
akikclincks: i.e. "dns-nameservers"00:01
clincksI did that already :-(00:01
rdhwhats the ip address?00:02
Boyetteim trying to install anbox00:03
Boyetteanyone who can help with that00:03
rdhBoyette, says on the site to install via snaps00:07
Boyettei know00:08
clincksI did exactly same than: http://mixeduperic.com/ubuntu/how-to-set-a-static-ip-address-on-a-ubuntu-server.html00:10
clincksOk, I give up for today... Thanks for help00:11
sunrunner20this is bull crap. How long is "a start job is running for dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device" supposed to take00:15
rdhBoyette, you're going to have to get in touch with a developer over there, but they are warning that it is still Alpha.00:16
akemhm, in Ubuntu 17.10 i changed the dock icon size, but then all my desktop icons(not dock) disappeared :/ any idea to get them back?00:17
Boyetteits ok00:19
Boyetteif its alpha00:19
sunrunner20its been 30 min so far... it didn't take 30min to encrypt my entire HDD with bitlocker00:22
GeoHi - In my GUI, I seem to recall there being someway I can have up to 4 different 'desktop' screens by using some hot keys to switch between them... does what I'm trying to say sound familiar to anyone and, if so, how?00:23
BillD73Geo: they are called workspaces.00:25
akemGeo, I don't know the keyboard shortcut but you can also switch workspaces using the mouse wheel on the dot matrix of the dock - bottom left.00:26
akemon Ubuntu 17.10 at least...00:26
Geohere we go, found how to enable them in 'Appearance'00:27
Geothats what I was after. Thanks guys00:27
redlegionalright, i've been trying to work through this suspend/resume issue for a while, and i think i have it narrowed down a bit00:36
redlegionwell, for myself anyways00:36
redlegionif i chvt 1 before suspending, i can resume00:36
redlegionand i can type, and the computer operates mostly normally00:36
redlegionbut once i chvt 7, it's frozen00:36
redlegiondead frozen00:36
redlegiononly resuming on battery, though00:37
redlegionresume on AC is fine00:37
TJ-redlegion: sounds like an ACPI issue; have you tried a custom acpi_osi= ?00:39
redlegionyeah, i've tried a few suggestions00:39
redlegionacpi_osi=linux, acpi_osi='Windows 2013'00:39
TJ-redlegion: best config to be sure the correct acpi_osi is being used, is "apci_osi=! acpi_osi=\"Windows 2013\" "  (the ! tells the kernel not to offer any of it's built-in OSIs)00:41
TJ-redlegion: I assume you found "Windows 2013" by searching the PC's ACPI DSDT ?00:41
redlegionno, it was just one of about six suggestions for this issue i've tried00:41
redlegionthough the i8042 fix was gold00:42
TJ-redlegion: see my article on the workaround http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html00:42
TJ-redlegion: if it still happens after the correct variation is set, we can dig into the GUI power-manager00:43
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jcjcif i did a `mv a/* b/*` did i completely just erase all of the files in the "a" folder?00:47
redlegionTJ-: giving it a go, i'll let you know what happens.00:47
redlegionTJ-: ohdeargod00:53
redlegionyou are my savior00:53
redlegiona quit `cat /proc/cmdline` to make sure everything was in order, and lo and behold i have successful resume after suspend on BAT00:54
redlegioni do appreciate the help00:54
bergers89hi: is there any ubuntu iso where i can boot with a serial console (console=ttyS0) ?00:54
TJ-redlegion: It's amazing how many times that solves these kind of power issues00:56
redlegioni don't doubt it00:56
wiperhello. I am literally retarded. That's both why I want a private vpn and also why I can't figure the most basic shit out00:58
bazhangwiper, no cursing here00:58
redlegionwiper, there are a ton of step by step howtos to get openvpn running pretty quickly00:59
wiperyes, but as a retard, I cannot determine which guide is most retard-friendly00:59
bazhangwiper, please stay topical, no need to use that as a pejorative01:01
SlidingHornThe R word...no need for that :)01:02
wiperwhat's a pejorative?01:02
bazhangwiper, it's using that word here, and using it as a bad name01:02
wiperwhat word?01:03
bazhangwiper,  the word 'retard'01:03
wiperim not retarded wth01:03
wiperDoes anyone know where I can get a one click app or perhaps a docker for automatic configuration of open VPN?01:05
TJ-wiper: Network Manager can import an openvpn config file (generally distributed as .ovpn)01:06
wiperDoes anyone know where I can get a one click app or perhaps a docker for automatic configuration of open VPN?01:08
redlegionwiper: this is what i used to set up my own openvpn daemon, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-16-0401:08
redlegionyour miles may vary01:08
redlegionit's not docker, but it's still pretty easy01:08
wipersorry for accidental spam01:09
TJ-My option is 4 clicks I think ... nm-applet > Edit Connections... > Add > VPN=Import a saved VPN configuration...01:09
billy_alguem ai01:13
wiperoh also, nobody knows who did Therac2501:14
wiperand ubuntu is us intelligence01:14
wiperbut they also have back doors in circuit design01:14
bazhangwiper, thats way offtopic here, please stop01:15
wiperI'm sorry01:16
wiperbazhang can you help me01:17
wiperget unbanned from ##chat? I think there has been a big misunderstanding01:17
wiperApparently because my account is new people think I'm someone else01:17
bazhangthats also never topical here wiper01:17
wiperbazhang, does anybody on IRC like you?01:18
SlidingHorncan we just ban this guy already?01:19
* TJ- puts hand up01:19
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superguest1) All 5 programs are implemented as a callback function01:30
superguest2) Each of the 5 programs is implemented as a callback function01:30
superguestis 1) necessarily not following the English grammar?01:30
superguestoops, wrong channel01:31
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sethDoes anyone know how to handle kvm-spice app armor bug while using Virt-Manager/Libvirt02:01
TJ-seth: does "/etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/" exist?02:04
sethIt's an empty file.02:05
TJ-seth: it is a directory, so are you saying it does exist but there are no files in it?02:05
sethIt exists.02:06
sethThere's 4 files.02:06
TJ-seth: I think the problem is apparmor hasn't been told about kvm-spice binary, I grepped /etc/apparmor.d/ and 'kvm' is there but not 'kvm-spice' so I think it needs manually adding02:09
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TJ-seth: I *think* this will fix it:   sudo sed -r '/\/usr\/bin\/kvm rmix/ i \ \ /usr/bin/kvm-spice rmix,' /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu02:12
TJ-seth: errr, no, that will only print the change, not make it!02:13
TJ-seth: here you go   sudo sed -i -r '/\/usr\/bin\/kvm rmix/ i \ \ /usr/bin/kvm-spice rmix,' /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu02:13
sethNot working.02:18
sethIt works when I create a new VM.02:22
sethmy old VM is bugged.02:22
sethDo I need to simply delete the old files?02:22
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yutahello, after updated ubuntu to the last version, i see escaped characters on apt output02:38
yutaEl programa \xabnodejs\xbb no est\xe1 instalado. Puede instalarlo escribiendo: sudo apt install nodejs02:38
yutawhat is going on?02:38
widpHow does ubuntu package upstream repositories?02:43
widpare there rules like - "If there is a pypi repo let's not package it ourselves"?02:44
TJ-!packaging | widp02:44
ubottuwidp: The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring02:44
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bugbunnyyuta: Looks like the terminal emulator is not interpreting the escape characters, at a glance, looks like apt is outputing color decorations02:48
yutabugbunny: sorry, not apt. just running any command on terminal02:49
yuta$ ioj No se ha encontrado la orden \xabioj\xbb, quiz\xe1s quiso decir:  La orden \xabiog\xbb del paquete \xabiog\xbb (universe)  La orden \xabiok\xbb del paquete \xabiok\xbb (universe)  La orden \xabij\xbb del paquete \xabderby-tools\xbb (universe) ioj: no se encontr\xf3 la orden02:49
TJ-yuta: is it a UTF-8 issue?02:49
yutaTJ-: i dont know, that why i ask xD02:50
TJ-yuta: what does 'locale' report?02:50
memo1hi, if im using the find command, and i want to sort by modified and delete the last 15 files, how i do it?02:51
TJ-yuta: there's the problem, the locale is C language, not something lile es_AR.UTF-802:53
TJ-yuta: try "sudo update-locale LANG=es_AR.UTF-8"02:55
raul_hello someone know a page good on nodejs y mysql socketsio02:56
R13oseTJ-: hi03:00
suckerwell, when the 18.04 version will be distributed??????03:35
s10gopalhow to disable "hwclock --systohc" during shutdown ?03:41
kvuser7Can someone help me with an issue I'm having with apt-get?03:57
zanshinkvuser7: We won't know until you ask ...03:58
kvuser7I need to update it, but it can't. I'll post the errors I'm getting04:00
zanshinDid you use `sudo`, as in: `sudo apt-get ...` ?04:01
kvuser7sudo apt-get update04:02
kvuser7should I try again incase?04:02
zanshinwhat does `ps -ef | grep apt` return?04:02
kvuser7aedus    18591  1681  0 14:03 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn apt04:03
s10gopalhow to disable "hwclock --systohc" during shutdown ?04:04
zanshinOK, so apt isn't already running. In `/var/lib/apt/lists` are there any lock files?04:04
kvuser7so... cd /var/lib/apt/lists?04:05
zanshinkvuser7: Yes. Then `ls -al`04:05
kvuser7thats a lot of files04:05
zanshinkvuser7: Try ls -al *lock*04:05
kvuser7-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 Jan  6 07:35 lock04:06
kvuser7only one now04:06
zanshinHmm.  Not sure that's where the apt lock file is, and I'm not at a Ubuntu bax at the moment. You could tyr `sudo apt update` again04:08
kvuser7that seems to be working -_-04:08
kvuser7ok apt-get is in the list04:09
kvuser7I think it's working?04:10
kvuser7I love ubuntu for working, but I still know next to nothing about using it beyond the basics04:11
Lin-Buo-Renkvuser7: Check out the Debian reference then: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/04:14
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agioanyone know how to get menu's in i3?05:01
lotuspsychjeagio: check #i3 chanel05:02
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agiolotuspsychje: ok, thanks05:02
auctushow do i uninstall the amazon stuff05:09
auctusi uninstalled it from the software center, wonder if theres any other amazon stuff lurking05:12
energizerin gnome, im trying to set the display scaling to 200% in "Displays", but it doesnt do anything. What can I do to fix this? 17.10.05:26
MarchHareAnyone have any good ideas for forcing pulseaudio to just output some sub-audible sine wave continuously, so that it keeps my damnable speaker system awake?05:33
MarchHareMy problem doesn't seem to be the idle module or power idle settings on the sound card. Seems to be the sound system it's connected to wanting to idle on silence.05:34
bugbunnyMarchHare: Why? It can turn itself back on when it recieves signal?05:38
bugbunnyAre those battery powered speakers?05:39
MarchHarebugbunny: No, it's a wall-powered sound bar. It takes about 5 seconds to come back on fully if I don't play anything for a minute or two05:39
MarchHareIt turns back on just fine, it just takes 3~5 seconds to do it05:40
MarchHareAnd I don't like that. It's on analog line-out for a reason05:40
MarchHareIf I hit play, I want to hear a damn sound as soon as that mouse clicks05:40
guivercMarchHare: anoise (ambient noise) has lots of audio files (white, grey, coffee) which play on loop; then use pavucontrol to lower volume to that ~inaudible but enough to keep it awake ??  (thought anyway; you could do the same for any app)05:41
bugbunnyI was just thinking that05:41
MarchHareguiverc: Might be worth a shot.05:41
MarchHareI'd be fine with just a quiet sine.05:41
MarchHareApparently sox outputting at -100db isn't enough05:42
bugbunnyThat was another issue I was thinking about05:43
bugbunnyAt what level of noise does the speaker turns of and is it smart enough to distiguish different sound05:44
bugbunnyMarchHare: It's designed to be energy efficient? I wonder why it has such feature.05:44
MarchHareNo clue. Seems to not be a problem when I listen directly to line-out with the phones. Seems to be the sound system. I sent a support request asking how I can turn that off. They'll probably be retards and assume I'm asking how to fix a sync delay.05:46
MarchHareDefinitely not a pulseaudio issue. When I watch the loaded apps, as soon as I kill the music with stop, it clears from pulse. When I restart, it appears right back in there immediately.05:47
guivercMarchHare: script your own -- paplay lets you set volume, create your own sound file, even pavucontrol lets you control volume of playing file, but I'd use paplay --volume, and not have it consistent, just short & regularly enough to keep your sound system awake..05:48
MarchHareguiverc: I'm trying to figure out how to daemonize it, so I can just run it on boot and leave it on.05:49
MarchHareguiverc: I still have to tune it so it can't be heard by anything but the sound system05:50
MarchHareguiverc: I wonder if the problem isn't that it's idle, but that it's also negotiating a bluetooth wakeup with the sub.05:51
MarchHareAnd simply doesn't output sound until that happens05:51
bugbunnyI was going to ask how it was connected05:51
bugbunnyYou don't think it's probably at the Interface layer?05:51
guivercif it were me; I'd just use a background job started @ login (so I could kill, restart if necessary) - a heartbeat type signal every 30 secs maybe (or whatever keeps it alive)05:51
MarchHarebugbunny: Line out to the sound bar. Soundbar connects to the sub via bt05:52
guivercnot manually started at login; script run by login script .bash..05:52
MarchHarebugbunny: Seems to be solidly an issue with the unit, headphones play sound immediately.05:52
MarchHareguideline: I think a heartbeat would probably be reasonable.05:53
bugbunnymerpnderp: You plug the headphone into the Unit05:56
bugbunnymerpnderp: Btw, if you come out with a workable solution... Nice to hear about it05:57
MarchHareNo, I plugged it into the line-out on the back of the pc (audio source)05:57
MarchHareWhat I need is an old-style tape player I can just plug into the unit and see if I get the same delay05:58
bugbunnyI think I have picture in my head05:58
MarchHareTake the PC out of the equation05:58
bugbunnyHow much did you pay for it?05:58
MarchHareDidn't. Was a gift.05:58
bugbunnyMarchHare: You don't have a smart phone?05:58
MarchHareProbably in the $150-$200 range is my guess/05:59
MarchHarebugbunny: That's a good idea.05:59
MarchHareGimme a minute05:59
pranavHi All, Kindly help me how to setup fingerprint in Ubuntu 18.04?06:00
pranavI tried everything on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.10 and 17.04 but not able to use NVIDIA graphic driver. These system even failed to load properly often. Thus I moved to 18.04 build image06:01
pranavThe system loads properly but please tell me how to setup NVIDIA graphic driver06:01
MarchHarepranav: Do you need to blacklist the nouveau driver?06:01
Ben64pranav: 18.04 isn't released yet, for support head over to #ubuntu+106:02
guivercpranav: 18.04 isn't supported yet (beta only) so #ubuntu+1 may be more appropriate06:02
pranavMarchHare: Ubuntu 18.04 ran smoothly without any config changes or side effects. However, nvidia driver is not working, i want to setup?06:03
MarchHarepranav: Google "blacklist nouveau driver ubuntu" and follow the instructions, then try to reinstall your nv drivers06:03
MarchHarepranav: I had a problem with that a few months ago, it was locking up my machine, and not using the real nv drivers even though I had installed them06:04
pranavMarchHare: Can I install two ubuntu 18.04? I don't want to curropt my existing ubuntu with this experiement as it happened with 17.10 and 16.0406:04
Ben64pranav: again, #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support until release06:05
bugbunnypranav: Yes, dual boot06:06
MarchHareNot sure if the audio issue is my sound card or the unit anymore. Seems to kick on pretty quickly when I hit play on my phone after sitting for a few minutes06:07
bugbunnypranav: Any questions specific to 18.04, the other volunteers of the room want's you to move to #ubuntu+106:07
MarchHarebugbunny: I don't think his question is specific.06:07
bugbunnypranav: If you need specific how to dual boot, please ask06:07
pranavalready joined and done!06:07
bugbunnyMarchHare: I like to help06:08
MarchHareA net split. I haven06:08
bugbunnyMarchHare: And I was reading06:08
MarchHaret seen one of those in a long time06:08
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bugbunnyMarchHare: How did it work out?06:19
MarchHarebugbunny: Not yet. It's pissing me off. I'll come back to it later or something06:20
bugbunnyMarchHare: Okay06:27
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pranavubuntu 18.04 is the best so far :) its so responsive.06:39
raunoany tips how to debug why my usb 2.0 port isnt working, two 3.0 work just fine..06:40
bugzbunnypranav: Linux overall is very good06:42
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bugzbunnyrauno: If it's hardware failure, it would be difficult besides diagnosing the board itself06:42
bugzbunnyrauno: The connector, cable, the controller...06:43
raunookay, and how to make sure if it's hardware related ?06:43
raunoim on laptop06:43
bugzbunnyrauno: Have it ever work?06:43
raunoyep, but not sure when, havent used it for a long time06:43
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bugzbunnyrauno: Well, is the port dusty?06:44
pranavrauno: dmesg in terminal06:44
raunodmesg doesnt show annything when i connect wireless mouse adapter there06:44
pranavrauno: try another mouse adapter06:44
bugzbunnyOkay, that's very liekly a bad port06:45
raunocrap :D06:45
bugzbunnyrauno: You can try cleaning it, how old is the laptop?06:45
golovinВсем привет)06:45
raunothought same, but hoped maybe there's some kind of hope :)06:45
raunoi think 3-4 years heavy usage :)06:45
golovinHi all. Tell me please software look like Media Get for Ubuntu06:46
bugzbunnyrauno: Sometimes removing and inserting peripherals can damage the joins that attach to motherboard06:46
bugzbunnyThe pin between connectors can get lose06:46
raunoyeah, i know it from usb3, but haven't used much this 2.006:46
bugzbunnyYou can try windows, dows Windows detect it?06:46
raunoso one idea would be to tear it apart and check the connections06:47
