
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:07
EriC^^morning all04:44
=== bungholio is now known as BionicMac
daftykinshey hey \o04:46
EriC^^hey daftykins o/04:48
daftykinsi'm about 7 hours out from my travels now :>04:48
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^ BionicMac04:50
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje04:52
EriC^^daftykins: going for a vacation?04:53
daftykinsnah setting up my clients London apartment04:54
daftykinsphone company visit for the internet connection etc :)04:54
EriC^^ah cool :)04:57
EriC^^windows got a new update04:59
EriC^^or maybe it just did it now for me cause i dont boot it a lot05:00
EriC^^it's probably that :)05:00
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
lotuspsychjeshower bbl05:17
Bashing-omcan stands no more --- G nite \o05:30
lordievaderGood morning06:05
ducassegood morning, everyone06:26
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHi folks11:14
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:39
BluesKajhi lordievader11:40
lordievaderHow are you doing BluesKaj ?11:40
BluesKajdoing ok, lordievader, and you ?11:40
lordievaderDoing good here11:42
lordievaderMaking the last coffee of the day11:42
immuhi all11:52
immuBluesKaj, ducasse11:57
BluesKajhi immu11:57
immuhey BluesKaj whats up11:57
BluesKajmorning coffee as usual11:58
lordievaderhey immu11:59
immuhey lordievader11:59
immuhow are everyone11:59
lordievaderDoing good here12:00
immuwhats new12:01
lordievaderNothing much. Thinking about moving a machine back to Kubuntu. (It is running Neon now)12:03
immuhmm didn't like Neon which is based on KDE LTS12:06
immu brb rebooting12:08
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
lordievaderI think I have the development version.12:51
nicomachuswhoa what why is Canonical going BACK to XOrg in 18.04??15:06
ducassebecause wayland isn't ready for human consumption?15:11
nicomachusbut they used it in 17.10...15:12
JanCbased on my own experience with Wayland in 17.10: I switched back to Xorg because Wayland would freeze my system every 1-3 days15:12
JanCif there were a lot of others with those problems, I understand why they switched the default back  ;)15:13
JanCnicomachus: I assume you can still select Wayland in GDM if you prefer it?15:15
ducassewayland will still be an option, yes, it just won't be default15:18
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
Bashing-omTemp: 59°F (15°C) ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Humidity: 82% ~ Wind: From the NNW at 16 MPH Gusting to 29 MPH ~ Alert: Severe Thunderstorm Warning, Severe Weather Statement, Tornado Watch, Freeze Warning ~ Observed: Tue 03, 16:5522:07
Bashing-omshutting down !22:07
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
=== Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez

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