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darkxst I know I have done this in the past, but how do I get a list of source packages that rdepend on a lib?11:17
Unit193reverse-depends -b libssl-dev11:18
darkxstmy current attempts are just spitting back binary packages11:18
Unit193Oooh, you didn't say 'build'11:19
darkxstreverse-depends -b libzip411:20
darkxstNo reverse dependencies found11:20
darkxstand no not build deps11:20
darkxstthe source packages that are linked to the library!11:21
dokoLocutusOfBorg: the pytest sync was not a great idea. do you work on the autopkg test failures?11:48
cjwatsondarkxst: source packages aren't linked to libraries; the only way I can make that request make any sense is build-deps11:53
xnoxdarkxst, i pipe the result of $ reverse-depends foo into bin2src to map binary packages to source packages.11:55
cjwatsondarkxst: (but packages don't build-depend on the runtime, so you need to do reverse-depends -b libzip-dev)11:55
cjwatson(or reverse-depends -b src:libzip)11:55
dokocoreycb, rbasak: please could you have a look at the postgresql-10 autopkg test failures on armhf?11:57
darkxstcjwatson, xnox thanks for the hints, pretty sure 18months without internet has affected my brain!11:58
cjwatson... I think I'd melt or something11:58
darkxstIt was more internet at $10 per GB11:58
cjwatsonhaven't been 18 months without internet since err about 199511:58
darkxstyou can't do any packaging at those rates12:00
rbasakdoko: I'll need to add it to the backlog. But which failures exactly? I only see pg-repack failure across all archs on excuses.12:00
xnoxdarkxst, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Three-Mobile-Pay-Broadband-Data/dp/B01M3VJ2B2?th=1 24GB sim card for 45GBP which works in all of EU, US, Canada, Australia and many other countries around the world. Not sure where you were.12:00
xnoxoh and valid for 2 years12:00
xnoxso very handy.12:00
rbasakxnox: their terms make it clear that they expect to be generally using the SIM in the UK.12:01
rbasakOtherwise they'll disconnect you.12:01
xnoxrbasak, for pay monthly, yes.12:01
rbasakxnox: for PAYG.12:01
rbasakI might be talking about a different product. Sorry.12:01
xnoxrbasak, for the "feel at home stuff" -> yeah, you can't be out of the country for more than 3 months in a row, or 3 out 12 rolling or some such.12:02
xnoxbut this one seems to simply be pre-loaded with data, and it's data only "internet on the legs" sim. and in the comments people totally are (ab)using it as a travel sim12:02
xnoxrbasak, i'll let you know if i get disconnected ;-)12:04
darkxstxnox, I am remote, only Telstra12:04
darkxstmight be handy though if I get to GUADEC again12:05
darkxstwhich against my better judgment have applied for funding from CC12:06
darkxstwork can deal with the rest of it12:06
dokoxnox: xe-guest-utilities needs a MIR?12:27
LocutusOfBorgdoko, yes, already worked out12:47
LocutusOfBorgit was a great idea, because pytest catchlog was completely and utterly broken, and duplicated in new pytest12:47
LocutusOfBorgso, reverse-dependencies were broken as well (I can't assure all of them)12:47
LocutusOfBorgI'm finishing the open of RC bugs in Debian right now12:48
LocutusOfBorgI'm sad I couldn't do it before, but I discovered how broken it was only recently (I tried to avoid pushing it to bionic unless really necessary)12:49
LocutusOfBorghello tkamppeter, what is your opinion wrt cups sync/merge?12:55
tkamppeterLocutusOfBorg, principally, I am syncing CUPS, but now for the LTS I would like to leave out the deprecation of raw queues to not cause any incompatibilities by the extra warnings and messages.13:33
tkamppeterI will continue syncing after 18.04.13:33
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dokotjaalton: tomcat8.0 is still in bionic. is this intended?14:18
tjaaltondoko: i have newer dogtag-pki in experimental which uses 8.514:20
tjaaltonneed to check upgrades first14:20
tjaaltonthen sync it14:20
LocutusOfBorgthanks tkamppeter!14:21
tjaaltonbut for libresteasy I think going back to 3.0 series is needed.. there's 3.5 which is compatible to 3.0 but adds new stuff which need newer jaxb et al..14:21
LocutusOfBorgdoko, #894705 in debian looks RC to me, I'm reassigning to the one I just opened14:47
LocutusOfBorgit has no rdeps, maybe just kick it out from bionic to proposed?14:47
seb128wgrant, cjwatson, do you have any idea why the template imports from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/indicator-power/+imports and not reflecting in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/indicator-power ?14:55
dokorbasak, coreycb, smoser: the grub-legacy-ec2 wants to migrate to main, but doesn't have a subscriber. is this your team?14:57
cjwatsonseb128: I think it's because "Template is active" is unchecked on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/indicator-power/+pots/indicator-power/+edit.  Do you know why that might be?14:59
seb128cjwatson, no idea, thanks for pointing that out15:00
seb128cjwatson, to be fair I don't understand those details of launchpad translations, at least not the "sharing" part, we keep hitting cases where that is active and pointing to outdated import, and as a side  effect it leads to not have the package upload files imported15:02
seb128cjwatson, I wonder if somebody changed those options after unity moved to universe, but afaik there is no "activity" log for those?15:05
cjwatsonCould be, and indeed AFAIK there isn't.  This is, um, not my speciality.15:09
cjwatsonseb128: Shall I just flip it back on?15:09
seb128cjwatson, I did, thanks15:10
seb128I did it for all indicators15:10
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xnoxdoko, yes it does need sru....16:17
xnoxMIR that is16:17
tjaaltonahasenack: so, how about sssd 1.16.1?16:43
ahasenacktjaalton: I can't justify an ffe for it. I've been lurking in the mailing list looking for trouble with that version, just saw 2 so far (failure to start on centos, and a guy who was complaining enumeration was timing out iirc)16:55
ahasenacktjaalton: I also didn't find the stanting exception you mentioned16:55
tjaaltonok then16:55
dokojbicha: the graphee MIR looks ok. please upload a package that references it17:11
jbichadoko: I uploaded gst-plugins-base1.0 to the bionic queue for graphene18:16
slangasekI guess you want this for final beta?18:17
jbichaum, sure18:18
slangasekit impacts all image builds, which it looks like have already started18:19
slangasek--> #ubuntu-release18:19
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WhoopieHi, does a NNTP server for ubuntu mailing lists exist? I just learned that gmane doesn't have the new lists like bionic-changes.21:23
TJ-Whoopie: no21:24
WhoopieTJ-: do you maybe know why the new lists were not registered at gmane?21:25
TJ-No idea... but hasn't Gmane gone through some issues in recent times with not keeping up/being maintained?21:26
Whoopieright, they had a light restart after they shutdown in 2016.21:27
Whoopieok, I see, it's not possible to add new lists.21:28
jbichadoko: graphene is in component-mismatches-proposed now21:29
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