[06:22] morning [06:23] is it possible to continue using brz with the repo which was originally cloned/pulled with git? [06:25] i tried 'brz pull' on my repo and got the following: https://pastebin.com/U8GcUQsb [10:31] gour: should be fixed if you update your version of bzr-git [10:34] jelmer: ok, thanks [10:40] jelmer: now i get this: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/~ubZeJ0wGMk8fIv6nICrqw [10:54] gour: you need a newer dulwich as well [11:15] gour: (and possibly a newer bzr) [12:09] jelmer: i already updated brz, now pulled and re-install all of them, but still get 'brz: ERROR: ImportError: cannot import name LOCAL_TAG_PREFIX' [12:10] gour: try pulling from dulwich now? Sorry, forgot to push that last change [12:16] jelmer: now it's ok. excuse me for bothering you [12:18] although now after pull i get: "brz: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how...", but that's probably another non-brz-related issue [12:18] gour: no worries, I'm curious why our CI didn't catch this particular issue [12:19] gour: do you have local changes? [12:20] jelmer: i bet i didn't have, except in case i just did a local build [12:20] gour: local committed changes, I mean [12:21] jelmer: yeah, i understand...it could be that i did perform local build on freshly cloned repo without commit...now cloning from the scratch [12:28] jelmer: now i did 'brz pull' into another repo originally fetched via git and get the same msg, although 'git status' shows everything is clean? [12:33] gour: are you specifying an explicit URL to pull from? [12:34] jelmer: nope [12:34] gour: is the URL it says it's pulling from what you would expect? are there other branches in the remote URL? [12:35] jelmer: see https://pastebin.com/7ASkhwJa [12:38] gour: ah, restic is a public repo? I can try and reproduce it here [12:42] jelmer: yes, https://github.com/restic/restic [12:44] so, first cloned via git and now tried to update by pulling with brz [12:44] gour: oh, the URL is invalid [12:44] it's a rsync-style URL, which bzr doesn't understand [12:45] try git+ssh://git@github.com/restic/restic [12:45] * jelmer files a bug [15:00] hey gour_ [15:01] gour_: so I've fixed the URL issue (change is landing now), but I can't reproduce the DivergedBranches issue === gour_ is now known as gour [15:08] jelmer: when the changes is going to be landed,i can try pull some other git-cloned repo [15:09] only brz-git is affected? [15:11] brz-git and dulwich [15:11] I'll let you know when it lands [15:13] thank you [15:36] gour: changes have landed; you'll need a new brz-git & a new dulwich [15:43] jelmer: tried with another github project and got the same diverged branches [15:45] gour: what does "git pull origin HEAD" report if you try that instead? [15:47] jelmer: https://pastebin.com/RuDNSxtH [15:51] gour: thanks, reproduced now [16:31] gour: pushed a fix to lp:brz-git, can you try again? [18:28] jelmer: excuse me, was afk...now it works, thanks a lot!! [18:28] \o/