=== simonquigley is now known as tsimonq2 [03:23] I can't really open a web browser right now, how do I tell lubuntu to limit connections only for irc [03:24] so I don't destroy my cell data plan while I am in an outage [03:24] I would recommend getting a bouncer or something and only connecting when you have the data to spare. [03:24] Otherwise, I'm not sure Lubuntu can do that; it's probably possible poking around in iptables if you *really* wanted. [03:24] If you want to go that route, try #ubuntu. [03:25] ok thx [03:25] np [03:26] * flyback grumbles while on a tethered cell connection after a series of megaGUSTS ripped out 3 telephone poles in his neighborhood, ugh [03:26] :( [03:26] I hope things get better for you soon, flyback. [03:28] it will my generator kicked ass [03:28] we have power now but they are still repairing the rest [03:28] hehe, good luck, [03:29] weird thing is it tore that pole out like 10+ yrs ago same spot [03:29] hah [03:29] it's like a down hill valley used to go to a pumpstation and I guess it's a turbo charger for wind currents [03:29] it tore our old neighbors lines right off her house [03:29] this time it snapped 3 poles in a half and canucked a car [03:30] Eek! [03:30] *splat* [06:54] Hi. [13:01] Who here is experienced with setting up a static IP address for local WAN usage between their Lubuntu box and router? [16:13] Link-local only (FE08) IPv6; Machine <-> router (static IPv6 IP given)