raunowill try windows later06:47
golovinyou can't help me06:47
OhPieSup all.  So I installed VirtualBox, slapped on Unbuntu's latest.  Looks neat.  I'm new at this.  Any key suggestions of some activiites I can do on this thing that will help me learn more about linux Ubuntu.  I figured I'd ask here first.06:49
OhPieI'm going through some of the man pages now.06:49
bugzbunnyNot sure of the question? If you want to learn how to USE linux overall, there is TONS of blogs06:50
bugzbunnyOhPie: Typically, what specific problem are you having and you need help with?06:50
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bugzbunnyThere is a Ubuntu Guideline thing, that I don't know ! is\06:51
OhPieNo problem per se.  Just thought I'd get a list of key things you experts would recommend that I try out first.  Naturally I'll go onto the web and read the blogs and such.  That's all.06:51
bugzbunnyOhPie: Well, we are volunteers and typical users just like your self06:54
OhPieundersood, I'll hit the web up, thanks.06:54
bugzbunnyOhPie: I personally use UbuntuBugie, it works well, I don't have a particular list of things a new user should do06:54
bugzbunnyI think, what's missing, you want?06:55
bugzbunnyFor the most part, I find program, not perfect, work well enough for me06:55
linurandyhello to everyone when ubuntu is going to up?07:08
Ben64linurandy: ?07:10
linurandywhen the new Ubuntu LTS is going o be out?07:10
Ben64April 26th07:12
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shivam_I'm actually new to ubuntu07:21
shivam_i just wanted to know how to create a seperate chatroom07:21
shivam_for me and my friend07:21
bugzbunnyshivam_: On #freenode?07:23
bugzbunnyshivam_: /join #freenode07:23
NoCodeIssues with installing 4.16 mainline kernel in Ubuntu Budgie. :/07:44
bugzbunnyNoCode: Only issues is perhaps missing syscall07:45
bugzbunnyNoCode: Besides that, there shouldn't be any diffierence, that is impactful than Kernel version 2 - 407:46
bugzbunnyThat's a package management issue07:46
bugzbunnyNoCode: You left out the command line07:47
bugzbunnyNoCode: Posting just the error is not very useful than what you did before hand to get the error07:48
NoCodeTried to install both the headers, and image. I put them in a folder, "sudo dpkg -i *.deb".07:48
bugzbunnySo, you trying to install kernel from files you downloaded?07:48
bugzbunnyI am sorry, I won't support helping you with that07:49
bugzbunnyWhat's wrong with the Kernel you already have?07:49
NoCodeI'm on 4.13. Wanted newer.07:50
bugzbunnyI won't help put your system at risk, if you downloaded from there, I don't support it.. Because it bypass checks07:50
bugzbunnyNoCode: You just want a new kernel for the sake of having a newer kernel? Try ArchLInux then07:51
NoCodeOk. lol07:52
ducasseNoCode: that's not really a good reason to install an unsupported kernel07:59
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s10gopalhow to disable "hwclock --systohc" during shutdown ?08:24
bugzbunnys10gopal: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:27
s10gopalbugzbunny, ubuntu 14.0408:28
bugzbunnys10gopal: I can't help, I am just guessing, upstart08:33
cYmenDoes info about failed cron jobs get stored anywhere?08:33
bugzbunnycYmen: /var/log08:33
guivercs10gopal: i have no idea; maybe /etc/default/hwclock  (it overrides some settings found in hwclock.sh08:33
cYmenbugzbunny: uhm...where exactly? :)08:34
cYmenI can't find anything.08:34
s10gopala user on ##linux is helping me . thx08:35
bugzbunnycYmen: Is this a Server?08:35
cYmenbugzbunny: no, my notebook08:35
bugzbunnycYmen: `What are you running as Cron? btw, you need a Cron deamon?08:36
cYmenI'm just running a random script of mine. Usually works too but when it fails I get no info whatsoever.08:37
cYmenbugzbunny: Is there something else I should be using on a desktop machine?08:38
cYmenor user machine or whatever :r08:38
bugzbunnyYou need to be running a Cron deamon, for Cron jobs to work08:39
cYmenYes, I am running anacron.08:39
bugzbunnyI've used anacron before, but it's been awhile, what is the problem exactly?08:40
cYmenWell, I think I've figured that out now.08:40
bugzbunnyFor my cron jobs, I have it E-Mail it08:40
cYmenIt cannot tell me about failing cronjobs because there is no MTA installed.08:40
bugzbunnyBut if you ask me how I did that, years ago08:40
cYmenNow I'm trying to figure out if I can redirect that to a log somehow.08:40
bugzbunnyWell, AFAIK, correct me if I am wrong, you won't see failurs08:41
bugzbunnyYou need the program to output a failure08:41
bugzbunnyAFAIK, my experience with cron, I never got anything when a program fail, without some output08:42
ducassecYmen: which release is this?08:44
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cYmenducasse: of what?08:44
bugzbunnyWhat version of Ubuntu08:45
ducassecYmen: of the os08:45
cYmenwhy would that matter? :)08:45
bugzbunnyDo you need help?08:45
bugzbunnyPlease do not be osbtacle08:45
ducasseit does matter, if you want answers08:45
cYmenThis is a 17.10.08:46
ducassethen try 'journalctl -u cron.service'08:47
ducassethe answer would be different if you were on 14.04, which is why release matters08:49
cYmenAh, yeah, I already did that, that's how I figured out that it is trying to send me e-mails.08:49
cYmenAnd apparently that cannot be changed and one has to add redirects to the cron lines.08:50
seanhWoke my computer from suspend this morning and saw the login screen - I had been logged out, and all my apps closed, apparently while the computer was suspended? Can anyone help me get to the bottom of what might have happened here? Tried looking in some log files (e.g. in Gnome Logs) but not seeing any obvious messages about a crash or anything09:00
EriC^seanh: maybe xorg or something segfaulted09:02
EriC^seanh: try cat ~/.xsession-errors and sudo grep -iE "error|segfault" /var/log/kern.log09:03
seanhEriC^: Thanks. No ~/.xsession-errors file.  In kern.log I see this:09:04
seanhApr  3 09:54:27 chamlis kernel: [852749.687717] [drm:intel_display_resume [i915]] *ERROR* Restoring old state failed with -2209:04
bugzbunnyseanh: Please bastebin the logs09:04
seanhThat's at about the time I turned on the computer this morning09:04
bugzbunnyseanh: Has it ever work?09:05
seanhbugzbunny: All of kern.log?09:05
seanhbugzbunny: It usually works yes09:05
bugzbunnyseanh: When does stop working?09:05
seanhHere's kern.log: https://pastebin.com/DgfXRuu709:07
bugzbunnyseanh: So it always worked and it just stopped working?09:07
bugzbunnyseanh: Or it never worked?09:07
seanhbugzbunny: Well, I think I've seen this incident a couple of times: When I return to my computer the next day after suspending it over night, it wakes from suspend and it has logged me out. Its pretty rare, it happens maybe once every few weeks. The rest of the time waking from suspend works fine.09:08
bugzbunnyseanh: That's not a clue what happened, so, it worked then stopped working?09:08
seanhMost of the time when I suspend the computer and then wake it from suspend it works. Occasionally I find that I've been logged out09:09
seanhFor example when I woke it from suspend this morning I found that I was logged out. But just now I suspended it for a minute and woke it again - it was fine09:10
bugzbunnyseanh: No idea bud, so it sometimes works and sometimes work09:10
bugzbunnyThat's, Linux09:11
bugzbunnyseanh: Now, what's useful, what hardware09:11
bugzbunnyseanh: The more information you give, the more helpful please09:12
seanhI'm not sure the issue is with suspend and wake as such. I've seen it do things while it's on and I'm using the computer: it suddenly logs me out, or freezes. It doesn't happen all the time, it happens pretty rarely actually, less than once per week. Has been happening much less often since I switched from Gnome to Openbox too09:12
seanhHere's a pastebin of the lshw command: https://pastebin.com/fGkhzDuW09:12
bugzbunnyit suddenly logs  me out09:12
bugzbunnyI think Display Manager sigfault09:13
bugzbunnyI just think..09:13
seanhIt does seem like the sort of thing that could be a display manager issue09:13
seanhI tried Gnome both with Wayland and with X and it had this problem with both. Now using Openbox and the problem seems _much_ rarer but not completely gone. For example this morning: wake from suspend and I'm logged out. WTF? And the things is I've _never_ found a clue in any log file or anything, after one of these crashes09:14
bugzbunnyseanh: Use what works?09:17
seanhIs there an easy way for me to find out whether the computer rebooted overnight?09:19
tomreynor just "w"09:19
seanhOk, uptime says 29 days so I guess it didn't reboot, just logged me out09:19
silver_hookIs there a (good) native client for chat.google.com available in Ubuntu?09:19
tomreynseanh: i think so. it would be normal for it to suspend after a while of not being used, and to ask for your password when you return.09:21
seanhtomreyn: No, it's not that it locked the screen and asked for my password. It logged me out: desktop session ended, all apps closed. It looks as if something (the display manager, the desktop, ...?) crashed. But I'm just trying to find a clue as to what happened09:22
tomreynsilver_hook: there is yakyak https://github.com/yakyak/yakyak/releases09:24
tomreynsilver_hook: it is probably too new to have made it into ubuntu, though.09:25
silver_hooktomreyn: That’s what I noticed as well. There’s also Rambox, but that’s just an Electron wrapper.09:25
tomreynseanh: oh, got you wrong there. check "dmesg -T" and /var/log/Xorg.*.log then09:26
bugzbunnyI understand the problem09:27
bugzbunnyWhat should be stored in memory09:27
seanhtomreyn bugzbunny There's a "Fatal server error" from gdm-x-session in /var/log/syslog.1 while it was waking from suspend09:27
bugzbunnyAnd when you resume, you got a fresh screen09:27
bugzbunnyI understand09:27
bugzbunnyWell, if you understand how suspend and resume work09:28
tomreynseanh: which ubuntu release is this?09:28
quintSo I just replaced the TLS certificate on my webdav server, and verified it to be valid using 3 web browsers. Thunar complains that the certificate is not valid.09:29
seanhHere's a section of syslog.1 where "fatal server error" occurs: https://pastebin.com/ccS5pwSi09:29
seanhtomreyn: It's 17.1009:29
roscokernel totally hangs my ubuntu 16.04 lts desktop.09:30
bugzbunnytomreyn: I don't use laptops09:31
bugzbunnyseanh: I have NO idea09:31
roscoit's a bit scary, I'm in the process of migrating my desktops from fedora to ubuntu, but so far fedora is more stable. I expected the opposite.09:31
tomreynseanh: if the syslog you posted to https://pastebin.com/DgfXRuu7  is correct then your system also shutoff unexpectedly at or around Apr  2 12:01:12 (your system time zone)09:32
Ak1raHi, I want to install Burst wallet, the url is this: https://www.burst-coin.org/download-wallet  which leads to   http://package.cryptoguru.org/  is there is any way to check that there is no malware in these packages? Thank you!09:33
seanhtomreyn: I don't recall anything failing at that time09:33
bugzbunnyAk1ra: Why do you want to install it?09:33
Ak1rato have a local wallet and mine the coin in my computer09:34
bugzbunnyAk1ra: Figures09:34
seanhtomreyn: The root partition ran out of disk space yesterday, that may be what the errors at around noon are from. It gave me some full partition errors but didn't crash. I freed up some space yesterday so it's not full anymore.09:35
bugzbunnyAk1ra: Just install it, what is the problem exactly?09:35
tomreynseanh: ah, okay. it's usually a good idea to reboot if htis happens (after recovering disk space).09:35
Ak1rabugzbunny I want to check for malware before do it. It looks a mature project but anyway it needs root permission09:35
tomreynseanh: i assume this explains the ecryptfs errors as well09:36
bugzbunnyAk1ra: I am sorry, this is not Ubuntu problem09:36
seanhtomreyn: I would guess so yes09:36
tomreynseanh: it doesn't immediately explain why X crashed, but apport will have catched this happening and probably already submitted a bug report for you.09:37
NetmageDoes anyone know a picture image viewer that shows only images I selected before and not the whole images in the directory ?09:37
seanhtomreyn: Would there be an apport log file somewhere where I can see what it caught?09:37
Ak1rabugzbunny So there is no way to check a package for viruses before install?09:37
NetmageWhen I select 100 pictures and open it with the default image viewer, ubuntu open 100 separate image viewer windows09:38
seanh /var/log/apport.log is empty09:38
bugzbunnyAk1ra: Reliable way, no09:38
Ak1rabugzbunny Ok I will try windows version with wine which doesn't require root. Thank you! :)09:38
bugzbunnyAk1ra: Look who developer the program09:39
tomreynAk1ra: noramlly, the best way is to review the source code, but this is often not an option. so, if you prefer nto to immediately trust the authors, you could just run it in a VM or container (such as lxd).09:39
silver_hooktomreyn: YakYak seems to only support legacy chat (not the newer groups), so that doesn’t work for me. Thanks anyway :)09:39
Ak1raOk I will check it, thank you! :)09:39
tomreynsilver_hook: oh, sorry then i don't know. :-/09:40
bugzbunnyAk1ra: This is the begining09:40
silver_hooktomreyn: No problem. Thanks for your help regardless :)09:40
bugzbunnyAk1ra: You need to do you own research09:40
tomreynseanh: /var/log/apport.log09:40
seanhtomreyn: that file is empty unfortunately09:41
Ak1rabugzbunny It looks a mature project, several years old crypto, it exists in exchanges ... but not so popular to trust it like Bitcoin Core :)09:41
tomreynseanh: probably because your disk ran full ;-)09:41
seanhBy the time I suspended it last night, the disk was no longer full, though09:41
seanhBut okay, I think I'm just gonna forget about this one, and will try to investigate again the next time it crashes09:42
tomreynseanh: if you'd liek to prevent such situations in the future, have /home on a separate file system (and maybe /var as well)09:42
bugzbunnyAk1ra: USE it at you own risk09:42
hanabishiHello everyone09:42
bugzbunnytomreyn: You are misspelling09:43
bugzbunnytomreyn: You angry\09:43
tomreynbugzbunny: i'm doing fine, thanks.09:43
bugzbunnytomreyn: what is liek?09:43
tomreynbugzbunny: that's me misspelling "like"09:44
bugzbunnyI am not a grammar person09:44
bugzbunnyI just saw that09:44
bugzbunnytomreyn: You in #ubuntu-offtopic?09:45
bugzbunnytomreyn: I want to ask you a question?09:45
tomreynbugzbunny: i am. the easiest way to find out would have been to join the channel and check who's there. ;-)09:46
tomreynNetmage: maybe shotwell does what you're looking for09:49
bipulHello, I am unable to install Postgresql, on my Ubuntu. I am getting this message https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5bQZ8vwDdH/10:10
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newtolinuxhello, is it a bad idea to chown my www dir to my primary dev account? (i have the root account locked down and primarly use the dev account)10:12
tomreynbipul: hi. which ubuntu release is this (lsb_release -ds), what's the output of: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:13
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tomreynnewtolinux: it may be a better idea to add your dev account to the www group.10:14
bipultomreyn, Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS10:14
newtolinuxhow would I do that?10:14
bipultomreyn, Please find the data https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QG56TJdpJv/10:15
ikonia!info postgresql10:16
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (184ubuntu1.1)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.6+184ubuntu1.1 (artful), package size 5 kB, installed size 61 kB10:16
ikonia!info postgresql xenial10:17
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (173ubuntu0.1)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.5+173ubuntu0.1 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 58 kB10:17
tomreynbipul: have you stored postgresql databases on this system or made any postgresql configuration changes, yet?10:17
ikoniabipul: where did you get 9.6 for 16.0410:17
ikonia!info postgresql-9.5 xenial10:17
ubottupostgresql-9.5 (source: postgresql-9.5): object-relational SQL database, version 9.5 server. In component main, is optional. Version 9.5.12-0ubuntu0.16.04 (xenial), package size 2989 kB, installed size 12224 kB10:17
ikonia!info postgresql-9.6 xenial10:17
ubottuPackage postgresql-9.6 does not exist in xenial10:17
tomreynnewtolinux: sudo adduser developeraccount www10:18
newtolinuxthank you tomreyn, do i have to do this from root or can i just sudo it from the dev account?10:18
bugzbunnynewtolinux: Do know the User system work10:19
tomreynnewtolinux: i suspect your use case is that you have a (humans') user account, the "developer account" which does several things on this computer, and one of them is that it places files in locations the webserver will make accessible via https(s)?10:19
bugzbunnynewtolinux: You know that root has UID 0?10:19
newtolinuxpretty much yes10:20
newtolinux@ tomreyn:10:20
tomreynnewtolinux: whom are you responding to there?10:20
tomreynthanks :)10:20
bipulikonia, At Ubuntu 16.04.2 repository.10:21
tomreynnewtolinux: do you run web application son the web server? do you have it run as differen tuser accounts?10:21
tomreyn*web applications_on*10:21
newtolinuxtomreyn: there is no applications as of yet, i simply want to be able to access my www dir as i want10:22
newtolinuxwindowsrefugee btw hehe10:22
bipultomreyn, I was just trying to install postgresql via "sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib" And found database was not found.10:22
bipulAlso it was throwing an error message while installing, which i had share with you in link.10:23
bugzbunnynewtolinux: what web software are you using?10:24
newtolinuxbugzbunny: sorry, what do you mean when you say web software10:24
tomreynnewtolinux: you did not hide this well enough. ;-) what currently feels annoying, the user / group restrictions, actually are an integral part of the linux user space security model, and it's unfortunately mandatory to understand it well to be able to make wise choices and not expose the entire contents of your server (including passwords etc.) to the wrold. so i recommend studying it a little.10:25
tomreynnewtolinux: back to your original question: i assume your developer account has the permission to run "sudo". if so, the 'adduser' command i provided above will suffice to make the change.10:25
