
ali1234someone reported test results for it already :)00:00
TJ-The mailing list said Thursday00:08
TJ-haha, I thought I had a bright idea to stop the Xorg on :1 being spawned. "chmod -x /usr/bin/Xorg" -- that killed the Xorg on :0 !! I thought once a program was mapped and running that shouldn't affect it00:09
TJ-Interesing denial of service avenue :)00:09
ali1234you might find this useful00:22
ali1234sometimes when i am debugging system components that you can't run directly, what i do is replace the binary with a shim that logs when it is started and the arguments and then runs the real binary00:23
ali1234this can help find race conditions if eg something is run twice accidentally00:23
TJ-yeah, I use the method sometimes00:23
TJ-I usually use a --bind mount over the original00:24
ali1234hmm i am confused00:33
ali1234alt-f1 on the login screen makes the font bigger?00:33
ali1234and alt-f2 switches to high contrast?00:33
ali1234alt-f3 = osk?00:34
ali1234but how do i get to a console?00:34
TJ-On an X server it's Ctrl+Alt+F1-Fx00:38
TJ-But when on a console VT it only needs Alt+Fx00:39
ali1234yeah, but it doesn't seem to work on the xubunut login screen00:39
ali1234it works after login00:39
TJ-works here on 3 laptops, just tested. You have to release the Alt key and re-press it though, you can't sit your finger on it00:39
ali1234not for me00:40
TJ-I've got 3 very different laotops here all are OK00:40
ali1234probably vbox being weird00:40
TJ-ahhh, yes00:41
ali1234i tried your dbus line, it just prints usage :(00:43
ali1234oh, there should be a space between / and org00:44
TJ-yeah, DBus is a pain with it's replication of naming in service, interface, and path00:45
TJ-If you ever want to understand it better, install and run the GUI d-feet which allows you to browse the system and session trees as well as execute methods with or without arguments. Great aid in figuring out how to use the dbus-send CLI00:46
ali1234so i noticed that during first login, xfsettingsd uses 100% CPU for several seconds00:47
ali1234that is something that does not happen on subsequent logins00:47
ali1234got a thread to pull on...00:51
ali1234log out -> delete ~/.cache -> login - the delay comes back00:52
TJ-is it the thumbnailer ?00:53
ali1234that doesn't appear to generate anything in .cache00:53
ali1234or hasn't yet anyway00:53
ali1234oh, it could be00:53
TJ-does 'top' reveal what's running? or you could start "inotifywait -rm $HOME/.cache/" from a tty then login the GUI, see what files/paths are accessed/written00:54
ali1234it's the fontconfig subdirectory that triggers it00:55
ali1234or rather the absense of it00:55
ali1234i will keep pulling :)00:56
ali1234top doesn't reveal as much as i thought it might... seems like everything is running at once00:56
TJ-ahhh, yes, GUI font cache.. prerenders the glyphs first time00:58
ali1234but why so slow?00:58
TJ-takes a while if it generates bitmaps for all glyphs on all fonts and sizes configured by the theme, etc.00:59
TJ-I'm guessing but it makes sense00:59
ali1234so what you're saying is... it's ochosi's fault? ;)00:59
TJ-haha no... it could be something entirely different01:00
knomethat's very likely though01:00
knomeanyway, nighty :)01:01
ali1234we had a missing icon cache before, maybe there is some font cache missing too01:01
ali1234all of the cache files in fontconfig are generated within 1 second of each other01:03
ali1234or... wait, that's minutes01:03
ali1234remember these numbers: d0972 6333f01:08
ali1234TJ-: is there a way to make inotifywait print timestamps?01:08
TJ-yes, use the --format xxxxxxxx option (see "man inotifywait" )01:10
ali1234it seems to be tied to a specific cache file01:13
ali1234it better not be noto sans. i hate noto sans01:13
TJ-at least you've got a good lead now01:14
ali1234i'm deleting half the files and re-logging01:15
ali1234down to [89ab]* now01:15
ali1234down to 3 files now01:20
ali1234hmmmmmm... got you01:22
ali1234deleting just one font cache file delays login by 60 seconds... it's the one that starts 9b...01:22
TJ- 9b89f8e3dae116d678bbf48e5f21f69b-le32d4.cache-7 ?01:23
