
=== zarcade_droid is now known as Guest19897
=== devil is now known as Guest39994
=== ShibaInu is now known as Shibe
mupBug #1761363 opened: Add interface to access to Zeitgeist <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761363>03:04
mupPR core-build#11 closed: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>05:11
mupPR core-build#22 closed: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>05:11
mupPR core-build#26 closed: move most of the customization into the core snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/26>05:11
mupPR core-build#11 opened: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>05:12
mupPR core-build#22 opened: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>05:12
mupPR core-build#26 opened: move most of the customization into the core snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/26>05:12
=== devil is now known as Guest38148
mupPR core-build#11 closed: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>05:59
mupPR core-build#22 closed: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>05:59
mupPR core-build#26 closed: move most of the customization into the core snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/26>05:59
mupPR core-build#11 opened: remove cruft from the writable-paths <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/11>06:00
mupPR core-build#22 opened: unit testing for sync_dir() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>06:00
mupPR core-build#26 opened: move most of the customization into the core snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/26>06:00
mvogood morning06:14
mborzeckimvo: morning06:22
mvomborzecki: hey! how are you? anything interessting happend in the early morning?06:22
mborzeckimvo: nope, casually browsing through reviews06:23
mborzeckimvo: any leads on the mounting thing from yesterday?06:23
mvomborzecki: yes, the reason was eventually figured out by zyga and pedronis. there is some connection related state we only keep in memory and when snapd restarts this state is lost so we need to store more in the state06:25
zygaHey ho06:27
mvomborzecki: there are some complications apparently, I did not follow all the details06:27
zygaSorry for being late. I had to sleep longer06:28
mborzeckizyga: hey06:28
mvomborzecki: I think we need to revert, cachio did a great deal of testing and we think its safe06:28
zygaWell. Had to sleep06:28
mvozyga: no worries, same here06:28
zygaCoffee, walk the dog, then coding06:29
zygaWe need new top-level structure in the state to fix the issue06:29
zygaI can explain why when I am at my desk06:30
mupPR snapd#4971 closed: errtracker: add more fields to aid debugging <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4971>06:33
mupPR snapd#4985 opened: errtracker: add more fields to aid debugging <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4985>06:36
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=== pedronis` is now known as pedronis
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
pedronismvo: hi, don't know if you saw the logs but we have both a very specific issue with the snapctl socket, but also likely a general issue with all operations on a snap at the same time we operate on its base (if the op involves running things like hooks or starting services)07:06
kalikianabuenos dias07:06
mborzecki2018-04-05 09:09:46 Preparing google:arch-64 (google:arch-64 (apr050907-716531))... yay!07:10
zygaHey Pedronis, good morning07:11
pstolowskimorning zyga07:14
mvopedronis: aha, no, I did miss this part of the conversation07:15
mvogood morning pstolowski, did you see my test run from last night?07:15
pstolowskimvo: yes, thank you07:15
pedronispstolowski: afaiu is because of the placement , being after setup-profiles is too early for those tasks07:16
mvopstolowski: I have the system still in this state, I can do another run to see if it consistent, but I wanted to keep it for now in case there is anything that might help understanding it07:16
pedronispstolowski: doInstall puts them after link-snap07:17
pstolowskipedronis: mvo yep, i saw your comments on irc yesterday, investigating this07:17
pstolowskipedronis, mvo is it possible to install lxd as the first snap and force core from edge?07:17
pedronispstolowski: not with the stable deb, not really, you could use the enterprise proxy locally, except that the stable deb doesn't support it07:19
pedronispstolowski: mvo: as I said, maybe we should add a envvar to control  the channel from which we get core (or any base), but that will only help this sort of testing going forward07:20
pedronismvo: should we do a HO in a bit to see where we are, we need a bit to decide which bugs needs fixing for 2.32.x and which can wait07:21
mvopedronis: sounds good07:21
mvopedronis: we need to wait for zyga too07:24
pstolowskimvo: how exactly did you provoke the errnostate?07:25
mupPR core#38 closed: Add another pi-config option <Created by sergey-borovkov> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/38>07:25
mupPR core#83 closed: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>07:25
pstolowskiHO sounds good07:25
zygaand back now07:26
zygaI can have a call07:26
mupPR core#38 opened: Add another pi-config option <Created by sergey-borovkov> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/38>07:26
mupPR core#83 opened: move most of the ubuntu-core config deb into the snap snap build <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/83>07:26
mvopstolowski: so it seems the fix for the inject task is to put the auto-connect a bit later (after link-snap) - thats my naive view at least - or do you think there is more too it?07:29
pstolowskimvo: just trying to trigger the problem with edge from core atm but unclear how07:30
mvopstolowski: what I did yesterday is essentially: 1. git checkout upstream/release/2.29 2. modify it so that defaultBaseSnapsChannel is "edge" 3. sudo systemctl stop snapd snapd.socket && go build && sudo ./snapd && sudo systemctl start snapd 4. snap install lxd07:32
mvopstolowski: with an empty state of course07:32
mvopstolowski: e.g. on 17.10 apt purge snapd first and then install it07:32
* zyga is in the standup HO07:32
mvopstolowski: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BxmxD3VFCD/ contians a rough outline of the above including the diff I used07:32
mvopstolowski: trouble is of course that you cannot test anything local wit hthat method, only testing after it landed in edge :(07:33
pstolowskimvo: thanks (in HO too)07:33
Chipacamoin moin07:53
mborzeckisometimes i hate pacman -Syu vs -Sy when installing packages :/08:10
Chipacamborzecki: what's the difference?08:12
Chipacamvo: did you see the (fleeting) PR about dropping privileges, yesterday?08:12
mvoChipaca: I did but didn't look, sorry08:12
Chipacamvo: no worries, it didn't work :-)08:12
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mvoChipaca: haha08:13
Chipacamvo: but, thing is, there's a bug that that pr was trying to fi08:13
Chipacamvo: (FWIW the approach tehre would work from Go 1.10 on! so let's  go there someday)08:13
mborzeckiChipaca: `-Syu foo` does a full system ugprade and installs foo, just doing `-Sy foo` will install foo but if its dependencies are already installed they will not get updated, which in turn may or may not hurt you badly08:13
Chipacamvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176119308:13
mupBug #1761193: ~/.snap/ not available for root on some systems <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761193>08:13
mborzeckistill don't get why it's so hard to record versioned library dependencies08:13
Chipacamvo: so... I could change the code to use 'su' to touch that file, but it feels icky08:15
mvoChipaca: in a meeting right now, let me get back in a bit08:15
Chipacamvo: yeah no worries, i'll brain dump and you read and respond when you're able08:15
Chipacamvo: the ops we need to do on the file are read, write, and remove. 'su'ing to cat and rm works. The other approach is to use cgo, and do the setuid/setgid in a C thread we manage ourselves. I have tested neither of these approaches, and both seem rather unpalatable, so I think I'd go with the less sophisticated one =)08:18
