
acheronukno, that's a script, not the config. by default /etc/sddm.conf does not exist as not needed00:00
phoenix_firebrdscott__: If the sddm greeter crashes, then there must be some error message in the sddm log. did you give the full log of the sddm greeter previously or a partial one?00:01
phoenix_firebrdacheronuk: ok00:02
acheronuk /etc/sddm.conf will get created if you change setting, like set autologin00:02
phoenix_firebrdacheronuk: which process creates the .xauthority file? xserver?00:03
phoenix_firebrdscott__: can you paste the log once again using this command. journalctl -u sddm.service00:04
phoenix_firebrdacheronuk: and journalctl -u sddm.service is by default verbose?00:04
phoenix_firebrdacheronuk: scott__ check this out https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/295#event-18401427800:07
phoenix_firebrdscott__: is sddm service enabled?00:09
scott__sorry, was getting kids ready for bed00:18
phoenix_firebrdscott__:  can you paste the output of the following command "sudo journalctl -xn"00:21
scott__Here is the output to sudo journalctl -xn: https://pastebin.com/MDiUMAJm00:23
phoenix_firebrdscott__: I think you are copying the log improperly00:27
phoenix_firebrdscott__: how did you get that log?00:28
scott__oh sorry let me try again.  I didn't have konsole maximized00:28
phoenix_firebrdscott__: no try piping to a text file00:28
Fritigernsudo journalctl -xn > textfile.txt00:28
phoenix_firebrdscott__:  like "sudo journalctl -xn > thelog.txt" then paste the content of the thelog.txt file here00:29
phoenix_firebrdFritigern: just saw it :)00:30
FritigernUm, best paste the contents of thelog.txt to pastebin...00:30
scott__try this https://pastebin.com/7SeQ9mtz00:31
phoenix_firebrdscott__: run the following command and see if you see "active" in the message "sudo systemctl status sddm"00:34
scott__it is active00:35
phoenix_firebrdscott__: and says running?00:35
Esteban16phoenix_firebrd: Hi. I just wrote the iso in the pendrive but in the boot option menu when selecting the USB it takes me to Kubuntu, not the the Windows installation00:36
Esteban16(with Rosa ImageWriter)00:37
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: you need to use a windows system and use the rufus application to prepare the windows iso. preparing a windows iso in linux is difficut00:37
scott__it does say it's running.  Here's the pastebin if you need/want it: https://pastebin.com/f78e6iDA00:38
Esteban16phoenix_firebrd: Ok, I will prepare the iso in a Windows PC and then use the pendrive in Linux. Is it okay?00:39
phoenix_firebrdscott__: are you using a wayland session?00:39
scott__how can I check that?00:40
phoenix_firebrdscott__: can you restart and then run the command "sudo systemctl start sddm" instead of startx and see if you get errors?00:40
phoenix_firebrdscott__: using top00:41
phoenix_firebrdscott__: if you see any process like xwayland then you might be using wayland00:42
scott__according to top I'm using xorg00:42
phoenix_firebrdscott__: ok00:42
phoenix_firebrdscott__: can you restart and then run the command "sudo systemctl start sddm" instead of startx and see if you get errors?00:42
scott__sure brb00:42
Esteban16phoenix_firebrd: Hey!00:43
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: hi00:43
Esteban16│19:39:13       Esteban16 | phoenix_firebrd: Ok, I will prepare the iso in a Windows PC and then use the pendrive in Linux. Is it okay?00:44
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: after preparing the pendrive what are going to do with it in linux?00:44
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: Here is ksysguard with the new sensors tab I added. I didn't need to install lm-sensors at all. =) https://i.imgur.com/vCtihwt.png00:45
Esteban16phoenix_firebrd: To install Windows and remove Kubuntu. Sadly Linux is not for me00:45
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: Keepin it clean and mean. No need for extra cruft. =) kubuntu is serious business.00:45
BionicMacI added the "TEMPS" tab.00:46
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: what is that application?00:46
BionicMacksysguard "System MOnitor"00:46
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phoenix_firebrdBionicMac:  I think I have used that way back00:46
BionicMacIt's part of default Plasma/Kde Kubuntu install.00:47
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: how did you get the temp tab?00:47
Guest68780phoenix_firebrd: I didn't write that command down.  What do I type after I reboot? lol00:47
Guest68780it's scott btw00:47
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: then go ahead and backup your data and then boot into your pendrive directly and then install windows00:48
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: "Settings/Show Toolbar" -> Then on the now visible toolbar "New Tab"00:48
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: using linux takes a little bit of getting to know the preliminary infos, but it is the future00:49
BionicMacThere is another way without showing the toolbar, of course you can hide it when finished working with tabs.00:49
phoenix_firebrdGuest68780: did you run the command startx?00:50
