
pmatulis_rock & roll01:51
=== Guest88902 is now known as zeus
cynthiaoneillJust curious, when running the juju canonical-kubernetes charm, is there a way to indicate we don’t want some of the things deployed (like loadbalancer)?  Or recommended way to remove?15:50
cynthiaoneillUsing the juju command line (not conjure)15:50
hmlcynthiaoneill: is a bundle (grouping of multiple charm), so you can download and modify it for your own purposes.16:06
hmlcynthiaoneill: you can also remove charms by running “juju remove-application <charm name>”16:07
cynthiaoneill@hml: cool.  So each “charm” is really a single application?16:08
hmlcynthiaoneill: yes16:08
hmlcynthiaoneill: once a charm is deployed, we call it an application.16:09
cynthiaoneill@hml - nice that will work well!16:09
cynthiaoneill@hml:  I found a bundle that includes canal (which is the networking we want).  What would be the command to deploy that bundle using juju command line.  Would this work? juju deploy cs:~containers/bundle/canonical-kubernetes-canal-7816:19
hmlcynthiaoneill: yes16:20
cynthiaoneillAre there guides on troubleshooting (i.e. restarting, or reconfiguring services) the canonical kubernetes deploy?  I checked to see what services are there.  Do we just restart these?? sudo ls -alt /etc/systemd/system/*kub*17:53
kwmonroecynthiaoneill: the k8s-master charm (which is include in all the k8s bundles) has a restart action so you wouldn't need to systemctl those services directly: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cluster/juju/layers/kubernetes-master/README.md#actions18:10
kwmonroecynthiaoneill: instead, you could do something like "juju run-action --wait kubernetes-master/0 restart"18:10
kwmonroecynthiaoneill: similarly, the k8s-worker charm has its own set of actions: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cluster/juju/layers/kubernetes-worker/README.md#operational-actions18:11
kwmonroemore info on juju actions (including debugging them) is available at https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/actions18:13
bjonnhwhat are the possibilities to expose the ports of juju created containers (lets say haproxy) to an interface of the host? (using lxd localhost)19:15
bjonnhI use a bridge but now, all the machines are exposed to the bridge…20:04
cynthiaoneillWould I need to modify the bundle to change kube-apiserver settings?  (I noticed no RBAC, and not the right defalut admission controllers for 1.9)20:58
kwmonroecynthiaoneill: if the default apiserver settings are not working for 1.9, please open an issue at https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues.  that said, you can adjust args for the apiserver, controller-mgr, and scheduler (see 44-70 for descriptions: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cluster/juju/layers/kubernetes-master/config.yaml#L44) using something like: juju config21:15
kwmonroekubernetes-master api-extra-args=arg=value21:15
cynthiaoneill@kwmonroe what is the command example to pass api-extra-args?21:34
cynthiaoneillOr is this a change in the bundle?21:34
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