
TJ-Unit193: thanks. I was going through the mass of packages that using --install-recommends pulls in. Shame it isn't possible to set that to only operate at the first level, rather than applying to all packages identified00:00
Unit193TJ-: Try: sudo apt install xubuntu-core^  and go through that list insead (or same with xubuntu-desktop), even with --no-install-recommends.00:00
Unit193But if you install via bootstrap, I'd *highly* recommend using the task over meta, even with --no-install-recommends.00:01
TJ-I was just exploring the options for slim vs fat; I've got 5 18.04 xubuntu laptops here and was checking what is really needed00:03
Unit193Oh, and there's an appendix in the Xubuntu docs you may want to see.00:06
flocculant!team | can people watch for final beta mail today and mail update to threads in dev and users please - I'll likely not see it till late today - thanks :)04:36
ubottucan people watch for final beta mail today and mail update to threads in dev and users please - I'll likely not see it till late today - thanks :): team is akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19304:36
flocculantochosi: if you're unable to do a meeting let me know and I will :)04:38
flocculantochosi bluesabre - also apparently Laney was looking at various timeouts(said jibel) if either of you could ask sometime this week ?04:42
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - i386 - i386 built.05:33
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.05:57
ochosiflocculant: i think i can only ask someone else to schedule a meeting, i have no more wiki edit rights anymore07:51
ochosiwe can schedule one for 10utc (so bluesabre can also make it) tomorrow or on thu this week07:52
Unit193Well, that's early.07:57
ochosiUnit193: ehat i meant was 22utc08:35
ochosi10utc would actually be complicated for me with work08:35
ochosibluesabre: what would work best for you - tonight, tomorrow or thu? (always at 22utc)08:52
bluesabreochosi: I think thursday would work well.08:53
ochosik, then i only need to find someone with wiki edit rights...08:54
bluesabreochosi: looks like I still have them08:58
knomeochosi, wait, what, why?10:20
Unit193Logged out?10:25
knomeyeah, must be some kind of slackery10:25
Unit193Well, logged out is nearly the same as lost rights sometimes. :310:26
Unit193subprocess call was too simplified, doesn't manage stderr so kind of wanders off.  This ends up somehow...Sounds like some sort of old, dark magic, but seems to apply.10:30
Unit193...This may be the wrong channel.10:30
* knome shrugs10:30
Unit193FWIW, I'm going with some sort of dark magic, because nothing makes sense of how this is actually happening, but seems to fix it.10:33
knomegood good10:33
ochosiknome: i was only looking for someone to help me schedule the meeting for thu 22utc as i dont have edit rights in the ubuntu wiki anymore11:07
ochosinot sure if blues already took care of it11:07
knomei mean i can do it but i don't understand how you could not have the permission11:07
knometo 5 april?11:08
knomeerr, thu11:08
knomewiki updated as well as the team calendar11:09
knome(does anybody really use that btw?)11:09
knomealso, it's after end of march and we still haven't published the results...11:09
knomeof the wallpaper contest11:09
ochosii use the calendar11:10
knomethen i'll keep on updating it11:10
ochosithanks, i'll send out the announcement in a bit then11:10
ochosihmright, the wallpaper contest11:11
ochosii think i at least 'did my bit' by voting on all of them11:11
knomei think we just live with the fact that not everybody voted for each submission11:12
knomepleia2, did we want to send/offer paper certs for winners?11:27
akxwi-daveWell I voted for the ones I liked and didn't.. those that I wasn't bothered about I didn't vote11:35
knomeakxwi-dave, the idea was to vote on all submissions :P11:38
knomei mean at this point you can either go do that or tell me to sod off11:38
knomenothing is sent yet11:38
knomeand my bluetooth mouse stopped working11:38
akxwi-daveoh ok, i'll go and vote on the rest then..  :-)  11:47
knomei'll check if i need to change my mailing routine then11:50
knome(but it's ok)11:50
akxwi-daveall done11:56
knomethanks akxwi-dave 11:56
ochosimeeting mail sent11:56
ochosiweird, now i can in fact edit that page again11:57
ochosisry bout the noise then11:57
knomeakxwi-dave, and sorry, there was no change in the top 10 :P11:58
knomei mean technically there could have been.. but not in the order11:58
knomeslickymaster: ping? :P11:58
pleia2knome: I don't think so15:12
flocculantochosi: thanks :) I would have run one about the same time of week and at a time to suit bluesabre too - would have if you were busy16:50
flocculantbluesabre: well - that's just awesome then ;)18:03