ali1234and also NotoSans01:23
ali1234i knew it :(01:24
ali1234Noto is google's replacement for Droid font. it supports ALL OF UNICODE, so it is absolutely enourmous01:24
ali12349b* is specifically the CJK variants01:26
ali1234even with how big it is, 1 minute still seems excessive01:26
TJ-how big is it though?01:26
ali123485MB for the stff referenced in 9b*01:27
TJ-I've got the same font selected and that file is only 44KB01:27
ali1234Noto is like 50 different font files though01:28
ali1234/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto and /usr/share/fonts/opentype/noto01:28
ali1234hmm something is messed up here01:29
ali1234all the other fonts in opentype/ are otfs01:29
ali1234noto is .ttc files... what even are those?01:29
ali1234a "font collection" apparently01:30
TJ-treutype-collection /01:30
ali1234well, time to add my findings on the bug01:31
TJ-I wonder why it's doing that. I've just deleted the .cache/fontconfig/ directory and logged in again and it's not being recreated01:33
TJ-OK, I've found out how to run it: "fc-cache -f" ... and the cache is taken a long time to build01:39
TJ-only 1.1M but took about 30 seconds01:39
TJ-"fc-cache -vf" is more helpful01:40
ubottuDebian bug 845058 in fonts-noto-cjk "fonts-noto: Installing the package freezes all graphical applications." [Normal,Open]01:40
TJ-and it is sitting on /usr/share/fonts/opentype/noto01:40
TJ-says there's only 24 fonts in there01:41
ali1234yeah. the four collections have 8, 8, 4, and 4 fonts01:42
ali1234according to file01:42
ali1234but each one has all of the CJK unicode01:42
TJ-the source is 85MB01:42
ali1234the installed files are 85MB too01:43
ali1234the non-CJK part of Noto is at /usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto and is 26MB but it is 156 fonts01:45
TJ-fc-list -v | less  helps to see the extend of the Noto* faces01:45
TJ-What language is that system set to? Mine are set to en_GB-UTF-8 01:46
TJ-I don't see those big files being generated01:46
ali1234what big files?01:46
TJ-oh, thought you said the cache files were large, but you were talking about the file referenced01:47
TJ-as in the /usr/share/opentype/oto01:47
ali1234right. the cache is like 50kb01:47
ali1234it just takes a really long time to generate it when you log in01:47
TJ-right, so the delay is worse on slower CPUs presumably, and/or slow I/O 01:48
ali1234fc-cache -vf takes 12 seconds01:48
ali1234most of which is spent on noto cjk01:48
TJ-is yours generating a system cache in /var/cache/fontconfig/ too?01:48
ali1234i didn't run it as root, so i guess not01:49
TJ-no, I'm wondering if any system job is also run first time, that adds to the delay01:49
ali1234deleting user's cache causes 60 seconds of delay01:50
TJ-aha, postinst01:51
TJ-/var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfig.postinst:  fc-cache -s -f -v 1>/var/log/fontconfig.log 2>&1 || (printf "failed.\nSee /var/log/fontconfig.log for more information.\n"; exit 1)01:51
TJ-how about if you only remove the content of $HOME/.cache/fontconfig/ rather than the entire .cache directory?01:51
TJ-maybe it's several tasks doing a similar thing?01:51
ali1234that's what i did01:51
TJ-oh, thought you meant you were removing the entire .cache01:52
ali1234i only delete the file 9b89f8e3dae116d678bbf48e5f21f69b-le32d4.cache-7 - nothing else01:52
ali1234this delays login by 60 seconds01:52
TJ-so the slowness is accessing /usr/share/font/opentype/noto/*01:52
ali1234seems like it01:52
TJ-you could monitor that with inotifywait 01:53
ali1234i uninstalled fonts-noto-hinted (listed in the "differences" file) and the problem goes away01:57
ali1234not sure what that actually removed01:57
ali1234hmmmmmmmmmm... with that package removed... nothing is generated in ~/.cache/fontconfig01:59
ali1234it also removed xubuntu-default-settings01:59
ali1234i reinstalled all the packages and still nothing gets generated in the cache on login02:01
ali1234time to reinstall i guess02:08
Unit193donofrio: software-properties ( may help your issue.02:10
ali1234there is some kind of problem with /var/cache/fontconfig02:19
