
Bashing-om!info anbox bionic00:00
ubottuPackage anbox does not exist in bionic00:00
Boyetteany fix for that or workaround?00:01
Boyette!info anbox-installer00:01
ubottuPackage anbox-installer does not exist in bionic00:01
Bashing-om!details Boyette ^^00:01
ubottuBashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:01
Boyettei like to run android apps00:01
Boyettein bionic00:01
Bashing-om!details | Boyette ^^00:01
ubottuBoyette ^^: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.00:01
Boyettetalking to a bot00:03
katniplooks like updates coming in now00:33
FurretUberHi, I have noticed something strange on installations or updates of packages. For example, a update of 160 package may have one of 40 kB from the same mirror of the 159 others that failed. Or a install of 1200 packages fail because of a package with 160 kB from the same repository. I'm not sure I'm clear, but one package may fail and make updates fail, but I don't understand why that specific package failed01:01
FurretUberWhen I say fail, I mean it failed on download01:02
tsimonq2FurretUber: Can you please pastebin your sources.list?"01:02
tsimonq2FurretUber: I would try running sed -i "s/br.archive/archive/" /etc/apt/sources.list01:05
tsimonq2Then give it a retry.01:05
tsimonq2If it works, it's a bad mirror.01:05
tsimonq2If it doesn't, then it's the packages.01:05
FurretUberThis is the error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sxppMybDKj/01:12
FurretUberIf I try a second time, then the download finishes and the update happen. I will try with the different mirror01:13
tsimonq2FurretUber: Could you please translate that to English for me?01:14
tsimonq2I only speak English (proficiently). ;)01:14
TJ-It means Connection Timed Out01:14
tsimonq2Ah, that'd make sense.01:15
tsimonq2FurretUber: Can you ping the mirror?01:15
tsimonq2'cause if anything, that might be it.01:15
FurretUberI can ping to it. But is shown yukinko.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=24 ttl=51 time=287 ms01:16
tsimonq2FurretUber: I'd ask in #ubuntu-mirrors.01:16
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auctushmm, night mode doesnt turn off when it ought to01:54
auctusi.e. i put my laptop to sleep at midnight, then i wake it up the next day around lunch and it is still orange, i have to go manually switch off night mode01:55
TJ-It wants some more zzzzs :)01:55
BionicMacalkisg: My sound issue is solved. Hell to the yes. Several things had to be one. *edit  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf  -> options snd-hda-intel model=imac27'  ... plus running hda_analyzer to get specific information about the sound card then putting that info in a python script to run at boot time. ... ouch. !@!  I need a beer. 03:04
BionicMacs/be one/be done/03:07
* BionicMac rolls his eyes ... Finally. No mo intermittent audio. I really need to get this documented. Each grooling step at a time to put on a blog so others can benefit.03:10
tsimonq2BionicMac: Once you publish that blog post, file a bug, too. :)03:10
* tsimonq2 slides BionicMac a beer.03:10
BionicMacWell, is it really a Ubuntu bug though? I mean it was Alsa settings plus kernel module options.. .and probing the audio chip for info to run in a boot time script... 03:12
* BionicMac takes a cold drink...03:12
TJ-BionicMac: the info could be incorporated into the kernel via  quirk that matches the DMI of the system03:13
BionicMacThe tool I used to probe the audio card came from the Alsa project ... I would need to make that into a uBuntu package too to get all this done properly.03:13
BionicMacAt the very least I could add information on the Ubuntu Wiki as a step by step guide.03:14
tsimonq2BionicMac: Ubuntu ships config files by default. :P03:15
tsimonq2If anything though, try filing upstream too.03:16
BionicMacTJ-: True.03:16
tsimonq2But also write that guide. :D03:16
BionicMacWill do. 03:16
* tsimonq2 wanders off to bed. o/03:16
BionicMacAnother beer please...03:16
BionicMactsimonq2: Have a good one. =)03:16
TJ-same here, it's 4:1603:16
tsimonq2BionicMac: You too. :)03:17
tsimonq210:17 PM here, heh03:17
BionicMacLater TJ-03:18
BionicMac22:18 for moi03:18