flocculantnot sure how you removed the packages - I tried from recovery session - that worked well ... friendly-recovery decided to not be and not respond to kbd - tried in a vm - same thing, managed to do it all prior to first login when there was no .xsession-errors18:05
flocculantand found the same as you 18:05
flocculantpleia2 knome - could you give beta testing some love on social stuff18:09
flocculantthanks :)18:09
flocculantI can do facepalm in a bit18:10
pleia2facepal...oh, hah!18:12
pleia2should I wait until they show up at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/388/builds ?18:13
pleia2(was just looking at the mailing list post)18:13
flocculantnah - that's where they will be 18:13
pleia2people have short attention spans, if they see it now and click on it and empty, they won't come back until reminded ;)18:13
flocculantif we wait for that - who knows - we're not even re-building yet18:13
pleia2but there's nothing for them to do yet, right? or ..?18:14
flocculantpleia2: not at the moment18:14
pleia2I could do a "things will show up here, so get your testing systems ready!" tweet now18:14
pleia2then follow-up when it's alive18:14
flocculantok 18:14
willempleia2, flocculant If I  may be so bold: I think it's good strategy to first get a "process" signal out (we're about to do rebuilds, be prepared...kind of thing) and then when the builds are live the actual mails with links18:20
willemit would get my attention anyway :-)18:20
pleia2email I totally agree :) it's just hard with social media since people seem to click and act, if there's nothing to do right away we lose their attention18:21
flocculantI assume pleia2 meant willem there :p18:22
flocculantand even before they've rebuilt there's talk of respins18:22
flocculantand new kernel in -proposed18:23
pleia2did similar on G+18:23
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)18:23
flocculantI'll likely wait for facepalm 18:23
flocculantthat's even worse for involvement18:24
willemjust liked the twitter message; so my 3 followers will be awake now ;-)18:25
flocculantwillem: I agree - though I have to say that ever the last 3 or 4 years we have tried many different approaches and unfortunately what I've taken from that is that generally our users think there is a software fairy that does it all for them while they sleep18:26
willemflocculant, I don't really blame them I think,18:27
willem: you are fairies of sorts. We, end users, don't see your processes, we don't see you work18:27
willemwe don't look you up here on irc18:27
willembecause that's not a "natural" place to go for end users like me18:28
flocculantbut you can read e-mails?18:28
willemyes, that's true18:28
flocculantbecause all the people on both the lists - get those ;)18:28
willemyeah, forgot about that... hmmm 18:28
flocculantand we do the social media things 18:28
willemso, that's my theory down the drain then18:29
flocculantha ha 18:29
flocculantmostly it's about catching people at the right time and engaging - like with you18:29
* willem heading over to G+ to see whether it still exists and then like the testing message18:30
flocculantanyway - enough of this 6 monthly cyclical gripe from me :p18:30
willemno, no, I understand your frustration18:30
willem((just woke up my 2 G+ followers..))18:31
pleia2hehe, thanks18:31
flocculantI don't mean you - I say the same things every cycle - and I'm likely as bored by it as everyone else is18:31
willemI experience the same thing at work: people enjoy the ride until you ask them to do stuff, then they look at their watches: jeez, is that the time?18:33
willemWhat did it for me: your message about testing to keep the community alive came just after I had (again) ditched KDE Neon to again get back to Xubuntu, and felt relieved to be back18:34
willembecause xubuntu is just what I need for my daily work18:35
flocculantthat's what I mean by the right time - but that's impossible to gauge ;)18:35
willemyeah, you're right. 18:36
willem((good grief: just discovered I have 17 G+ followers; are you guys sure your server will cope? ;-))18:37
pleia2willem: what is your twitter handle?18:38
flocculantbiab - dad taxi18:38
willempleia2, uhm.. have to look that up ;-(18:38
willempleia2, @hoblem18:42
pleia2oh, secrets secrets18:43
willempleia2, your Dutch any good? ;-)18:43
pleia2I can barely speak English ;D18:43
willemI think I have now my 4th twitter follower :-)18:51
willemBTW: thunderbird thought I was sent an emailscam. 18:52
willemAnd gmail didn't like the link to twitter either :-(18:53
* flocculant giggles at bug 1760955 then toddles off18:54
ubottubug 1760955 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "Long message when all indicators are hidden" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176095518:54
knomepleia2, ok, then i won't mention that :)18:55
