
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:50
EriC^^morning all05:36
daftykinshey hey \o05:38
daftykinshow're things EriC^^?05:38
EriC^^hey daftykins05:38
EriC^^o/ good you?05:38
daftykinsyep not bad at all :) been a wet holiday weekend though05:39
daftykinsbut that's ok, i had nowhere to go05:39
EriC^^it's been pretty rough here too, lots of wind and rain05:39
EriC^^how's your apartment? have you finished the renovation and stuff?05:40
daftykins'tis a house :D yeah it's pretty normal now, still a few windows to paint - i'm waiting for the good weather so i can leave them swung open to dry :D05:41
EriC^^aha cool :D05:41
daftykinswhat's pretty great is my telco redid my entire phone line recently, so i have a really stable line now05:42
daftykins7MB/sec down \o/05:42
EriC^^i wanna get a over the electricity lan setup, forgot the name but lotuspsychje told me about it05:43
daftykinspowerline / homeplug adapters, mmm05:43
daftykinsi have a basic pair of those spare, only did 100Mb though05:43
EriC^^i'd go for them, i'm really just wanting a more stable wifi05:44
EriC^^the routers kind of suck, even when someone goes to the bathroom sometimes it just loses connection xD05:44
EriC^^brb coffee :D05:45
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:51
lotuspsychjeits rainy here aswell05:51
lotuspsychjebut thu & fri sunny 20 degrees05:51
daftykinsbiab host update06:00
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje06:00
Bashing-omI leave it in yall's care . G nite all - \o06:03
ducassegood morning, everyone06:29
EriC^^good morning ducasse06:29
EriC^^how are you?06:29
daftykinsheya \o06:30
ducassegood thanks, how abput you?06:31
ducassehi daftykins - all well?06:31
daftykinsyep! not bad at all, apart from the hours i keep :)06:31
EriC^^wb daftykins06:31
EriC^^good thanks ducasse06:31
daftykinsthanks ^_^ pulled the fans in my server whilst it was sat in the BIOS, to see if maybe some are getting old and need replacing06:31
daftykinswould love if that machine were quieter06:32
EriC^^maybe if sound cancellation by superimposing waves is easy to setup you could give it a shot?06:36
EriC^^i remember reading about cars exhaust getting a superimposed wave that cancel eachother out, and it goes almost silent06:37
EriC^^hmm https://irjet.net/archives/V3/i2/IRJET-V3I288.pdf06:38
daftykinsmmm i always read talk of attack helicopters travelling in pairs06:38
EriC^^i wonder if one could do that as a prank in a room, like someone is talking and half the words go missing06:39
ducassedaftykins: you leaving for london tomorrow? when will you be back?06:43
daftykinsjust a stint 'til Friday06:44
ducassewho's watching the little lady?06:46
daftykinsthe olds will be on duty :>06:47
daftykinsgoodness me, even computer cases are starting to claim 'VR Ready' :|06:47
ducassewhat? that doesn't make much sense...06:48
ducassedid you see facebook had been caught making their android app scrape phone and text data without permission?06:51
daftykinsyeah, think i saw a claim that 'oh our app collected it but didn't do anything with it, it's how the android app data model works'06:52
daftykinsnever let that junk near my phones :>06:52
daftykinsapparently just having it installed can reduce your battery by 25%+06:53
ducassethe app came installed on my new(ish) phone, unfortunately, guess i need to root it06:53
daftykinstough call06:54
EriC^^has anyone tried fortnite? been meaning to download it06:57
firezepEriC^^, I like it alot06:58
firezepwhat do you guys think about -> iRedMail ?06:58
EriC^^firezep: cool, is it free to play now?06:58
firezepyep 100% free to play06:59
EriC^^are you playing on pc or ps4 etc?06:59
firezepmy record is 22 kill game06:59
firezeppc mastah race :P06:59
firezep240hz :D06:59
EriC^^i want to try it on pc but i've a 2.2ghz i7 4 core and amd radeon07:00
firezepawww :(07:00
EriC^^guess i'll have to get it for ps407:00
firezepwell it might still run at 60fps07:00
EriC^^you recon it'll be good to play?07:00
firezepwhat i7 is that? mobile? or like 2nd gen?07:01
firezepwhat kinda of gpu is that?>07:01
EriC^^it's 3234 or something07:01
EriC^^3rd gen, it's an hp laptop07:01
firezepit should be more than enough.. tho that gpu is gonna sweat :P07:01
firezepmake sure you set everything low and play at 720p07:01
firezepyou should be fine07:01
firezepClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (x64) • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820X CPU @ 3.60GHz (3.60GHz) • Memory: 31.7 GiB Total (20.2 GiB Free) • Storage: 6.4 TiB / 12.3 TiB (5.9 TiB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti • Uptime: 2d 4h 48m 26s07:01
EriC^^i also have a i7 6500u 2.5ghz on another laptop with amd radeon also hp laptop07:01
EriC^^ok cool :D07:02
firezepoh on that 6500u pretty sure it will run 1080p 60fps07:02
firezepits pretty much well optimized the game07:02
EriC^^looks like alot of fun :D07:02
firezepit sure is :D07:02
firezepand if you got kids its the perfect game to introduce them to gaming imo :D07:03
EriC^^nope no kids here :D07:03
firezepleftyfb, what do you think https://www.linuxbabe.com/mail-server/ubuntu-16-04-iredmail-server-installation07:03
EriC^^thanks, i'm gonna boot into windows and start the d/l'ing, brb07:03
firezeplucky you EriC^^  :P07:04
firezepsure thing go ahead :D07:04
EriC^^haha :D07:04
daftykinshmm anything that holds your hand to configure stops you learning how to do it properly, which means you can't debug it when things go wrong, imo07:05
ducassenot a good thing, especially with email07:06
daftykinspersonally i think life is too short to run my own :D07:08
firezepso just go protonmail or something like that? :P07:08
daftykinsi'm not into tinfoil hat services07:10
firezepdaftykins, then what do you recommend honestly :P07:10
ducassethere are services that will host your domain for you, as well07:11
firezepso what do you guys recommend tbh07:12
ducassefirezep: depends what your needs are, if all you need is an email address then use a free or paid service07:20
firezepneed something proper07:20
daftykinsthat's not an answer07:20
firezeplike I need it for banking and to manage my business07:21
daftykinsright so business use -> custom domain07:21
daftykinshow many mailboxes?07:22
firezepnot more than 5 tbh07:22
daftykinsand access would be via what software or devices typically?07:22
daftykinsre-read that question07:23
firezepoh devices my bad07:23
ducassewhat *kind*, is what he's asking07:25
firezeplike pc's and mobile devices07:26
firezeplike ms and ios07:26
daftykinsMicrosoft could mean anything, a Windows phone (lol) Windows Mail, Microsoft Office (full Outlook) or otherwise07:29
firezepwell windows I mean computers07:30
firezepand ios I mean like phones07:30
daftykinsyou'll note i just listed a device and then two different software programs, some mail services can be browser based too07:32
daftykinsit's taking a little too long to get through here, so nevermind07:32
firezepwell mostly webased and apple mobile devices07:33
firezepwell its all good, I understand you dont want to deal with this.07:34
firezepjust trying to get some recommendations thats all07:34
ducassewe typically don't recommend specific commercial services here either, frankly07:35
firezepALLGUD GUYS07:37
firezepsry caps07:37
ducassetry googling 'email hosting service' or something, then look up a few of them online07:37
firezepI appreciate you trying to help anyway thanks :D07:37
=== Guest72105 is now known as EriC^^
leftyfbfirezep: whats wrong with just using gmail?12:29

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