
tsimonq2lopta: It depends on what you need it for, really.00:04
ShellcatZerodump question: when I see warnings about init scripts, where should I find these files?  For example: insserv: warning: script 'K01xfce4-power-manager' missing LSB tags and overrides00:07
tsimonq2ShellcatZero: First place I'd check is syslog.00:09
ShellcatZeroI've checked in /etc/init and /etc/init.d/ and I cannot find anything under the name K01xfce4-power-manager00:09
ShellcatZeroI don't see it mentioned in syslog00:10
tsimonq2Try asking in #xubuntu or #ubuntu for that one.00:10
loptatsimonq2: Browsing the Web and playing Runescape, I'm told.00:19
lopta...and the odd light Linux game.00:19
tsimonq2lopta: What kind of specs are on the syste,?00:19
tsimonq2argh you get it ;)00:20
loptaAMD Zacate, (weak dual-core APU), 4G RAM, 64G SSD, I think.00:21
tsimonq2So, either of them would work. You could even go with flavors like Ubuntu MATE or Kubuntu and be fine. Of course I'd tell you Lubuntu but I'm biased. :P00:23
loptaThanks tsimonq2.  I might give that a try then.00:25
loptaI'll be back later.00:25
parheliaas someone with a Zacate-based laptop, kubuntu will definitely be too much for it.00:36
parheliathe others should be fine00:36
tsimonq2parhelia: What version of Kubuntu?00:36
parhelialatest, I suppose00:37
tsimonq216.04 is a beast but 17.10 and 18.04 have gone down in required specs.00:37
parheliaoh, that I didn't know00:37
parheliain general I think of kubuntu as the one "with extra eye candy" and Zacate in general isn't much faster than an Atom chip.00:38
tsimonq2It depends on how you look at it.00:38
tsimonq2GNOME is pretty bloated... heh00:38
ShellcatZeroLightdm and gdm will not work, while lxdm will succeed and then many applications will no longer launch inside of LXDE, like Firefox, Roxterm, and Transmission. Lxterminal and Seamonkey run just fine.  Any help is greatly appreciated: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1021244/can-not-get-lightdm-or-gdm-working-on-lts-16-0417:41

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