Chipacamvo: <end dump> i think :-)08:19
Chipacaor we could move to go 1.10 \o/08:19
Chipacamborzecki: that manpage looks terrifying =)08:23
mborzeckiChipaca: pacman?08:24
zygathat was a nice case of internet counselling session08:24
Chipacazyga: ?08:24
Chipacazyga: BTW thank you once again for having your lab machines; last night I was able to help a customer thanks to that08:25
zygaChipaca: woot!08:25
zygaChipaca: that's awesome, let me know if I can expand it to be more useful in some way08:25
zygaChipaca: ask mvo about how we're doing :)08:26
Chipacazyga: oh, your counselling session was the same as mvo's meeting?08:26
zygayes :D08:26
mvoChipaca: reading now, thanks for tackling this issue!08:31
mvoChipaca: +1 for su - even though it feels fugly08:32
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Chipacamvo: ok08:33
mvoChipaca: what exactly do we need to do to that file? we need to append (and create if needed) and remove?08:33
Chipacamvo: and read08:33
Chipacamvo: not append, i think -- just create, read and remove08:34
mvoChipaca: ok08:34
Chipacamvo: another approach would be to not report the error to the user, ie any error on reading the file gets ignored08:35
Chipacamvo: but that will make it hard to debug08:35
ChipacaI'll take a stab at using su, let's see how it goes :-)08:36
mvoChipaca: thank you08:37
mvoChipaca: we could also have helper that does the things we need doing and we just spawn that with su. but yeah, I'm sure it is interessting08:38
Chipacamvo: that actually better than cat and rm, i'll do that08:39
Chipacamvo: (to be clear, it's better because the 'write' case is hard to do properly otherwise)08:43
* mvo nods08:43
jlorenzohi there!08:49
jlorenzoI have a quick question about the snap store08:49
jlorenzois snapcraft 2.39.2 still supported by the store?08:50
jlorenzo(I'm trying to push and release a snap with this version)08:50
* jlorenzo sees 2.40.x is still marked as pre-version https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/releases08:56
jlorenzois anybody aware of a server-side change that produces blank errors like this one https://tools.taskcluster.net/groups/GYT_nZNyQzGn7wjcwBTajw/tasks/fFIauoJaQQCFAYJVeQqheg/runs/0/logs/public%2Flogs%2Flive_backing.log#L892 ?08:57
zygakalikiana: ^09:00
popeysnap refresh foo --amend seems to have broken for me recently09:01
popeyI get error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps/mame: EOF09:01
popeythat kind of thing every time I try and refresh a local snap into the store09:01
popeyrunning snapd 2.32.209:02
popeypretty sure flexiondotorg also had the same issue09:07
flexiondotorgYes, I've seen that --amend isn't working yesterday.09:09
mvolet me look09:09
mborzeckiam i missing something or is this check exactly the same as one below https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/main/manpages/task.yaml#L14 ?09:13
mvopopey: I just tried with hte hello snap and snap refresh --amend worked for me, what snaps are you using?09:18
popeyI tried with a few, mame for example and signal-desktop, which I'd built locally then pushed to the store09:19
mupPR snapd#4985 closed: errtracker: add more fields to aid debugging <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4985>09:21
mvopopey: thanks, I will try harder then09:27
mvopopey: aha! signal-desktop reproduces it09:29
mvopopey: I think its because its not in stable, obviously a bug and I think I know what it is09:33
popeyooh, interesting09:33
popey(I did pass --beta) fwiw09:33
mvopopey: yeah, this is not passed to the right place unfortunately09:35
mvopopey: so two things to fix: not crash, pass channel09:35
popeyok. thanks09:37
popeyshall i file a bug?09:37
kalikianajlorenzo: Hmmm haven't seen that before. Looking09:40
jlorenzokalikiana: thanks! Last time I saw the same error was when we were using snapcraft 2.25. Back then, Ken VanDine told me to upgrade to the latest version, which solved it09:43
mvopopey: either way is fine, I have a fix locally, just need to write proper tests for it09:46
mupBug #1761435: Can't refresh some local snaps to store snaps with --amend <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761435>09:47
popeydiddledan: I'm running irccloud-desktop from edge, yay! Thanks!10:05
popeydiddledan: I have fixed the icon (changed 512x512 to 256x256 should do it) and will check the next build when it comes out. If fixed we shoul push to stable, right?10:10
zygamvo: back to hacking hten10:12
mborzeckigot a weird problem with arch and spread tests that use dbus, when we install a snap eg test-snapd-network-status-provider, those will generate dbus policy files, then the test fails because the provider service is denied owning the name on the bus, the only way to fix it is to systemctl reload dbus.service10:27
mborzeckinow the questions are, why does it work elsewhere and should we reload the service automatically?10:28
mvomborzecki: hm, afaik the daemon does a inotify watch on the dirs where we drop files10:35
mvomborzecki: but maybe there is a config file in your case missing, let me double check10:35
mvomborzecki: what is the dir?10:36
mvomborzecki: no, there is no config file we use so it ought to work10:37
mborzeckimvo: /etc/dbus-1/system.d10:39
mborzeckimvo: weird, i see --enable-inotify passed explicitly to dbus configure10:40
mvomborzecki: this is on arch? or a more general problem? maybe its not monitoring that dir for some strange reason on arch10:40
mborzeckimvo: it's on arch, there's a couple of tests failing because of this10:40
mborzeckihmm similar issue reported for avahi https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/5573810:46
mupPR snapd#4986 opened: snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not available in stable <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4986>10:50
pedronismvo: I changed the code in this ^ one in my new api work10:52
mvopedronis: oh, cool, I can run my test on the new PR to see if it fully fixes it10:56
mvopedronis: or base a new fix on top of your new-api work10:56
mvopedronis: also - I need to finish that review :/ sorry for letting you wait for so long10:56
pedronismvo: I think it should be fixed, because there is not more snapNameToID10:57
mvopedronis: neato, I will run my updated test to double check. that test is useful in any case10:58
pedronismvo: in the new world amend is an install, not a refresh11:00
pedronistalking to the store at least11:00
pedronispstolowski: how it's going?11:01
mvopedronis: thanks, test is running now, I will either debug or push a PR with the updated test (I think its good to excercise the != stable path)11:02
pstolowskipedronis: almost there i think; i've added similiar inject code into doLinkSnap for snap!=core, restricted the one in doSetupProfiles to core snap-phase2 only. what's missing is restricting link-snap more11:05
pstolowskiadjusted the tests, all passing atm11:05
zygapedronis: I'm working on the state changes, I will have some skeleton to review soon11:12
mupPR snapd#4987 opened:  tests: add test to ensure `snap refresh --amend` works with different channels <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4987>11:18
Chipacazyga: did you say yesterday that the userd unit test panics?11:23
Chipacazyga: did you resolve that?11:24
zygait's been that for months11:24
Chipacait hasn't -- i've been running the full test suite and it passed11:24
zygano idea11:24
zygait happens for me for _some_ reason11:24
Chipacabut maybe there's a missing dep that i had on my other machine that's missing here11:24
Chipacajamesh: you around?11:25
pedronismvo: so seems the new code deals better with --amend (it's more regular, not extra calls, so not unexpected)11:25
mborzeckimvo: i think i know what's happening, there's no /etc/dbus-1/system.d on clean install because arch does not like empty dirs, so if dbus calls intify_add_watch(.., "/etc/dbus-1/system.d"..) it will fail and the error probably gets swallowed11:25