bugzbunny06:21 < tomreyn> newtolinux: do you run web application son the web server? do you have it run as differen tuser accounts?10:25
tomreynbipul: can you show the output of these commands, please: sudo apt update; apt-cache policy10:26
newtolinuxtomreyn: i do understand that, i mainly do work with security sensitive information on the windows side so it's not foreign but making the transition it takes time to understand the depth of how linux does things10:27
bugzbunnynewtolinux: We want to help10:27
bugzbunnynewtolinux: We not enemies10:27
bugzbunnynewtolinux: The more information you give10:28
bugzbunnyThe better we can help10:28
newtolinuxtomreyn: yeah, it has sudo :)10:28
tomreynnewtolinux: of course, this will take a while. and besides reading up on it, training is the best way to learn indeed.10:28
newtolinuxbugzbunny: sorry you have me confused, i think there's a language barrier here10:28
bugzbunnyI was reading10:28
bugzbunnyYou are being bit asshole10:29
bugzbunnyYes, you were, I was reading10:29
tomreynbugzbunny: i don't think so, also please mind those words.10:29
bugzbunnyBut I think we try to help each other10:29
bipultomreyn, Yes, but could i know what you wants to see in policy?10:29
bugzbunnytomreyn: Difference of opinion10:30
tomreynbipul: i'm trying to understand which software you use.10:30
newtolinuxbugzbunny: please enlighten me on how i was a bit of an asshole?10:30
shivam_hi guys10:31
newtolinuxtomreyn: thanks for the help, by the way10:31
bipulOkay, And what about the output of this sudo dpkg --configure -a ? which was here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QG56TJdpJv/ Do i know what you were looking inside it?10:31
shivam_had a small doubt10:31
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shivam_how do you create a seperate chatroom for a person with a differnt IP on a different network10:32
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YounderWhat is the release date for Ubuntu 18.04?10:33
tomreynnewtolinux: welcome. maybe have a look at this for starters https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:33
newtolinuxtomreyn: since you are more versed, what do you suggest to read upon besides user groups? i've covered the basics with password disabled groups, ssh keys and fail2ban yada yada10:33
bipultomreyn, Please find it here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W9wNHwCChT/10:33
shivam_hey can anybody help10:34
newtolinuxthanks, got that covered too :)10:34
shivam_ how do you create a seperate chatroom for a person with a differnt IP on a different network10:34
newtolinuxwell, atleast in theory i do, lmao10:34
tomreynnewtolinux: try to restrict ssh to just key authentication, disabling password authentication, then you basically dont need fail2ban since brute forcing accounts is much less of an issue.10:35
newtolinuxtomreyn: done that too, changed the ports of ssh as well10:35
albrechtnewtolinux: one book I might suggest is the Debian Administrators Handbook (it's not Ubuntu, but Ubuntu is based off Debian) - You can find it for free online10:35
guivercshivam_, i don't see a Ubuntu support question in what you ask, maybe #freenode is more appropriate for your question10:36
tomreynnewtolinux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/security.html10:36
shivam_ok thanks guiverc10:36
newtolinuxtomreyn: thanks, that looks juicy10:36
tomreynnewtolinux: i'd second albrecht there, too10:36
newtolinuxalbrecht: i'll have a look, thanks too10:37
tomreynbipul: okay, this looks fine. i suggest we try to purge postgresql, then solve the existing dpkg configuration issues and then you install all the pending updates and security fixes.10:38
bipultomreyn, You mean i should reinstall Postgresql?10:38
tomreynbipul: you are two minor releases behind on security patches, currently ubuntu 16.04 is at 16.04.410:39
bipulOkay, then i guess i need to update one more time.10:39
tomreynbipul: i'll try to guide you: sudo dpkg --purge postgresql-9.5 postgresql-common10:40
albrechtbipul: you need to purge postgresql and fix your dependency issues first10:40
bipultomreyn, Thank you. Now i understood where is the problem.10:40
newtolinuxhmm it appears that I do not have a www group10:40
tomreynnewtolinux: www-data usually10:40
tomreynnewtolinux: this is what a webserver usually runs as (after dropping permissions)10:41
newtolinuxisn't var/www/ usually set to www by default10:41
bipulalbrecht, Dependency issue of Postgresql ?10:41
tomreynnewtolinux: not on debian derivatives (such as ubuntu), there it's www-data by default10:41
newtolinuxso it would be sudo adduser devacc www-data?10:42
tomreynbipul: i think albrecht is referring to https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QG56TJdpJv/ where configurations fail to be applied, causing other packes not to configure (and thus install) properly10:42
tomreynnewtolinux: correct10:42
newtolinuxlooking at the directory group of my www it's set to root[0] as group10:42
newtolinuxthat's what has me confused now10:43
tomreynnewtolinux: hmm actually you're right and i'm wrong.10:43
bipultomreyn, Do you mind to share which package is making obstacle for other package to get install?10:44
newtolinuxon ubuntu, the command 'groups' lists all the existing groups? correct?10:45
newtolinuxor is that only the ones existing for the specific account that executed the cmd10:46
tomreynnewtolinux: yes, "groups" lists all groups the executing user is part of.10:46
newtolinuxdoesn't seem like www is a group10:46
newtolinuxor www-data10:46
tomreynnewtolinux: you can provide another user as an argument, e.g. "groups www-data"10:47
tomreynnewtolinux: do you have a webserver installed already?10:47
newtolinuxyeah, running apache210:47
tomreynhmm i eexpected this to provide the www-data user.10:47
newtolinuxafaik it should10:47
tomreyngetent groups | grep www10:47
tomreyngetent group | grep www10:48
tomreyn^ typo fixed10:48
newtolinuxdoes exist10:48
tomreynso this gourp does exist10:48
newtolinuxweird that root would not be assigned to it10:48
tomreynnot at all. root is only part of the root group, and it should remain this way.10:49
newtolinuxor perhaps root will just list root, as it's superior10:49
tomreynusually you also don't add other users to the "root" group10:50
tomreynyou want to have a proper seperation between this superior user and less powerful users, thats why10:50
newtolinuxyeah, i think i just misunderstood it10:50
newtolinuxi tought it would list all additional groups outside of root10:51
bipul!info sysstat10:51
ubottusysstat (source: sysstat): system performance tools for Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5.7-1ubuntu2 (artful), package size 298 kB, installed size 1224 kB10:51
tomreyn"it" being?10:51
newtolinuxwhen you ran groups cmd, i tought it would list additional groups beside root10:52
newtolinuxex root, www-data, foobar10:52
tomreynbipul: the root cause seems to be "post-installation script returned error exit status 10" for packages sysstat and postgresql-common10:53
bipulYes, i think the problem is here status half-configured sysstat:amd64 11.2.0-1ubuntu0.10:53
tomreynbipul: do you mind loosing the existing systat history? if not: sudo dpkg --purge sysstat; sudo dpkg --configure  -a; sudo apt -f install10:55
tomreynnewtolinux: oh okay. no it does not.10:55
bipulNah, i don't mind. Since it's not a production server.10:55
tomreynnewtolinux: just those of the current user.10:55
tomreynnewtolinux: are you into man pages, yet?10:55
tomreynbipul: alright, then give those commands a try, and please post their output10:56
newtolinuxtomreyn: have a few tabs open or do you mean in the terminal? also still struggling with permissions even after adding it to www-data10:57
tomreynnewtolinux: in the temrinal10:57
tomreynnewtolinux: about the permissions struggle, can you tell more about what you'Re trying to achieve?10:57
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newtolinuxtomreyn: not sure if it tells you much but to simplify my work i'm using winscp on the windows side, however i'm not able to do anything with the www dir, i'm thinking it's either a group issue or simply because i have to enforce sudo on the winscp commands somehow10:59
tomreynnewtolinux: a common use case is to have a users' files automatically exposed to the web. you could create a subdirectory /home/devuser/web and have this setup as a directory the webserver can access.10:59
Guest14727How can I hide traditional .deb packages from 18.04 gnome software center and see only flatpak?11:00
tomreynnewtolinux: you should probbaly try to keep the files in the users' directory (and have them read yb the webserver from there) and just ignore /var/www then11:00
tomreynnewtolinux: that'S unless the plan is to work on these files with multiple users?11:00
igromHi #ubuntu. I have a xorg.conf/libinput/libwacom problem - am ignorant enough not to be able to scope it down. (cont.)11:01
newtolinuxtomreyn: as it looks right now for educational purpose it follows as var/www/html/example.com/public_html/11:01
newtolinuxif i understand you right that's what you mean with a a non root www configuration11:02
igromI have an HP Spectre X360, which has a touchscreen and an alloted stylus (see [1]). I have recently begun to use the stylus. The movement is tracked perfectly when the pen touches the screen, but when hovering, there is a 5mm dead zone around the cursor. If I move the pen within it, the cursor won't budge. [1] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gkRgGZJ3Kb/11:04
newtolinuxexample.com being a vhost but i think you know that11:04
tomreynnewtolinux: you can use this directory structure. but if you'll be the only web developer pushing updates to this system your life will be easier if you just reconfigure the webserver in terms of adding a new virtualhost with a document root pointing to a subdirectory of your home directory. i .e. DocumentRoot /home/devuser/web11:05
igromI am trying to make X load the wacom driver for the pen by fiddling with xorg.conf11:05
igromaccording to this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux/comments/3mu28a/sp3_pen_tip_button_working/11:05
igromit's for a different pen/laptop, but another resource reported that it works for what I have.11:05
tomreynnewtolinux: or "DocumentRoot /home/devuser/html/example.com/public_html" if you prefer11:05
igromNow, I have the following files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TWbc2zrSwK/11:06
igrom39-wacom.conf was 70.wacom before. I moved it.11:06
newtolinuxtomreyn: to change this, do i simply point the vhost to said directory?11:07
igromContents of 39-wacom.conf [1] and 40-libinput.conf [2]. [1] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4gZcpMfwgW/ [2] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wQD7WpGj3J/11:07
igromMy first question is: is /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf the right place to make my changes to xorg.conf?11:08
tomreynnewtolinux: this way, you'll only need to upload files to that directory and they'll already be owned by your devuser. you can then make those files either world readable, so by anyone on the system, or, better, group readable and ensure the webserver can access these files (by adding ot to your devuiser gruop)11:08
tomreynnewtolinux: you'd porint the DocumentRoot of the vhriotualhost to this directory, yes.11:08
tomreynvhriotualhost -> VirtualHost11:09
bipultomreyn, please find it. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8kM488m6qD/ I think i need to learn how to handle repository.11:09
tomreyntypo mayhem11:09
newtolinuxtomreyn: seems simple enough, would save some headache11:09
bipulSpecially APT repository.11:09
newtolinuxtomreyn: i'll get on it, thanks a heap for your help11:09
tomreynbipul: that'S the output of the last command i recommended to run only. did you run the other ones as well?11:10
tomreynnewtolinux: welcome. and don't forget to undo the group memebership of devuser in www-data if you'll take the approach we last discussed. to remove devuser off the www-data group, you'd do: sudo deluser devuser www-data11:12
BluesKajHi folks11:13
tomreynnewtolinux: oh and what i emant to say about man pages: install the "man-db" package (sudo apt update; sudo apt install man-db), then you can run "man group" (quit by pressing 'q') or man anything to get help on commands.11:14
tomreynbipul: can you show their output, too, then? you can run them again, if needed.11:14
bipulI am sorry i have closed the terminal. Also after that i try to reinstall sysstat package11:16
newtolinuxtomreyn: thanks11:16
bipulIf you wants me to do it again, then i can go for it.11:17
vadiI'm planning to move an encrypted SSD from one laptop to another - would the hardware change matter to the encryption? Will the same password I use now work?11:17
tomreynbipul: only if you want me to help you solve the problem11:19
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bipulThen let me do it again.11:20
tomreynvadi: encrypted how?11:20
Guest34025join #sex11:21
tomreynvadi: there are drive layer  (hardware / firmware), block device layer (such as dmcrypt-LUKS) and file system layer (such as ecryptfs, zfs, ext4) encryptions.11:23
bipultomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VgVnFCS3x2/ Please find the link.11:23
bugzbunnynewtolinux: I had computer issue11:24
* bugzbunny is reading11:24
vaditomreyn: I have no idea. I setup encryption when installing Ubuntu, so whatever that uses11:24
tomreynbipul: okay, moving further: sudo dpkg --purge unattended-upgrades postgresql-9.5 postgresql-contrib-9.5 postgresql-contrib postgresql11:28
bipulWhat this command is for? and what will it do?11:29
tomreynvadi: it offers both full disk encryption using dm-crypt-luks (which then also requires you to use lvm) as well as home directory encryption ("encrypt my home directory") using ecryptfs.11:29
bipulAnd i see the next problem is with grub-pc11:30
rmooreAre there any Ubuntu apps for remotely running security sweeps on networked machines?11:30
tomreynbipul: you currently have packages which are not properly installed, breaking apt and thus any further package installations and removals using apt. these commands try to delete the packages with broken configurations in an attempt to restore apt functionality.11:30
bugzbunnytomreyn: I have a smile in my face11:31
* bugzbunny steps out11:31
tomreynbipul: correct, grub-pc is also listed. i chose not to recommend to purge grub-pc just yet since it would make your computer unbootable.11:31
bipultomreyn, exactly, from sysstat now it becomes grub-pc11:32
francisvHello.  I need to re-order and delete some pages in PDF files.  Neither Evince nor Okular has such functionality.  Preview in macOS has this functionality.  Can someone here recommend me a PDF reader with such functionality?  Thank you.11:32
bipulWhich is the matter concern, anyway after executing your given command, i got this dpkg: error processing package postgresql-9.5 (--purge):11:33
tomreynbipul: i will need the entire output if you'd like more assistence with this matter.11:34
tomreynbipul: the matter is that your ubuntu installation is currently effectively broken.11:34
vaditomreyn: the home directory, I think.11:35
tomreynyou cannot install (or have installed) security updates, you cannot install or remove packages normally11:35
bipultomreyn, here it's https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TyRMqgcFK9/11:36
tomreynvadi: with both types of software encryption (those two you can choose form the ubuntu installer), your ability to decrypt the data will not be lost when moving the storage (SSD) to a different computer. you may need to apply configuration changes on the OS running on the destination system, however.11:37
vadigreat, thanks11:38
tomreynbipul: this system is in a very broken state, probably beyond repair. i recommend a reinstall.11:39
Pinguinremember to back up EVERYTHING before reinstall11:40
bipultomreyn, Do you know the reason? what makes a system broken?11:40
tomreynPinguin: thanks for pointing this out, good point.11:41
PinguinI recommend backing up the who /home directory as well as /etc for system configs11:41
bipulPinguin, And key as well.11:41
tomreynbipul: there are many possible reasons. usually, you would know that something went bad. some possible reasons: failed ubuntu upgrade (usually due to 3rd party software), broken disks and broken file systems.11:42
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bipultomreyn, Thank you very much.11:43
tomreynbipul: welcome. will do you it?11:44
bipulYes i can do.11:45
tomreynbipul: i recommend you use the latest ubuntu 16.04 installer image.11:45
oneirosFadeHello, all. Steam will start, and download/install games, but the games don't start. Trying them from console doesn't appear to provide anything enlightening.11:46
tomreyn(after backing up the data, of course).11:46
igromI repeat my question. I have an issue with configuring a stylus on 17.10. I am using Wacom's driver. The pen's position is spot-on when applying pressure, but when hovering, there is a 5mm dead zone around the cursor. Moving the pen within it will not move the cursor. Can #ubuntu help me with this?11:46
bipulMy internet connectivity is very slow. But let me try to download 16.04.411:47
Pinguinigrom: sounds like something configurable, have you checked the docs?11:47
tomreynbipul: you can do it overnight. there are also torrents if you prefer.11:47
Pinguinbipul: I recommend downloading via the torrent11:47
bugzbunnyigrom: No idea11:50
bugzbunnyigrom: Have you gone to askubunut?11:50
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LfourI'm using XChat-gnome, how do I "connect" to " irc.sdf.org"?11:53
igromPinguin: I have waded through `man wacom`11:53
igrombugzbunny: I have scoured the Internet for pointers. I haven't looked there explicitly. I'll try that.11:54
ioriaLfour, not on topic, but why don't you use hexchat or xchat (reborn on 17.10) ?11:54
LfourBecause I don't know how to connect to those.11:55
tomreyn!info pdfmod | francisv11:55
ubottufrancisv: pdfmod (source: pdfmod): simple tool for modifying PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-8 (artful), package size 452 kB, installed size 1823 kB11:55
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ioriaLfour, XChat -> Network List -> Add11:56
bugzbunnyigrom: If I have a clue, I would help11:56
bugzbunnyNo idea11:56
bugzbunnyigrom: let me read again11:57
