
ShellcatZerodumb question: when I see warnings about init scripts, where should I find these files?  For example: insserv: warning: script 'K01xfce4-power-manager' missing LSB tags and overrides.  I've checked in /etc/init and /etc/init.d and I can't find a script with this name.00:11
TJ-ShellcatZero: the prefix K01 tells you it's a 'stop' (kill) script, and the number tells you it's a sylink under one of the /etc/rc?.d/ runlevel directories. Such symlinks point to the real script in /etc/init.d/xfce4-power-manager00:24
tomreynalso asked and answered in #ubuntu :-/00:31
TJ-haha ahh well, 2 heads are better than 100:32
ShellcatZerothanks anyway TJ-00:41
ShellcatZerothat's very informative for the future00:42
ShellcatZerowhat would you recommend to do to investigate this error? https://pastebin.com/ZhwNAxVA00:52
TJ-check the "journalctl -u systemd-modules.load.service" log01:11
ShellcatZeroTJ-: executing that command gives me: "-- No entries --"01:14
TJ-ironic that systemd doesn't log it's own services01:16
TJ-try "journalctl -xb -p warning"01:18
ShellcatZeroTJ-: yes, that gave me quite a lot of output to read through01:21
TJ-ShellcatZero: scary how many warnings and so on a standard boot can cause01:24
ShellcatZeroTJ-: yes, I'm investigating an issue where lightdm fails, along with the error message: "Failed to start Detect the available GPUs and deal with any system changes".  I feel like I'm running in circles investigating a whole bunch of non-issue error messages.01:27
TJ-That message comes, I think, from gpu-manager, and may be none-fatal.01:27
ShellcatZeroneither lightdm nor gdm will succeed, but lxdm will succeed and the resulting desktop environment is crippled, with few applications that will launch.01:28
TJ-check the /var/log/gpu-manager.log01:29
TJ-also check /var/log/Xorg.0.log - maybe the accelerated drivers for the system's GPU aren't being loaded01:29
TJ-"lspci -nnk -d ::0300" should list the VGA-compatible GPU(s) and the drivers01:30
ShellcatZeroHmm, here is the gpu-manager.log file: https://pastebin.com/ddFjYDJT01:33
ShellcatZerooutput for lspci command: https://pastebin.com/fheAesEU (it's a hybrid system, but the Intel driver is the only one I use AFAIK)01:36
ShellcatZerohere is Xorg.0.log: https://pastebin.com/FVKzLy5C01:40
ShellcatZeroattempting to boot into an older kernel fails as well01:48
mojtabaHello, I am backing up a computer using rsync, do you know how should I deal with the file names with special characters?04:17
tomreyn<tomreyn> mojtaba: try quoting them04:20
tomreyn<tomreyn> or rather the entire argument04:20
tomreynis what i responded last time you asked04:21
mojtabatomreyn: How should I do that, they are all in different directories.04:22
mojtabatomreyn: As the source, I gave directory path.04:22
tomreynmojtaba: so you don't actually provide paths with special characters in them as an argument to the rync command?04:23
tomreynit just recurses through directories and then hits them?04:23
mojtabatomreyn: No04:24
mojtabatomreyn: yes04:24
tomreynmojtaba: are both computers running ubuntu? same release or different? which ones?04:26
tomreynsame architecture?04:26
mojtabatomreyn: source is Mac, and dest is ubuntu04:26
tomreynboth ext4 file systems?04:27
tomreynMac as in Mac OS, or just Mac hardware running Ubuntu?04:27
tomreynyou probably need to https://askubuntu.com/questions/533690/rsync-with-special-character-files-not-working-between-mac-and-linux04:28
mojtabatomreyn: thanks04:31
mojtabatomreyn: The thing is that, I initialize the rsync from ubuntu (destination), using ssh.04:34
mojtabaI have just ssh access to the mac.04:34
mojtabatomreyn: I still get the same error.04:35
tomreynmojtaba: the article i pointed to explains how to use the iconv option dpending on which side you initiate the transfer from.04:37
tomreyni have no further means to help here, i'm afraid.04:38
mojtabatomreyn: thanks anyway.04:39
