
=== Snickerdoodoo is now known as Snicker
=== daniel is now known as Guest35687
Guest35687bom dia10:13
Guest35687eu tenho uma duvida10:13
=== Guest35687 is now known as ruslan917
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
alkisgruslan917: do you see any questions about moving /home here?11:10
alkisgI don't. Not since you came as guest.11:10
ruslan917NO, I don't see11:10
kristina__hi i don't understand whats hapenning here ?14:40
diogenes_kristina__, ?14:42
diogenes_support channel here14:42
kristina__i know thats a support channel if its that what ur saying but i asked some questions but no one answered so that made me wonder if am at the wrong place14:56
diogenes_ask again14:57
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:57
* alkisg doesn't see any questions from kristina__ in the last week...15:06
kristina__am sorry I'll try better , well my question is I want to install armitage and when I enter their site I find that its a malicious site so o try to download anyways but still firefox prevents me and they block the download process , any ideas or can someone check the site again or whatever i badly need armitage and i don't want to download it from an unknown source even in github I can't seem to find it15:10
diogenes_what atmitage does?15:11
=== Menzador is now known as littlebunnyfufu
kristina__armitage is a hacking tool or pentesting or whatever it allows u to scan port on victims machine and if any open u can creat a backdoor , its on kali linux and parrot as one of metasploit hacking tool15:58
diogenes_lol :) funny, what do you need it for?16:00
kristina__   i just need it hh well am " i want to try it on my device " and further for pentesting16:28
diogenes_kristina__, first of all you're not a hacker, second, nobody will help you when it's about hacking, I think you know why.17:03
kristina__who said am a hacker ??? am just trying to use a linux tool does that make me bad ?17:27
=== robot_ is now known as Guest39012
avianerHello, I have an RPi 2 and wanted to install X2GO, but it doesn't work. I used the standard tutorial and after that I used this manual: http://dodger-tools.sourceforge.net/cms/index.php?id=10000060418:58
avianerit doesn't work and in a forum the community couldn't help me: https://forum-raspberrypi.de/forum/thread/38676-raspberry-pi-2-mate-x2go/18:59
avianeri think it is not possible to install a XsGO Server on a RPi219:01
avianercan someone help me or give me an alternative?19:01
=== p is now known as Guest36055

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