bugzbunny07:46 < igrom> I repeat my question. I have an issue with configuring a stylus on 17.10. I am using Wacom's driver. The pen's position is spot-on when  applying pressure, but when hovering, there is a 5mm dead zone around the cursor. Moving the pen within it will not move the cursor. Can  #ubuntu help me with this?11:58
bugzbunnytomreyn: I am thinking touch screen, it's better at ms12:01
tomreyni don't think this is the place to recommend installinf windows as a solution to issues.12:01
bugzbunnyI agree12:01
R13oseMy issue is annoying12:02
tomreynR13ose: still the + character?12:03
R13osetomreyn: I didn't test today but most likely12:03
tomreynR13ose: so that's the issue that's annoying you, i assume?12:03
R13osetomreyn: yep12:03
tomreyni'm afraid i do not know what to do about it.12:04
bugzbunnyWhat's the solution?12:04
bugzbunnyTouch screen?12:05
igrombugzbunny: I have searched for the most likely keywords on #askubuntu to no avail. I will later browse through all the questions.12:05
ShishKababI've just installed Kubuntu 17.10 on my ASUS VivoBook Pro 15 N580VN and noticed my touchpad not working. It did work for a few seconds, but now it doesn't even show in xinput. Any way to debug this?12:06
R13osetomreyn: have you seen tj around?12:06
igromShishKabab: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:06
tomreynR13ose: try /whois, it may say when he was last active.12:06
igromIt's a shame, because the pen is ingenious, so is mypaint. It's only when I lift it up a bit does the lag. When I press again, there is an interpolation between the two positions and a superfluous line is added.12:07
bugzbunnyigrom: If I use it.. I will help out12:07
R13osetomreyn: I am not sure it can say if offline, right?12:07
oneirosFadeHello, all. Steam will start, and download/install games, but the games don't start. Trying them from console doesn't appear to provide anything enlightening. Any help would be appreciated.12:07
bugzbunnyigrom: I would definitely share my experience12:08
igrombugzbunny: I know, I know.12:08
PinguinoneirosFade: post all logs12:09
tomreynR13ose: not when offline no. use "/msg nickserv info <nickname>" then12:09
ShishKababigrom: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vpcmHfcnGh/12:11
R13osetomreyn: says last seen 0 weeks ago12:12
tomreynR13ose: that's not too long ago, so chances are he'll be on again soon, i guess. ;-)12:12
oneirosFade...all logs of what?12:12
R13osetomreyn: hahaha12:13
tomreynR13ose: i'm afraid i know no more than you do (or the IRC network does) there. so just wait, and maybe configure your IRC client for a notice when he comes online.12:15
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fSharphello, my encrypted luks partition rejects my correct password. after having tried all sorts of things to find the reason and open it, I can only reduce it down to two causes; 1. clipboard pasted the password incomplete (I saw that it happened with pasted passwords on gedit) 2. gnome disks on ubuntu 17.10. errorenously created the encrypted partition. have you had such experiences with these?12:16
francisv tomreyn: thanks for the suggestion.12:16
ShishKababigrom: It did work for a bit at first, but not anymore. Also not on the LiveCD. Maybe worth mentioning that when it did work, it worked on and off.12:16
ShishKababIt does work in the BIOS though.12:17
tomreynShishKabab: there's nothing special on this log. I don't have experience with touchpad debugging but there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad in case it helps12:17
bugzbunnytomreyn: :)12:17
tomreynfrancisv: welcome ;-)12:18
igrombugzbunny: https://i.imgur.com/w1nz1El.jpg12:18
ShishKababtomreyn: Just came across the touchpad detection debugging. Doesn't even show up in the /proc/bus/input/devices , so it must be something serious.12:18
bugzbunnyI am sorry, I can't help you igrom12:18
tomreynfSharp: i don't understand what you mean by "gnome disks on ubuntu 17.10. errorenously created the encrypted partition"12:19
bugzbunnyI don't have knowledge to help12:19
ioriaShishKabab, maybe it wont solve the issue, but i'd start upgrading the system ; sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and reboot12:19
igromI know, that's why I left you a note there.12:19
fSharptomreyn, I mean just what I've written12:20
bugzbunnyigrom: I hope you stop12:20
tomreynfSharp: i'm not aware of a general issue with full disk encryption in 17.10, but i'm not aware of that much ;-) did you try a web search to see whether it's a generic issue?12:20
bugzbunnyI was reading but I feel like igrom is monitoring me?12:22
tomreynShishKabab: i'm not sure whether this connects to the usb, but you could try for yourself whether it's listed there: lsusb; and if it is, you can run lsusb -vv to get more information on its signalling and power supply/draw. (there may be a page on usb debugging as well)12:22
fSharptomreyn, no, but generally I know gnome disks has had issues12:23
tomreynfSharp: so, i'm just trying to understand: one of your attempts to explain that there is a dmcrypt-luks encrypted device which you do not have the correct passphrase for is that gnome disks (why this software specifically?) erroneously created a partition that is encrypted?12:24
fSharptomreyn, sorry, for your question about web search, yes, I did a bit, but not find really cases of this kind12:24
fSharptomreyn, if you read my first post, I've written I have the correct passphrase12:25
bugzbunnyIt's open source12:25
bugzbunnyWhat software12:25
bugzbunnyfSharp: What is not working?12:26
tomreynfSharp: i understand that you have a correct passphrase, but that there is an encrypted block device which you cannot decrypt using your passphrase.12:26
donofriois 18.04 released as of yet?12:27
tomreyndonofrio: april 2712:27
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | donofrio12:27
ubottudonofrio: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:27
donofriok, tnx12:27
donofrio(I'm in that channel already have been for months lol)12:27
donofriowhen is 17.04 out of support?12:28
tomreyndonofrio: so you'll know where to ask next time12:28
JimBuntudonofrio, short answer: not yet :-(12:28
tomreyn!17.04 | donofrio12:28
ubottudonofrio: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html12:28
fSharpcorrect passphrase does not decrypt my partition12:28
bugzbunnyI was noob12:28
bugzbunnyIt took years12:28
tomreynfSharp: okay, i understand so much. i just don't understand how gnome.disk could have caused this. but we don't need to clarify this further unless oyu intend to.12:29
tomreynfSharp: i guess i'm wondering whether you recently used gnome-disk to carry out changes which you assume might have caused this.12:30
tomreynfSharp: i see. do you want to provide more details?12:31
fSharptomreyn, yes, I'd like to know whether gnome disks or the copy-paste clipboard caused this.12:34
bugzbunnyfSharp: We here to help12:34
bugzbunnyWe not enemies12:34
bugzbunnyThe more information you give the better12:35
fSharpwhat do you need?12:35
tomreynfSharp: so what did you do using gnome-disks?12:35
fSharpinserted 1st usb drive, mounted it, inserted 2nd drive, created luks partition, copied the files12:36
tomreynfSharp: hmm, as long as you operated on other drives, i would not expect it to have impacted your OS installation which (in my understanding) resides on a different storage device.12:37
bugzbunnyfSharp: You need to learn how to partinion disk12:38
bugzbunnyfSharp: Learning it12:38
bugzbunnyfSharp: If you are confused, ask!12:38
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bugzbunnytomreyn: What guide for Ubuntun?12:39
tomreynbugzbunny: sorry?12:40
fSharpI am here to get a clue on what happened. I know how to do it via CLI. it doesnt mean I should expect a program to bork a partition.12:40
bugzbunnytomreyn: Partition12:40
bugzbunnytomreyn: I'd like to see soem Ubuntun explain disck partitioning12:41
tomreynfSharp: yes, you should not (unless you instructed it to, but i doubt you did or meant to if you have the knowlöedge to do it on the CLI)12:41
tomreynfSharp: i'm afraid i can not provide more insight into what may have created the situation you have now. i assume you have been adivsed (and probably already knew) that it's mandatory to have current, complete, and restorable backups before doing any kind of storage layer modifications.12:43
fSharpthanks, next please!12:43
tomreynbugzbunny: i would have to search the web to find one, is this somethign you can do, too?12:43
fSharpjust have some experience with problem solving before you volunteer!12:43
tomreynfSharp: i do have some, but the issue you're discussing is, as far as we can tell at this point, rather non-specific and singular. (and i'm not saying this to indicate it doesn't exist, 17.10 has had and still has plenty of bugs).12:45
fSharpif you cannot solve it, that's fine!12:45
clincksHi all, I’m running a VMWare on a laptop with several ubuntu virtual servers. Virtual Machine Network are configured has “bridget”.  I need that the virtual servers are accessible from the outside world. I jump with my laptop from one DHCP environment to another (typically by different customers). How should I configure my Ubuntu servers to be able to intercommunicate and being accessible? I was thinking about a12:45
clincks DynDns solution… but if I’m not connected to internet… this won’t work. Thanks for your help.12:45
tomreynright :)12:46
fSharpnow I hope someone can get my question from the very first post I made, and proceed relevantly12:47
tomreynclincks: a connect back scenario might work. it's not technically / architecturally ideal, though. it is usually best / easier to run servers with fixed addressing (at a fixed location)12:49
BillD73clincks: I use No-IP12:49
tomreynclincks: these networks you connect your computer to may also not appreciate (and take measures trying to prevent) you making services available to the outside from your system.12:50
bugzbunnytomreyn: k12:50
tomreynclincks: the architectual part of this is more a question for ##networking, i guess.12:51
bugzbunnyI don't find reading that I can help12:52
bugzbunnyI like heling in my timezone12:53
tomreyndonofrio: did you spot ubottus' response to your 17.04 question?13:03
tomreynjust amking sure you're aware it's EOL13:04
bugzbunnyI was going for walk13:05
bugzbunnyI pust money into it13:06
tomreyn!ot | bugzbunny13:06
ubottubugzbunny: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:06
tomreynoneirosFade: still issues with steam?13:07
bugzbunnytomreyn: I actually disgree13:07
oneirosFadetomreyn: Yeah13:10
testerhow can i set the default editor for just git to be vim, and for everythign else to be nano?13:12
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tomreyntester: how do you run start the editor for git?13:22
tomreynoneirosFade: for one of the (more mature, assumed to usually work properly) games which do not work, you can add this in properties -> general (tab) -> launch options: >/tmp/log 2>&113:24
tomreynoneirosFade: this will ensure that console output of this very game is written to /tmp/log while you start it13:25
oneirosFadetomreyn: Ok, done. Pastebin I expect?13:26
tomreynoneirosFade: yes, we can try. it's kind of OT here, but since it's rather calm here, let's look into it.13:26
tomreyntester: how do you edit files with git? how do you spawn the editor?13:27
oneirosFadeI'd take it to the Steam chan, but they're locked.13:29
tomreynoneirosFade: there's #ubuntu-steam13:31
oneirosFadeOk, I can take this there if it's best to do so13:31
tomreynpersonally i have no preference, just wanted to tell you13:32
tomreynlines 1 and 2 are "normal", this is steam not caring about logic.13:33
tomreyn"X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" is a problem which is most likely the cause of your games not starting13:33
tomreynoneirosFade: which ubuntu release is this (lsb_release -ds) and which graphics card do you have there (lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA)?13:35
tomreynoneirosFade: please also post what "glxinfo -B" returns13:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:36
tomreynhi grvoyt_13:37
grvoyt_can you help me)))13:37
tomreyn!ask | grvoyt_13:37
ubottugrvoyt_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:37
testertomreyn `git commit` for example13:37
testeror `git rebase -i`13:38
grvoyt_amd grafic drivers for ubuntu 17 1013:38
grvoyt_amd radeon R513:38
grvoyt_on off site only windows drivers, where i can find for ubuntu 17 1013:39
oneirosFadetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fpj4GMXFH3/ (all three commands together)13:39
bugzbunnygrandfso: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:5917] (rev 07)13:41
tomreyntester: git config --global core.editor /usr/bin/vim13:42
bugzbunnytomreyn: awersome13:43
bugzbunnyI actually speake13:44
tomreynoneirosFade: did you install intel drivers from 01.org directly?13:44
oneirosFadetomreyn: No13:44
bugzbunnyi APPRECIATE WAHT i READ13:45
tomreynoneirosFade: okay, i just never saw those device descriptions before, but that's fine then13:45
bugzbunnyhoW i FEEL13:45
oneirosFadeIt's from the System76 repo, likely13:45
tomreynoneirosFade: can you show the output of: sudo apt update; apt-cache policy13:46
bugzbunnyoneirosFade: I am sorry, what is the specific problem?13:47
oneirosFadetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hzHnHc8BZH/13:47
oneirosFadebugzbunny: Steam installs, runs, appears to install games. So far, no games actually launch.13:48
tomreynoneirosFade: thanks. also: apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri13:48
oneirosFadetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zggZq2yPZG/13:48
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pikapikaI was just seeing my downloads folder and I saw that the files have world permission of read-only. What is the reasoning behind this? Also should it be better for media, webpage, etc files to have rw world perms for a partiton that only stores "shared" files?13:49
oneirosFadeI have to go into a meeting in a minute, so I won't be able to read/respond for some time.13:49
bugzbunnytomreyn: I gat your back13:50
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pragmaticenigmapikapika, that is normal behavior for all folders13:51
pikapikaSo I should manually make the files into rw- for a shared partition?13:51
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pikapikaThe downloads folder I will let it be as it is13:52
tomreynoneirosFade: hmm, this seems to be farly standard. i can't seem to tell why it's happening for you but not others. how did you install steam?13:52
pikapikaI am talking about a non-os partition I just converted to ext4 to transfer wine folder to13:52
oneirosFadetomreyn: Just apt-get if I recall13:52
pikapikaCan it cause problems if video, audio, etc stored there is turned to rw world permissions?13:52
oneirosFadeMultiverse, yeah13:53
pikapikaNot touching the perms in wine folder of  course13:53
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: ?13:53
pikapikaI guess it shouldnt matter much unless I have a multiboot system13:54
bugzbunnytomreyn: I love what I read13:54
bugzbunnytomreyn: you have my13:55
bugzbunnytomreyn: if you not scared13:55
oneirosFadeBBIAB, tomreyn, thanks13:55
bugzbunnyIf you not scard13:56
pragmaticenigmapika pika... for a folder intended to be shared by multiple users, it would be better to change the group ownership of the folder and it's contents to a group that all users are a member of. Then change the group permissions to RW if they are not alerady set that way13:58
pragmaticenigmapikapika ^ ^13:58
pikapikaHm yes this sounds like a much better idea. Thank you!13:59
pragmaticenigmapikapika, Also, I'd read up on stickybits... which will help you set the folder permissions for new files to inherit the group setting14:00
pikapikaThanks, I will look into it14:00
tomreynoneirosFade: sorry, took me a while. i needed to learn again how to make steam not use some of its bundled libraries. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/4768 discusses this to a degree, also https://askubuntu.com/questions/614422/problem-with-installing-steam-on-ubuntu-15-04 in more detail14:00
tomreynoneirosFade: steam has this general issue that they try to be compatible to everything with a single steam release, whereas normally you'd provide separate packages specific to the target system (e.g. ubuntu 17.10 would get slightly different software packages with different dependencies than 16.04 normally).14:03
tomreynoneirosFade: so steam bundles some libraries which are an attempt to work with any linux distribution and version. this fails miserably overall, but sometimes works to a degree. a possible workaround is to remove / rename those bundles libraries which can also be provided (and in much better quality) by your OS. this is what these posts discuss, and there is a relevant chance that doing so will fix the mesa / X issue you're seeing.14:05
tomreynpikapika: and while you're at it, look into "umask" as well.14:11
bugzbunnytomreyn: right14:12
tomreynpikapika: generally i would not recommend making files world writable. even if this is not a multi user system you might copy them to another system which is, and then (maybe) everyone could access them.14:12
AranorTell ME someone how to get unity 7 to ubuntu 18.04 please14:22
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ducasseAranor: the channel for 18.04 support is #ubuntu+1 until release14:25
AranorI know but unity 7 is now more legacy then new14:26
ducasseAranor: still, that's the place to get support for 18.0414:27
AranorIn this time I have ubuntu 16.04 but next update is 18.04 LTS. I am little  nervous only14:29
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AranorThe actual problem in my case is that my unity dash sometimes shows only "no results" until reboot systém. Do you know ho to permanently fix ?14:36
oneirosFadetomreyn: Thanks again, will check that out14:43
oneirosFadeErr... Q#6144 is about a search tool though?14:44
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effortDeei just pressed a button and it made my browser full screen14:55
effortDeehow can i undo this?14:55
nicomachuseffortDee: F1114:55
Sven_vBis there a middle ground between encrypted home dir and full disk encryption? can I install Ubuntu with all my system partitions (/, /home, /tmp, /var/log) encrypted but have regular partitions behind them?14:55
nicomachusSven_vB: why tho14:56
Sven_vBnicomachus, I'd like to sync data to those partitions w/o unlocking the secret ones14:56
Sven_vBbooting another OS of course14:57
