
ricotztseliot, hi :\, the gpu ppa is not a playground10:26
tseliotricotz: oh, no, sorry, I uploaded to the wrong PPA10:26
tseliotthat was meant for my GLVND ppa10:26
ricotzyou dropped a bunch of transitionals and the 4.16 compat patch10:26
tseliotI used my sources, that's why10:27
ricotztseliot, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/363210244/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390_390.48-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1_390.48-0ubuntu1~ppa1.diff.gz10:28
ricotzplease revert it10:28
tseliotricotz: sure, give me a minute10:29
ricotztseliot, I will do it10:34
tseliotI am doing it10:35
tseliotricotz: ^^10:36
ricotztseliot, ok, then do it fast10:37
tseliotricotz: I'll version it 390.48-0ubuntu1+gpu18.04.1, ok?10:38
tseliotricotz: ok10:39
ricotzor if you don't intend to add a 4.16 then +gpu18.04.1 is better10:39
tseliotI'm reverting everything10:39
tseliotthat upload wasn't meant for that PPA10:40
ricotztseliot, ok, I could have uploaded/reverted it 5 mins ago10:41
tseliotricotz: ok, do it then10:42
tseliothaving a git repository would make things much easier10:42
ricotztseliot, this is ppa specific10:42
ricotzthe 4.16 patch is a hack, the transitionals could be made official, but they would still clutter the packaging10:43
tseliotI'm not sure why having a branch for the PPA (and different releases) would be a bad thing10:43
ricotzthis would not have made a difference in this case10:44
tseliotsure it would have. Git revert, update the changelog, upload, done10:45
ricotzI will let you known if there is a archive-worthy change10:45
ricotzbut you would still had it uploaded to the wrong ppa10:45
tseliotsure, but it's easier to amend mistakes10:46
ricotztseliot, btw, I used a tweaked version of the old packaging to xenial/artful to update 390 there with it new tarball layout10:47
tseliotricotz: I'm going to rewrite the old packaging anyway, but I'll have a look at that too10:48
ricotztseliot, you still intend the backport the new packaging?10:48
tseliotricotz: yes, partially, though, since we won't have glvnd10:49
ricotzoh, so not real backporting to the multiarch'ed package?10:49
ricotzright, the gl-alternatives and glvnd are the tricky parts10:49
tseliotyep. I haven't quite figured out the details yet though10:50
ricotztseliot, this is basically it -- https://paste.debian.net/plain/101847210:51
ricotzso just the essentials to use the new tarballs10:52
ricotztseliot, I assume you are aware of https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/bionic/commit/?h=master-next&id=527d1e11406d4416fe4e0a79ca41a04414f2549310:54
ricotzdkms nvidia obviously fails currently due the missing of "scripts/ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one"10:55
tseliotricotz: no, I didn't see that. Yesterday I came back from holidays10:56
tseliotricotz: you said it fails now?10:58
ricotzyes, with 4.15.0-14.15, this commit will be included in the next build10:59
tseliotapw: ^^10:59
ricotz4.15.0-14.15 is in -proposed10:59
ricotzhe is aware and this mentioned commit is the fix11:00
tseliotoh, ok11:00
apwricotz, yep, we know about that one, it is being applied to places as we speak11:00
apwall a bit of a mess11:00
apwluckily that kernel is only in -proposed and won't 11:00
apwbe going anywhere else soon11:01
=== darkxst_ is now known as darkxst
mamarleyricotz: The nvidia-390 package you uploaded earlier fails to build with 4.15.0-14 with "/bin/bash: ./debian/scripts/retpoline-extract-one: No such file or directory".13:56
mamarleyIt builds fine against 4.16.0 from the mainline kernel builds.13:57
ricotzmamarley, this is kernel package bug14:00
mamarleyAh, OK, sorry to bother you.14:00
ricotzmamarley, the upload was just to revert an accident14:01
mamarleyI know, I read that part earlier.14:01
ricotzmamarley, ok, this bug was mentioned as well ;)14:02
mamarleyI guess I didn't read it closely enough them.14:19

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