
guiverca user on #ubuntu noticed https://xubuntu.org/ says 16.04.4 is supported till 2019 (unchanged from 14.04 I guess) - who should be informed/etc?02:48
guivercsorry excuse my last02:49
guiverci misread sorry.02:51
simaMy "Super" key shortcuts aren't working in Xubuntu 17.10 64bit06:24
simaWhen Iset up Ctrl+Alt+Key it then works, but not the "Super" key (one with Win logo)06:24
flocculantsima: for anything? Super+T doesn't start a terminal?06:42
simaflocculant, nope it does not start terminal06:52
AndrioDoes Super+E do anything?06:52
simalike Super is not working per se06:52
simaxev says it works as a key06:53
flocculantsima: no idea then - odd06:54
simathis is what xev is saying, when 'Super' is pressed: https://bpaste.net/show/5d95e484d6de06:55
flocculantsima: when I do that I get https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gzFggHrtkb/06:57
flocculantwhich says Super_L not Multi_Key06:57
simaSo that is it, it is bind to other name even it is the same kaycode07:00
simaflocculant, are you on updated 17.10 or LTS?07:00
flocculantsima: I'm running 18.04 ...07:01
simaah so it works on 18.04..07:01
simaHave you been updating form 17.10 or doing fresh install?07:01
flocculantwell it worked in 17.10,17.04,16.10,16.04,15.10,15.04 and on and on07:01
flocculantsima: you got another keyboard you can try?07:02
simaupdate or fresh installs?07:02
simaok, i could try with another keyboard07:02
flocculantsima: I'm part of the xubuntu team - testing side - I do all sorts of things07:02
flocculantsima: would at least prove hardware is ok07:03
simaAha I see what's the problem. On both new keyboard and the previous one, it _does_ work that RIGHT Super key, but not the one on the left side of the keyboard.07:05
flocculantxev calls right one Super_R ?07:05
simaand shortcut works right , with Right Super_R07:05
flocculantI'll spin up a vm and see what happens there07:06
simaso keycode 134 (Right Super_R) works, keycode 133 (Left Super_L) is binded to Multi_key)07:07
simaI will make another fresh account to see if anything per-user it is.07:07
simaIt seems that with new user account it works right (Left Super and shortcuts) so it got to be some user setting changed for current account07:10
simaso it is per user account setting07:11
flocculantsima: ok - so now it's just a matter of finding what you did ;)07:11
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