Sven_vBI'm planning on installing the encrypted Ubuntu to a USB memory drive, so it would be easy to plug it into another machine.14:58
albttxHEllo :) doing a chroot i not able to download `live-boot`, it's "not found", any idea ?15:00
albttxfound sorry ! sources.list error15:01
albttxmissing sources when i am bootsraping a new ubuntu15:01
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pocketsquiddieshey everyone15:06
pocketsquiddieshow is everyone doing15:06
tomreynoneirosFade: you must have cut off the url15:08
tomreynaskubuntu id 614422 if that's what you're referring to15:08
oneirosFadeAh, yep, my bad15:10
tomreynSven_vB: that's a standard full disk encryption (FDE) use case, i guess. although if it's a classic USB stick then this memory supports limited writes, and FDE is maybe not so suitable there.15:10
tomreynSven_vB: if it's rather storage cells like those of moden SSDs then this will be fine,15:11
tomreynSven_vB: just choose the full disk encryption option from the installer while installing to it.15:12
Sven_vBtomreyn, it's a largs (128 GB) USB thumb drive15:13
tomreyntomreyn: this usually suggests modern storage technology, but it's not really possible to tell for sure based on the storage capacity.15:13
Sven_vBtomreyn, will the FDE install encrypt just the partitions I select for install, and leave the other ones untouched?15:14
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tomreynSven_vB: guided partitioning with the FDE option will create two partitions: one for /boot, unencrypted, with a file system directly on it. and a second, where it will place a single encryption layer, make this an LVM PV, and create LVM LVs for the remaining file systems.15:16
tomreynSven_vB: whether or not your installation will replace existing partitions on the same storage device is a separate question asked early in the installation process.15:16
Sven_vBsounds like I should reorder partitions so they're /boot, then all my system partitions, then my data sync partitions; then verify the data sync partitions' data; then merge all system partitions into one big partition that will be replaced with the encryption container. right?15:18
Sven_vBs/sounds like/if I understand that correctly,/ :)15:20
tomreynSven_vB: i'm not sure which of these names refer to partitions which already exist or you are planning to manually create or have the installer create15:21
aarobcHello. So, on ubuntu 16.04 phpunit tests would run in about 20 seconds if I mounted with `nobarrier`. Updated to 18.04, and even with `nobarrier` tests still take around 4 minutes. Very obviously a disk i/o thing, because If I create a ram disk and run tests from there, they take only like 9 seconds.15:21
aarobcTried running from a xfs partition, they took around 3.5 mis. There's something screwed up with disk io on ubuntu :(15:21
aarobcSo, any ideas?15:22
Sven_vBtomreyn, I'll ask again when I have the actual list of partitions.15:22
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | aarobc15:22
ubottuaarobc: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:22
aarobctomreyn: kk thanks15:22
=== wodencafe is now known as WodenCafe
tomreynSven_vB: good plan. :) maybe put them on a pastebin or etherpad then, too.15:23
tomreynSven_vB: you can do manual partitioning using the installer, too, of you so desire. often it's more convenient to do it beforehand, though.15:23
Sven_vBtomreyn, will do. thanks for your help so far!15:23
elichai2I have multiple libstdc libraries installed. how can I check\select which  one it's using?15:24
Sven_vByeah I always partition upfront in gparted because it can show me partition labels, whereas Ubiquity expects me to deal with numbers15:24
tomreynelichai2: hopefully you don't. what makes you think you have multiple?15:25
elichai2I have multiple gcc/g++ versions that I switch between with update-alternatives15:26
tomreynelichai2: so you're referring to header files for development?15:26
elichai2what do you mean?15:27
tomreynelichai2: libstdc++6:amd64 and libstdc++6:i386 are the libc6 libraries which match your current system (for two different architectures in this multiarch system). you also have three different libstedc++*-dev packages installed, which are used to develop software.15:28
tomreynSven_vB: makes sense to me, ttyl.15:29
elichai2tomreyn: oh yeah, i'm sorry. I just have a linker error connected to glibc so I thought maybe it's the wront libstdc and I couldn't find how to check/change15:30
tomreynelichai2: i would think this depends much on the linker error you're getting and the compiler and linker you're using. ;-)=15:31
elichai2  /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libsecp256k1.a(libsecp256k1_la-secp256k1.o): undefined reference to symbol '__fprintf_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4'15:31
niozerotooHi there.15:32
niozerotooDoes anyone know of a replacement to the Windows program "DSpeech" for Ubuntu?15:33
niozerotooIt's a speech synthesis manager, you can enter text and switch voices by using different hashtags, I believe.15:33
tomreynelichai2: do you have libglib2.0-dev installed?15:33
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elichai2hmm by a quick search looks like no. only bin,data,and the regular package15:35
tomreynniozerotoo: i think espeak and festival and the most mature spech synthesis packages (but i may be missing others).15:36
akemI don't understand the auto-hide of the dock in Ubuntu 17.10, you have to move Windows out or resize them smaller to get it to displays :/ It would be much more usefull with few pixels border that will pop it up full when the mouse is over it, i mean usual autohide. :/15:37
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niozerotootomreyn: thank you. Are these engines or full softwares for writing scripts that are played ?15:37
tomreynelichai2: i'm not actually sure whether that's the cause, but it may be. "sudo apt install build-essential" if you'd like to build C/C++ software.15:38
elichai2tomreyn: tried to install it and recompile both libsecp256k1 and my app and same error15:38
elichai2btw, build-essential was already installed15:39
tomreynniozerotoo: engines, but there is software which builds on them, i just provided these engines as a starting point for your further investigation. ;-)15:39
tomreynelichai2: which ubuntu release are you runnning, and can you point me to the source code of the software you are trying to build?15:40
tomreynelichai2: run "lsb_release -ds" for the first answer15:41
elichai217.10, the thing is I'm trying to run it inside intel SGX Enclave15:41
tomreynelichai2: i have no experience with intel SGX Enclave, and i guess this is most likely outside of ubuntu support. you could try asking in #ubuntu-app-devel, though15:43
elichai2ok. I'll try doing that outside of the enclave. thanks anyway15:44
ShishireI have a server that's missing the adm group in /etc/group.  Which package installs/owns that group?15:51
tomreynShishire: i believe the installer puts these files in place. the templates are provided by base-passwd.15:56
tomreynShishire: which ubuntu release is this? lsb_release -ds15:57
tomreynShishire: how did you install it?15:57
nacctomreyn: yeah that sounds right15:57
ShishireI didn't install it, I inherited it.  I did find base-passwd, which gave me the info I needed to fix it15:57
ShishireOh, and 10.0415:58
tomreynShishire: you are funny15:58
tomreynokay, that's not eol yet15:58
ShishireUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS15:58
tomreynso i assume you found /usr/share/base-passwd/group.master15:58
ShishireSo, I've solved my problem, now I'm just left scratching my head wondering how the previous admin managed to delete adm15:59
tomreynstill, this user missing is weird enough to make me think you should reinstall it15:59
Shishirety :)15:59
ShishireYeah, well, production server.  Currently working on moving us to 16.0415:59
csbadheMy system is crashed and when I'm trying to install it from live CD I'm getting ['Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata' on log. I'm not able to run install from the CD. I've searched the problem on askubuntu people are advising to update bios but I don't have access to system for it.... I'm kinda struct in it.. Please help if anyone k15:59
csbadhenow how to fix this15:59
tomreynShishire: so plan to migrate, not update ;)16:00
testertomreyn sorry for the delay. thanks!16:00
Tristamintel-microcode is not my friend today.  :P16:03
repysI had a RAID1 in my computer and suddenly I got that the system didn't start anymore. at the boot it didn't find the efi boot file from both disks. few hours before I changed power supply of my computer, I am not sure if that would be related to. but my question is, I can't see any bad sector from smartctl from both disks. 1. what could be it happe16:03
repysns to these disks? 2. can smartctl see if there problems in the first sectors of the disk (where efi files are)?16:03
csbadheAny suggestions on what can I do?16:04
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EriC^repys: are you able to mount the disks and see manually the files?16:09
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repysEriC^: yes I Can16:10
EriC^repys: what does 'sudo efibootmgr -v' show if you run it from a live usb on said pc16:10
tomreyncsbadhe: you say your "system is crashed", can you provide more details? which live cd are you trying to install from, what's the name of the ISO file you downloaded or which (point) release and architecture is it? you say you don't have "access to the system for [updating the bios", why is this?16:12
repysEriC^: now I attached the disk with a usb adapter and I can read files from there16:12
EriC^repys: maybe the efi list got reset on the pc somehow16:13
repysEriC^: it is quite weird16:13
repysEriC^: how can I check the healthy state of these disks?16:14
repysdisk from GNOME?16:14
EriC^repys: if you copy /efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi to /efi/Boot/bootx64.efi16:14
EriC^and /efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi16:15
EriC^it should boot it by default, if you're dual booting you'll need to backup the files16:15
EriC^repys: smartctl should do it16:16
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tomreynGuest30784: please test it elsewhere, thanks.16:22
repysfrom smartctl I see Error ABRT16:22
repyswhat is that?16:22
repysbut smartctl test passed16:22
EriC^repys: can you pastebin the results?16:24
EriC^!paste | repys16:24
ubotturepys: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:24
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EriC^repys: my guess is something happened when you replaced the powersupply and the efi list is reset16:26
akemGnome-shell-extensions are great, i fixed my issue and also was able to autohide the topbar :D16:27
EriC^repys: try to get a live usb on it, and see the list using efibootmgr -v , or see if you can see the list from the bios or get a one time 'browse for efi file' or something16:27
gatekeeper2018anyone know how to get postressql to allow you to connect from another pc?16:30
gatekeeper2018on ubuntu16:30
gatekeeper2018can anyone help with a connection issue please?16:37
tomreyngatekeeper2018: you need to edit pghba.conf and do stuff i forget every time i haven't looked for it for a week.16:38
tomreyngatekeeper2018: postgresql 9.1 https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html16:39
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I have done: host  all  all md5 but it still won't let me in16:39
tomreyngatekeeper2018: what is listen_address set to?16:40
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, "*"16:40
tomreyngatekeeper2018: can you run "nc -vv 5432" locally?16:41
tomreyngatekeeper2018: and can you run "nc -vv POSTGRESQL_IP 5432" from another computer (replacing POSTGRESQL_IP by the LAN / public ip address of the postgresql server)16:43
gatekeeper2018tomreyn,  local one worked#16:44
tomreyngatekeeper2018: actually add -4 to both 'nc' commands.16:44
tomreyngatekeeper2018: if it works onlcy locally but not remotely, try the "remote" command ("nc -vv -4 POSTGRESQL_IP 5432") on the postgresql server, too. does this work?16:47
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gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I am using a windows machine as my main pc so nc does not work16:50
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I have postgres on a VM on my windows pc16:51
tomreyngatekeeper2018: and you have no other linux / unix system there?16:52
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gatekeeper2018postres is on a ubuntu VM and yes no other unix/linux system16:53
tomreyngatekeeper2018: then try accessing it with a web browser. http://POSTGRESQL_IP:5432 (again replacing the IP address)16:53
R13osetomreyn: the issue might have resolved itself16:53
tomreyngatekeeper2018: tell me what the web browser does then16:53
tomreynR13ose: they rarely do, what makes you think so?16:54
R13osetomreyn: I am not seeing the + sign being typed out but I might be wrong16:54
tomreynR13ose: okay i hope it stays this way. good luck.16:55
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, not sure what the local ip of the VM is but host name is ubuntu andhttp://ubuntu:5432/ can not reacch this page16:55
tomreyngatekeeper2018: are you running a webserver in the VM?16:55
R13osetomreyn: thanks.  I will wait for JT to come16:56
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, no not really16:56
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kashi2018Good Morning16:57
newbie1Hi, can anyone tell me how to permanently keep a program running in taskbar?16:57
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, may be I install postgres on my windows PC?16:58
tomreyngatekeeper2018: please run this in the VM and keep it running: while true ; do nc -l -p 8000 -c 'echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)"'; done16:58
tomreyngatekeeper2018: then access http://ubuntu:8000/ from windows - does it load?16:59
kashi2018can anyone tell me how do i move ubuntu 16.04 task bar from left to bottom of the screen?16:59
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, ok done that17:00
EriC^kashi2018: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/03/ubuntu-16-04-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom/17:00
tomreyngatekeeper2018: what happens when you acces sit form the web browser? does it finish loading?17:00
kashi2018@Eric Thank you17:00
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, same as before17:00
tomreyngatekeeper2018: so your windows is unable to reach the ubuntu VM using the hostname of "ubuntu". this is an issue on the host / virtualization you will need to solove first of all.17:01
R13osenewbie1: can't you right click the program and say keep?17:02
newbie1well I can add to favorites but this is a program designed to run in taskbar so I have to open it every time17:03
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I had it connecting to a MySQL database although the connection was very ropey using ubuntu as the server name17:03
tomreyngatekeeper2018: usually this is solved by configuring a bridge rather than a host-only  or NAT network configuration on the virtualization software. the details are off topic for this channel, check with your virtualizations' support channels.17:03
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I have a bridge already. :-)17:03
tomreyngatekeeper2018: one more explanation might be that you've configured a firewall / iptables on the VM17:04
tomreyngatekeeper2018: "sudo iptables -L" should tell17:04
tomreyngatekeeper2018: also try accessing it by ip address rather than "ubuntu" hopstname, since this may not work as well17:05
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, they all say policy accept17:06
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, firefox is broken on the local VM so I need to fix that17:06
R13osenewbie1: what happens when the program is open and you right click the program in the taskbar?17:06
tomreyngatekeeper2018: how do you manage the ubuntu VM, through a console the virtualization provides itself or do you connect to it through ssh?17:07
newbie1it gives me settings/quit options but settings doesn't give me any option to pin it17:07
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, I am using VM Player17:07
tomreyngatekeeper2018: this doesn't answer the question, though. :)17:08
tomreyngatekeeper2018: let me try this: do you use putty to connect to the server, or just VMware Player?17:08
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, don't use putty17:09
kashi2018can anyone tell me how do install MFCJ4620 Brother scanner drivers that are only available in .rpm for my Asus x386-64. I am able to install Printer drives successfully because it was debian file.17:09
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, just VMPlayer17:09
kashi2018I am using ubuntu 16.04. I have a post this in Hardware thread.17:10
tomreyngatekeeper2018: okay, i think your network configuration is wrong, seek help from vmware player on windows support channels, then come back here for ubuntu support.17:10
gatekeeper2018tomreyn, ok thanks17:11
tomreyngatekeeper2018: problem description: you are unable to establish a TCP connection from your windows host to the VMWare Player guest (running Ubuntu)17:11
tomreynnewbie1: can you tell us what this program is, and which ubuntu release you are running (lsb_release -ds)?17:13
ioriakashi2018, is this ? http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=eu_ot&lang=en&prod=mfcj4620dw_us_eu_as&os=12817:13
newbie1It is bitticker and I am running 17.1017:15
kashi2018@Loria Thank you for the link. I have already installed the printer drivers. printer is working successfully. it is the scanner i am trying to make it to work and i can't find the drivers for it.17:15
tomreynkashi2018: it's "ioria" ;-) and the scanner drivers are on this page.17:16
ioriakashi2018, in the same page (below) there are .deb pkg fot the scanner ...17:16
kashi2018@Loria I need deb file for scanner as well for my 16.04 ubuntu- mfcj4620dw17:16
ioriakashi2018, yes, we got it ^^17:16
kashi2018@loria  yes thanks17:18
ioriakashi2018,  and this is the tutorial i used : https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/1517:18
tomreynnewbie1: hmm that's not an ubuntu package, it was probably never integrated into ubuntu and thus cannot persist on the panel17:19
tomreynnewbie1: how do you install it / where from?17:19
tomreynriex: here!17:20