pedronismvo: but yes we need to decide what to do about 4900 and get it at least on master soon, if we need to prepare the cherry-pick for 2.32.411:26
mborzeckistandup is at 3pm right?11:31
zygaI think so11:37
pstolowskimborzecki: yes11:37
mupPR snapd#4988 opened: snapstate, ifacestate: inject auto-connect tasks try 2 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4988>11:45
mborzeckicachio: i'm close to having all of the tests passing on arch (all of those that can run ofc)11:45
pstolowskipedronis, mvo https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/498811:47
mupPR #4988: snapstate, ifacestate: inject auto-connect tasks try 2 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4988>11:47
cachiomborzecki, great news11:48
cachiomborzecki, I am working on the script to update that image11:49
cachiomborzecki, it should be ready today11:49
cachiozyga, hey, should we unblock this one right? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/483211:51
mupPR #4832: tests: move fedora 27 to google backend <Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4832>11:51
zygacachio: please see comment from mborzecki there11:51
zygaoh, not there perhaps11:51
zygawe need 7 more days11:51
zygabefore the package propagates11:52
mupPR #4980: Revert "spread.yaml: switch Fedora 27 tests to manual (#4962)" <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4980>11:52
cachiozyga, ah, ok11:52
zygaso next week11:52
mborzeckiidk if voting speeds up the process11:52
zygaI think so11:52
jlorenzokalikiana: do you want me to file a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore, in the meantime?11:53
kalikianajlorenzo: Yes, please. Sorry for my delayed response. I narrowed this down in the code but still need to confirm the actual cause.11:54
pedronispstolowski: lgtm,   comment could say more about placement11:59
pedronisleft some notes11:59
pedronisin the PR11:59
Chipacais the standup now, or later, today?12:00
Chipacaok :)12:01
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids from school, bb for standup12:02
jlorenzokalikiana: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore/+bug/176148812:03
mupBug #1761488: snapcraft 2.39.2 failed to release a snap: snapcraft.storeapi.errors.StoreReleaseError: <exception str() failed> <Snap Store:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761488>12:03
pstolowskipedronis: thanks12:03
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
* zyga is super sleepy, needs coffee12:05
pedroniszyga: btw I was thinking that the fix for the issue will have interactions with the double setup-profiles we do for core12:06
pedroniszyga: we basically do  AddSnap twice for core  but it works because in the old world we restart in the middle12:07
zygammm, but is that an issue, all we will record is the revision then12:07
pedroniszyga: well you said we cannot do AddSnap twice12:07
pedronisnow we will do at restart and then again in the 2nd setup-profiles12:08
pedroniswhich will fail?12:08
zygaI don't think it will, setup profiles removes the snap and adds it again12:08
zygathis essentially refreshes the state of the repo12:08
zygathis is in helpers.go in ifacemgr12:08
zygaone sec12:08
pedronisah, it does remove?12:09
pedronisand that doesn't fail if the snap is not there?12:09
zygato have consistent view of that snap for setpu12:09
zygaI don't know12:09
zygabut I don't suppose so12:09
zygalooking at remove snap now12:10
pedronisremove never fails12:10
pedronisthat's good12:10
zygait only fails if the thing is connected, which is shouldn't be12:10
zygaso it's good12:10
zygawe disconnect the snap as well12:10
zygajust prior to calling remove snap12:11
zygaI think we are good12:11
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* zyga explores how the state access works and how the raw json messages behave12:16
pedroniszyga:  mmh, maybe we don't new state12:24
pedroniszyga:  we always do setup-profiles -> link-snap  (this make sense because setup-profiles is the "activating" of the ifacestate world)12:25
zygapedronis: and?12:29
pedroniszyga: so we are interested in all active snaps, and all snaps  with a pending (not ready) link-snap that is waiting on a done setup-profiles12:29
pedronisthe revision in the sna-setup of those tasks12:29
zygaso we could look through the state and fish that12:29
pedronisit has it's pro and cons as usual12:30
zygabut who would do this? the interface repo on startup12:30
zygaor setup profiles?12:30
zygaor snap manager12:30
zygafeels cross-manager12:30
* zyga finds working with state to be hard12:30
zygathe get/set marshal/unmarshal12:30
pedronisjust done as a replacement of ActiveInfos12:30
zygathe raw messages12:30
zygaah, that makes sense12:31
pedronisit would break if we started putting stuff between setup-profiles and link-snap12:31
pedronisbut I would question such a move12:31
=== Guest7888 is now known as ahasenack
zygaI'll play with the state variant first12:36
zygabut I think your solution is better for upgrades12:36
zygait would have 0 "borken" moments12:36
* kalikiana lunch12:37
pedronisyea, the state solution and revert worry me a bit12:37
pedronisnot because problems are likely but if they appear they will be very confusing12:37
zygayes, it feels like something that would warrant epoch12:38
zygaand epochs and customers are another thing12:38
pedroniswhen we are more tools and time we can explore the idea of a more generalized concept of readiness12:40
pedronisand then we could use that instead of looking at changes12:41
pedroniss/are more/have more/12:41
pedronisbut looking at changes seems attractive if a bit delicate, right now12:41
pedroniszyga: I'm exploring a bit how that would look like12:57
jdstrandpopey: hey, do you know if the remmina developer hangs out here?12:59
jdstrandpopey: or where the remmina snap developer can be found?13:00
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zygapedronis: standup?13:01
jdstrandcjwatson: hi! curious when snapcraft 2.40 will be in LP builds (if it isn't already)?13:02
seb128jdstrand, Trevinho submitted the snapcraft file upstream and seems to still care about it some maybe he can help you?13:03
mupPR snapd#4989 opened: tests: add arch to CI <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4989>13:04
cjwatsonjdstrand: when it's in xenial-updates13:05
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, it is in xenial-updates13:05
cjwatsonjdstrand: then builds will use it (unless oddly-configured)13:05
jdstrandit seems remmina is not using LP13:06
mborzeckicachio: 2018-04-05 14:32:39 Successful tasks: 225 ^^^13:06
jdstrandI look forward to when we can see where a snap build comes from (and, if LP, the build log)13:07
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popeyjdstrand: i do not off hand13:11
mupIssue snapcraft#2031 closed: Inconsistent results when building, cleaning stage and rebuilding <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2031>13:14
mupPR snapcraft#2047 closed: pluginhandler: organize in build instead of stage <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2047>13:14
jdstrandpopey: I just filed an upstream bug13:19
popeyok cool.13:20
popeyjdstrand: is there anything else needed on emoj - I am still getting rejection mails about the x11 desktop thing13:21
seb128jdstrand, sorry, I dropped offline, I was saying that maybe Trevinh_o can help you13:23
Chipacazyga: found the cause of my userd panic and it was totally my code =)13:39
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mvopstolowski: tests for 4988 failed again, this time because opensuse is out of diskspace. so feel free to push any further changes to this branch13:41
mborzeckihttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-create-directory-tmp-snap-rootfs-var-lib-snapd-lib-gl32-permission-denied/4868/4 has anyone seen it on their 16.04 systems?13:43
pstolowskimvo: ok13:50
diddledanpopey, the irccloud icon is an electron icon, so I've forced it in PR https://github.com/snapcrafters/irccloud-desktop/pull/714:06
