
jbicharobert_ancell: hi, in case you didn't hear, I guess they want you to upload your ubuntu-welcome app soon :)01:01
duflujbicha, thanks for the suspend-on-power fix BTW01:07
jbichaduflu: maybe we'll bring it back next year :)01:08
duflujbicha, if it's configurable, sure. :)01:08
dufluAFAIK it's not yet user-configurable for the login screen01:08
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:34
jibelSalut oSoMoN06:37
oSoMoNsalut jibel06:38
didrocksgood morning07:11
oSoMoNbonjour didrocks07:13
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:14
seb128salut didrocks oSoMoN07:15
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:15
jibelBonjour didrocks seb128 and all07:15
seb128lut jibel07:15
seb128good morning desktopers07:15
didrockssalut seb128, jibel !07:16
seb128andyrock, hey07:37
seb128andyrock, I'm backporting your udisks segfault fix to bionic, just as a fyi07:37
andyrockhey hey07:38
dufluMorning oSoMoN, jibel, didrocks, seb128, andyrock07:40
seb128hey duflu07:40
didrockshey duflu!07:40
dufluMorning willcooke08:00
willcookeduflu, koza - are you doing the BT meeting today?08:00
dufluThe BT meeting moved again. Depends if koza wants it08:01
dufluOr seb08:01
willcookeLovely timezones08:01
willcookeSeb is out this morning for a little while08:01
willcookeI have nothing08:01
dufluAlright. In that case I am putting the camera away. FYI willcooke, koza08:02
duflu& jibel ^08:02
willcookeduflu, ack.08:02
* willcooke looks like crap anyway08:02
dufluMorning Laney08:02
willcookeThe kids have given me some illness08:03
willcookehi Laney08:03
dufluWell, their immune systems get a good education08:03
dufluat least08:03
didrockshey willcooke, Laney08:05
didrockswillcooke: I guess we can make a club of "be sick, thanks to the kids" this week :)08:05
didrocksat least, you know how to do it, being sick during work days08:06
didrocksfor me, that was during extended week-end08:06
didrocksless attractive :p08:06
* didrocks needs to plan better next time08:06
willcookeurg, that's the worst08:07
willcookeactually, being sick on holiday is the worst08:07
didrocksI guess I had my share of that since December. I should ask for reimbursement to "life"! :)08:08
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willcookemorning seb12809:10
seb128hey willcooke, how are you today?09:10
willcookegot a bit of a cold from the kids09:10
willcookeOne of thm was up a lot last night coughing09:11
willcookeso tired as well09:11
willcookeyay :)09:11
didrockswb seb12809:11
seb128willcooke, welcome to the club!09:12
ali1234i think there is a problem with the fontconfig cache on the live images09:27
willcookeHi ali1234, is that a new problem?  In the last few days?09:28
ali1234it's been around for a long time09:28
ali1234it just took a long time to track it down09:28
willcookeHow is it manifesting itself?09:28
ali1234basically, the files in /var/cache/fontconfig are not accepted, so the font cache gets rebuilt in ~/.cache/fontconfig for every installed font09:29
willcookeah.  jibel - that could be a candidate for slow start up?09:29
ali1234this takes like a minute or more and delays getting to the live desktop or installer09:29
ali1234right, it's the slow startup09:29
seb128good finding if that's the issue!09:29
willcookelooks like we owe you some beers ali123409:30
ali1234if you update a font package it rebuilds the font cache and then the problem goes away09:30
seb128so it's only the cache included on the iso?09:30
seb128do you know what it doesn't like about it?09:30
ali1234a little bit09:30
ali1234at xubuntu, we thought the problem was caused by bluez and we have a bug tracking that09:30
seb128that would be weird09:31
ali1234last night i figured out bluez was a red herring: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/175483609:31
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754836 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu: ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on org.bluez:/org/bluez: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms)" [Critical,Confirmed]09:31
ali1234see my comments at the bottom of that09:31
ali1234i dont know whether to change that bug or make a new one, if a new one i don't know what to open it against :)09:32
ali1234all the info is there though09:32
ali1234one interesting thing is that ubuntu seems to rebuild the font cache during the installer so it is only affected in the live image. however, xubuntu does not so it happens again on the user's first login to the installed system09:33
jibelwillcooke, could be but the bootchart should have shown IO generated by the creation of the cache.09:33