newbie1i installed it from ubuntu software17:20
newbie1I have it running in taskbar i just have to open it every time i turn on comp17:20
tomreynnewbie1: oh it's a snap https://snapcraft.io/bitticker17:21
niozerotooCan Ubuntu get viruses?17:22
newbie1yes thats it and I have snap installed17:22
newbie1the program works just fine, just trying to pin it in taskbar17:23
BluesKaj!virus | niozerotoo17:23
ubottuniozerotoo: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus17:23
tomreynnewbie1: can you open the ubuntu dash and search for "sessions and startup"?17:23
niozerotooHow is that? Why can't they get viruses?17:24
BluesKajniozerotoo, read the url above17:24
newbie1yup, done17:24
tomreynnewbie1: actually make sure you have bitticker running when you do17:25
newbie1ok it is17:25
kashi2018@loria thanks reading ...what is Linux Mint.17:25
tomreynnewbie1: then go to "application autostart" tab17:25
tomreynnewbie1: see if it's already listed there. if not, click on add17:26
newbie1do I add the entire folder?17:26
tomreynnewbie1: not sure what you mean, you just add one application17:26
newbie1sorry, i got it figure out.. thanks17:27
tomreynnewbie1: name and description you can choose yourself, i can help you with the command if needed.17:28
R13osenewbie1: did you add the app or the folder?17:28
happyfr0ggI have a laptop running Ubuntu version 14.04.+. How do I upgrade it to 16.04.4?17:28
happyfr0ggPreferably Lubuntu.17:29
leftyfbhappyfr0gg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_14.04_LTS_or_15.1017:29
leftyfbhappyfr0gg: first result on google for "ubuntu 14.04 upgrade to 16.04"17:30
happyfr0ggleftyfb - thanks.17:31
newbie1added the app17:32
tomreynnewbie1: very well, that's it then, if it works. :-)17:35
oneirosFadeAny notion where "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/iconengines" comes from? I've got qt5-defaults installed, but that isn't helping.17:37
tomreynoneirosFade: dpkg -S /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/iconengines17:38
leftyfboneirosFade: libqt5svg517:38
leftyfboneirosFade: I used apt-file to search17:38
oneirosFadeHm, I tried dpkg -S and got nothing.17:39
leftyfboneirosFade: I just gave you the answer and how to find the answer17:39
oneirosFadeI see that lefty, thank you17:39
tomreynoneirosFade: but since dpkg isn't sware of it, i guess it means you no longer have this package installed, and the file was left there somehow (or placxed there by you manually)17:41
tomreynsware -> aware17:41
oneirosFadetomreyn: Ohh, ok, no, I needed to know what package to install to *get* that file :)17:42
tomreynoneirosFade: oh, igot you wrong there17:42
oneirosFadeIt's ok, I got it wrong, too17:42
tomreynoneirosFade: luckily lefty didn't ;-)17:42
oneirosFadeYeah, lefty solved one of my problems :)17:42
csbadhetomreyn: sorry for late reply.. I've ubuntu 17.10 LTS in live CD and my system is crashed because I accidentally deleted the system. I want the fresh install... any help will be very much appreciated17:50
csbadhetomreyn: The condition is like I don't have any system in my PC but still I can access the GRUB rescue menu... now I want to fresh install ubuntu from live CD but I'm getting that firmware error17:53
tomreyncsbadhe: and you don't mind loosing data you had on your previous installation?17:54
csbadhetomreyn: I already have backup of it on drive...17:55
csbadheI don't mind loosing it17:55
tomreynwhat about the bios?17:56
csbadheI can access it...17:56
tomreynokay, that's the opposite of what you wrote earlier.17:57
Sbur3Power point problem.  I have a powerpoint presentation (pptx) that crashes LibreOffice Impress.  Any ideas to help me?17:58
tomreyncsbadhe: which ubuntu release exactly 17.04.0 or 17.04.1? / when did you download it? the 17.10.0 release images would not work on some computers, that's why i'm asking.17:59
* tomreyn got to go, be back in ~45 min17:59
csbadhetomreyn: It's ubuntu 17.10.118:01
leftyfbtomreyn: I didn't think there's such thing as 17.04.1 or 17.10.1. I thought that was just for LTS releases.18:01
naccleftyfb: they respun 17.1018:01
naccleftyfb: due to serious installation issues with certain laptops18:02
naccleftyfb: agreed re: 17.04.1, though18:02
Sbur3Any other program for Ubuntu 17.10 to watch a pptx powerpoint presentation?18:07
R13oseSbur3: there are tons18:08
Sbur3R13ose: Got a quick one to suggest?  I've tried several times to open a pptx file in Impress, but each time, it crashes.  I'm looking for something.  In the software thing, nothing comes up.  And I'd like it free18:10
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csbadheIf I missed any messages previously please ping me now I was offline for some time since my last reply sorry and thanks18:17
thxffocat /sys/class/net/(iface)/carrier  gives me a "cat" carrier: Invalid argument18:19
thxffohow do i tell if something is physically connected to the interface in ubuntu?18:20
tomreynSbur3: can you share the document by chance? i'd like to see impress crash18:23
Sbur3R13ose: Got one to suggest?  I tried looking at Calligra Stage, but Calligra is said to have been discontinued, so I'm a little at a loss.  It's the presentation that was shown at my father's funeral18:23
naccthxffo: that file does not return EINVAL for me; ethtool should be able to tell you18:24
Sbur3tomreyn: I don't like seeing things crash, but I'd rather not share as the pptx is the presentation that was shown at my father's funeral service18:24
tomreynSbur3: that's entirely understandable.18:25
Sbur3tomreyn: I'm just looking for something to share it with my wife who wasn't able to attend18:26
Sbur3tomreyn: If it was something else, I"d have no problem sharing the pptx that crashes Impress18:26
SimonNLcsbadhe: https://git.io/vxXK418:30
tomreynSbur3: try some of these https://alternativeto.net/tag/microsoft-office-compatible/?platform=linux18:30
tomreyncsbadhe: i would expect that microsofts' online service can import them properly18:31
tomreyncsbadhe: ...and you could maybe generate apdf there18:31
TJ-thxffo: is the interface you're trying to read a virtual one?18:31
tomreyncsbadhe: there is also unoconv, a command line file format converter which understands this format. but this is basically the same which libreoffice uses, so chances are this *may* also crash.18:33
dmmeasy way to install cuda on ubuntu18:34
tomreyncsbadhe: sorry the last three things i said were for Sbur318:34
csbadhetomreyn: no worries!18:34
csbadheThanks SimonNL18:35
tomreyncsbadhe: can you remind me what happened when you tried to boot off the 17.04.1 installer?18:35
mazhari am not trying yet18:36
tomreyncsbadhe: it's also not yet clear whether you can or cannot access the bios and whether or not you could carry out a bios upgrade (since you said you read it helps)18:36
tomreyncsbadhe: finally, can you tell us your exact hardware model number please (if it's a ready-made computer).18:36
AtlantesI'm trying to get my right click to work (touchpad, Dell XPS 9560, ubuntu 18.04) but it doesn't seem to recognize the button. Already tried installing the synaptics driver and configured it (70-synaptics.conf, adding Option "ClickPad" "1"    Option "SoftButtonAreas" "60% 0 82% 0 40% 60% 82% 0")). Someone has a clue what I can do to get the right click to work?18:37
tomreyndmm: there is no "ubuntu 16.0". also, which graphics card do you have there?18:37
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | Atlantes18:38
ubottuAtlantes: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:38
mjthello! does ubuntu have cross-compilers like debian does, gcc-s390x-linux-gnu gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu etc packages?18:41
s10gopalhow to build a kernel from git ? i want to do  git bisect run18:42
leftyfbs10gopal: if you're asking that, how you expect to figure out bisection?18:42
s10gopalleftyfb, https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.14/admin-guide/bug-bisect.html18:43
leftyfbs10gopal: why do you want to do this?18:43
csbadhetomreyn: I'm explaining the issue again, somhow I deleted my whole Ubuntu system and data containing on hard disk. Now I want to fresh install Ubuntu 17.10.1 in my Lenovo G50-80 (Model Number: 80E5). I have live CD of Ubuntu 17.10.1 but when I try to boot from it I get '[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata' error. I can access the BI18:43
csbadheOS menubut for upgrading it we need operating system which I don't have for now. So basically, there is no system in my PC.18:43
s10gopalleftyfb, https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=198665 , it dont happen upto kernel 4.1218:43
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 198665 in Power-Off "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown) . WOL disabled and no usb device connected." [High,Needinfo]18:43
s10gopalleftyfb, and it start happening from kernel 4.1318:44
dmmtomyrn: am using ubuntu 16.04.4 on intel machine18:46
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vexorroh dear18:48
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mjthello! does ubuntu have cross-compilers like debian does, gcc-s390x-linux-gnu gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu etc packages? can someone please check?18:48
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TJ-!info gcc-s390x-linux-gnu18:49
ubottugcc-s390x-linux-gnu (source: gcc-defaults (1.173ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler for the s390x architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 25 kB18:49
s10gopalaccording to kernel.org "Using the provided tools with git makes finding bugs easy provided the bug is reproducible." is figuring out bisection is hard ?18:49
mjtTJ-: thanks! :)18:49
tomreyncsbadhe: give me a minute, i'm researching yuor system and available options18:50
mjthm. it's in universe. can packages from universe be specified in Build-Depends field for packages in main?18:50
s10gopali want to do https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.14/admin-guide/bug-bisect.html , can anyone please help me ?18:50
csbadhetomreyn: For sure and thanks18:51
jluci guess you'd better ask your question s10gopal18:51
s10gopalthat is my question18:51
dmmtomreyn: ubuntu 16.04.4 on intel graphics18:52
leftyfbs10gopal: if you can't figure out getting the kernel from git and building it, then yes, bisecting is very hard18:52
tomreyndmm: intel machine as in intel integrated graphics? if so, i don't think cuda can be avialable, since this is only available with nvidia hardware (and software). opencl should work, but within the limits of what this chip can provide.18:52
s10gopalleftyfb, can you please guide me ?18:52
TJ-mjt: Yes. Some binary packages are split between main and universe too18:52
kingcanyone in here use cdm?18:53
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leftyfbs10gopal: that is well beyond the scope of this channel. I would start with looking for tutorials on using git and compiling the linux kernel18:53
leftyfbkingc: Are you taking a survey?18:53
kingcleftyfb: sorry no, I was looking for some advice on getting it working with dwm18:53
leftyfbkingc: then ask that question18:54
kingcif I add dwm to the binlist as an X session it just goes to a prompt.. doesnt launch anything18:54
kingcbut if I add exec dwm to my xinitrc and run startx all is good18:54
dmmtomreyn: ok18:55
tomreyncsbadhe: can you boot off the cdrom and hold down the left shift key? this should bring up a menu18:55
ioriakingc, or you use a dm or use xinitrc with startx , right ?18:58
kingcioria: at the moment I am just using starts with xinitrc. its all that works. Not bothered about lightdm or anything18:59
ioriakingc, that's ok18:59
dmmwhen i turn off safe boot on my toshiba so i can use third party drivers on ubuntu, windows cannot boot anymore18:59
TJ-s10gopal: here's the kernel bisection guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection#How_do_I_bisect_the_upstream_kernel.3F18:59
kingcioria: yeah its alright, but it would be nice to see this cdm work. Pretty confusing19:00
mjtTJ-: thank you!19:00
ioriakingc, that cmd ?19:00
mjt!info openhackware19:00
ubottuopenhackware (source: openhackware): OpenFirmware emulator for PowerPC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+git-20140423.c559da7c-4 (artful), package size 59 kB, installed size 1042 kB19:00
mjt!info openbios-sparc19:00
ubottuopenbios-sparc (source: openbios): SPARC Open Firmware. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.git20161120-2 (artful), package size 143 kB, installed size 1972 kB19:00
mjt!info u-boot19:01
ubottuPackage u-boot does not exist in artful19:01
ioriakingc, what is 'cdm' ?19:01
kingcioria: cdm. Its a cli login manager19:01
kingcit uses dialog to just spawn processes. X and otherwise.19:01
kingclooks interesting but I have not had any luck getting it working as of yt.19:01
ioriakingc, is that an ubuntu pkg ?19:02
kingcerm not sure actually, I think I might have built it from source, so perhaps its offtopic hah never thought about that.19:02
ioriakingc, ok, sounds interesting ... do you have a link ?19:03
kingcermmmm sure, one second19:03
kingcthere is an arch linux wiki about it too which is a good resource for information, but like I say, not managed to get it working yet. makes me think I have xinitrc setup wrong. but startx does work so its strange one19:05
ioriakingc, i see19:05
R13oseWhen I click on the power button four options come up and how to make sure suspend is the default option?19:06
impliteare you using systemd or something else for your system kingc?19:06
kingcsystemd. Its just a ubuntu minimal installation. nothing special19:06
tomreyncsbadhe: still around?19:08
kingcI wonder if there are any other well known cli login managers as an alternative to cdm19:09
kingcI'll google around, because I am having no luck ere19:09
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rzyz85frHello, is there a channel for ubuntu ARM ?19:10
ioriakingc, https://github.com/dopsi/console-tdm19:10
kingcioria: reading that one now actually. looks nice.19:11
br34khi guys, why is there no https version of http://releases.ubuntu.com/ ??? i know you can verify the download via their gpg...19:11
ioriakingc, more recent19:11
kingcok this looks great. installing now19:11
tomreynbr34k: that'll be considered sufficient.19:13
rzyz85frBen64, thanks19:13
br34kit's easy as cake to offer https, that way all the checksums can't be altered19:13
br34kthere is no excuse anymore for not offering tls19:13
tomreynbr34k: you cdould try brining this up in #ubuntu-mirrors and maybe #canonical19:15
R13oseI figured it our19:15
br34ktomreyn, thank you19:15
tomreynbr34k: chances are it's currently in the works since chrome + firefox will probably start discriminating non https sites further sometime this year.19:17
csbadhetomreyn yes19:17
tomreyn!md5 | csbadhe19:18
ubottucsbadhe: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:18
tomreyncsbadhe: try this first, to make sure your baked iso did not come out badly. do you also have a spare usb stick?19:18
tomreyncsbadhe: unfortunately the hardware maual lenovo provides for your model is utter garbage, so i don't even know which graphics hardware you have there.19:20
Zap123Hello, does anyone have experience with pcie aer errors? I'm having constant freezes with ryzen and would like to find to pin point the problem but I'm not sure how to read the error19:21
csbadhetomreyn: I've tested the ISO file on another PC and it works fine on it... I mean I can install the system from same ISO on another pc19:21
csbadhetomreyn: I don't have graphics card in it...19:22
quber2Hello all, curious if anyone has had any success linking iPhone iMessages to ubuntu?  I previously had used airmessage successfully but it no longer supports newest ios19:22
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leftyfbquber2: if you find something, I would love to know about it19:26
quber2Ha, I don't think it exists19:29
quber2Been searching all day19:29
tomreyncsbadhe: so probably an intel integrated gpu then19:31
tomreyncsbadhe: sorry for not responding again, i got distracted trying to gain access to the latest system bios19:31
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tomreyncsbadhe: what about the usb storage?19:32
csbadhetomreyn: Yes I have spare USB19:33
tomreyncsbadhe: okay maybe you can try the 18.04 beta there, if that's not too much effort?19:34
tomreyncsbadhe: oh right you said you currently have no system you can boot, sorry19:34
csbadhetomreyn: yeah19:35
tomreyncsbadhe: so let's see what we can do to get this booting. this firmware bug you're running into was supposed to have been wroked aroun din 17.10.1 IIRC, but you say that'S the one you have so i guess it doesn't always work19:37
tomreyncsbadhe: is there someone available who could provide you with an 18.04 beta1 or 16.04.4 installer image? since i think they should have workarounds for this issue.19:39
kakashiALhi, I am using xubuntu LTS 16.04, I used testdisk to recover some files, but my laptorp didnt responded anymore and I had to restart19:40
kakashiALafter the restart I can login19:40
TJ-tomreyn: what's the 'firmware' issue? My scroolback doesn't have anything19:40
kakashiALbut then I just see the xubuntu desktop wallpaper19:40
kakashiALno panel19:40
tomreyncsbadhe: another option may be that you enter your bios and enable CSM (compatibility support mode)19:40
kakashiALno desktop icons19:40
tomreynTJ-: hey, just when i need you. :) '[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata' on 17.10.1 installer ISO (cdrom).19:42
tomreynI assume this is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/+bug/1724650/comments/5319:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724650 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu) "[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0x25 (or later)" [Undecided,Fix released]19:42
kingcioria: naa i must have issues with my xinit or my xorg setup. it just hangs. reading the logs now19:43
tomreynTJ-: csbadhe who is seeking assitence with this issue here, just left. but in case they'll be back, and for me to know it next time, do you know a workaround which does not require another working system?19:44
TJ-tomreyn: in theory that is just a report, it shouldn't be actually causing a problem in boot19:44
s10gopalhow to use command like git log --oneline Ubuntu-2.6.35-24.42..Ubuntu-2.6.35-25.43 | wc , to find commits in there ? i want to find commits between 4.12 and 4.13 but  git log --oneline 4.12..4.13 | wc dont work19:45