mupPR snapcrafters/irccloud-desktop#7: fix desktop icon <Created by diddledan> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/irccloud-desktop/pull/7>14:06
cjwatsonjdstrand: next launchpad-buildd and snapcraft releases combined should handle that14:10
* zyga enjoys self-made lunch14:10
cjwatsonjdstrand: actually not sure it even needs a new snapcraft release, just launchpad-buildd14:11
popeydiddledan: oh bum, sorry14:12
jdstrandcjwatson: nice! :)14:12
diddledanno probs :-)14:13
diddledanI've just resolved the conflict so it's pushbutton mergable14:13
* popey pushes the button14:13
mupPR snapd#4990 opened: many: implement a poor man's privileges drop, use for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4990>14:13
diddledanI originally fixed it the way you did, but that icon seems to be the electron stock icon rather than the irccloud icon, so I've bundled the proper icon now14:13
popeyyou're right, i have the electron icon here now :)14:14
popeyif this works shall i push to stable?14:14
diddledanOT: doom runs on everything these days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnmIXK3PYFw14:16
kyrofacprov... we need to talk about store errors14:34
kyrofaWe need some consistency14:34
cprovkyrofa: sure, do you have an example ?14:35
kyrofacprov, sometimes we get an error_list, sometimes we get a message, and sometimes we get an error_message14:37
kyrofaAnd the only time we know when is when someone reports a traceback :P14:37
kyrofaOh! And a release error gives us a detail, that's nice14:37
kyrofaWe need a more standard error response, ever API call seems to have its own way of doing things14:38
cprovkyrofa: the new pattern is `error_list`, we should fix specific cases where it's not honoured14:38
kyrofacprov, and do the contents of error_list follow a standard pattern?14:39
* zyga wonders why all things evolve to resemble xml-rpc14:39
kyrofaI've never seen a error_list with more than one item14:39
cprovkyrofa: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/docs/api/snap.html#errors14:39
kyrofacprov, ah, very good. And those codes won't change out from under us?14:40
kyrofacprov, haha, I see the "Important: Not all API endpoints are migrated yet to this new error format"14:40
cprovkyrofa: yeah, most of the errors are single, but there are few with multiple item, push is an example I remember14:41
kyrofacprov, are you actively working to migrate all API endpoints to use that new error format?14:42
threshhey popey, how would I go about building in an lxd?14:42
cprovkyrofa: the fact we didn't finished the migration is bad, I am more than happy to fix any remaining endpoints14:43
kyrofacprov, I guess what I'm asking is: do you know what the "remaining endpoints" are, or am I just going to hit them and need to report them?14:43
mupPR snapd#4991 opened: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>14:44
kyrofaBecause there's no way for us to know all the possible error responses coming from the store14:44
kyrofaSo that would be the status quo14:45
popeythresh: hello!  do you have lxd installed?14:45
threshyep, creating a VM for that atm14:45
popeythresh: "lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 vlctest" then "lxc shell vlctest" and you're in the container14:45
cprovkyrofa: I don't know, but file a bug about what is what is blocking you and I will walk the whole API.14:45
threshpopey, ah well, I was thinking there was some snapcraft command to do that for me etc :-)14:46
kyrofacprov, alright, I'll make a note to log a bug when we encounter API responses that don't follow that pattern, thank you14:46
cprovkyrofa: thanks, do the same for any inconsistency to what is already documented14:47
pedronismvo: zyga: #4991, after thinking a bit this is good , but doesn't fix the same kind of problem on undo, for that we really need new state I fear, because the tasks are too ambiguous for that14:48
mupPR #4991: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>14:48
popeythresh: ah, there is, for sure. But you'd end up with a clean 16.04 container, not including the neon bits14:49
kyrofacprov, another similar question. Let's say I'm releasing to a channel, but I don't have permission to do that14:55
kyrofacprov, I get an error_list containing {'code': 'macaroon-permission-required', 'message': 'Permission is required: channel'}14:55
kyrofaBut that doesn't actually give me enough info to give a helpful error message14:55
kyrofaI have to reach outside of the error_list to the 'permission' attribute to see what the issue was, and there is also the 'channel' attribute14:55
kyrofaBut I never know when those will or will not be present14:56
kyrofaSo my error handling code turns into spaghetti14:56
kyrofaYou see what I mean?14:56
cprovkyrofa: I do and we can work this out14:57
pstolowskimvo: everything is terrible14:57
mupPR snapd#4992 opened: tests/main/interfaces-opengl-nvidia: verify access to 32bit libraries <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4992>14:57
popeydiddledan: do you have any snaps in your dusty archive that are unblocked by 2.32? I had a few and I need to dust them off at the weekend.14:57
cprovkyrofa:  the premise of using error-codes is that they should have specific handlers14:57
diddledanI need to check wine14:58
pstolowskihttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4988 failed again because of opensuse and because of 502 when fetching "golang.org/x/net/context"14:58
mupPR #4988: snapstate, ifacestate: inject auto-connect tasks try 2 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4988>14:58
kyrofacprov, so if I get a 'macaroon-permission-required' I can assume that the 'permission' and 'channel' properties are present?14:58
kyrofaBecause that error code sounds kinda generic14:58
cprovkyrofa: yes14:58
diddledanthis is my current checked-out or in-progress snaps: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0ensUQkd/image.png14:59
kyrofacprov, okay, I can work with that14:59
popeyooh, you have snapcraft, that looks cool ;)14:59
popeydiddledan: revision 41 of irccloud still has broken icon. do i need to wait for the next build?15:04
* diddledan checks15:04
threshman I shouldve launched that VM on a ssd15:05
diddledanrevision 41 was the one built in response to the PR I think. perhaps it's still broke?15:08
zygajdstrand: hey15:09
diddledanpopey: it has the correct icon for me15:13
popeyOh maybe font cache nonsense here maybe15:14
diddledanI had to uninstall irccloud and reinstall though, because I'd installed 3 separate testing builds locally causing snapd to decide the snap no longer exists in the store15:14
diddledanthat's really ducked up15:15
diddledanI get not installing store snaps over locally installed ones automatically. but I tried explicitly telling it which revision to install and it still said the snap doesn't exist in the store15:15
mvopstolowski: you mean because golang.org gives us 502 ?15:16
mvopstolowski: or terrible for different reasons?15:16
diddledanhtf are you supposed to switch between a test you built several times locally and the store snap?!15:16
mupPR snapd#4993 opened: cmd/snap-confine: allow creating missing gl32, gl, vulkan dirs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4993>15:16
pstolowskino, just 50215:17
popeydiddledan: you have to snap refresh foo --edge --amend15:17
diddledantried it15:17
popeythe --amend is important15:17
diddledandidn't work15:17
popeythere is a bug with amend, which m vo is fixing15:17
popeyif the snap concerned isn't in stable15:18
threshpopey, hmm, I'm able to repro that appmenu issue; let me check why it works on my docker image15:18
popeythresh: "great!"15:19
threshyeah, no15:19
popeymaybe you need the channel too15:19
popeyas well as the revision15:19
zygapedronis: ack15:20
popeydiddledan: either way, wimpy tested so I'm gonna promote that to stable. Thank you!15:21
threshI wonder why this package is pulled in anyway15:22
zygapedronis: nice work there15:22