knomewillem, i'm not really sure what the actual scope of the bug you showed is (ping ochosi) but does this happen with the elementary-xfce-* icon themes as well?18:58
willemAdwaita and elementary xfce dark: http://i.imgur.com/a2wz4Jo.png19:02
willemAdwaita and elementary xfce darker: http://i.imgur.com/8dMSDlL.png19:03
willemadwaita and elementary sxfe darkest: http://i.imgur.com/37uZcpn.png19:04
willemAre these links helpful?19:06
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
ochosiwillem: sry from the screenshots alone i dont get the bug - is there a report/description already?19:38
willemochosi, no, apart from the screen cast I posted earlier, I have no report yet; I was trying to find out where to report this and asked flocculant for help; he ppinted to you and knome. You have seen the screen cast? 19:40
willem https://www.dropbox.com/s/hinzabgbx7yb4x7/Schermopname%202018-03-29%2015%3A24%3A13.mp4?dl=0 19:41
willemknome, ochosi I'll be offline for quite some time now; I'm not certain I've set up my znc bouncer correctly, so I may miss any queries you may post from now on.19:45
willemI'll check in tomorrow, or the day after. Let me know where to report this bug (if it is a bug), and against which package or theme or what have you.19:46
flocculantpleia2: aaand - it's built ;)19:54
flocculantat least this version is ...19:54
ochosiwillem: thats not default adwaita, by default it has a bright panel19:55
ochosidid you use something like gtk-theme-config..?19:56
ochosianyway, thats only a theme bug19:56
flocculantochosi: evening :)19:57
flocculantthanks for doing meeting - useful timing just after beta finishes \o/19:59
ochosino worries19:59
ochosiwould have scheduled earlier, but it was a tight easter weekend20:00
flocculantI shall be about - but likely a bit sleepier than normal ;)20:00
ochosihehe, good good20:00
flocculantack - I was in and out most of the weekend20:00
ochosii need to try to reproduce the LL issue i guess20:00
ochosiand check where xfpm and xfsettingsd handle lid stuff20:00
flocculantthe resolution one?20:01
flocculantoh that - yea good luck there ;)20:01
ochosino, that one i'm not too concerned about20:01
ochosiits not pretty but at least it doesnt break stuff20:01
flocculantindeed :)20:01
ochosiplus its actually the driver at fault (at least probably)20:01
flocculantand also I believe that nvidia is putting up a bit of a struggle around the place this cycle 20:02
flocculantha ha - more or less snap there :p20:02
ochosithe backlight issue sucks far more20:02
ochosiand bluetooth is a little out of scope for me20:02
flocculantyea for sure 20:02
ochosii only have devices *with* bt, so as far as i understood i have no way to reproduce anyway20:03
ochosiplus its not just our problem20:03
flocculantthough the lappy I managed to resurrect seems ok - though battery is fubar, so if it's that making it worse - can't test20:03
flocculantyea - that helps, though I'm not even sure if flexiondotorg looked there since I mentioned it20:04
TJ-someone mention bluetooth?20:04
ochosiyeah, and light-locker issue 108 ;)20:04
TJ-108 is mine20:05
TJ-what's this BT issue, don't think I've spotted that20:05
TJ-I've been hacking on BT for about 10 years so might have some insight20:05
flocculantbug 175483620:05
ubottubug 1754836 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu: ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on org.bluez:/org/bluez: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175483620:05
flocculantthat one20:05
flocculantthat we're not even sure of now20:06
flocculantidling for a while20:06
TJ-do we know if bluesabre, when removing those packages, did a purge? Because I'm wondering if some DBus activation conf files were left behind20:11
TJ-I could try reproducing here by pulling the BT module's connection.20:12
TJ-The Introspection is the interesting part - something is trying to reverse-engineer the interface presented by bluez. I'd be focusing on the DBus activation side since I'd assume bluez won't publish an interface is there isn't a BT HCI 20:14
TJ-what is VERY interesting is the system config doesn't run, it has "Exec=/bin/false" -- /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.bluez.service20:21
TJ-Ahh, that's because it's left to systemd to activate it via /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service20:30
ochosiTJ-: i know thats your bugreport, btw are you still working on debugging that one?20:31
ochosiif so i can at least add the relevant parts from the xfce side as references20:32
TJ-ochosi: working on it but it's intermittent so I have to 'catch' it :)20:33
TJ-I've got an LP bug for it too20:33
TJ-Bug #175995020:34
ubottubug 1759950 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Lid-close suspend: blank screen when switching to user session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175995020:34