willcookejibel, sounds like it could well be a culprit, so interesting that the boot chart doesnt show it.09:34
jibelunless it stops too early09:34
willcookeoh, yeah09:34
ali1234it definitely gets rebuilt - just check ~/.cache/fontconfig. it should be empty except for maybe 1 file for the firefox emoji font09:34
didrocks/var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.postinst looks correct at first look09:35
didrocksin the "trigger" case09:35
seb128well there are caches in the system location09:35
seb128but they are invalid09:35
didrockswe should look for "fc-cache failed" in iso build logs09:35
seb128where is the iso build log? ;)09:36
didrocksin case the invalid caches are from a fc-cache error09:36
didrocksthis is why I didn't put a link, I don't know :p09:36
seb128Laney, ^ help? :)09:36
seb128or maybe jibel knows09:36
ali1234if anyone knows the structure of the cache files, i did a binary diff between working/non-working09:36
ali1234details on the bug09:36
didrocksthe best case would be fc-cache generating that errors with the logs in /var/log/fontconfig.log09:37
seb128it's over my understand of fontconfig details09:37
didrocksif it only generates invalid caches and don't error out… urgh, harder to understand09:37
jibelseb128, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/bionic09:37
seb128jibel, thx09:37
jibelthen look at the build id in the first lines of the log09:37
jibelhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/bionic/ubuntu/+build/128542 in this case09:38
didrocksno fc-cache error line :/09:38
seb128nothing useful in that log09:38
seb128Setting up fontconfig (2.12.6-0ubuntu1) ...09:38
seb128Regenerating fonts cache... done.09:38
didrocksso the trigger happily passed09:38
seb128Processing triggers for fontconfig (2.12.6-0ubuntu1) ...09:38
seb128well not a surprise if a cache file is generated09:39
didrocksand nothing below…09:39
jibelSetting up fontconfig (2.12.6-0ubuntu1) ...09:39
jibelRegenerating fonts cache... done.09:39
jibelyeah :)09:39
didrocks/var/log/fontconfig.log ?09:39
didrocksis that purged from the iso? (I don't have one handy09:39
didrocksin case that can help09:39
didrocksas we run fc-cache in verbose mode and redirect to it…09:40
jibeldidrocks, i'll have a look i'm testing beta209:40
* didrocks crosses fingers log will help09:40
willcookeDebian are fingering Noto as the problem, is that right?09:42
ali1234Noto is really slow to generate because it is huge09:42
ali1234but the issue is it shouldn't be getting generated because the cache is supposed to already be there09:42
ali1234https://cgit.freedesktop.org/fontconfig/tree/src/fccache.c#n996 is the list of reasns why fontconfig will reject a cache file09:47
ali1234the ifdef jumps out at me as something which could be represented by that mystery field09:48
jibelhm, latest iso doesn't boot if I go directly to the live session from syslinux09:50
Laneyseb128: I got as far as noticing gsd-xsettings is slow when doing some fontconfig thing, this sounds further along than I got09:52
Laneyor what did you want my help with?09:52
seb128Laney, getting the url of the iso build log, but jibel had it09:52
Laneyhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/bionic/ubuntu/ this is a good index09:53
jibeldidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7YxNf7MsvY/ and it says existing cache is valid09:58
seb128it might be worth sending an email to the upstream fontconfig list with the cache bin diff10:00
seb128they might be helpful10:00
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seb128ali1234, would you like to do that?10:00
didrocksjibel: :/10:01
jibelali1234, do you know which job trigger fc-cache on log in?10:01
jibelone day I'll dd an iso to my hard drive :/10:04
LaneyThe GLib update doesn't look that interesting10:11
jibelinteresting finding10:11
Laneygtk+3.0, probably is ok10:11
LocutusOfBorgseb128, not major update, minor debian revision10:11
LocutusOfBorgLaney, if you want, just ack and I'll upload in a ppa10:11
seb128_right, the glib change seems a bit late in the cycle10:12
LocutusOfBorgI don't want to mess up with your iso generations or similar10:12
didrocksseb128_: good catch!10:12
jibelseb128_, do you know what triggers fc-cache on log in?10:13
jibelI cannot find anything10:13
seb128_likely fontconfig which when being used validates the cache10:13
seb128_so apps themself10:13
Laneyit breaks stuff too https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89476310:13
ubot5`Debian bug 894763 in libglib2.0-0 "libglib2.0-0: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgobject-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_date_copy" [Grave,Open]10:13
Laneyjibel: gsd-xsettings does something with fontconfig10:13