Esteban16phoenix_firebrd: That's what I wanted to do :) but you just told me that preparing Windows isos in Linux is difficult, so I'll prepare in a Windows computer and do the rest.00:50
Guest68780I think it was sudo systemctl something sddm00:50
Esteban16*prepare it00:50
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: 'ksysguard' supports remote monitoring also.00:50
phoenix_firebrdscott__: can you restart and then run the command "sudo systemctl start sddm" instead of startx and see if you get errors?00:50
phoenix_firebrdGuest68780: ^00:50
Guest68780I had to, because I forgot what you said to type, and of course i didn't think to write it down00:50
Guest68780ok thanks00:50
Guest68780oh hey i did type that00:51
Guest68780nothing happened00:51
Guest68780or at least nothing appeared to happen00:51
Esteban16Again, thank you for your help phoenix_firebrd. Hope this time works00:51
BionicMacEsteban16: Good luck man.00:51
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: wait00:51
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: if you are familiar with virtualbox, you could install reactos, mount the usb pendrive and then use rufus to write the iso in it00:52
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: but ofcorse you need to be familiar with virtualbox or vmware00:53
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: are you on 18.04?00:54
Esteban16Unfortunately I just used Virtualbox to install Windows (and that's not enough). I'm not familiar with it.00:54
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: yes. last nights buildd.00:56
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: I just got that tab, I installed from the gethotnewstuff dialog00:56
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: I just took the "Feature Tour" . Where is the gethotnewstuff?00:57
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: you downloaded a ready made tab? I made minee from scratch. I didn't know you could do that.00:57
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: ok, I found hotnewstuff...00:59
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: You downloaded "Temperature (lmsensors)" from gethotnewstuff ?01:00
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: How about a screenshot of your new tab? =)01:01
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: try "super+up-arrow" when focused on a window.01:03
BionicMacsuper+any-arrow =)01:04
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: https://imgur.com/a/xmmGy01:09
phoenix_firebrdfeeling sleepy01:11
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: nice. They must use the lmsenors integratde into the ksysguard. When I added my temp tab I ket seeing lmsensors verbage from time to time in the process.01:11
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: getting blurry eyed here also.01:12
phoenix_firebrdhope the upcoming version is without any problematic bugs. I will try testing the betas later and check01:14
phoenix_firebrdEsteban16: sorry couldnt help you further, may be someone else will help you. But strictly support for creating a windows boot usb is not given here01:16
phoenix_firebrdI am off to bed, good night all01:16
BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: you mean the daily builds? Or the final release? If you need help testing let me know what I can do to help please. I don't mind setting aside a partition to reinstall frequently onto.01:17
Guest68780goodnight phoenix_firebrd thanks for your help01:17
BionicMacnight, and let me know. Thanks again for all the help. Let me know how I can help test for the community.01:17
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: Guest68780 yw01:18
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valorieBionicMac: we will need testers next week for the beta2 candidate04:12
valorienot sure what day the ISOs will be spun04:12
BionicMacvalorie: I would be glad to test Kubuntu 18.04 Beta2. I have a partition ready to go on this iMac. I can pm you my email if you wish.05:22
valorieare you on the Kubuntu-devel ML or -users?05:22
valorieI'm getting a story ready for the website05:22
valorieI don't need your mail05:22
valorieset yourself up on the qatracker05:23
valorieget a login, read some of the help text, etc.05:23
BionicMacvalorie: Great. On the way to the qatracker now...05:29
BionicMacOh! more updates on Kubuntu.05:29
valorieyou can ask questions about it here, or /j #kubuntu-devel05:29
BionicMacok joining devel now.05:30
BionicMacvalorie: I am not on either ML. I will register on Kubuntu-devel and -users.05:35
valorieit's good to have people on -users who can answer questions05:36
valoriesome are basic, some are head-scratchers05:36
valorie-devel is devel stuff rather than questions05:37
BionicMacOh... more Kubuntu updates since 30 minutes ago. 4 more right now: all related to *plymouth*05:39
BionicMacI like Muon. It is the first GuiFied 'apt' frontend I feel cozy with for some reason. I just like it. =)05:41
BionicMacI'm up to stuff fully up to date.05:43
BionicMacKiller default Icons on Kubuntu. I really love the default theme/Icons/Look&Feel/etc.. etc... in 18.04..05:44
valorieyou'll be not at all surprised by beta2 then06:21
valoriebut we need the installer and installation process as a whole tested too06:21
valoriein fact, that's the main test06:21