TJ-ochosi: I'm leaning towards the fact that it only affects very fast systems (race condition) all my less capable laptops are fine20:35
ochosiwas there a patch or anything from your side already?20:38
TJ-ochosi: My current hypothesis is that the lid-close events causes light-locker to disable baclklight... but on resume A new display server is launched for the greeter on vt8, and that starts so quickly that the user session is switched away from light-locker before it receives the activate event so light-locker never re-enables it's internal backlight tracking variable. Thus, on each switch back to vt720:39
TJ-it resets the state of the backlight to 'off'20:39
TJ-No, my patches are just inserting debug messages to gain additional insight20:40
TJ-In my next session I'm going to figure out how to insert a long delay in starting the display server on vt8 for the greeter20:41
ochosiTJ-: sounds like a plan21:02
bluesabreTJ-: ah, didn't purge21:53
TJ-I've added some comment and a manual DBus test you can do to simulate the issue21:54
bluesabreflocculant: when I was testing, I created a new user, removed the packages, and rebooted. Seemed sufficient since I could reproduce on first login for any user22:04
TJ-I think it is what I've mentioned in the bug report ... the other flavours don't ship apps using DBus to talk to blueze22:06
bluesabreI think blueman does it directly, and the other flavors utilize gnome-bluetooth or other bt libraries22:07
pleia2knome: hold up for a moment22:11
knomepleia2, what?22:11
pleia2knome: the URLs are correct when you look at them with your eyes, but they're all *linking to* the tree one22:11
knomepleia2, 4/6 mails are gone already :|22:11
pleia2yes, clicky22:11
knomeughy ughy22:12
knomei'll fix that for the rest two22:12
knomeand send replies to the other ones :)22:12
knomethe reason why you should never send html mail22:13
knomeand also, mailing list archive even shows this correctly (of course)22:15
pleia2omnomnom html email22:15
knomeok, does that fix it for you (too)?22:17
pleia2yes, good job22:17
knomethank you22:18
* knome bows22:18
pleia2and thanks for taking care of this :)22:18
knomegood thing that we spotted that now22:18
knomeno problems22:18
knomenow we wait anxiously22:18
TJ-bluesabre: yes, blueman uses Dbus, the others I think use libbluetooth22:23
TJ-bluesabre: which would explain why it's the user session that suffers most22:23
knomehozzah, first reply!22:24
ochosiTJ-: i presume you already found the part where there is already a delay in the switching to greeter22:25
* pleia2 starts making note of people to send stickers to22:25
knomepleia2, great, i'll also let you know if somebody sends me their address in private22:26
knomeochosi, do we want to ask for as big as possible resolution or are we content with 2560x1440/1660?22:26
knomeochosi, since you're the artwork boss22:26
ochosii guess we won't run into sizing issues, but i'd go with a realistic resolution (e.g. 4k?) instead of the "random biggest resolution" for each pic22:27
knomei mean of course22:27
knomebut the question was if we wanted to even ask for >2k22:28
TJ-ochosi: yes22:28
TJ-ochosi: but it looks like there could be two DBus clients, one reported in syslog (pre-greeter) and those in .xsession-errors22:29
knomei guess 4k is really the only bigger "realistic" resolution22:29
ochosiknome: i'd ask for biggest and if it turns out that only few reach 4k we go with the 2560x1440 one22:30
TJ-ochosi: the obvious solution is to have a startup job that checks whether org.bluez is activate-able and if not disables them, so stops blueman from autostart-ing, disables which-ever system client is trying to access it. Needs doing each boot in case a BT device is added22:31
knomefor sensibility, i'd ask "do you have 4k" and if they do, include that even if not all of them do22:31
knomebecause why not?22:31
knomeit's the best possible service we can offer22:31
ochosiTJ-: oh, you're talking about bt again while i was talking about light-locker :)22:31
TJ-ochosi: oh! Right now BT looks easier to solve :D22:31
ochosiknome: yeah, that's what i'd go with22:32
ochosiTJ-: lol, ok ok :)22:32
knomeochosi, ok, that's what we'll do then22:32
TJ-ochosi: I don't see any delay in the greeter, is that some other bug I'm not seeing or a config setting22:32
ochosiTJ-: the delay is when resuming to the greeter22:33
ochosiit's currently hardcoded to 1s22:33
TJ-yeah... i saw that with associated comments about trying to avoid a race condition22:33
ochosibut tbh i don't see light-locker deactivating the backlight anywhere22:34
TJ-it asks lightdm to do; l-l does the interfacing but the heavy lifting is delegated to lightdm22:34