Laneyand that is part of the startup10:14
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: you can upload to the queue, it'll probably get accepted after the beta10:15
seb128_bbiab, need to change location10:15
Laneyand please make sure to do your changes in bzr too if you don't mind10:15
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Laneymight want to check if jbicha_ hasn't started this work too, would be annoying to duplicate10:16
LocutusOfBorgok nice10:16
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LocutusOfBorgI think he is *happy* to stop merging it :)10:17
Laneyok, if you know that based on some evidence10:18
LocutusOfBorglast time he asked me to do the merge :)10:18
LocutusOfBorgI did a gtk2 and he asked me to also merge gtk310:19
LocutusOfBorgand after that also glib2 :)10:19
Laneyhe asked you to merge this glib upload?10:19
LocutusOfBorgI'm talking about previous uploads10:20
LocutusOfBorgdone gtk3 in queue10:20
* duflu closes eyes and logs off before finding any more mutter issues10:30
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seb128k, back at my desk/online10:48
seb128didrocks, ali1234, sorry, had to drop from IRC for a bit, was there anything else said on the topic meanwhile?10:48
ali1234i read that bug report. seems to exactly describe what i am seeing10:49
seb128yeah, what I though as well from your binary diff/explanations10:49
didrocksseb128: nothing more, no10:49
seb128ali1234, do you want to provide some details on that upstream report or should I?10:50
Laneyjibel attached the log that was asked for10:50
ali1234ah FC_DEBUG=16... i think i tried every other possible number :)10:51
seb128ah, nice10:52
ali1234ah i think i understand this now from that log - "cache checksum 1522818676.601423551 dir checksum 1522818676.0"10:55
ali1234so it is actually the font directory that has had the timestamp changed by going through squashfs10:56
ali1234and that's why the mystery field changes to zero10:59
seb128didrocks, do you want that as a launchpad bug report or just IRC ping?11:00
seb128$ dpkg-deb -c libsysmetrics-dev_1.0.3_i386.deb | grep pc11:00
seb128-rw-r--r-- root/root       258 2018-04-03 09:51 ./usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/sysmetrics.pc11:00
seb128didrocks, the arch triplet is i386-linux-gnu no i68611:00
seb128it makes ubuntu-welcome fail to build on i386 since it doesn't find the .pc11:00
Laneythat looks like DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE or something was used instead of DEB_HOST_MULTARCH11:02
didrocksseb128: let me just fix it, no need for paperwork11:02
didrocksfixing right away11:02
seb128didrocks, thx11:02
Laneywith right spelling of multiarch11:02
didrocksnw! thanks for pointing it!11:03
didrocksLaney: :)11:03
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didrocksseb128: fixed, built, tested and uploaded. You can take and build latest from github if you want to take that one instead of copying on your system :)11:10
seb128didrocks, thx, the build is from a ppa so I'm just going to wait for it to be in the archive and retry11:15
seb128my bionic system is amd64 :p11:15
didrocksargh, I needed to keep one GNU style for build dir due to dh_golang…11:16
didrocksoh, true, you reinstalled :)11:16
Laneyseb's specialist dual boot system11:18
didrocksok, the ppa ran worked this time (to avoid an useless upload), pushing11:35
seb128didrocks, :)11:35
seb128didrocks, thanks for fixing!11:36
didrocksso yeah, I used the GNU type due to dh_golang and didn't think about build dir being different than install dir (don't understand exactly why)11:36
didrocksthe 2 tools, being debian specific, should use the same triplet format IMHO11:36
seb128yeah, I don't know either11:37
didrocksTravis is having large roundtrip anyway to start a build, so I was able to slip that in between 2 builds :)11:37
willcookeIs there a good LP bug for the fontconfig issue?  I'd like to tag it rls-bb-incoming at least.  I can open a new one based on the upstream one if needed11:40
ali1234i don't know of any others11:40
seb128ali1234, the bluez one was about bluez or really about the slow boot/fontconfig?11:41
seb128in which case we just need to rename it11:41
didrocksseems the timeout on bluez is due to slow boot11:41
seb128willcooke, we had one about slow boot on our side already which we can maybe use?11:41
ali1234i opened it when we thought the slow boot was caused by bluez11:41
ali1234there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/174954611:41
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1749546 in casper (Ubuntu) "Booting a live session is slow " [Undecided,New]11:41
seb128reusing that seems fine to me11:42
