
=== simonquigley is now known as tsimonq2
valoriemparillo: do you have edit rights on the website19:08
valorieacheronuk: thanks for marking them ready for beta219:13
valorieneed to leave for another meeting in a couple of minutes -- bad week for beta2!19:14
mparillovalorie: I do, thank you.19:44
mparilloDo you have a draft posted that could use another set of eyes?19:45
mparilloEven though zsync to worked fine on the first image, I could not get it to work on the re-spun image,but no matter ... Our images are marked ready: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/388/builds19:49
mparilloSo, I think this draft post (Kubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) Beta 2 Candidate Image Testing) is unnecessary. Instead, I propose we clone Kubuntu Bionic Beaver (18.04) Beta 1 Released!19:51
mparilloThat is: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-bionic-beaver-18-04-beta-1-released/19:53
mparilloDraft saved. The link to the ISO is not live yet, and the link to the announcement needs to change once it is announced.19:58
mparilloI will be back this evening (very, very late in the evening UTC).20:26
valorieI had a draft for testing22:44
valorieI don't know if it was posted or not22:44
valoriesince I lost my disk at at a very inopportune time!22:44
valorieoh, if it was never posted either change it or ditch it, yeah22:44
valorieoh, they haven't been published yet?22:45
valoriehad a meeting this afternoon and am trying to get back into the loop here22:45
mparilloI think you caught up on the -devel channel, but, correct, there is no beta-2 under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/bionic/23:23
tsimonq2I'll loudly yell when Beta 2's out.23:24
valorieright, I"m actually adding to some of the test cases I did last night23:24
tsimonq2Likely in the form of Lubuntu's announcement. :P23:24
valorieI was so tired I was a bit brief23:24
mparilloBut, I do have the new story in draft. All that it needs is the link to the official announcement and double-checking that I correctly changed the link from the news post to point to the beta-2 directory23:24
mparilloHas zsync been working for you?23:25
valorieI did get it to work when I pointed it at the right directory23:25
valorieI had to move the images off my write-only disk23:25
mparilloThis is what I have always used: zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync23:26
valorieI'm sure my son will help me fix that soon23:26

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