ochosihm, i must've overlooked that part then22:36
ochosithis one does it too btw: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/tree/xfsettingsd/displays.c#n133722:36
TJ-I'm still hypothesising, but from what I've seen so far and the code, it won't make the user session visible if it's not active. If I'm correct and the vt8 greeter is active before that point it won't do priv->visble = TRUE 22:36
TJ-I'll try to reproduce it again tomorrow, which likely means having to do a cold boot 22:37
ochositbh i'm not sure who catches the lid event first22:38
ochosiboth services are listening to upower22:38
TJ-right... that's why I have to drop debug code in all over... makes my mind go numb trying to keep track22:38
TJ-I wish userspace were more like the kernel and I could attach probes just as easily22:39
ochosiTJ-: here is another one: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/tree/src/xfpm-manager.c#n45022:43
ochosiput it all into the issue as well22:45
TJ-I've been monitoring the DPMS state externally and it isn't incorrect22:45
ochosiin which sense?22:45
TJ-the only value that changes is the bl_power on the backlight device22:45
ochosiright, but who changes it?22:47
TJ-That's what I'm trying to find out :)22:47
TJ-it's obviously related to vt switch otherwise all VTs would be dark22:48
ochosior lid close?22:48
ochosialthough that should be easy to test22:49
TJ-and the 'off' only gets triggered by lid_close 22:49
ochosiso lid close22:49
ochosianyway, gotta get some sleep22:50
TJ-lid_close causes backlight off for that VT. Resume and blacklight is fine on all VTs but the user session on VT722:50
ochosiso either lightdm fails22:50
TJ-ha, it is a blacklight too... I meant backlight :D22:50
TJ-lightdm is firing up the greeter on VT8 isn't it?22:51
ochosiactually it must be lightdm22:51
ochosibecause nothing in the session gets the lid open event22:51
ochosibecause the seat is locked22:51
TJ-but it get's told what to do by light-locker for the VT, so if l-l on VT7 says 'off' whenever VT7 is selected that state is restored22:51
ochosi(at least if i remember how lightdm worked correctly)22:51
ochosiso if e.g. xfsettingsd switches off the backlight (or xfpm) within the session22:52
ochosithen lightdm would restore that22:52
TJ-light-locker gets the the lid_open event, but it seems to get it whilst VT7 is not in use, so it doesn't react properly to it (due to visible == false)22:52
ochosibut neither xfsettingsd nor xfpm would restore the backlight because they only do that when they get the lid_open event22:52
ochosiyeah, light-locker has the same problem as xfsettingsd and xfpm ^22:53
ochosiall of them are "trapped" in the locked seat22:53
TJ-I've not seen any indications of xfpm reacting - I've dropped debug code in there22:53
ochosiyeah, i'm not surprised22:53
ochosii think it should be halted during the locked session22:53
ochosias pretty much everything else (nice indication is music playback pausing)22:54
ochosii wouldn't expect it to receive signals or act on them22:54
TJ-without light locker enabled there's never a problem so it must be something l-l is missing22:54
ochosiwithout light-locker you remain in the same VT22:54
TJ-the 'close' side looks fine, the 'open' side has a problem. 22:55
ochosiso xfsettingsd and xfpm can react22:55
ochosimhm, sounds reasonable to suspect22:55
TJ-Well yes, but ... with the screensaver enabled, I did think I noticed a couple of times a brief sign of the screensaver before the greeter showed up22:55
TJ-and screensaver is on VT7 22:55
ochosithat may depend on your graphics driver even22:56
TJ-we're talking a fraction of a second, but if I recall correctly, it looked to be animating, so it wasn't just an old framebuffer image22:56
ochosisometimes even on wakeup from lid_close some people would see their desktop for the fraction of a second22:56
ochosi(those without an additional screensaver)22:57
TJ-right, first thing I checked was the i91522:57
TJ-Anyhow, as I said, I'll try to provoke it tomorrow and get some more accurate debug output22:58
ochosigood plan22:58
ochosiand with that - > good night! :)22:58
TJ-it's not a major issue since I can suspend from CLI or the power button before closing the lid, then it resumes fine22:58
TJ-good night and thanks for all your donated brain power!22:58
TJ-Got another interesting issue here; just resumed 1 PC and it's stuck in a loop constantly starting and failing a greeter Xorg on VT8, such that it's not possible to switch VTs via keyboard. I'm on via SSH trying to figure out how to stop it spawning new Xorg endlessly23:47
ali1234stopping lightdm will do it23:49
TJ-Not a good idea, there's an active user session I don't want to lose :)23:53
ali1234oh, is the beta iso out?23:56

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