[01:05] (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0QV0Tu3U/file_5505.jpg [01:05] I call this a win. [01:06] :D [01:06] I love how it came out. [02:05] nice [18:18] isos starting to arrive [18:18] slowly..... [20:05] my main SSD died last night [20:05] the minor good news is that I was able to fix and upgrade my failed install on the other disk [20:06] so I guess I'll be trying to provision that bionic install for now [20:06] but no irc set up yet [20:11] oh, PITA :/ [20:13] yeah, sucky timing [20:13] esp. since this travel laptop's drive died less than a month ago [20:13] sheesh [20:14] first I have to solve the hiDPI stuff since I can't squint at tiny type all day [20:23] Anyone see the application to join kubuntu-release team by bionicmac ? [20:24] Came in on my email, but I don't know what the joining rules are for that team, looks like it just require KC approval ?? [20:24] I won't approve it until he actually pitches in! [20:30] testers are invited to join from the description, but I would agree that people should prove some track record on that 1st [21:36] victory!