willcookeah nice, let's reuse that one11:42
seb128willcooke, thx11:42
willcookeI'll update etc11:42
didrocksit's great to have at least an idea where this may be coming from :)11:42
jibelwillcooke, I'll reassign to fontconfig11:42
willcookejibel, I'm doing that now11:42
LaneyI'm already assigned to it, it's fine11:43
Laneybut if you want ...11:43
jibelyou can remove casper11:43
Laneyoh you probably don't mean #175084611:44
jibelno it's different11:45
Laneyis it though11:46
ali1234i have a feeling that the fontconfig thing may cause a knock-on effect where other stuff times out11:46
ali1234especially dbus - hence the bluez thing as well11:46
ali1234i have no evidence for this though11:46
willcookesounds plausible11:47
seb128one easy way to figure out, fix the fontconfig issue and see if that resolves the other ones :)11:47
willcookeanyone want to own this one?11:47
willcookeWould like to see if we can get it fixed for beta11:47
seb128do you know where is the team mapping list?11:47
willcooketry at least11:47
seb128I wonder who owns fontconfig11:48
Laneybe calm11:48
LaneyI've been assigned to the bug I just referenced for some time, I'm working on it11:48
seb128wfm, thanks Laney!11:48
LaneyI found out last night / this morning that gsd-xsettings was blocking the start up in fontconfig stuff11:49
willcookethanks Laney11:49
Laneyso ali1234 coming in with more analysis is good timing11:49
seb128Laney, well it was just that if the issues turns out to be in fontconfig and that foundations own that then we might want to bounce to them at this point11:49
seb128but your call at the end11:50
willcookej_bicha was the last one to touch it ;))11:50
Laneyas for who owns the package, look at the subscribers11:51
Laneymapping is generated from that11:51
seb128desktop-packages and foundations-bugs are subscribed11:51
seb128so we both own it? :)11:51
Laneyseems so11:51
Laneyquick, press the unsubscribe button11:51
seb128I was going to say :p11:52
didrocksahah, first one unsubribing wins :)11:52
* willcooke <- sandwich 11:55
seb128willcooke, enjoy!11:56
* seb128 just had some takeway pasta, that was good11:56
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Laneycan't think of a better way to fix that fontconfig thing than ignoring the nanoseconds if it's 012:54
Laneyali1234: got any ideas?12:54
LaneyI tried a patch to do that, which works12:55
Laneyboot speed still isn't exactly amazing though12:55
Laneyubuntu@ubuntu:~$ systemd-analyze12:56
LaneyStartup finished in 24.412s (kernel) + 1min 23.971s (userspace) = 1min 48.384s12:56
Laneygraphical.target reached after 28.680s in userspace12:56
Laneyhowever it does fix the gsd problems12:57
Laneyhmm that second try was way better, weird13:04
Laneyubuntu@ubuntu:~$ systemd-analyze13:05
LaneyStartup finished in 12.572s (kernel) + 23.512s (userspace) = 36.084s13:05
Laneygraphical.target reached after 23.473s in userspace13:05
oSoMoNwillcooke, seb128: libreoffice 6.0.3 will be out this week (currently in RC2, for which we have a snap in the candidate channel btw), and we have 6.0.2 in bionic today. How do you feel about pushing the update (supposedly bug fixes only, I will double-check that)? Or better to SRU after release?13:55
willcookeI dont suppose we've really given .2 a proper shakedown since not that many people are using it.13:56
willcookeSo shipping .3 isn't a massive problem13:56
willcookeWhat do we do with, say, Firefox in this situation chrisccoulson?  ^13:57
seb128oSoMoN, I would push it to bionic, we can keep it in proposed for a while and decide to turn it into a SRU from there if we prefer13:57
jbichawe're still ~3 weeks from release, we still do bug fix updates :)13:57
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, I normally just upload it and somebody approves it - it's usually already in the security pocket for other releases by the time I do that though13:59
seb128chrisccoulson, hey again, did you see my questions about those translations earlier? ;)14:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. The answer is yes14:00
seb128jbicha, btw bug #1759538 has been ack-ed so you can make g-s recommends it with the next upload14:00
ubot5`bug 1759538 in bolt (Ubuntu) "[ffe] Install bolt by default for thunderbolt devices support" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175953814:00
seb128chrisccoulson, thx14:00
oSoMoNgood, so I'll double-check the upstream changelog and diff to make sure they didn't sneak new features in, and will coordinate with ricotz to prepare a 6.0.3 upload14:01
seb128thx, let me know if/when you need sponsoring14:02
oSoMoNthat'll most likely be early next week14:03
Laneylooks like ipv6 came back, brb!14:07
Laneyfeels modern14:07