Se7enLCAnyone else using the kubuntu beta? I can't get sddm to work no matter what I try. Switched to gdm for now, wondering if it's just me03:45
valorieI've been using the beta 1, Se7enLC, but no SDDM troubles04:09
valoriegoing to put beta2 on it tomorrow04:09
flocculantvalorie: don't you update it?04:10
valorieif there is an update step04:13
valorieyes, I keep it updated04:14
valoriebut I'm using it for testing, so the present install gets blown away04:14
flocculantoh right so you keep installing it from the beta 1 iso?04:14
valorie? no, I've been doing regular updates04:15
valorietomorrow when the beta 2 comes out I'll be using it for testing04:15
valorieI like bare metal testing more than vms04:15
lotuspsychjesame here not a fan of vm04:16
flocculantyea - I'll test it too of course - but I'll use whatever is the most up to date version04:16
valorieright, the beta2 should drop tomorrow04:16
valorieI was hoping tonight but I guess not04:16
* flocculant wishes they'd stop publishing milestones 04:16
flocculantvalorie: I'd guess it will be during 'my day'04:17
flocculant5am here04:17
valoriejust after 9pm here04:17
flocculantI guessed :D04:17
lotuspsychjealot of work for you guys flocculant 04:18
flocculantwell all I really do is try to get people to test the damn thing for us ;)04:18
flocculantpoisoned chalice ...04:18
valoriewell of course04:18
valorieI work on that all cycle, every cycle04:19
lotuspsychjei have the feeling not much users helped bugging this time04:19
flocculantvalorie: me too :)04:19
lotuspsychjebut then ill be wrong, when i look at the big list of bionic bugs04:19
flocculantlotuspsychje: we did a blog post recently - that brought a few people out of the woodwork 04:19
lotuspsychjei also requested !insights for main, to help04:20
lotuspsychjenew news, more people etc04:20
ubottuCanonical and its employees have written a number of articles on various Ubuntu-related topics, these can be found here: http://insights.ubuntu.com/  For blogs from the Ubuntu Community, see !planet04:20
flocculantgood luck with that - just a Canonical mouthpiece as far as I can tell04:20
flocculantloads of totally pointless posts04:20
lotuspsychjei dont like the IOT threads, but some desktop news is cool though04:21
flocculantI don't mind will cookes desktop mail 04:21
lotuspsychjei also always reccomend users to file bugs aswell04:21
flocculantlotuspsychje: we said this " but if the community can’t find the time to contribute to the release, we can’t guarantee we can have one"04:22
flocculantif people read to the end lol04:22
lotuspsychjeflocculant valorie are you guys feeling help from the gnome guys side yet?04:22
valoriethat's the main reason we're giving up on i38604:22
valorieno testers on actual boxes04:23
flocculantlotuspsychje: sometimes we ask if something affects us (usually people in the -desktop channel)04:23
valorielotuspsychje: at the end everyone pitches in04:23
lotuspsychjenot very handy this04:23
flocculantvalorie: luckily we have people in our team still using i38604:23
flocculantbut I suspect 20.04 will be 64bit04:23
Bashing-omflocculant: Then there is me cases .. I booted bionic .. Only issue I had was already reported :)04:24
valorieI had people promise to test but when the time came, it was all on modern machines or vms04:24
flocculantBashing-om: hi and :)04:24
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: im curious wich was it?04:24
flocculantvalorie: yea04:24
lotuspsychjei still like ubuntu on old hardware, yes even on 201804:24
valoriewell, so am I 04:24
valoriebut I can't release untested stuff04:25
Bashing-omflocculant: Old hardware, and am pleased will still be around in 2023 :)04:25
flocculantvalorie: we should have a flavour qa team channel - where we can pat each other on the back and say 'there there, it'll be ok in the end'04:25
lotuspsychjevalorie: yeah i surely understand that04:25
valorieflocculant: lol04:25
lotuspsychjeflocculant: good idea04:25
lotuspsychjeflocculant: as in !flavors blabla dev channel #ubuntu-flavors04:26
flocculantBashing-om: xubuntu will support to 2021 - then the xubuntu stuff loses support, but of course the mainbuntu stuff will be 202304:26
