
thumperveebers: got a few minutes?00:44
veebersthumper: otp with babbageclunk00:44
thumperif it is dependency related, I have information00:44
thumperand suggestions00:44
thumperveebers, babbageclunk ^^00:45
veebersthumper: well, was related to the move to macaroon/bakery v2 (failing test).00:56
thumperI'm considering a somewhat more agressive stance on imports00:57
thumperwhich impacts all this work00:57
veebersthumper: did you want to chat now, or should I have lunch first? I'm needing to pop out for an errand shortly00:58
thumperperhaps quick now?00:58
thumper5 min max00:58
veebersthumper: ack, 5 min timebox :-)00:59
anastasiamacthumper: could u plz come into babbageclunk's office (aka a-team standup)?01:10
anastasiamacthumper: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/a-team-standup?authuser=001:10
thumperjam: how goes the removal of api server machines?03:30
thumperbabbageclunk: got a few minutes?03:30
babbageclunkthumper: yup03:35
babbageclunkthumper: in 1:1?03:35
babbageclunkhmm, we don't appear to have a 1:1 anymore? I'm in the hangout called christian-tim03:37
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jamexternalreality: gave some feedback on 855508:00
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externalrealityjam, Ack on the feedback.08:04
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rogpeppebabbageclunk, veebers: if you're around, i replied to that mail thread about the macaroon error response08:41
veebersrogpeppe: hey o/ I'm a little bit around :-)08:52
rogpeppeveebers: hiya08:52
rogpeppeveebers: so ISTM that this probably isn't a macaroon size issue at all08:52
veebersrogpeppe: what's the best way to get you the comparison data? Print out the headers and body from somewhere?08:52
veebersrogpeppe: oh?08:52
rogpeppeveebers: did you see the email i just sent?08:53
veebersrogpeppe: just reading now, oh are you saying introduced in juju/juju (that rev?)08:53
rogpeppeveebers: i don't know exactly when this has been changed, but pretty recently08:53
veebersrogpeppe: interesting. There was a large branch landeed by babbageclunk but that might be a red herring08:55
rogpeppeveebers: looks like it was done in eab1c2550ffc0695a2dfa1ab9583d62863efc41b08:55
veebersah, that would be the large one I mentioned :-)08:55
rogpeppeveebers: BTW isn't that a backwardly incompatible change?08:55
veebersrogpeppe: which, eab1c25?08:56
rogpeppeveebers: yeah08:57
veebersrogpeppe: I'm not familiar with the changes, only aware it went in08:57
rogpeppeveebers: ok08:57
rogpeppeveebers: well, given that that commit seems to have been working, perhaps it's worth looking at the size issue too08:58
veebersrogpeppe: what gives you concern? (I have faith in babbageclunks and wallyworlds reviews)08:58
veebersrogpeppe: aye, the test pass on that commit08:58
rogpeppeveebers: if an old client connects to the new server, i'd be concerned that it can still see the macaroon error response08:59
rogpeppeveebers: maybe it decides what to do based on something in the request though08:59
veebersrogpeppe: I can mention that tomorrow if you like, get some closure :-)09:01
rogpeppeveebers: i'm just trying to work out what goes on in the code09:01
rogpeppeveebers: in the meantime, it would be great to get an example of the old and the new macaroons that are being returned from the api server09:02
rogpeppeveebers: to see why the size is changing09:03
rogpeppeveebers: because that may be indicative of some other issue09:03
veebersrogpeppe: posted you some logs, let me know if that's useful or not, I'll grab from tip of develop now (i.e. v1 macaroons)09:07
rogpeppe1veebers: sorry, my network stack just died09:07
rogpeppe1veebers: what was the last thing you saw me say?09:08
rogpeppe1veebers: last thing i saw from you was "I can mention that tomorrow if you like, get some closure :-)"09:08
veebersrogpeppe1: ugh sucks. I saw:veebers: because that may be indicative of some other issue09:08
veebersrogpeppe1: I chucked you some logs, let me resend, let me know if it's the details you need09:09
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