seb128is there a way to make softwares not removable in gnome-software?14:08
seb128bug #1756788 seems annoying14:08
ubot5`bug 1756788 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Removing "Startup Applications" in "Ubuntu Software" makes the system unable to launch GDM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175678814:08
seb128I guess it removes gnome-session, DOH14:08
Laneyyes, you can make it compulsory-for-desktop or whatever the thing is14:08
seb128k, thx14:09
* ricotz wonders what openjdk-11 packages versioned as 10~46-4ubuntu1 are about14:12
ricotzhey desktopers14:13
seb128hey ricotz14:17
Laneymoin ricotz14:17
Laneydon't think the desktop team particularly knows about java, better to ask the uploader?14:18
ricotzseb128, Laney, hi14:18
ricotzI guess the uploader already removed the source packages from the archive again14:19
ricotzso hard to tell where it came from, I assume d_oko did14:19
seb128jbicha, thx :)14:20
ricotzLaney, oohh14:21
ali1234Laney: i don't know, but can't you fix the squashfs, rather than patching fontconfig?14:21
ricotzLaney, aptitude failed to show me the changelog14:21
Laneyali1234: how?14:23
ali1234well the most obvious way would be to build it on a filesystem that doesn't have nanos, so that the cache remains valid after being copied through squashfs14:24
ali1234manually stripping the nanos from /usr/share/fonts (recursive) before generating the cache would also work14:25
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, are you going to upload tb 52.7.3?14:26
ali1234i suppose that would mess with the deb file timestamps14:26
ricotzchrisccoulson, ah sorry, I thought they tagged it14:27
Laneynot sure LP people would be happy with that, and I'd rather a more generic solution anyway14:28
Laneyso either make fontconfig tolerate this situation or change squashfs14:28
ali1234the way i see it, the timestamps are going to be truncated at some point. so you'd just be making it happen earlier14:30
ali1234it wouldn't change the effective timestamp on any files managed by packages14:30
ali1234but i have no idea how the image builders work14:32
jbicharicotz: did you want to try adding/moving the Thunderbird app icons LP: #1682455 ?14:34
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1682455 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird not available in GNOME Software" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168245514:34
ricotzjbicha, tweaking the stable packages is more a thing for chris14:39
ricotzjbicha, did you find a way to confirm that this works properly with the ff60 betas?14:39
jbichaask Lan_ey but I don't think appstream data from PPAs is usable in the GNOME Software app yet14:40
jbichaso the only way I know to know for sure is to upload to bionic and see14:41
ricotzjbicha, I could take a look if chris would push his packaging changes14:50
ricotzshould be similar to the firefox-esr changes I made14:50
ricotzjbicha, e.g. https://paste.debian.net/plain/101849914:52
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jbicharicotz: maybe you could talk Mozilla into providing an ESR snap so you don't have to maintain that PPA :)14:59
ricotzjbicha, I am not sure that people wanting firefox-esr are using snaps15:02
jbichait might not be a bad choice compared to a PPA15:04
jbichaI'm just guessing, but I think we'll be hesitant to allow firefox-esr in to the Ubuntu archives15:05
* Laney waves from the train16:34
Laneynew 4g wifi thing works well!16:34
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xnoxLaney, cool! =)16:42
* Laney high fives xnox 16:42
LaneyI should probably turn some things off so I don't burn through all the data tho16:43
* Laney ticks "restrict background data usage"16:44
xnoxLaney, i wonder if unattended-upgrades respects the "restrict background data usage" is that an Gnome-shell thing, or a Network Manager thing?16:46
Laneyxnox: It sets metered on the dbus interface I think, and GNetworkMonitor exposes that (g_network_monitor_get_network_metered())16:52
Laneyso it probably doesn't unless it uses one of those APIs16:52
xnoxLaney, session or system bus?16:53
LaneyNM is on the system bus16:53
Laneydo something like busctl --system introspect org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager16:54
Laneyalthough for me that is currently 4 which is apparently GUESS_NO16:56
Laneyok now it's 1 after reconneccting17:19
Laneyxnox: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KBH6G3ZBGf/17:32
LaneyI think android and ios have a thing to set that automatically on tethering btw17:33
Laneygoodnight from newark northgate17:42
willcookenight all17:49
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