valoriewe work pretty closely with the lubuntu folks04:27
flocculantlotuspsychje: well I wasn't serious - but I guess it has it's merits, there being nowhere I know of for flavour teams to get together04:27
lotuspsychjeflocculant valorie also at final release alot of users will file new bugs too, the big masses till next .104:27
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: installed ubuntu 18.04 //played with Xorg and then wayland . found wayland the smoother and faster .04:27
flocculantlotuspsychje: and they drive me insane04:27
valorieoh gosh, I already filed all the bugs!04:27
lotuspsychjewe gonna be needing all the volunteers in main for sure :p04:28
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: interesting04:28
Bashing-omflocculant: And yeah ,. next up is a core install with xfce as the DE .04:29
flocculantBashing-om: you know we do a semi-official one04:30
flocculantit's officially Xubuntu Team but not on cdimage.ubuntu.blah04:30
Bashing-omflocculant: " https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ " ??04:31
flocculantyea that's the kiddy04:31
valorielubuntu next is doing something like that as well04:31
flocculantvalorie: ack but that's newlubuntu isn't it? qt instead?04:32
flocculantour's is xubuntu shaved till it bleeds :p04:32
valorieah, we're going to offer a kub minimal install04:32
valorieI guess that's the trend04:33
valorienot as a separate ISO though04:33
valoriejust an alternate during install04:33
flocculantyea - we've been trying to get ours as a proper thing for a lot longer than that04:33
flocculantin fact when we called it Core it was before Canonical's - when we tried to get the mp sorted - the complaints were mostly call it something else04:34
flocculantsince then we kind of gave up04:34
valoriewhat was the difficulty?04:35
flocculantcan't remember now the detail - but it mostly felt like they didn't want us to do it 04:37
valoriethe release team is busy beyond belief04:38
valorieso we try to not make life more difficult for them04:38
flocculantvalorie: that's completely beside the point - being patient for cycles isn't making life difficult04:39
valoriewhat I meant was, we try to do the work ourselves so we're not asking them to do it04:40
flocculant:) well yea ofc04:41
valorieflocculant: so what did you have to wait for?04:44
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flocculantthem to reply in the end - we gave up04:45
flocculantso - the alarm has now gone off - best see about starting the real life day off ... cya all later04:47
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pranavI am about to install nvidia drivers. i don't want to curropt my productive freelancing system. can i install two ubuntu 18.04 parallely ?06:05
pranavi have already curropted 16.04,17.04 and 17.10 in past and finally 18.04 showed some good signs06:06
=== bugbunny is now known as bugzbunny
valoriepranav: yes, you can just install them next to one another, in two partitions06:37
pranavvalorie: ok, if i install nvidia drivers in one OS. can it affect the whole system boot?06:38
pranavi don't want to lose my productive system 06:38
alkisgvalorie: no, it won't affect the other installation06:45
pranavalkisg: thanks06:46
pranavubuntu 18.04 is the best so far06:46
pranavits so responsive and simplified06:46
pranavi have been using ubuntu since 8.0406:47
alkisgWhoops sorry I said valorie instead of pranav :)06:54
alkisgI've been using Ubuntu daily since 7.10 I believe06:54
mvvvvHi ! I will upgrade ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04 as soon as possible. Will I have a simple way to reduce my packages list to the ubuntu minimal ones ?07:20
ducassemvvvv: not really, afaik08:03
mvvvvThanks ducasse I guess this is not a meta package like ubuntu-desktop ...08:09
bugzbunnyI have a question of my own08:10
bugzbunnyI like fresh install, that's why I put /home on seperate partition08:11
bugzbunnyRealisticly speaking, how well is the upgrade process?08:11
alkisgPersonally I mostly reinstall and just have one big apt-get install all-my-apps command for later on08:12