zygapedronis: I think this is good enough for this issue for thie .3 release15:22
zygajdstrand: can you pleaes look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/499315:22
mupPR #4993: cmd/snap-confine: allow creating missing gl32, gl, vulkan dirs <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4993>15:22
zygaam I right there?15:23
mupPR snapcrafters/sublime-text#9: ship gtk2 and fix desktop file shortcuts <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/sublime-text/pull/9>15:23
om26erpopey: ^  and happy birthday :)15:23
zygaonce that's in edge I can test again :)15:23
jdstrandzyga: you want to creat the dir and files in the dir?15:24
zygaI really want s-t from a snap :)15:24
om26erthat makes the two of us.15:24
zygajdstrand: thank you!15:24
zygamborzecki: ^ FYI15:24
zygamborzecki: another 2.32.x backport needed I suspect15:25
om26eralso could anyone help with https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/right-click-menu-items-dont-work/4724 ?15:25
pstolowskimvo, cachio i suppose the tests will keep failing unless we fix the problem of space on opensuse15:26
cachiopstolowski, let me take a look15:26
zygaom26er: oh, interesting15:26
zygaom26er: I think our sanitization breaks the desktop file15:27
zygaom26er: can you pastebin the generated destkop file in /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications15:27
pstolowskicachio: thanks!15:27
zygaom26er: or better, a diff from the vanilla one15:27
zygaom26er: I suspect we strip something and it's broken then15:27
cachiopstolowski, do you have a link?15:30
cachioI see most of them in green15:30
pstolowskicachio: nah, not anymore, i kicked the tests again, sorry; let's see if it fails again on opensuse15:33
pstolowskianother bunch of 5xx from golang.org there :(15:33
mvopstolowski: right now tests are going strong15:37
mvopstolowski: fingers crossed (half done, no error yet)15:37
cachiopstolowski, it is weird because we have a fixed image15:37
cachiofor opensuse 42.315:38
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cachiobut let's see15:38
zygacachio: hey15:38
pedroniszyga: btw I think undo of Enable is also buggy15:38
zygaabout opensuse15:38
zygacan you make sure our images don't run snapper15:38
zygait's a tool built into opensuse15:39
zygathat takes snapshot of the system all the frelling time15:39
zygaand it keeps them15:39
zygait makes 40GB VMs useless15:39
zygapedronis: in which way, looking at the code now15:39
pedroniszyga: I think the undo  of setup-profiles   makes assumption that don't make sense for the undo of enable15:40
pedronisit's again an issue of not enough info15:40
cachiozyga, ah, ok, I'll take a look to that15:40
pedroniszyga: afaict the undo of setup-profiles will put back profiles  as long as there's a current revision (active or not)15:41
cachioperhaps the best option is to have our own opensuse 42.3 image15:41
pedronisthis is correct for the undos of refresh/install15:41
pedronisbut not enable15:41
cachioso we can control what's inside15:41
zygapedronis: yes15:41
cachiocorrently we are using the one published by opensuse15:41
pedronisnot sure I care a lot atm15:41
pedronisbut is part of the messy picture of not enough state15:41
zygacachio: well, it'd be nice to be true to real opensuse images but perhaps they are not so suitable for cloud; can you ask in #opensuse-buildservice perhaps?15:42
cachiozyga, ok15:42
pstolowskimvo: it failed again, this time on 2 ubuntu systems on prepare :(15:42
zygapedronis: so on undo we essentially setup security for the prior revision15:44
pstolowski502 from govendor syncs15:44
zygapedronis: (whatever it was)15:44
pedronisyea, but disabled state15:44
pedronisshould have no profiles15:44
pedronisdisable does remove-profiles15:44
pedronisanyway as I said, not super important right now, I noticed because I was staring15:45
pedronisat undo paths with setup-profiles link-snap in them15:45
pedroniswondering if we can extend the fix to the undo case15:45
zygapedronis: I don't see it yet, sorry, i'm not that fast, is the issue with lack of state in setup-profiles or in how they are used to enable/disable15:45
zyga    sideInfo := snapst.CurrentSideInfo()15:46
pedronisit's lack of state I think15:46
pedronisactive false15:46
pedronismeans disabled15:46
zygathis will return nil when snap is inactive15:46
pedronisbut also I'm going through being refreshed15:46
zygayeah, I see15:47
pedronisno Current is always set15:47
pedronisunless during installation15:47
zygathe whole thing is just so complex now15:47
pedronisirrespective of enabled or disabled15:47
zygaah, right15:47
zygapedronis: so in ifacestate/handlers.go on line 252 where we check if sideInfo is nil we should also check if it was active or not15:49
pedronisthat's not enough15:49
pedronisI think15:49
pedronisbecause of how we use active during refreshes15:49
zygaI must say I'm very lost in how it's used15:50
pedronisin both cases we enter15:50
pedronissetup-profiles with active false15:50
pedroniswe really don't know15:50
pedronisdo I have profiles on disk or not15:50
pedronisit's really related to the bug15:51
pedronisand the idea of having a profiles-revision15:51
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pedronisin the state15:51
zygaone thing to remember is that setup / remove will do the right thing for given input state15:51
zygathey largely don't care about what is on disk15:51
pedronishere they don't though15:51
zygathe system there is designed to reach a stable state, given the desired stable state15:51
pedroniswe simply don't know enough15:51
zygaif we tell the repo to setup security, we will15:52
zygait's juts that we don't know _what_ to say15:52
zygaand that I understand is the issue15:52
pedroniswe don't know if there was a previous  set of profiles or disk or not15:52
zygaI really honestly am lost in the state/task system now15:52
pedroniswe just assume that if current is set15:52
pedronisthat was the set15:52
pedronisthat's untrue when we undo enable15:52
zygaand I think it warrants a whiteboard diagram that people discuss and collectively understand15:52
zygain this specific case the worse that can happen is that snap will have profiles that it doesn't need15:53
zygathat's bad but harmless IMO15:53
pedronisas I said I don't care about it as a bug that needs immediate fixing15:53
pedronisit just points out we don't have enough state15:54
pedronisfrom a similar/slightly different angle15:54
om26erzyga: replied on snapcraft.io15:55
zygamborzecki: maybe you want to look at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/right-click-menu-items-dont-work/4724/615:56
zygayou touched destkop files recently and it's related15:56
pedroniszyga: as we said yesterday ifacestate is trying to "reuse" the state as kept by snapstate but there are matches/confusion15:57
pedronisis not that the state is too complicated, is more that is slight out of phase/sync wrt what ifacestate does/needs15:57
popeyom26er: zyga you guys clear with my proposal in the s-t pr?15:58
zygapopey: https://github.com/snapcrafters/sublime-text/pull/9/files ?16:00
mupPR snapcrafters/sublime-text#9: ship gtk2 and fix desktop file shortcuts <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/sublime-text/pull/9>16:00
om26erpopey: We never released sublime to stable under sublime-text-3 name, so if we make an "announcement" of a type, I believe all those who have installed it currently will move to the new name.16:00
zygapedronis: I think the complexity in our design is derived from the delayed execution and state keeping and how the do/undo logic is structured16:05
zygapedronis: if ifacemgr gets to keep its own state16:05
zygapedronis: we can simplify some of it but only to the point where we need the interaction across managers16:06
pedronisisn't the lesson instead that the best if the managers can ignore each other16:07
threshpopey, I don't understand why this is happening: http://thre.sh/stuff/snapcraft-debug-docker.txt (docker image), appmenu-qt5 is marked to be fetched, but silently ignored16:07
