
quintSo I'm trying to access a webdav site which just had its TLS cert replaced09:25
quintCan verify it's valid, and was valid before on thunar with the previous cert09:26
quintTried it in a few web browsers, and they don't complain09:26
quint(let's encrypt)09:26
quintIs this a bug? Or Is there certificate pinning or something?09:27
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notadropHey. Which themes are you guys and gals using?19:00
notadropRight now I'm using arc-theme, and it works really well with everything...19:00
notadropbut I'm wondering what else is out there.19:00
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drleviathannotadrop, by "theme" in xfce are you only talking about the background+text colors (as in "Theme Configuration") or are you also including window border stuff (Window Manager settings) and icons (Appearance/Icons) ?19:46
notadropdrleviathan: I'm taking about the chrome/UI, so... window borders, widgets19:52
notadropso that would be themes that support GTK2+3 and XFWM19:53
notadropIcons and Cursors are easy enough to find on their own...19:53
notadropAs are colour schemes, but most WM themes come with that anyway19:54
drleviathanwell as a data point for you:  I use a custom color scheme (yellow active window borders, green inactive borders) which is otherwise derived from Default-hdpi19:58
notadropokay. and I guess you use the Default-hdpi decorations?20:06
Kumoolit seems most apps overlap the panel border or hide under it23:49

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