bugzbunnyIf version of packages mean, a significant difference between 17.10?08:12
bugzbunnyalkisg: I like to test it08:13
alkisgInstallations from live CDs have the packages marked as manually installed08:13
alkisgSo it's hard to autoremove them if needed08:13
bugzbunnyI am confused08:14
alkisgMaybe they were trying to have less broken systems when people are removing metapackages like ubuntu-desktop, or their dependencies, but I think it does more harm than good08:14
bugzbunnyI am still confused, but before you speak08:15
bugzbunnyThe way I installed Ubuntu repartitioning my second disk and make it bootable, and I installed Ubuntu from there08:16
bugzbunnyI will get a proper USB drive08:16
bugzbunnyI do the same between Windows 10 version, and Ubuntu08:16
bugzbunnyI just reinstall, that avoids problems08:16
bugzbunnyI'd like to test dist upgrade08:17
alkisgIn windows, it's much harder to preserve /home along with the user settings08:17
alkisgSo reinstallation + adjustments may need a full week08:17
bugzbunnyalkisg: In windows, it makes a backup08:17
bugzbunnyalkisg: It doesn't delete it08:17
bugzbunnyalkisg: Windows move it to C:\Windows.old08:18
alkisgI didn't say about deletions08:18
bugzbunnyJust saying, because people have strong opinions08:18
bugzbunnyI am on Ubuntu right now, I love Cgroup08:19
alkisgIf you install windows from scratch, and you want it to use your existing D:\Users\Username directory, it can't; it creates a new user account with new registry settings etc08:19
alkisgSo you have to reconfigure everything  from scratch08:19
bugzbunnyalkisg: I actually never tested that08:19
bugzbunnyalkisg: I just copy over stuff08:19
alkisgYou can't copy the registry settings08:19
alkisgAnd, permissions are all messed up08:20
bugzbunnyalkisg: Don't matter to me08:20
bugzbunnyI don't mind losing those settings08:20
alkisgWhile reinstalling linux and keeping /home is autoamtic08:20
alkisgIf you don't ever configure anything in your user account, like email settings or whatever, then sure08:20
alkisgIt's like having a kiosk instead of a pc then08:20
bugzbunnyFor the most part08:21
bugzbunnyThe software I use, just works when I copy over08:21
bugzbunnySo, the fear, just /home08:21
bugzbunnyBut, different libaries cause problems08:22
bugzbunnyThat's why, I should test it08:22
bugzbunnyI would hate, everything I've done, it will fail, but I will test it, once it's release... I will do the proper.. I won't lose data but piss me off08:23
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=== blackflo1 is now known as blackflow
aarobcHello. So, on ubuntu 16.04 phpunit tests would run in about 20 seconds if I mounted with `nobarrier`. Updated to 18.04, and even with `nobarrier` tests still take around 4 minutes. Very obviously a disk i/o thing, because If I create a ram disk and run tests from there, they take only like 9 seconds.15:23
aarobctried running from a xfs partition, they took around 3.5 mins. There's something screwed up with disk io on ubuntu :(15:23
aarobcAny ideas how to restore the performance?15:24
aarobcAre there known issues on 18.04?15:24
nacc_aarobc: you could try installing the 16.04 kernel?15:27
nacc_aarobc: which kernel were you on 16.04?15:27
aarobcnacc_: whatever was default. I'd run upgrades weekly to try to stay current15:28
nacc_aarobc: hwe or not?15:28
aarobcnacc_: hwe?15:28
nacc_aarobc: without knowing precisely, it'15:28
nacc_!hwe | Aranor 15:29
ubottuAranor: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:29
nacc_aarobc: --^15:29
nacc_Aranor: sorry15:29
nacc_aarobc: without knowing precisely what you were running, the comparison is hard15:29
AranorPreciesly like precise pangolin ? :D15:30
AranorI have one question. How to get Unity 7 on 18.04 ?15:30
nacc_Aranor: apt install unity ?15:32
Aranornacc : Unity 7 works and it is in official repository ?15:33
nacc_Aranor: it's in universe15:33
nacc_i have no idea if it works15:33
nacc_but it shouldn't be horribly broken15:34
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
AranorI know but I am in ass. Upgrade day is closer and I still love Unity 7. Gnome 3 is one step back15:35
AranorI know that Unity 8 is huge step back (looks, functions, default behaviour)15:36
