
FurretUberWhen a program (synaptic) that was translated lost its translation (it's entirely in English now) should this be reported in Launchpad as a bug?00:35
tsimonq2FurretUber: I'd say yes.00:38
tsimonq2That's a regression, even if not one easily solved.00:38
BenLubarI'm having trouble configuring a VM of Ubuntu Bionic to work as a build server. I'm getting "Username/PublicKey combination invalid" even though the private key the master server generated works when I try to connect with it manually01:42
BenLubaris there a way to get more information about what's going on inside the VM? journalctl -u ssh seems to be saying that the auth was successful01:43
BenLubarok, weird, it seems to work when I change it to forward to instead of the host machine's public IP01:46
BenLubarI wonder where I'm getting SSH auth errors from - I'm running Windows on the host.01:46
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lotuspsychjemorning BionicMac 05:16
BionicMacmorning lotuspsychje05:18
lotuspsychjeBionicMac: got good bleachbit scan?05:20
lotuspsychjemorning alkisg denixx|h2 05:23
BionicMaclotuspsychje: Not yet. I've been installing/configuring/running/testing/using a fresh Kubuntu Bionic Beaver build from yesterday. I'm in it now also. 05:24
BionicMacNo worries... I quadruple boot this iMac. I still have my Gnome Beaver on another partition. =)05:27
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje, hi all05:46
lotuspsychjedid you fix that network issue the other day alkisg 05:47
alkisglotuspsychje: yeah, a netplan configuration file was missing, possibly because they put it in the livecd manually instead of generating it from a package postinst05:49
qz1v 18.04, is it possible to minimalize window of soft by click on icon in taskbar ? I ask because it doesnt work.08:38
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TJ-Just had a severe post d-r-u reboot breakage with services failing, including logind, and systemctl unable to talk to systemd, on a minimal 16.04 xubuntu install > 18.04. Long story short, in recovery mode journalctl -xb reported towards the end a failure tag "var-run-bad" and it turned out that /var/run/ was a separate directory when it should be a symlink /var/run/ -> /run/ - "rm -rf /var/run; ln -s /run12:09
TJ-/var/run" fixes it. Not sure how it was caused though12:09
guardianhello, is there a point waiting for the release? provided the current beta works on my setup, are there upcoming major changes or will I get rather mundane package uprades if I install now?12:54
TJ-guardian: there are still bugs to be worked out so you could end up with a partially broken system at times 12:56
guardianso impatient though :)13:01
TJ-I've been d-r-u-ing several systems; servers seem to go ok but seeing upgrade-breakage  and some in-use behaviour weirdness still13:05
TJ-(for desktop installs that is)13:05
danliiI couldn't help myself, so I upgraded to 18.04 today on my Lenovo Thinkpad x240. It didn't go so well, the resolution seems to be 640x480 or something thereabout, but xrandr and the screen settings dialog says 1366x768 - however, I can't even see the buttons in the lower part of the window. I can't even see the bottom of the menu in Gnome, so I can't logout... Any ideas? :)14:37
alkisgdanlii: xrandr | nc termbin.com 999914:54
alkisgWhat's the output of that?14:54
danliialkisg: http://termbin.com/o1oa14:57
alkisgMaybe a scaling issue? That xrandr output seems fine...14:58
danliialkisg: Probably. A screenshot here: http://www.frozenbanana.net/screenshot01.png14:59
danliialkisg: However, the scaling it set to 100% in the display settings.15:01
danliiAh well. I removed all my settings folders and rebooted, and the problem is gone.15:05
danliiThanks anyway.15:05
Kingsy[m]Does anyone know if there is an ISO available for ubuntu minimal 18.04? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD only seems to have 17.1016:45
Kingsy[m]It's for a new PC so it makes sense to use 18.04 rather than upgrade to it later. If possible16:46
TJ-Kingsy[m]: would a -server ISO be a usable alternative?16:58
Kingsy[m]It's ok I think I might just install and upgrade17:03
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BionicMacHello there. I want to throw this out here once again in hopes there may be an answer by now: SOUND issues. Everything recognizes my card, kernel drivers are loaded... pavucontrol and alsamixer see my card.... but... It just stops outputting sound (internal speakers/headphones/anywhere/) ... No erros anywhere... kernel/pulse/alsa... zilch. no erros. pavucontrol shows the graph moving as I play sound... no output. I am at aloss. I have gooled my 18:07
BionicMacduckduckgo butt off to no avail. Only this I have found is that with the same chip a few ppl are getting the same symptms: Ghost In The Machine: Intermittent SOUND. No static nothing. From all indications the sound is playing... but... it will just stop completely. then 2 hours later... soud. My chip is: 18:07
BionicMacRunning up to date Bionic Beaver and Kubuntu the same problem rears its ugly head. and to rule out Ubuntu... Antergos, which runs linux kernel 4.15.* also has the same issues. I am starting to think it is a kernel driver or possible pulse/alsa thing. 18:08
BionicMacbungholio@bungholio-iMac:/etc$ lspci | grep Audio18:09
