's also not a matter of what people "steal". It's a matter of creating another source of garbage on the internet14:08
firezepWell I guess I can do that to a certain extent leftyfb also its just to learn and test14:08
firezepnot much tbh14:08
firezepIs ee what o mean firezep. that makes sense14:09
leftyfbfirezep: you go into this with 100% security in mind and lock it down or don't do it at all14:09
firezepwell but for what you say I can just opening some ports and services can you point me with some guidelines where I can learn or inform my self better, if I may ask14:10
leftyfbfirezep: if you don't care to take the effort to lock it down properly and are going to proceed with setting it up anyway, I suggest adding your VPS public ip address to all available RBL's so the rest of the internet doesn't have to deal with the garbage that will most certainly be emanating from your server14:11
firezepsorry RBL? :P14:16
leftyfbI don't mean to discourage learning, but building something like an email server to learn how do to it with little to no thought put into securing it properly or spending the time to really understand how it all works is really not worth the amount of resources your server will waste when it starts sending garbage out14:19
leftyfbfirezep: if you are really that interested in learning, the thing that I do is immediately google all possible names, services words I don't understand when someone or some article is explaining the thing I want to learn14:20
firezepWhen you say "garbage" you mean like people exploiting my email server of some how right?14:21
leftyfbit WILL happen14:21
leftyfbif you do not work to prevent it14:21
firezepeven with fail2ban and closed ports? :O14:22
leftyfbclosing all email ports will prevent your email server from sending/receiving email to/from the internet14:22
leftyfbI highly suggest this method if you are not going to properly security it otherwise14:23
firezepI see,, well I'm going to do some more research about it then.14:24
firezepthanks leftyfb14:24
leftyfbfirezep: I suggest reading everything you can about setting up a postfix server. Read everything you can about RBL's, open relays and how to properly authenticate using SSL ports/services14:24
firezepwill do leftyfb thanks again in advance14:25
BluesKajHiyas all14:40
leftyfbI don't know about anyone else, but that is night and day better performance for me22:03

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