BenLubarI have been trying to run Bionic in a VM a few times, and every time, after a few hours, the VM stops responding and usually gives a bunch of IO error messages like this: https://what.thedailywtf.com/assets/uploads/files/1522682618848-bb7fb25a-fb78-4b59-a8c9-47f22d7c5016-image.png16:34
BenLubarchkdisk on the host shows no problems16:34
BenLubarI have a physical machine with a Core 2 Duo that's running Bionic with none of these issues16:35
ChmEarlBenLubar, check `modinfo tmem` for the param `self_balooon` set it to zero on the kernel cmdline17:17
ChmEarlmaybe self_balooning17:17
ChmEarl^^ tmem.selfballooning=0 17:18
ChmEarlBenLubar, that param is more important for a Bionic hypervisor. Not sure how it impacts a bionic VM17:24
ChmEarlanyone ever seen an XSLT for a preseed file? I would like color hilites to separate all the comments17:25
ChmEarlI can use syntax highlight for Sh (shell) with most editors17:27
AtlantesI'm trying to get my right click to work (touchpad, Dell XPS 9560, ubuntu 18.04) but it doesn't seem to recognize the button. Already tried installing the synaptics driver and configured it (70-synaptics.conf, adding Option "ClickPad" "1"    Option "SoftButtonAreas" "60% 0 82% 0 40% 60% 82% 0")). Someone has a clue what I can do to get the right click to work?18:38
tomreyni'm not sure wheere i read it but the synaptics driver is no longer supposed to be used but libinput instead18:42
Atlantestomreyn: I'm currently using the libinput driver. it is not working on both18:45
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tomreynAtlantes: okay, sorry i can't help more with this right now.18:58
Atlantesit's weird because sometimes the context menu opens, not sure how18:59
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
BionicMacKubuntu Beta 2  18.04 rc iso just dropped. =)19:34
BionicMacHave fun folks. I have to run some errands while zsync is working.19:37
katnipif you have been keeping up with the updates all along this time, i read that you will have the final when released, so Beta 2 is not necessary if you've been updating20:27
nacc_katnip: right, it's for folks helping with testing20:29
akemHi, is the gnome-shell memory leak bug fixed in 18.04?21:00
bart_akem didn't notice any mem problems yet... and leave my pc running for whole day.... but problem is also there in 17.10 I think.21:00
akembart_, Yes i got the problem here on 17.10, about 800 Mb...then only 150 or something after restart.21:01
akemBut since 18.04 is LTS...21:01
nacc_i've left my computer on for days at a time without issue21:01
nacc_akem: i don't believe it's fixed upstream21:02
bart_I've read there are working on a fix, however whether it will be in time for the 18.04 lts is not sure yet...21:02
nacc_so not sure it's reasonable to think it's already fixed in ubunut, was my point21:02
akemI see, ok, thanks for the info.21:02
bart_but it's running smooth for me, even on a system with less ram....21:03
bart_boot time is a little longer on a classic hdd compared to the 16.04 release...21:03
bart_does someone know whether the daily build repo's will become the final one... or should i do a reinstall ?21:04
nacc_bart_: what do you mean?21:06
nacc_bart_: there is only one set of ubuntu repositories21:06
bart_ok, so it stays at the bionic repos....21:06
nacc_bart_: ... well bionic is the release21:06
nacc_bart_: daily, alpha, beta, are just points in time21:07
bart_ok, thx for the feedback... thought so but was not sure.... I am really happy with the current setup....21:08
popeyHello! I'm looking for someone with an nvidia card and nvidia binary driver on Ubuntu 18.04 up to date to test something?21:36
Bashing-ompopey: Are you aware of the nvidia testing: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2385770&page=5 ?21:44
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=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
IntelCoreBeaver out now?23:18
naccIntelCore: no.23:19
naccIntelCore: read /topic23:19
IntelCoreThe final stable release will be available on April 26th, 201823:24
IntelCore 3 weeks?23:24

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