BionicMacvalorie: Ok. Sounds great.06:23
BionicMacvalorie: Done and done. both ML & qatracker.06:24
valorieyou'll be able to just zsync your beta 1 ISO06:24
BionicMacOk. I have the beta 1 iso from 3-29.06:25
BionicMaccheck... on it.06:26
valoriefor more about that06:26
BionicMacbookmarked and open. thanks!06:26
valorieabout to head to bed06:27
valorietomorrow is no longer a fool's day06:27
BionicMacme too... only because I took a melatonin about 20 minutes ago and it is hitting me. =006:28
BionicMacThanks for everything valorie. sleep tight.06:29
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ricktimmis[m]Hey there09:07
user__i have a question regarding the virtual desktops09:10
user__the icons of the apps dont disappear09:10
user__so when i have ff on desktop 1, i can still see it on desktop 209:10
user__how do i disable that?09:11
ricktimmis[m]Right click on top bar of FF, the choose which desktops to display on09:15
ricktimmis[m]You will also see choices for activities there too09:16
user__i just see move to desktop X09:16
user__it doesnt solve the problem09:16
user__i can see the ICON (not the window) in my taskbar09:16
user__so when i am on desktop 2 i see firefox in the task bar09:17
user__obviously when i click on it, it will move to desktop 1 and show me firefox there09:17
user__but i dont want to see the firefox icon in the task bar on desktop 209:17
user__otherwise i have all icons cluttered on all my desktops09:17
acheronukuser__: have you 'pinned' it in error? if so, right click the icon and untick 'pin'09:20
user__acheronuk: No i havent09:20
user__and i have this behavior for all apps09:20
user__not just ff09:20
user__for all windows09:20
acheronukok. right click the task manager to get task manager settings, and make sure "show only tasks from the current desktop" is set09:22
user__acheronuk: Thank you! I was searching for this09:23
acheronukno problem :)09:23
user__I have another question09:24
user__i have seen a lot of people with some kind of dock thing09:25
user__like in this picture on the left09:25
user__How do i get this? What is that?09:25
acheronukthey are using latte-dock09:27
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werner_Hi & happy easter from Berlin, I installed Kubuntu 17.10 on a T410. I get the following:10:02
werner_Verbindungsfehler: Verbindung verweigert10:03
werner_pa_context_new() fehlgeschlagen: Verbindung verweigert10:03
werner_any clues?10:03
vespertatiaGo to System Settings > Driver Manager ?10:09
werner_Verbindungsfehler: Verbindung verweigert11:00
werner_pa_context_new() fehlgeschlagen: Verbindung verweigert11:00
werner_I changed to the NVIDIA driver11:01
werner_no Pulseaudio11:01
werner_next annoyance:11:01
werner_the context menu in Firefox and thunderbird now need 5 sec to show up.11:02
werner_DMESG says:11:03
werner_duplicate WMI GUID 05901221-D566-11D1-B2F0-00A0C9062910 (first instance was on PNP0C14:00)11:03
werner_How can I get rid of this ‎ "duplicate WMI GUID"?11:03
werner_Or should I reinstall Kubuntu for the 7th time now?11:04
werner_Does anyone have a clear Kubuntu by starting from scratch? Not me.11:05
vespertatiaweverner_: It seems there's a ton of compatibility issues. Try entering these commands in Konsole:11:20
vespertatiasudo apt update11:20
vespertatiasudo apt upgrade11:20
werner_I did full-upgrade - no success11:27
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obertfull-upgrade exists?12:03
mparillosudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y12:39
mparillonot 100% sure if full-upgrade works with the older apt-get.12:40
obertnever seen full-upgrade before12:40
R13oseWhen I am in a text field, + signs type forever without me doing anything and I can stop this by hitting shift.  How do I stop this?12:41
R13oseholding shift down*12:43
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?13:05
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fujisanim new here hello greetings my frands14:41
fujisancan i run kubuntu with oxygen the 2010 edition?14:42
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herbetohey everyone! I'm sharing my laptop's ethernet connection via a hotspot to my phone. How do I change the DHCP server parameters asssigned to it?15:22
herbeto*to the phone15:23
herbetounder connection type, what does 'shared to other computers' mean?15:23
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AlexCDevHi, I've managed to break audio on my laptop. I was having the same issues as this ( https://askubuntu.com/questions/976375/kubuntu-17-10-no-audio-devices-found-no-settings-no-sound?rq=1 ) , and tried reinstalling pulse audio, but managed to remove the volume control program in kubuntu as well19:24
AlexCDevApologies if I drop my connection is iffy, I'm on a train :p trying to make my slack notifications shut up, ahah19:24
AlexCDevso my issue is the same down to a tee, including spotify working, but firefox not, not being able to adjust the volume with the volume keys ect.19:25
AlexCDev fixed, by editing the lines as per the askubuntu thread, then installing another manager like kmix19:31
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Blairen23Has anyone here been able to use icloud web calendars with KOrganizer?19:48
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