
gourafaik, after cloning some git repo with 'git clone repo-url', one can do 'git fetch' and then checkout to some other (non-master) branch. with brz it's possible to use 'brz switch', but i wonder how to replace 'git clone url; git fetch' with brz only?06:46
jelmergour: breezy's operations are generally per branch rather than per repository (as in Git)08:46
jelmergour: there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/brz/+bug/831939 for clone support08:46
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 831939 in Breezy "command for cloning bzrdir including *all* colocated branches" [Wishlist,Triaged]08:46
gourjelmer: thanks. that would be cool to have, indeed08:48
jelmergour: FWIW you can address individual colocated branches by adding ",branch=blah" to the end of a URL09:05
jelmerbut it's a bit clunky09:05
gourjelmer: i tried that before, but it was not clear whether i should do it in a separate directory or within original clone...moreover, i got some errors in regard and therefore did 'git clone; git fetch'09:11
jelmergour: something like 'brz branch https://code.blah/foo,branch=blah file:.,branch=blah' should work10:54
jelmerbut yeah, pretty clunky :)10:54
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