
flocculantknome: if we're interested - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/FlavorCSSChanges08:22
flocculantto save people looking - to make our canonical download page Xubuntuish :)08:23
knomeflocculant, ack, i'll make sure that happens10:17
flocculantknome: was just a pointer - not an instruction :p10:25
willemflocculant, hi. Still on 18.04 daily. Could you check the dropbox icon is working as it should at your end? Here it does now show the menu when clicking on it. I'm in contact with Fiona of dropbox about the issue, but if it is no issue anymore I'd be wasting their time...10:28
flocculantwillem: I don't use dropbox - just grabbed it to check, then lost it again - sorry10:29
* flocculant isn't really here 10:29
willemcreepy this10:29
knomeflocculant, i know, but since this is relatively trivial, no reason not to use the opportunity :P10:30
willemand anyway: what does being here really mean?10:31
knomehe means that while he sends messages to the channel, he doesn't have full attention to what is written in reply10:31
willemI know. Tried to make a philosophical joke10:32
knomewhat does being mean...10:32
willemI shouldn't perhaps as English is not my own language10:32
knomelet's begin with that10:32
willemI think we should start at what does mean mean10:33
* willem still joking10:33
knomeit's not the language that is the problem, it's that irc/written language doesn't deliver emotions or intentions very well10:34
willemyeah, I should take that into account.10:34
knomebut really, no worries :)10:34
knomejokes are allowed here10:34
knomeas long as they aren't too good10:35
willemwell, that should then be ideal for me10:35
willemI'm very good at not so good jokes ;-)10:36
knomewelcome to the dad joke club10:36
flocculantbluesabre: do we need a new bug to get the laptop-detect script fixed?10:36
* willem finally understand why son has decided to live somewhere else10:36
flocculantknome: right - you know me and voodoo - wouldn't know trivial from not ;)10:37
flocculantwillem: :)10:37
knomeflocculant, well trivial for me... the same way some bug fix might be trivial for bluesabre but not me :P10:37
bluesabreflocculant: what's the bug?11:03
flocculantbluesabre: it looks in sbin - should look in bin - it changed11:08
flocculantltd=/usr/sbin/laptop-detect but /usr/bin/laptop-detect11:10
flocculantbluesabre: unit and krysomething are both aware btw11:10
flocculantanyway - afk again11:10
TJ-Just suffered mouse not responding to movement after a tty switch; what's the hotkey to access the system application/logout menu?12:36
flocculantTJ-: not sure there is one - but I guess that's not needed any longer14:20
TJ-flocculant: not right now, but would be handy. I d-r-u-ed another laptop and it had that issue, plus systemd was totally broken, couldn't talk to it from systemctl, services failing all over.14:48
TJ-turned out that (minimal) 16.04 xubuntu install - which hasn't been used - had a /var/run/ directory, rather than it being symlink to /run/ - eventually found that because journalctl reported a tag var-run-bad. Worked fine for recovery session. Not sure why/how it was caused originally or whether a postinst script is supposed to correct it.14:49
flocculantTJ-: as I said not sure there is one, you can make one - link to xfce4-session-logout, options available - man page has them listed14:50
flocculantoh - that sounds nasty - actually just doing a vm 2+14:50
flocculantsigh 14:50
flocculantoh - that sounds nasty - actually just doing a vm 16.04 to 18.04 - but not minimal14:51
TJ-I also notice on that PC the application menu is just a menu - it doesn't have the left-pane favourites list and right-pane categories. 14:51
TJ-Ahhh... it has Applications Menu, this one has Whisker Menu. Didn't realise there were alternatives. 14:52
TJ-I suspect - on that PC - I started from a debootstrap which would explain things14:53
flocculantand that upgrade is failing \o/15:13
=== willem_ is now known as willem
Unit193bluesabre: Regarding the numlockx bug, it's filed in Debian and I was waiting to see if there'd be movement before fixing it myself.  I'm leaving https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker/issues/108 to you though.18:58
TJ-Unit193: I'm still digging into 10819:08
TJ-Glad to hear numlock is not just me too, was wondering what I'd done custom19:08
Unit193Yeah just a wrong path to laptop-detect.19:10
TJ-I thought I'd managed to change the BIOS defaults but when it affected several laptops I realised it wasn't me19:11
flocculantUnit193: I assume the green in that paste isn't what you're expecting to change it to?19:28
Unit193flocculant: Red = removed, green = added.  It'll check if /usr/sbin/laptop-detect exists and if so use it, but otherwise just go with /usr/bin/laptop-detect.19:29
flocculantaah right ok - you know me and voodoo :p19:30
Unit193Hey, you just wanted to make sure I didn't screw it up this late.  I can appreciate that.19:30
TJ-Ahh, 1 of my systems doesn't have laptop-detect19:34
Unit193I have a netbook on Bionic, but not sure if it's *really* affected by such a thing.19:35
Unit193TJ-: You could try that patch on the other, to ensure it works for you.19:35
Unit193And that is a bit strange, as even Xubuntu core comes with it.19:36
TJ-Just about to, although seems better to use which laptop-detect19:36
TJ-Unit193: 'that' PC was built up from a debootstrap and --no-install-recommends19:37
TJ-Unit193: the other has l-d but has the numlock issue19:37
flocculantwhat is this numlock issue? 19:38
TJ-OK, which worked. I edited /etc/X11/Xsessiond.d/55numlockx and changed ltd=/usr/sbin/laptop-detect to ltd=$(which laptop-detect) 19:40
Unit193If you're going to go that route, you may as well just go all the way and just do:  [ $(which laptop-detect 2>&1 1>/dev/null) ] && ! laptop-detect || NUMLOCK=off19:49
Unit193The only functional change in tumbler: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/tumbler/commit/?id=a6ebd22f789b3b49aa0eac2fad8a71e300eb13bf20:59
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
TJ-why does xubuntu-desktop Recommends so many different printer drivers? wouldn't those be better as Recommends of a printer meta package?23:34
Unit193The only thing *we* seed is system-config-printer, you're looking at the platform: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/platform.bionic/desktop-common23:38

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