
yano.nws 4321017:21
jenni!!!TORNADO!!! *WATCH* issued April 03 at 1:13PM EDT until April 03 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS17:21
jenniSpecial Weather Statement issued April 03 at 12:59PM EDT by NWS17:21
jenniFlood Advisory issued April 03 at 11:06AM EDT until April 03 at 8:00PM EDT by NWS17:21
jenniFlash Flood *WATCH* issued April 03 at 10:23AM EDT until April 04 at 2:00AM EDT by NWS17:21
jenni[ National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary ] - https://bit.ly/2Eg1Kxe17:21
jenniComplete weather watches, warnings, and advisories for Columbus, OH, available here: https://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=OHC049 -- You may also PM me to get more details.17:21
=== yano_ is now known as yano

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