Hensterhi guys i have a free bare metal machine ( i7 intel 2700 12 gb of ram) , i want to install a few servers on it  ,, what free hyper-v OS are you using ?11:51
UssatWell....at home I use vmware player to test/play with stuff, at work I have a an esxi cluster I use for prod11:55
Ussatyou could always install the free esxi hypervisor and use that11:55
Henstermybey i shoudl try this ,, wonder if i can make it run on a nas drive as well12:03
Hensterill try unsing this https://www.proxmox.com12:28
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ShellcatZeroAny help is greatly appreciated: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1021244/can-not-get-lightdm-or-gdm-working-on-lts-16-0417:33
sarnoldShellcatZero: try uninstalling all the virtualbox guest stuff17:41
ShellcatZerowhy do you suggest that, sarnold?17:42
sarnoldShellcatZero: two reasons (a) a few weeks ago someone else was in here with a problem that sounded similar to yours and uninstalling the guest additions fixed it (b) those were installed around the time your bug said the problem started17:44
sarnoldI can't recall the details of the last guy, whether it was no graphics at *all* during boot or just couldn't get past the plymouth graphics or something like that. but uninstalling the guest additions let him get to X1117:44
ShellcatZeroWow, sarnold, you were right. That fixed it, I am furious about virtualbox but glad to have my system back.17:50
ShellcatZeroI uninstalled all virtualbox stuff for good measure17:51
sarnoldShellcatZero: that might be overkill :) but keeping guest packages in guests is probably a good idea, hehe17:52
ShellcatZeroI am going to try to replicate this again sarnold and pinpoint the offending packages.  Looking through my history, how do I interpret the version installed from something like: virtualbox:amd64 (5.0.40-dfsg-0ubuntu1.16.04.2, 5.1.34-dfsg-0ubuntu1.16.04.2)17:54
sarnoldShellcatZero: I *think* that indicates the old version (5.0.40..) and then the new version (5.1.34..)17:55
tewardsarnold: old, new.17:55
tewardat least for upgrades.  In that order.17:55
sarnoldnice, thanks teward17:55
ShellcatZerook, awesome, thanks teward17:55
tewardyou're welcome.  (Evils of debugging nginx installation/upgrade failures that only happened between two versions lol)17:56
teward(I learn a lot about apt history with those evils)17:56
sarnoldteward: oh man. :/ that sounds unfun.17:56
tewardit was.  back in the 13.10 era.17:56
dpb1sarnold: how did you know this was in virtualbox???18:01
dpb1I'm still stuck on that18:01
sarnolddpb1: heh, a case of being in the right place at the right time ... from the ask ubuntu page, "the issue then occurred on March 31st"  .. and then noticed the upgrades on the 30th all looked harmless enough but the 31st included virtualbox stuff18:04
* dpb1 bows18:04
sarnold.. and then remembering that other guy a few weeks ago with a problem that made *no sense* until he reported back that removing the guest additions solved the problem18:05
sarnoldsimilar to this, none of the other logs looked at *all* related18:05
dpb1right, digging through the bug, virtualbox does stand out18:06
dpb1ShellcatZero: I'm going to edit a couple of those things to mention virtualbox, just so it's a bit more obvious (now that we know it's a factor)18:07
sarnoldif the other guy hadn't been here first, I would have suggested uninstalling the intel microcode update. I wouldn't have *liked* that answer, but it's what I would have suggested.18:07
dpb1oh man18:07
dpb1if that fixed it.  smh18:07
sarnoldyeah :/ we've had enough reports of trouble with the latest drop from intel that I'm not convinced of their stability yet18:08
naccrbasak: around?18:34
ShellcatZerosure dpb1, I'll update it again once I pinpoint the specific offending package(s). I don't think the systemd/openbox updates had anything to do with the issue as of now.20:06
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