Woowoo678How/where should I report a bug related to upgrading the distro from version 16.04?02:28
ali1234depends on the bug02:29
Woowoo678it looks like some residual upstart configurations break lightdm after the switch to systemd02:31
Woowoo678prevented me from logging into any sessions02:32
ali1234not sure about that02:32
ali1234oh no03:05
ali1234it isnt the mtime03:06
ali1234the cache files are corrupt03:07
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: [trunk] r677 Launchpad automatic translations update. (by Launchpad Translations on behalf of xubuntu-dev)04:48
knomeblog article prepared for announcing the results but don't go wild before we have a confirmation from all winners07:29
* bluesabre tries being less wild09:58
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=, bluesabre.10:01
bluesabreUnit193: woohoo numlockx fix10:02
Unit193Sort of.10:02
Unit193Not accepted.10:03
TJ-My issue with a resume-time greeter vt8 Xorg constant restart - on upgrade to 18.04 nvidia-340 had replaced nouveau. Rid the system of nvidia and it works fine.14:08
slickymasterWorkwillem, Im almost sure you're aware of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2018-April/011634.html but in all cases here it is16:17
willemochosi, yesterday you said "willem: thats not default adwaita, by default it has a bright panel" and asked "did you use something like gtk-theme-config?"16:19
willemI didn't. Not knowingly that is. Trying to run gtk-theme-config in terminal says "Command 'gtk-theme-config' not found, but can be installed with:"16:21
willemStill... you've got more important things to do. I thought this would be a simple fix...16:22
willemrebooting now to start testing the final beta...16:23
willemslickymasterWork, I had sort of gotten the message ;-) Testing live session now. Does not go to plan unfortunately... will report on the tracker16:49
flocculantali1234: thanks for the font cache stuff - I did read most of it this morning - also saw you pinging in -desktop16:58
flocculantUnit193: does the numlock script definitely check for laptops with seperate kbd and turn it on in those cases? if it does could you comment on the bug for me please :16:58
flocculantI wondered why I couldn't tab to Unit in here 16:59
willemtesting live session final beta, quick question: shouldn't the live session, after building up the desktop, when it finds wifi networks, pop up a message in the right top corner telling me about wifi networks being present?17:11
willemdisregard my question... remembered I had another laptop I could use to test; so I found the answer myself18:08
flocculantbluesabre: I assume that we'll release this beta with the issues?20:09
flocculantdon't particularly want to do that - but guessing I'll not have a choice - also don't mean that to sound like it does, but I'm too tired now to dig out the thesauraus :)20:10
flocculantread replies at stupid o'clock tomorrow20:11
Unit193flocculant: Hah, and yes it's certainly *supposed* to at least.20:43
bluesabreflocculant: I don't think we have a beta release blocker bug20:57
bluesabreUnless there's one I've missed. Seems like everything is hunky dory once you login once20:58
ali1234flocculant: will cooke mentioned wanting to get it fixed for the beta, but i think the problem is a little bit tricky due to it being an interaction with the livecd21:05
ali1234the good news is we know exactly the cause of the problem now. someone just needs to figure out the right way to fix it21:06
bluesabreali1234: that's in relation to the bluetooth bug?21:39
ali1234yeah. bluetooth timeout is a red herring21:40
ali1234it was fontconfig all alon21:40
TJ-hehehe, ali1234 did some great debugging last night21:40
bluesabreAnd it's because we carry the monstrous noto font library?21:41
ali1234i just posted this complete description of the full problem: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103652#c621:41
ubottuFreedesktop bug 103652 in fc-cache "fontconfig requires nano second precison for fontcache" [Normal,New]21:41
ali1234noto makes it slow but the rebuild should not run at all21:41