zygapedronis: I think that's true but then again managers are all kind of "we manage snaps" in some way and the separation of interface manager is more of a "two people coded this" than deliberate design16:07
* thresh goes on comparing apt-conf dump16:08
pedroniszyga: yes, in the sense that a solution to some extent would be to merge into doLinkSnap  both what it does and doSetupProfiles, then active would mean one thing, there are probably still issues though16:10
zygapedronis: yes, especially if it finishes half way and needs to clea nup16:11
zygaon one hand side if every little thing is a task undo is easy16:11
zygaon the other hand big tasks are easier to understand16:11
zygaand regardless, making changes to task structure across snapd versions sucks16:11
zygawe don't version them16:11
diddledanpopey: if you're looking for snap news, besides irccloud being updated today, I've just pushed openra 20180307 to stable16:19
diddledanprevious version was 20171014, and upstream have been doing a lot of work FWICT16:21
cachiozyga, snapper is installed in opensuse16:21
diddledanrelease notes from upstream: https://www.openra.net/news/release-20180307/16:21
cachiozyga, who is running it?16:22
zygait's a systemd unit AFAIR16:22
zygaremoving it is a good idea16:22
zygait uses lots of disk space16:22
diddledanpopey: this is a choice quote from the release notes in the middle: "A fix for the AI cheating when it uses superweapons and support powers"16:24
diddledandamned AIs. if they decide to murder us they'll cheat!16:24
cachiozyga, all the snapper services are already disabled16:25
popeydiddledan: yay! :)16:25
zygacachio: cool, that's good then16:25
cachioso, the problem is something else16:25
zygacachio: what's the partition layout16:25
cachioI'll execute the test suite from here and debug it16:26
cachiozyga, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Tmwbnj6X89/16:26
mvocachio: could you give me a quick heads up when the revert happend? I will write a note in the forum about it then16:26
zyganice, simple, good16:26
cachiomvo, who is triggering the revert?16:27
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cachioor the store team?16:27
threshpopey, welp, now I can reproduce the error with appmenu even on my docker image -- I had to upgrade snapcraft to 2.40 from 2.39.3+really2.3516:27
threshnow that's something already16:28
mvocachio: its a change to the stable channel so if you could trigger it that would be great (once the store is ready)16:29
cachiook, just to release the previous versions to stable, right?16:29
mvocachio: yeah, correct 4205..4210 iirc, but let me quickly double check16:30
mvocachio: yeah, those are the versions16:30
cachiopstolowski, hey you have a machine in google since yesterday16:32
cachiois it ok16:32
cachiocan I kill it?16:33
pstolowskicachio: ah yes, i forgot to free it. yes you can kill it16:43
cachiopstolowski, thanks16:44
naccis the store still "sick" wrt. downloading the core snap?16:51
naccour CI is failing a bunch again16:51
nacchttps://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/git-ubuntu-ci/372/console e.g16:51
mvopstolowski: it is jinxed, the inject PR failed again16:56
mvonacc: we released a new core some minutes ago, maybe that is the problem?16:56
mvonacc: a bit of an overload16:56
mvozyga: do we need 4993 for 2.32?16:57
naccmvo: ok, i'll see16:57
zygayes, please take it16:58
zygait's a minor fix but people will like it16:58
mvozyga: sure, will do16:58
zygaand it cannot regress16:58
zygait's adding permissions16:58
zygathank you16:58
mvozyga: ta16:59
zygathanks for checking :)16:59
mvojdstrand: hey, just wanted to (friendly) check if you will have time soon(ish) for a review of 4942?17:01
cachiopstolowski, worked on opensuse17:03
cachiono errorrs17:03
pstolowskicachio: yes... but we have other failures again17:08
pedronismvo: don't know if you saw but I pushed #499117:13
mupPR #4991: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>17:13
zygapedronis: +1 from me, just one question17:15
zygaI will push the state on top17:15
jdstrandmvo: my understanding is that is for 2.33, not for 2.32. I've been tasked with some 18.04 distro work and therefore put that review (and other non-2.32 snapd work) behind that work17:15
zygaAFAIK we said all snap info loading would go through a helper in snapstate that loads from cache17:15
pedronisthere is no such helper17:16
jdstrandmvo: is this for 2.32?17:16
jdstrandmvo: (it's already in our queue)17:16
zygaah, that's okay than17:17
pedroniszyga: snapstate itself uses readInfo (you changed it recently), that's not public, not it is caching17:18
pedroniss/not it/nor it/17:19
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mvojdstrand: it was for 2.33 but its one of these things we really want and its relatively small and self-contained so we aim for it for 2.32. but of course time is in short supply so if you are busy you are busy :)17:27
jdstrandmvo: I thought 2.32 was closed and bug fix only. you are saying that if I review this, you will put it in 2.32?17:29
jdstrandmvo: if so, when does it need to be reviewed by? eod tomorrow? (I read 2.32 is now planned for next week)17:32
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mupPR snapcraft#2050 opened: storeapi: properly handle lacking permission for channel <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2050>17:33
mvojdstrand: we have 2.32 open right now because we are waiting for two critical fixes. so small/low risk/high gain can still go in. probably until tomorrow(ish). depends a bit on the pending fix(es)17:35
mupPR snapd#4988 closed: snapstate, ifacestate: inject auto-connect tasks try 2 <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4988>17:35
mupPR snapd#4993 closed: cmd/snap-confine: allow creating missing gl32, gl, vulkan dirs <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4993>17:35
zygathanks mvo17:35
mupPR snapd#4994 opened: cmd/snap-confine: allow creating missing gl32, gl, vulkan dirs <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4994>17:36
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mupPR snapd#4995 opened: snapstate: inject autoconnect tasks in doLinkSnap for regular snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4995>17:37
jdstrandmvo: I should be able to get to it tomorrow. I may have some small policy updates to add to 2.32 too17:39
zygajdstrand: ping me for those, I will review them ASAP17:39
mvojdstrand: sounds good17:39
pstolowskimvo: wow, you merged it; did it pass finally?17:41
mvopstolowski: yes, it finally did17:42
mvopstolowski: i'm trying to build the new core now17:42
pstolowskimvo: great, thank you! let me know when it's available17:42
mvopstolowski: probably ~30min or so, just triggered the ppa build for the deb once that is done will do the core build17:43
jdstrandoSoMoN: fyi: apparmor="DENIED" operation="chmod" profile="snap.chromium.chromium" name="/home/jamie/.config/ibus/bus/" pid=11621 comm="chromium-browse" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=1000 ouid=100017:49
jdstrandoSoMoN: the dir exists and is already 0700. why is chromium trying to change that?17:49
zygapedronis: conflict on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/499117:50
mupPR #4991: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>17:50
pedroniszyga: btw, did you try it with reproducer?17:52
hyperrealHello all. Is there a way to just browse the snapcraft store? Like with categories or A-Z?17:52
zygapedronis: no, I'm about to try, just pushing my simple PR17:52
oSoMoNjdstrand, that's probably caused by https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/104/files17:53
Chipacahyperreal: limitidly, yes17:53
mupPR ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers#104: Add missing stage packages and copy ibus socket files to enable ibus for GTK3 applications out-of-the-box <Created by oSoMoN> <Merged by kenvandine> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/104>17:53
zygapedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:fix/reload-repo-inactive-snaps?expand=117:53
Chipacahyperreal: try "snap find --section"17:53
zygapedronis: not sure if correct, not super familiar with state handling17:54
hyperrealChipaca: thanks, I'll try that.17:54
jdstrandoSoMoN: that would do it17:54
Chipacahyperreal: it needs more work on many fronts, but it's the beginning of the 'browse' journey17:54
oSoMoNjdstrand, what would cause the chmod call? the call to ln ?17:55
jdstrandoSoMoN: so, seems you could test -d $IBUS_CONFIG_PATH || mkdir $IBUS_CONFIG_PATH17:55
pedroniszyga: I fixed the conflict17:55
jdstrandoSoMoN: well, wait a sec17:56
jdstrandoSoMoN: XDG_CONFIG_HOME is in ~/snap at this point17:56
jdstrandoSoMoN: I don't see where a chmod is happening17:56
popeythresh: maybe follow up on that forum post and we can see if kyle can take another look.17:57
jdstrandoSoMoN: perhaps there is an unconditional chmod in the ibus libs. I would argue that should be fixed to only chmod if it isn't what it expects. that would be something for SRU and then anything using the desktop launcher won't be affected by it17:58
threshpopey, that's what I did, thanks!17:58
popeyoh great :D17:58
jdstrandoSoMoN: as it stands, it sounds like if the lib is doing that, *every* snap that uses the part will trigger this denial, which will lead to confused users17:59
pedroniszyga: it looks it's going in the right direction, but yes that would be more work to do around the undo code paths to consider/use that new state17:59
zygayes, that's how I re-purposed it after your idea18:00
pedronisalso thinking when it gets written to disk (state.Unlock)18:00
zygaI think we want to store it for now18:00
zygaand eventually switch over18:00
zygaoh, good point18:00
pedroniszyga: if you look at snapstate handlers, they tend to do Set almost always at the end18:01
pedronisOTOH ifacestate stuff releases the lock more often (or did at some point)18:01
pedronisso there's some thinking to do what we want,  what are the trade offs18:01
pedronisit might not release the lock anymore though now that I think18:01
pedroniswe changed that18:01
pedronisbecause it was actually making things slower18:02
zygaI haven't looked yet but this is an important aspect of the correctness18:02
zygadoSetupProfiles unlocks18:03
pedronisno we still do unlock18:03
zygathe stask state18:03
pedronisbefore calling the backends18:03
zygais that the full state?18:03
pedronisyes, there is nothing but the full state18:03
pedroniswe never write partial bits18:03
pedronisso  one should always be careful18:04
pedronisto have set something coherent into state18:04
pedronisbefore Unlock is done or can happen18:04
zygaso doSetupProfiles and doRemoveProfiles only unlocks at the end18:04
zygathat feels correct for now18:04
pedroniszyga: not really18:05
zygaso each setup will unlock, giving us some idea of where we are18:05
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pedronisbecause they call setupSnapSecurity18:05
pedronisdoes unlock in the middle18:05
zygaah, I see now18:06
zygabecause backends run processes18:06
zygaand that's "slow"18:06
pedronisyes, I think we wanted to remove those Unlock18:06
pedronisespecially the systemd backend was problematic18:07
pedronisso we didn't in the end18:07
zygahmm I don't recall what the problems were18:08
ChipacaStop can take infinite time, for example18:08
zygawe call get/set (in my patch) just prior to that18:09
zygaso we'd save the state then18:09
zygaChipaca: physicists tell me that if you got an infinitiy its a problem in your calculation ;)18:10
Chipacazyga: mumble "dirac's delta" at them and they'll shut up and bugger off18:10
oSoMoNjdstrand, that denial is harmless though, isn't it?18:11
pedroniszyga: we should call Set at the end as snapstate does18:12
jdstrandoSoMoN: it doesn't seem to affect the snap no. however, there will be bug reports where people think it is causing trouble and people will have to constantly refute that it is an issue18:12
pedroniszyga: when we are sure we are done18:12
zygapedronis: after setup succeeds18:12
zygawe should also remove but I haven't done that yet18:12
zygaI could Set(st, snapName, nil) in the remove path but I didn't want to (since the struct can grow later)18:13
jdstrandoSoMoN: traditionally we would add an explicit deny rule, but we don't like to do that since they override allow rules, and interfaces that use them will undo interfaces that are meant to allow it18:13
oSoMoNjdstrand, it seems you are right:18:13
oSoMoNosomon@bribon:/tmp/ibus-1.5.17$ grep -rn chmod18:13
oSoMoNsrc/ibusregistry.c:475:        g_chmod (filename, 0644);18:13
oSoMoNsrc/ibusbus.c:560:    g_chmod (path, 0700);18:13
jdstrandoSoMoN: and by traditionally, I mean, outside of snapd18:13
jdstrandthere you go. a quick stat() check is all that is needed18:14
oSoMoNjdstrand, I'll file a bug after dinner and will propose a fix18:14
jdstrandoSoMoN: in this case, it is src/ibusbus.c:56018:14
jdstrandoSoMoN: thanks!18:14
oSoMoNthanks for pointing it out!18:14
zygapedronis: I wonder if we should store revision if affected snaps failed18:14
zygaI think yes, we should18:14
jdstrandoSoMoN: thanks for working on a fix and even more thanks for getting ibus to work :)18:14
zygabecause that's really the truth18:14
pedronisthe truth in which sense?18:15
pedroniswe are interested in whether we need to AddSnap this snaps at that revision18:15
pedronisif we should not do that, we shouldn't set it18:15
pedronisif we should, we should set it18:15
zygapedronis: truth as in the profiles are on disk for that snap at that time18:17
zyga(please refresh, force pusheD)18:17
pedronisshould they be?18:17
pedronisI suppose this related to undo on error18:17
zygaI think this is okay because even if affected snaps fail this snap is in the repo and it's meant to be reloaded18:18
pedronis(which is not done by undo)18:18
zygayes, it certainly is, this is purely in the error path18:18
pedronisI mean, in snapstate tasks try to undo themselve if they error18:19
zygayes, and if they undo themselves correctly they will remove profiles (or setup another revision) which would update the state18:19
pedronisdoes the code in ifacestate do that?18:20
zygaprobably not, let's see18:20
pedronisI don't think it does18:20
zygaI don't see any evidence of that, no18:21
pedronisif setup profile of revion X fails,  we might have the profiles for revision X on disk18:21
pedronisbut the rest of the undo18:22
pedroniswill remove revision X18:22
pedronisfrom the system otherwise18:22
zygawe don't stash them18:22
zygaand it's not just revision X18:22
zygait's also "whatever old snapd wrote"18:22
zygamaybe we are busted18:22
zygaso we'd have to rethink the logic around that for individual tasks to undo themselves mid-throgh-task18:22
pedroniswell in theory having profile-revision in state18:23
pedronisshould help knowing what is on disk18:24
pedronis(except during the transition from not having it to having it)18:24
zygain some sense the undo task for setup profiles is the right undo for partially broken setup profiles18:24
zygawe just don't use that18:24
zygaundo unly runs if setup works all the wy18:25
pedronisI know18:25
pedronissome things in snapstate do that18:25
pedronisthey basically call they undo* code18:25
pedronison error paths18:25
pedronisnot all of them18:25
pedronisit depends18:25
zygaI think it would be nice to make that implicit18:25
zygait is sane and nicer conceptually18:25
pedronisit also true that most things snapstate (except aliases)18:25
pedronisdeal with the one snap18:26
pedronissecurity touches more than one snap18:26
pedronisthe affected snap bit18:26
mvopstolowski: edge with inject-tasks v2 should be ready in 10min or so, core snap is building right now18:27
pstolowskimvo: ack18:27
pedroniszyga: basically there's a lot of things to think about in this area, if we start cleaning up18:29
zygapedronis: I agree18:31
zygapedronis: I opened a PR with this code as is18:31
zygait's not interacting with your fix yet18:32
zyganot sure if that's something we can merge before gustavo is back18:32
