
mgedminfhrr: there's a browser extension that allows https://extensions.gnome.org/ to install/enable/disable your gnome-shell extensions11:39
darkxstoh mgedmin, how are you!11:49
* darkxst is making a comeback, now a Debian maintainer, DD on the way11:50
darkxstafter 18months without internet living in the mountains11:51
darkxst(I still live in the mountains but have internet for now atleat)11:51
mgedmincongrats, darkxst!12:00
darkxstmgedmin, things are changing a little12:02
darkxstbut we will continue to support the vanilla gnome life12:02
darkxstwe do however need to find a way to build a community around that, because right now, its vanished12:03
mgedminwell, I'm still here ;)12:11
mgedminprimarily because I have a znc plugin that makes it hard for me to leave channels, for silly reasons12:11
mgedminspeaking of vanilla...12:13
mgedminafaiu gnome-terminal has this patch that adds a white border around the scrollbar, so it'll look good with ambiance/radiance12:14
mgedminbut it looks bad with adwaita12:14
mgedmindo you know if anyone has any plans of resolving this to look good with all the themes?12:14
darkxstmgedmin, themes are not my thing really, but i have noticed some problems with terminal under adwaita, file bugs and link me in and I may end up looking into them12:20
darkxstI will probably break every rule on the planet in the next two weeks12:23
darkxsta super late libzip transition for the security benifits12:24
darkxstand then a super late transition back to PhD world for my own benefits12:24
jbicharicotz: I don't think there will be an archive-wide rebuild for bionic. If you have specific packages you want rebuilt with vala, let me know18:46
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ricotzjbicha, ok, I see20:05
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