[10:03] manadart: are you around today? [11:43] externalreality: can you review https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/136 ? [11:43] jam, can do [11:47] jam, LGTM - why is the description explains everything accept why the admin database is being dropped. Just out of curiosity - why is it being dropped? [12:55] externalreality: I have the feeling it never really was, it was just that mongo wasn't complaining about it until 3.6 [12:56] admin is what holds the users, etc. so I don't see how you could really drop it [12:56] jam, I see [13:24] externalreality: and the Juju patch to bring in testing: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8553 ? [13:35] approved [13:36] jam ^^^ [20:32] hml, finally finished your review. Sorry it took me so long [20:32] balloons: ty [20:44] writing the ci test, i told it to deploy with trusty, but it deployed with xenial instead? [20:46] hml, did you pass series to the test? [20:46] i defined one in the client.deploy() call [20:58] hml, odd. Well, try passing --series trusty and see if that fixes it, at least to unblock you [20:59] balloons: i think i figured it out… i made an invalid assumption about local_charm_path() [20:59] hml, deploying like client.deploy(charm, series=charm_series, repository=charm_dir) [20:59] ?