BionicMac00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31)18:09
alkisgBionicMac: and it works fine in previous kernels/versions?18:11
BionicMacs/erros/errors/ :: please read through my other typos. I'm on my first cup of joe. =)18:11
BionicMacalkisg: I don't know. The only kernel that willl boot on my machine is minimum 4.15.*. SO I have nothing else to compare.  I have never ran a kernel lower than that version on this machine.18:12
alkisgBionicMac: how do we know it's a software issue?18:13
alkisgAnd not hardware or speakers or connetivity etc?18:13
BionicMacwell, the only kernel that has support for my graphics/display, that is. Only this month did I install linux here and the problem persists since then until now. Several versions in the 4.15.* series I have booted. Same issue.18:13
alkisgSo is it possible that you just connected the speakers to the mic hole?18:14
BionicMacalkisg: Because it will magically start working. And it is perfect. then : not output ( but the meters on mixer and pavucontrol still see the graphs as outputtting,18:14
BionicMacoops sorry for the all caps. No18:14
alkisgOr that a cable inside the pc doesn't fit well and it works/breaks with light movement?18:14
BionicMacInternal speaker. no external. Plus when it stops oututting audio it affects the internal speakers as well s headphones.18:15
alkisgI.e. I think you need to find ANY OS/kernel/version that always works18:15
alkisgSo that at least you'll then know it's a software issue18:15
BionicMacI don't suspect it becuase it affects hedphones and internal speakers together.18:15
BionicMacyes, software.18:15
BionicMacPlus I have found... some folks with the same issue with this chipset (differnt rev minor versions) but it is the same thing I read about their experience.18:16
BionicMacThere is only one fix that "sometimes" corrects it: "pavucontrol / Configuration Tab/ changing-toggling the Profile from one to the other then back tothe proper" then boom... mid song... and the entire time the graphs in pavucontrol are bumping away no interruptions.18:18
BionicMacMakes me suspect pulse more than any other. which gives e an idea: How do I turn off pulse so I can use Alsa only getting rid of pulse for testing?18:19
BionicMacPls how do I reload everything sound related while testing: unload kernel drivers and re-initialize Alsa(only) - no pules?18:19
alkisgAn internal cable issue would affect both18:53
alkisg(headphones and speakers)18:54
alkisgTo play something using alsa, run `aplay /bin/ls`; it'll make modem-like sound18:55
BionicMacalkisg: An Internal speaker cable issue wouldn't affect the headphone jack also. (unless two cables are bad)  I mean when it stops outputting sound it affects headphones and internal speakers.18:56
BionicMacyes I use 'aplay some.wav' to play through alsa. But I would love to know how to shutdown pulse-audio altogether and let alsa manage sound for testing to rule out pulse.18:57
BionicMacalkisg: WHen the sound is outputting correectly I can always use "aplay some.wav" and it works fine. When it stops, it affects 'aplay' also.18:58
BionicMacHmmm. found another person with their "fix" for the exact same issue ( and it is on a mac running linux ) .. :  I shall save this one and try out his fix. https://askubuntu.com/questions/476905/imac-late-2013-audio-cirrus-logic-cs4206-issues18:59
ChmEarldoing a preseed install with Apr 02 cdrom, I get to the partitioner and it hangs, no message22:00
ChmEarlit hangs after setting up partitions22:00
ChmEarlthis is inside a Xen pv guest22:00
ChmEarlI think the next step is the problem: Software selection22:02
katnipis it me, or is there hardly any updates today?22:05
TJ-well it may be there's not so many bug's to fix, or it may be related to it being a national holiday in the UK22:06
ChmEarlusing bionic ubuntu-server ISO22:06
katnipTJ-, didnt know that, ty22:06
ChmEarlGuided partitioning  ... 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%  <--- hangs here22:22
TJ-ChmEarl: that sounds familiar.... from many years ago! 22:26
TJ-ChmEarl: you might find a similar bug in the list22:28
ChmEarlTJ-, going to try again with a bigger disk22:28
TJ-here we go https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer?field.searchtext=partitioner&search=Search22:29
TJ-I hate sites that use GET instead of POST!22:29
ChmEarlTJ it worked after I uncommented: d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select biggest_free23:17
ChmEarlI used atomic method23:17
BionicMacGood evening ladies & gentlemen. =)  I need to run a python script at boot that I normally call from rc.local in Slackware. What is the proper way to call a script at boot time in Ubuntu 18.04?  I noticed the that when I look at "/lib/systemd/system/rc.local.service" it tells me this service would execute rc.local (if it is exeuctable and present). That being said, all I need to do is create "/etc/rc.local", make it executable and I'm done. What say 23:19
BionicMacye? 23:19
TJ-ChmEarl: thanks for letting us know.23:25
TJ-BionicMac: you've got it23:25
BionicMacTJ-: Thank you brother man!. =)23:26
ChmEarlits a bootable system with 500 packages fully preseeded23:55
Boyetteim trying to install anbox but i cant get it to work.. anybody who feels like helping me out23:59

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