ioriakingc, you said it's a minimal install.... how did you install xorg ?19:45
tomreynTJ-: ah, you're right, so it's just the last thing that gets printed on screen befiore it freezes, i guess.19:45
tomreynTJ-: i wasn't told it freezes, but the GUI never starts apparently19:46
agiohi all. when the "magic sequence" of <SysRq> + REISUB is run, I understand the `S' part of REISUB means "sync the disks/block devices" what does that mean?19:46
kingcioria: I fixed it. bloody hell man, there was an .Xauthority-c file there owned by root.. is that a lock file or something? I removed it and it worked.19:46
ioriakingc, oh, that is trivial :]19:46
kingchaha I didnt know about it until now19:47
tomreynagio: commit any (write) cached data to disk19:47
ioriakingc, you maybe was root when you run startx19:47
kingcyeah pretty dumb19:47
tomreynagio: in fact only SUB work on Ubuntu, the others are ignored.19:47
agiotomreyn: ah, ok thanks.19:48
tomreynkakashiAL: boot to emergency and run a file system check19:49
kakashiALtomreyn: how can I do that?:(19:49
TJ-tomreyn: the missing GUI I've seen before, I think it's unrelated. It's possibly a UEFI GOP/video/modesetting issue for which 'nomodeset' may help19:50
tomreynkakashiAL: do you still have an installer / live cd / usb available whcih is the same ubuntu version?19:50
kakashiALtomreyn: no, but I can swith with ctrl+alt+FN to different terminals19:51
tomreynTJ-: thank you.19:51
agioIf I plug in a LUKS encrypted device, either a USB or a hard disk and I mount it via the nautilus menu (not manually via command line) - if I then say did a normal shutdown - but forgot to unmount the luks USB - would the unmounting and syncing operations be performed by the OS as part of its shutdown tasks?19:51
kakashiALtomreyn: should I run "fdisk -l19:52
tomreynkakashiAL: okay do this, then login there, then do this: sudo adduser ${USER}1 --gecos ''19:52
TJ-agio: yes19:53
kakashiALTJ-: done19:53
tomreynkakashiAL: then run "sudo lightdm restart". then login as the new user you just created. you should then have a default desktop environment.19:54
kakashiALtomreyn: now I see just a black screen with a cursor blinking19:55
tomreynkakashiAL: after doing what exactly?19:55
kakashiALtomreyn: after "sudo lightdm restart"19:55
TJ-kakashiAL: can you Ctrl+Alt+F1 to a tty?19:56
kakashiALTJ-: yes19:56
tomreynkakashiAL: okay switch through ctrl-alt-f1 to -f7 until you see the loing screen19:56
tomreyn*login screeb19:56
kakashiALtomreyn: there where the loginscreen was (F7), is now a black screen with a blinking cursor19:57
tomreynkakashiAL: okay so just reboot to the login screen and login as the new user19:57
agioTJ-: thanks. If I manually loaded those same LUKS devices via the command line commands: `cryptsetup luksOpen ... ...' and 'mount ....'  then performed a shutdown - forgetting to unmount and detach the LUKS mapper - can I rely on the system to sync and unmount the devices in that case also?19:58
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kakashiALtomreyn: okay, did that. If I do that, I turn back to the login menu19:59
s10gopalhow to build kernel from source ?19:59
tomreynkakashiAL: hmm i guess the testdisk operation was not entirely successfull, you uubntu installation appears to be broken then (on first sight).20:00
TJ-agio: Yes20:00
agioTJ-: nice, thanks20:00
tomreynkakashiAL: can you login on the text terminal again (doe snot matter which user) and run: sudo apt update; sudo apt -f install20:01
kakashiALtomreyn: no internet :(20:01
kakashiALtomreyn: my xubuntu is not broken, I got the error since I used testdisk to recover a delete file20:02
tomreynkakashiAL: okay, reboot, while it's booting hold down left shift key. a menu (grub) should show up. select the recovery option20:02
kakashiALmy OS froze, I restarted and since that I have this problem20:02
s10gopali want to do <TJ-> s10gopal: no, running 'git bisect' is the easy bit. I'm referring to preparing to build by copying in an appropriate .config file, doing 'make silentoldconfig' then 'make bzImage' then having to copy that into /boot/vmlinuz-test, build an initrd.img 'update-initramfs -c -k test' and 'update-grub' then reboot test and repeat as required. , can anyone please guide me20:02
kakashiALtomreyn: okay, second20:02
tomreynkakashiAL: i dont think testdisk recovers single files, just parition tables.20:02
TJ-tomreyn: question is why was testdisk needed? something/one overwrote the disk ?20:03
tomreynTJ: "I got the error since I used testdisk to recover a delete file"20:04
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TJ-tomreyn: indeed, which doesn't compute20:04
tomreynkakashiAL: so testdisk is not the right utility to restore a single file. was really just a single file lost or was there more than this broken? was there an error message which prompted you to use testdisk?20:06
kakashiALtomreyn: this is what I did: I GRUB menu came, I selected the upper item with recovery, after that I choosed something like "default start"20:06
tomreynkakashiAL: and now you have what you used to have. don't choose the "default start" next time ;-)20:07
kakashiALtomreyn: I mean its the same problem20:07
tomreynkakashiAL: and please also answer my questions aboce20:07
kakashiALtomreyn: no error20:08
OS-23778Anybody had any experience with the Hp Envy x360 with Ryzen 2500U? I've updated my Kernel to 4.16, installed mesa and firmware.....but I still get random freezing, and now I have some weird frameskip issues.20:09
tomreynkakashiAL: thanks for answering one of two questions.20:09
OS-23778On 17.10 on one of my laptops, 18.04 on the other. Same issues persist.20:09
tomreynkakashiAL: do you mind answering the other one as well?20:10
kakashiALtomreyn: sorry, yes20:10
kakashiALtomreyn: I dont know what is broken20:10
tomreynkakashiAL: i'm trying to understand what prompted you to run testdisk in the first place20:10
kakashiALtomreyn: I tried just to recover a file20:10
kakashiALtomreyn: ahh okay20:11
tomreynkakashiAL: okay, thanks. for the future, testdisk is not for this.20:11
kakashiALtomreyn: let me do it again, then I will tell you what the prompt is telling me20:11
tomreynkakashiAL: now, did you reboot into recovery again, and got the shiny text menu?20:11
kakashiALtomreyn: yes, the GRUB menu have 4 items20:12
kakashiALAdvanced Settings20:12
tomreynkakashiAL: Advanced Settings please20:12
kakashiALtomreyn: this is what I did, will do it again20:12
tomreynkakashiAL: there you'll see recovery, choose this20:12
kakashiALtomreyn: there are many (recovery mode) items20:13
tomreynkakashiAL: the first one which says recovery mode please20:13
kakashiALtomreyn: yes sir20:13
kakashiALtomreyn: now I have a screen with a menu20:14
tomreynkakashiAL: now when you're at the fancy purple text menu, please go with the "root" option20:14
kakashiALtomreyn: okay20:14
tomreynlast but one20:14
tomreynthen press enter20:14
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tomreynkakashiAL: then run: lsblk20:15
kakashiALGive root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):20:15
notadropis plugdev a safe group to let unprivileged users be a member of?20:15
tomreynkakashiAL: and tell me what you see in the first column20:15
tomreynkakashiAL: okay, enter the root password then20:15
kakashiALtomreyn: Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue): <--I tried the root password20:16
kakashiALdidnt work :(20:16
kakashiALlet me try again20:16
kakashiALtomreyn: okay works now :)20:16
tomreynkakashiAL: root password is not the password of your user account20:16
tomreynkakashiAL: ok20:16
tomreyn<tomreyn> kakashiAL: then run: lsblk20:16
kakashiALtomreyn: okay, let me run lsblk20:16
kakashiALtomreyn: I see my devices20:17
tomreynkakashiAL: can you tell me their names, please20:17
tomreynkakashiAL: i assume it's not that many?20:17
kakashiALsda, sda1, sda2, sda520:18
tomreynkakashiAL: okay, is sda2 of SIZE 1K?20:18
kakashiALtomreyn: yes sir20:18
mark721hi guys quick question, when ubuntu updates stuff using the gui updater cant remember what its called. It gives u an option to restart later or restart now20:19
tomreynkakashiAL: does sda5 say SWAP in the MOUNTPOINT coloumn and sda1 just "/"?20:19
mark721when i click restart later it literally waits about 1 minute and then prompts me again?20:19
mark721surely thats not normal ? literally giving me like a minute then asking me again20:19
kakashiALtomreyn: nope, sda5 is my home20:19
kakashiALtomreyn: I guess because of the size20:19
tomreynkakashiAL: and sda1 is?20:19
kakashiALtomreyn: MOUNTPOINT: /20:20
tomreynkakashiAL: okay, what size are sda1 and sda5?20:20
kakashiALsda1 23.5G, sda5 870.8G20:21
tomreyn!patience | mark72120:21
ubottumark721: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:21
mark721ubottu, i dont im in a hurry :)20:21
ubottumark721: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
tomreynkakashiAL: alright. please run: e2fsck -f /dev/sda120:22
kakashiALtomreyn: okay20:23
tomreynkakashiAL: once that's done without errors (should be fast), please run: e2fsck -f /dev/sda520:23
tomreynthis one will take longer20:23
kakashiALtomreyn: just telling me something with 0.2%20:24
tomreynkakashiAL: non-contiguous, that's ok.20:24
kakashiALtomreyn: 0.1 in sda5 and no errors20:25
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tomreynkakashiAL: okay, so your file systems are consistent, there must be some other sisue. but without network access this will be difficult to debug. the reason you did not have internet access on this system was because the desktop did not fully come up, i assume?20:27
kakashiALtomreyn: yes, I have the wifi login of my friend to use shared wifi but I only can use the desktop/browser to login20:28
kakashiALit has its own login form20:29
kasperhello, anyone knows where to browse the apt packages code?20:30
nacc_kasper: as in the source?20:30
kasperlike the actual makefiles etc that build those packages20:30
nacc_kasper: pull-lp-source apt, or apt-get source apt, or any number of other ways20:30
kakashiALtomreyn: can I restart?20:30
tomreynOS-23778: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196683 - see if you have a uefi setup option "Power Supply Idle Control", and set it to "Typical". otheriwse install the latest /wait for the upcoming bios update.20:30
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 196683 in x86-64 "Random Soft Lockup on new Ryzen build" [Normal,New]20:30
kaspersomething browsable like https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports for alpine :(20:30
nacc_kasper: that's not currently how things work, but one moment20:30
kaspernacc_ maybe a mirror would do it20:31
tomreynkakashiAL: sure, but restarting will most likely not make a difference now.20:31
kasperon github preferrably20:31
nacc_kasper: ... a mirror of what?20:31
nacc_kasper: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+git20:31
kaspermirror of apt git repo20:31
tomreynkakashiAL: i think you will probbaly need to reinstall, since the operation you seem to have applied using testdisk basically seems to have scranmbled your data20:31
nacc_kasper: i don't think you understand what you're asking20:31
nacc_kasper: 'apt git repo' is the source package repository, afaik, because apt is a native package on Debian and ubuntu20:32
nacc_kasper: the above would work, or you can search yourself for Debian's git repo, if you want20:32
nacc_kasper: neither would be on github, because well why would they be20:32
kaspernacc_, i am pretty sure i understand what i am asking20:32
nacc_kasper: do you know what a source package is?20:32
kaspersearch for 'mirror'20:32
kakashiALtomreyn: is there a way to get internet access on that laptop and is a normal "apt-get install" enough to fix my problem?20:32
nacc_kasper: not sure if that was directed at me20:35
tomreynkakashiAL: for the first question: you should be able to use a live / installer iso written to a usb stick / pen drive / cdrom / dvd-rom to get online with a captive portal (your friends' internet access). but i seriously doubt that just running "sudo apt update && sudo apt -f install" will fix any problems.20:35
kakashiALtomreyn: okay, let me see if I can find an usb stick20:36
tomreynkakashiAL: more precisely, it may fix some problems but probably not all the problems you created when using testdisk.20:36
tomreyncsbadhe: oh you're back. if you want to read up, there's http://irclogs.ubuntu.com20:38
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R13oseTJ-: hi20:41
kakashiALtomreyn: I have LTS 14.04 LTS and found an USB with 16.04 LTS20:42
kakashiALtomreyn: can I just choose the option: update 14 to 16?20:42
kasperin 18.04 beta, the default repository is listing llvm v6 toolchain, when we query or install llvm/clang20:42
TristamAnybody having trouble with 4.13.0-3? kernels and the 3.20180312 version of intel-microcode?  I've got several newer machines freezing between grub and lightdm unless I remove the microcode package.20:42
nacc_Tristam: it's a bug filed already20:42
kasperis this the version of llvm 18.04 final is going to get?20:42
nacc_Tristam: let me look20:43
bjonnhhow can I restart a systemd service in ubuntu's cloud-init ?20:43
nacc_kasper: #ubuntu+120:43
nacc_bjonnh: #cloud-init probably is a better channel20:43
nacc_Tristam: LP: #175992020:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen(w/ linux-image-4.13.0-37-generic)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175992020:43
TristamWell crap...I was looking at that earlier and must have confused the timing on it with something else I read.  I thought it was from January.  Haha20:45
TristamThanks nacc20:45
nacc_Tristam: there are some dupes that are older, iirc20:45
tomreynkakashiAL: update what?20:45
TristamNah, that's the exact one I was looking at.  I'm a moron.  :)20:46
kakashiALtomreyn: xubuntu from 14 to 16, this is what I Picked so far20:46
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tomreynkakashiAL: but you don't have 14 installed, you have 17.10, or am i mixing things up now?20:46
kasperliblldb-6.0-dev package is missing some headers, if someone from llvm/apt team is here, please assist how can we move forward with reporting it20:46
tomreyn* you don't have 14.0420:47
nacc_!bug | kasper20:47
ubottukasper: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:47
Monkey_Hi all. Quick question. What's the difference between .04 and .10 in Ubuntu. Is the .04 just feature frozen or what?20:47
kakashiALtomreyn: xubuntu 14.04 LTS updating now (with the live usb installation) to 16.04 LTS20:47
nacc_Monkey_: that's a month20:47
nacc_Monkey_: .04 = April, .10 = October20:47
nacc_Monkey_: so they are totally different releases of Ubuntu20:47
tomreynkakashiAL: are you attempting to update the OS on the cdrom?20:48
kakashiALtomreyn: no, its like if you want to install a fresh OS20:48
kakashiALtomreyn: you have there an update option20:48
kakashiALtomreyn: or delete all partitions and so on20:49
tomreynkakashiAL: which operating system did you have installed on your computer?20:49
tomreynand verison20:49
kasperi cannot just report this bug, unless i know whether it was lldb design change that API headers are not in apt, or is it really a bug, that's why i am chatting here. if you know of other channel where someone can answer, pls let me know20:49
kakashiALtomreyn: xubuntu 14.04 LTS and now I am updating it to xubuntu 16.04 LTS20:49
nacc_kasper: you want #ubuntu+1 for support, or possibly #ubuntu-devel. Also, you can check *upstream* if you think it might have changed in llvm20:50
tomreynkakashiAL: oh, somehow i thought you had had 17.10, sorry.20:50
kakashiALtomreyn: never mind :)20:50
kakashiALtomreyn: at least you know what I mean :)20:50
tomreynkakashiAL: well, it might work, or might seem to work. good luck.20:50
tomreynkakashiAL: the proper approach now would be to install 16.04 from scratch and restore backups20:51
Monkey_Nacc, I know they are months. I'm just wondering if the ltd 18.0420:51
kakashiALtomreyn: if thats not working I will try that, because I have no way to backup 500 gig of data :/20:51
Monkey_Wondering if it still gets updated20:52
kasperi reported that against apt.llvm.org few weeks ago, when llvm 6 was just released https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36770. seems like someone has just ported that package from apt.llvm.org to apt repo with the bug20:52
tomreynkakashiAL: that's unfortunate. maybe you can backup to the cloud. since you, and everyone, needs to have a current, complete, and restoable backup.20:52
ubottullvm.org bug 36770 in deb packages "LLDB.h is missing from liblldb-6.0-dev package" [Enhancement,New]20:52
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tomreynMonkey_: "ltd"? do you mean LTS?20:54
VjdfMQhey all20:54
VjdfMQIs it possible to separate intput and output in tcpflow ?20:54
Monkey_Sorry, on my phone yeah. And ignore me. 18 isn't out yet...20:54
nacc_Monkey_: you're asking if Ubuntu releases get updates?20:55
bart_Running 18.04 for 2 weeks, working great for me....20:56
nacc_bart_: #ubuntu+1 please20:56
akembart_, no problem with gnome-shell taking up to much RAM?20:57
tomreynakem: #ubuntu+1 please20:57
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kakashiALtomreyn: I guess I found another cause of the problem21:08
kakashiALtomreyn: do you know where testdisk puts the image?21:09
tomreynkakashiAL: it doesn't create an image unless you tell it to (and where)21:09
kakashiALtomreyn: now I have no wifi :(21:18
kakashiALtomreyn: and my mouse is not working, even if its on (its LED is on)21:19
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maciekhi, which network configuring method is currently the best in ubuntu 17.10?21:37
maciekIm trying to cofigure br0 for bridged lxd mode21:37
maciekand Im little bit confused between /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/systemd/network/* and /etc/netplan/*21:38
nacc_maciek: you probably want #ubuntu-server21:38
macieknacc_: yeah21:38
nacc_maciek: yw21:40
kakashiALtomreyn: is there a way to install wlan without internet in my new installation?21:43
olivierbourdon38Hello everyone, I was wonderning if someone had some clue on an issue I have currently on Ubuntu Xenial amd64 minimal (ssh server) installation (net based) when I install squid + dnsmasq I get an error during dnsmasq setup21:44
olivierbourdon38Apr 03 23:44:21 ubuntu-min systemd[1]: dnsmasq.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.21:44
olivierbourdon38after than running service dnsmasq start works. Stopping works but restarting it gives same error as during installation :-(21:46