ali1234and it seems like fontconfig taking ~1 minute to rebuild the cache delays all other processes from starting, so they all time out too. bluez, and ubuntu has a similar problem with g-s-d21:43
bluesabreali1234: excellent work figuring that all out21:45
bluesabreand TJ- too, I saw you also poking at it21:46
ali1234a lot of people have been poking this one because it's so widespread21:46
ali1234someone noticed it happening in debian in november :)21:46
TJ-could we use a sneaky fix? just 'touch ...' the files to stop fc rebuilding the cache?21:48
ali1234no, touch doesn't work because the timestamps are embedded in the cache files21:48
ali1234and also they have to exactly match, not just be newer21:48
ali1234we could do what ubuntu does and force a font cache rebuild inside the installed system during install21:48
ali1234then only the live desktop will be delayed21:49
ali1234first login on install will not21:49
TJ-read the file's internal timestamp and apply it ?21:50
ali1234teres a bunch of different ways to work around it. i'm sure laney will come up with something good :)21:50
TJ-the timestamp is at offset 0x30 in the cache file, it's a standard time_t21:54
ali1234but then there is a second timestamp at 0x38 which is nanosecond accurate. that is the problem21:56
ali1234squashfs doesn't support that, so that part of the timestamp gets zeroed21:56
ali1234(the second field is just the nanoseconds)21:56
ali1234squashfs wipes it from the actual files, but because it is embedded in the cache file, it survives there21:57
TJ-ali1234: right, I get that, but for the installed system a .postinst script could use touch to set the correct timestamp on each cache file by reading the internal timestamp21:59
ali1234could do, or it could just rerun fc-cache which is simpler :)21:59
TJ-Because the .postinst already has a stanza to trigger an fc-cache if needed22:00
ali1234that will happen anyway as soon as you update any font package22:00
TJ-but that is what we're trying to prevent isn't it? the fc-cache run22:00
ali1234well, not ubuntu22:00
ali1234they want to fix it for the live cd, because they already rebuild the cache during install, so they are not affected on first login22:01
ali1234but if it's fixed in the live cd, that will fix it for us as well22:01
TJ-the /postinst fc-cache run is ignored because the cache files are copied in but then when fontconfig is called on it sees wrong timestamps and calls fc-cache - do I have that correct?22:01
ali1234yes but you're missing one part - when fontconfig gets called it doesn't have root so it rebuilds it only for one user22:02
TJ-for squashs I wonder if an overlayfs would help ... not sure we can do metadata only though22:02
ali1234that's why it happens again on first login22:02
ali1234during the live desktop it rebuilds it for the live user and that's wiped on reboot22:02
TJ-yeah, the patch is the way to go I think. I was just thinking for the Thursday deadline for the beta ISOs, depending on what time tomorrow. I read earlier the ISO gen started this morning22:04
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
ali1234the ultimate fix would be to add nanos support to squashfs but of course that would be a huge change during beta22:08
TJ-and ultimately not very useful22:09
TJ-the assumption by fontconfig is the problem22:09
ali1234the assumption is only that files will never be moved between a filesystem that supports nanos and one that doesn't22:09
ali1234another possible fix would be to strip the nanos before building the iso cache22:09
ali1234they are going to disappear anyway, that would just mean doing it slightly earlier22:10
TJ-yeah, it's a weird one though, worrying about the nanoseconds for a font cache22:11
ali1234it looks like fontconfig can be built entirely without support for nanos so that would be another option22:11
TJ-I wish I could build a system entirely without support for bugs :D22:11
TJ-We could also build the ISO images on ext4 without the extra_isize feature to disable nanosecond  timestamps :)22:25
ali1234that would mean big changes to LP builders though22:26

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