mupPR snapd#4996 opened: overlord/ifacestate: store and use revision with security profiles set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4996>18:32
pedroniszyga: we should remove the state in discard-conns, no?  that's the task we use in ifacestate when a snap goes completely away?18:37
zygathat's a good point18:37
zygayes, I'll do that18:37
zygaforce pushed one liner18:39
pedronispstolowski: mvo: there's a new core in edge it seems18:50
cwayneBeta expected today?18:53
pstolowskimvo: pedronis ok, checking18:54
mvopstolowski: good luck, I'm running my own test here too18:54
mvopstolowski: looking good here18:57
mvozyga: I assume 4996 is for 2.32?18:57
pedronismvo: maybe .4  but not .318:58
zygaWe don’t need it, it is not a fix18:58
pedronisis just to start storing things18:58
zygaIt’s long term18:58
pedronismvo: #4991 we need to decide if we want it for .3 or wait18:59
mupPR #4991: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>18:59
pstolowskimvo: all looks fine here as well19:01
mvopstolowski: yay19:01
mvopstolowski: I have the backport ready19:01
pstolowskimvo: lxd interfaces reported as connected (haven't tested lxd functionality though); no errors in snap change(s), and I see a series of connect task added there as expected19:02
pstolowskimvo: awesome19:02
mvopstolowski: yeah, lxc (the command) runs19:04
mvopstolowski: and lxc info as well19:04
mupPR snapcraft#2051 opened: elf: use snapped strip <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2051>19:04
mupPR snapd#4994 closed: cmd/snap-confine: allow creating missing gl32, gl, vulkan dirs <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4994>19:05
mvopedronis, zyga how safe do you consider the PR?19:09
pstolowskieod, cu19:10
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zygapedronis: which one?19:10
zygamvo: which one?19:10
zygathe one from pedronis?19:10
mvozyga: 4996 was the one I just looked at. but its different from what we discussed earlier, didn't we?19:11
zygaah, this one19:11
pedronismvo: 4996 is not a fix19:11
zygaI think it's not critical19:11
zygait's not the fix, it's probably going to get renamed / changed19:11
pedronismvo: the fix (for the do path) is #499119:11
mupPR #4991: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>19:11
zygawhat pedronis did is the real thing19:11
zygamvo: review and squash 499119:12
mvozyga: ok, checking19:12
mvopedronis: oh, thank you19:12
mupPR snapd#4991 closed: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4991>19:22
mupPR snapd#4997 opened: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4997>19:24
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mupPR snapd#4995 closed: snapstate: inject autoconnect tasks in doLinkSnap for regular snaps <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4995>19:36
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pedronisI have updated the forum topic with links to the PRs19:45
mvohrm, hrm, no travis slots20:09
zygapedronis: thank you20:13
zygamvo: bummer :/20:13
zygaI'm waiting for kids to finally go to slepe20:13
mupPR snapcraft#2052 opened: many: add override-prime scriptlet <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2052>20:16
zygamvo: can I help or shall we wrap and do it tomorrow20:29
mvozyga: looks like tomorrow, no slot from travis20:29
mvozyga: which is a bummer, its the last pending PR20:29
mvooh well20:29
mvozyga: I will get up early and continue with this20:29
cachiomvo, any idea if travis is stuck?20:30
mvocachio: its probably just that we used to many travis slots today that they don't give us new ones right away20:30
zygadid it pass on master?20:30
zygarun unit tests and merge it20:31
cachiomvo, ah, ok20:31
zygait's not disto specific20:31
mvozyga: yeah, well, would love to have a full run20:31
mvozyga: but maybe you are right20:31
zygayou could have done a full run by now :)20:32
zygait's 25~ for a full run20:32
zyganot saying it's bad you didn't it's just not exclusive to travis20:32
cachiomvo, do you know which travis machines have the google credentials?20:33
mupPR snapd#4997 closed: ifacestate: add to the repo also snaps that are pending being activated but have a done setup-profiles (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4997>20:34
cachioI think the trusty ones don't20:34
cachioI updated all the spread branches but they fail because of lack of credentials on travis machine20:34
mupPR snapd#4998 opened: release: 2.32.3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4998>20:44
mupPR snapd#4999 opened: advisor: use json for package database <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4999>20:54
mupPR snapd#5000 opened: errtracker: make TestJournalErrorSilentError work on gccgo <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5000>20:54
mvozyga: and the build failed on pwerpc :(20:54
mvozyga: so we will need one more release for the deb20:54
zygamvo: can we retry?20:54
mvozyga: but thats ok, the core can still go to beta20:54
zygaor is it really broken20:54
mvozyga: no, see PR above20:54
mvozyga: its a new test in errtracker that breaks20:55
mvozyga: in very silly ways20:55
zygacan we not build for ppc in the future or would that cause migration issues?20:55
mvozyga: we need to haggle with the distro about this20:55
mvozyga: I would love to stop doing that but so far keeping it alive was more cost effective (less time spend) than to argue this20:56
mvozyga: but maybe we are reaching the tipping point20:56
zygamvo: bionic is about to ship20:56
zygais bionic ppc-free?20:56
mvozyga: it is!!!20:56
mvozyga: happy days20:56
zygamy poor ppc box ;(20:56
zygagood :)20:56
mvozyga: xenial has 3 more years20:56
mvozyga: and there is always debian ;)20:56
mvozyga: lol@your comment20:57
mvozyga: I wish I could :heart: that20:57
mupPR #4999: advisor: use json for package database <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4999>20:58
mvozyga: thank you!21:00
mvozyga: hrm, hrm, I really hope the ppa build finishes soon, I want to sleep :)21:01
mvoor :/21:01
mvoor even :(21:01
zygamy eyes are closing21:01
zygaI'm closing my laptop now, sleep well and rest tomorrow21:01
zygaall work and no play makes mvo a dull developer21:01
zygaremember that ;)21:01
zygait ends bad in the movie21:01
oSoMoNjdstrand, bug #176158521:02
mupBug #1761585: ibus_bus_init does an unconditional call to chmod on $HOME/.config/ibus/bus <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <ibus (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761585>21:02
jdstrandoSoMoN: thanks!21:24
mvocachio: just fyi (no rush) - 2.32.3 for amd64/i386 is in beta now. once arm/arm64 is ready I will publis hthat too21:29
cachiomvo, nice, I'll start today21:30
cachioso for tomorrow morning we have some results21:30
mvocachio: yay21:30
cachiomvo, did you see my comment about travis?21:30
cachioabout in spread cron the jobs are failing because we dont have credentials21:31
mvocachio: let me read21:31
mvocachio: ohhh21:31
mvocachio: that makes sense. what can we do?21:31
cachiocould be happening because we are runing on trusty?21:31
cachioI have removed the trusty config but I could not validate if it is the cause21:32
cachiobecause we don't have more slots :(21:32
mvocachio: :(21:32
mvocachio: yeah, its really annoying21:33
cachiotomorrow we will have more?21:33
mvocachio: yeah21:34
cachiook, I'll wait21:34
cachiotoday I updated like 40 branches21:34
cachioand all of them failed because of that :(21:34
cachioparhaps it is my fault21:35
cachioI mean the reason why we don't have more travis slots21:35
mvocachio: don't worry, but yeah, I think we get rate limited by travis at some point21:39
mvocachio: armhf is now ready too in beta, I will do arm64 in my morning22:32
Trevinhoquestion.. Is build.snapcraft.io now reading the yaml `base:` stanza to decide were to build the snap or will it use just core16 for everything?22:33
Caelumzyga: it doesn't look like they're regenerating the website22:37

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