olivierbourdon38note that I have this behaviour both in dhcp or in static IP+DNS mode21:47
nacc_olivierbourdon38: you may want #ubuntu-server, and you probably want to provide a pastebin of the relevant journactl and systemctl output21:49
olivierbourdon38nacc_ thanks will do21:50
kakashiALis there a way to install a new fresh ubuntu but keep the /home folder (partition)?21:51
nacc_kakashiAL: yes, if it's setup that way already you can21:52
kakashiALnacc_: so if I keep it that way, and just delete the root create it again and install, will the old /home become my new /home?21:52
nacc_kakashiAL: uh, delete the root?21:53
nacc_kakashiAL: you just tell the installer to use the home partition as /home21:53
nacc_kakashiAL: don't delete anything yourself21:53
kakashiALnacc_: sure, I mean in the installation assistent :)21:54
nacc_kakashiAL: right, i believe so21:54
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tomreynkakashiAL: in a non-broken desktop installation, you can activate wireless lan from the network manager menu which can be pulled down from the network icon on the desktop panel21:56
kakashiALtomreyn: nothing works there, I mean no wifi signals there and my mouse also not working or any other usb device21:57
kakashiALtomreyn: I will reinstall it fresh21:57
tomreynkakashiAL: good plan. 16.04 then?22:00
ImageJPEGviolet lasers + spinning, glow in the dark, fidget spinners = rave22:00
kakashiALtomreyn: yes sir22:00
ImageJPEGsorry, thought I was in #ubnt22:00
tomreynkakashiAL: no need to call me 'sir'. ;-) it'd be best to install using the latest 16.04 version if you can arrange this (such as booting off the 14.04 live and downloading and writing the latest 16.04 to usb media.22:01
tomreynkakashiAL: we're at 16.04.4 currently.22:02
kakashiALtomreyn: I have a 16.04 LTS here22:03
tomreynbut if you have an 16.04.2 installer now and it installs fine and you dont mind downloading a lot of updates later that's fine.22:03
kakashiALtomreyn: okay sir, I mean sorry sir, I mean okay bruhh :P22:03
kakashiALtomreyn: I will do dist upgrade if I get good net22:03
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tomreynkakashiAL: this describes a generic way to automate the login to the captive portal for later: https://peromsik.com/codearea/automate-captive-portal-login-ubuntu-linux-17-04/22:06
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tomreyn(this wont work if you have to solve captchas, of course)22:07
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zBrainsHello! Could someone help me setup pidgin to connect to freenode?22:34
CarlFKdoes plugging a usb2 device into a usb3 hub make the hub only support usb2 bandwidth ?22:35
zBrainsI've tried different configs but I'm having issues22:35
CarlFKtrying to figure out why 2 usb2 webcams give: [ 9037.408312] usb 3-1.1.1: Not enough bandwidth for new device state.22:35
CarlFKzBrains: select Buddy List, menu Accounts, Manage Accounts22:36
zBrains@CarlFK: I currently have an account with these settings22:39
zBrainsBASIC:{Protocol: IRC, Server: chat.freenode.net};ADAVENCED:{Port:6697, Use SSL, Authenticate with SASL, Allow plaintext SASL auth over unencrypted connection}22:42
rud0lfshouldn't allow plaintext SASL22:42
zBrains@CarlFK: I currently have an account with these settings22:43
zBrainsBASIC:{Protocol: IRC, Server: chat.freenode.net};ADAVENCED:{Port:6697, Use SSL, Authenticate with SASL, Allow plaintext SASL auth over unencrypted connection}22:43
TJ-zBrains: For SSL/TLS connections use port 700022:43
rud0lf6697 is fine too22:43
zBrainssorry I lost my connection the only thing I was able to see was to use port 7000 for ssl22:47
zBrainsI keep getting incorrect password22:47
zBrainsbut when I go to freenode webchat I'm able to identify with that password22:48
zBrainsam I mising something here?22:48
nacc_binger: do you have an ubuntu support question?22:50
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zBrainsI'm pretty much ussing the same config I'm using in irssi but it doesn't work on pidgin22:51
notadropHi. When I enable firejail for Firefox, the browser is unable to access pages on the Internet.22:53
bingerI am binger ,from Chinese binger!! Hello22:53
naccnotadrop: that sounds like a firefox question?22:53
notadropIt can access pages on my LAN and it can browse the user's Downloads folder.22:53
naccbinger: again, do you have an ubuntu support question?22:53
notadropnacc: no, it's not. Firejail + Firefox work fine on other distros, like Arch, Debian.22:53
naccnotadrop: where did you get firejail from?22:53
notadropnacc: each distro ships its own firejail .profile files, afaik22:54
notadropnacc: where else? the repos.22:54
bingerI am here to learn,,,22:54
notadropnacc: firejail/artful,now 0.9.50-3 amd6422:54
naccnotadrop: oh sorry, i thought firejail was specifically related to firefox22:54
notadropnacc: np. actually, firejail is a sandboxing utility for many applications22:55
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naccnotadrop: i see that now, thanks22:55
bingerLearning is my happiness    ^-^22:55
naccbinger: this is the support channel for support topics22:56
naccbinger: if you would like to learn, just wait for a support issue, and follow along, i suppose22:56
notadropnacc: even if I use the firefox.profile that Debian ships, the problem persists.22:59
notadropnacc: any ideas? I'm new to Ubuntu... haven't used it in over 5 years22:59
naccnotadrop: no idea initially, sorry, you might see if any bugs are filed23:00
Kashi2018can anyone help me finding driver for my Laptop(ASUS K56CA) camera. It used to work under windows 8.1. I have ditched windows as of yesterday and move to ubuntu 16.04 world and finding myself limited. Desperately need help to make my laptop fully functional under ubuntu 16.04.23:00
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, would you mind repeating your question, I just joined in the room and didn't get to see it23:00
TJ-Kashi2018: is it connected via internal USB?23:01
TJ-Kashi2018: does "lsusb" list it?23:01
notadropWhen I use firejail on Firefox in Ubuntu, the browser can't access the Internet. It can, however, still access pages on the local host and the LAN. Using the firefox.profile config file from Debian makes no difference. Firefox + firejail worked on Debian. Any ideas?23:02
Kashi2018@TJ yes, so far wifi is working and i can do browsing. I am not aware of command line interface, start learning yesterday.23:02
Kashi2018so ctrl+Alt + T bring Terminal where i can do commands23:03
TJ-Kashi2018: open a 'Terminal' and then do "sudo apt install pastebinit" so we can collect some info23:03
Kashi2018@TJ Thanks23:03
OnkelTemHi all23:04
TJ-Kashi2018: once that is installed do "pastebinit <( uname -a; cat /etc/issue; lspci -nnk; lsusb; dmesg )" and give us the URL23:04
OnkelTemIt seems like on (K)ubuntu 17.10 VLC is broken. It doens't play all the files, it hangs, it doesn't play sound on some videos.23:04
OnkelTemCan anybody confirm?23:05
OnkelTemHow to install some GOOD version of VLC?23:05
OnkelTemand not this crap23:05
TJ-OnkelTem: vlc does a lot of debug messages in the terminal, so start it from terminal and capture the log. "vlc |& tee /tmp/vlc.log"23:06
tomreynOnkelTem: i cannot confirm or deny this, but if you're looking for a different version you can look for a PPA, i bet there are several.23:06
CarlFKzBrains: sorry, dinner arrived.  there is a #pidgin chan - might want to try there23:06
tomreynoh it says there where the problem is23:07
Kashi2018@TJ here is the url http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nXdXFBR6Gr/23:07
OnkelTemHow to disable hw decoding?23:07
tomreynvdpau support has never been really stable i think23:07
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, I don't think firefox is the problem. If you can access local network items and localhost, it sounds like to me that firejail is misconfigured to only allow local network23:08
TJ-Kashi2018: thanks, give me a few minutes to do some research23:08
notadroppragmaticenigma: that's exactly my thinking23:08
notadroppragmaticenigma: so it is an issue with ubuntu's packaging of firejail, I think. I will try installing from upstream...23:08
OnkelTemfound already!23:08
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, I'd stick to the package provided... we can help you with that23:09
notadroppragmaticenigma: okay23:09
Kashi2018@TJ sure.23:09
tomreynOnkelTem: where you ticked it, tick it again https://wiki.videolan.org/images/thumb/VLC_GPU.png/781px-VLC_GPU.png23:09
tomreynoh yuo found it23:09
OnkelTemtomreyn: trying now my video file23:09
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, do you have multiple network connections? Like Ethernet and Wifi, or multiple ethernet ports23:10
TJ-Kashi2018: the camera is found: "input: USB Camera: USB 2.0 UVC HD Webc as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/input/input18"23:10
ajkthxhey guys, what would be the fastest possible transfer method for files across LAN for ubuntu to windows (and vice versa)? ive tried samba and ftp and they both top out at like 5-10mb/s for some reason23:11
TJ-Kashi2018: do " ls -l /dev/video*" and it should list the device node as something like "/dev/video0"23:11
OnkelTemNo guys, nvidia was not in charge. I've disabled tw decoding but it's the same.23:11
notadroppragmaticenigma: only ethernet on this machine23:12
OnkelTemtomreyn: ^23:12
IntelCoreajkthx can you move files with a drive?23:12
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, no other network interfaces that aren't in use?23:12
tomreynOnkelTem: maybe check with the vlc folks directly23:12
notadroppragmaticenigma: correct23:12
tomreynOnkelTem: or provide full output (not just a screen shot) of the messages23:12
notadroppragmaticenigma: wait23:12
Kashi2018@TJ yes it did show that but what application can i use to invoke camera?23:12
ajkthx@IntelCore no it has to be over lan23:13
notadroppragmaticenigma: ethernet is active, wifi is unavailable, loopback is unmanaged23:13
notadroppragmaticenigma: maybe loopback is the issue....?23:13
rdhnotadrop, do you have grsecurity set up23:13
TJ-Kashi2018: to test the camera do the following: "sudo apt install vlc"  then to run the camera try "vlc v4l2:///dev/video0" --- after proving the camera works then any video-aware application can be used with it by telling the application to access the /dev/video0  device23:13
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, what happens if you run the command "firejail ping"23:13
notadroprdh: only if it was automatically set up when I installed.23:13
rdhnotadrop, yea.. idk if it does.23:14
Kashi2018@TJ I am sure it will take me loads of time to customize 16.04 desktop and have all the applications i would need and functional same as MS windows.23:14
notadropdoes Ubuntu ship with grsecurity by default? I know it uses apparmour23:14
IntelCoreajkthx - lan have share.. use it?23:14
tomreynOnkelTem: do you have any other non standard options eenabled? anything tagged experimental? maybe mv ~/.config/vlc{,.orig}23:14
tomreynnotadrop: it doesn't use grsec by default.23:15
OnkelTemtomreyn: full output https://apaste.info/RoE523:15
OnkelTemtomreyn: no, I don't have anything. I installed Kubuntu 17.10 recently from scratch23:15
Kashi2018@TJ as i am using a command line interface mostly and want to continue to use it, how do i backup my commands in text file automatically so when i need lock for command i used in a past i can just opena text file and find it.23:16
IntelCoreHello, might I ask if the next is 18.04LTS23:16
IntelCorerelease date for 18.04 ?23:17
pragmaticenigmaIntelCore, please /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion on 18.0423:17
pragmaticenigmaIntelCore, also, all that information is on the ubuntu website23:17
bugzbunnyIntelCore: yes23:17
CarlFKKashi2018: ~/.bash_history23:17
tomreynOnkelTem: if i interpret lines 45-53 correctly (and i may very well not) then this input file is improperly formatted / broken23:17
bugzbunnyIntelCore: 26th April23:17
tomreynOnkelTem: ... or that's what VLC thinks it is23:18
TJ-Kashi2018: there's a history automatically held, about 1,000 (or is it 10,000) commands long. Use "history" to dump it all, or to search backwards and reuse a command do Ctrl+R (which is a reverse-search) then type some fragment of the command you want to recall. If at first the command line you want doesn't show, press Ctrl+R more times until you find the one you want23:18
naccKashi2018: and you don't need to look in the file, you can just use the `history` command (with grep, if you want)23:18
bugzbunnyIntelCore: As pragmaticenigma Said, questions for 18.04, discuss it in #ubuntu+123:18
OnkelTemtomreyn: yeah, seems like. But the problem here is vlc not the file. It's happening regularly with this specific version of VLC23:19
TJ-Kashi2018: if you like the command-line, read the shell manual (a bit at a time!) with "man bash"23:19
tomreynOnkelTem: did you experience playback errors / glitches when this output was produced?23:19
OnkelTemtomreyn: not with mplayer for example23:19
Kashi2018@CarlFK and @TJ and @Nacc Thank you23:19
IntelCoreTY ubuntu23:19
TJ-Kashi2018: you may find this helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:19
bugzbunnyIntelCore: np23:19
OnkelTemtomreyn: exactly - there is no sound mostly, but when it prints those messages it comes back for some milliseconds23:20
notadroppragmaticenigma: I get this message on stdout, when I run firefox from the shell: ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x150080,name=PBrowser::Msg_Destroy) Closed channel: cannot send/recv23:20
tomreynOnkelTem: try a PPA, try the upstream release, talk to developers.23:20
OnkelTemwell, sure. But it's just a standard Kubuntu if you know what I mean :)23:21
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, does "firejail ping" result in the same message?23:21
Kashi2018I can not imagine this incredible support on any OS platform. I am speechless. Thank you all. I will be asking you guys more question as i am in the process of customizing ubntu and apps.23:21
TJ-Kashi2018: just watching this chat can often be very educational, learning from other user's issues and how support engineers diagnose them23:22
bugzbunnyIt's just as helpful me as well23:22
bugzbunnys/me/for me/23:22
notadroppragmaticenigma: I get this message now: ping: socket: Operation not permitted23:23
Kashi2018@TJ yes, this IRC will be always running in a browser tab but would be better to have this running in a independent IRC application.23:23
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, are there any config files in ~/.config/firejail ??23:23
notadroppragmaticenigma: no... afaik, they are mostly in /etc/firejail23:24
tomreynOnkelTem: https://vlc-bluray.whoknowsmy.name/23:24
notadroppragmaticenigma: do you recall the apt command for seeing which files a package owns?23:24
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, I do not23:25
tomreynOnkelTem: not sure whether this helps with v223:25
TJ-Kashi2018: there are many IRC clients, many of which will log the channels for you. We also have the logs on https://irclogs.ubuntu.com23:26
IntelCore3 weeks, oh boi !23:26
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, try this "firejail --net=eth0 firefox" you might need to replace eth0 with your actual ethernet interface23:26
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TJ-notadrop: "dpkg -L <package>" for installed packages, "apt file list -F <package>" for no-installed23:27
notadroppragmaticenigma: the biggest difference between Ubuntu, and other distros I've used, is AppArmour23:27
notadropI don't know how this didn't hit me before23:27
tomreynOnkelTem: also you should have libdvd-pkg installed23:27
Guest22387what is the best os on Raspberry pi 3 b+23:28
OnkelTemtomreyn: then I think it should not have worked at all (I mean if I miss some package) eh?23:28
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, one thought is whether or not your system has been rebooted since installing firejail. If firejail installed a config change, it's possible AppAmor wasn't cycled after install23:29
tomreynOnkelTem: eithe rthat, or fallen back to the non-proprietary code.23:29
notadroppragmaticenigma: it definitely has23:29
notadropTJ-, pragmaticenigma: https://ptpb.pw/W-9Z23:29
pragmaticenigmanotadrop, otherwise, AppAmor is by default, fairly permissive23:29
Kashi2018@TJ Thank you23:30
OnkelTemtomreyn: just installed from snap - it cannot even open a file :)23:30
* tomreyn shrugs23:36
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kk4ewtGuest22387 noobs23:43
michi31426hi @all23:44
michi31426someone got a minute for a question?23:44
guiverc!ask | michi3142623:45
ubottumichi31426: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:45
antarusI recently upgraded from Xenial to Artful, and now gpg can't seem to read my secrey keys (or some keys are missing)23:46
antarushas anyone else hit this problem?23:46
michi31426Okay, this makes sense ^^ I just accidently "rm -R ~/" . Looks bad, so maybe it's the perfect time for a fresh install. I made an efi stub a while ago (followed a guide, not really understanding :/ ). Do I need to revert or delete the efi stub before installing a new system?23:49
BillD73antarus: I'd check in the #ubuntu+1 channel23:50
pragmaticenigmaBillD73, #ubuntu+1 is for Bionic... not Artful23:50
adrian_1908habit? :D23:51
BillD73always forget about artful lol23:51
pragmaticenigmaantarus, I'd make sure that your user is still the owner of the files, and that the are readable23:52
adrian_1908I feel the same about artful, it felt uneventful. In fact, I just checked and I'm running it. Xenial left a much bigger impression.23:52
antaruspragmaticenigma: I think its simply some kind of format change in gpg keys; my current plan is to copy files to other box, gpg --export the keys there, copy the export to Artful box, gpg --import23:53
antarusand if that works, I'll be on my way23:53
pragmaticenigmaantarus, I would be surprised if the key format changed. but anything is possible I suppose23:54
antaruspragmaticenigma: I would too; I only thought of this procedure because a co-worker hit it recently23:55
antarus(where they had a Trusty / Newer-Distro mismatch and needed to resolve it and did a similar procedure)23:55
antarusI dislike gpg; so stuff works now and i'll just consider it a lost hour of debugging ;p23:56
antarus(luckily i don't have to do this more than once right now)23:56

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