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auctushow do i add other clocks so i can see several time zones? 03:46
auctusi cant find stuff in the new UI just by intuition03:46
zanshinauctus: https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-display-time-from-multiple-cities-in-ubuntu/04:11
auctuszanshin: yeah in 16.04, but not in 18.04.04:17
auctusin 18.04 the clock is somewhere else (in the middle instead of to the right) and that time/date button isnt there04:17
zanshinWhoops. Thought I was in the #ubuntu channel. My bad. I think there's a GNOME plugin that allows for multiple clocks04:18
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apicult0rHello, world! Can anyone else confirm that bionic offers only PPTP VPN out of the box?07:54
apicult0rAnd, if so, could you consider marking this bug as affecting you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/175241707:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752417 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Out of the box, Ubuntu Bionic offers only insecure VPN option" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:55
TJ-apicult0r: it depends on what packages are seeded by the installer. Which installer did you use?07:55
apicult0rThe daily image from a few days ago07:56
apicult0rWith the option to download and install the latest versions checked07:56
BugzBunnyapicult0r: There is different protocols07:57
apicult0rYeah, I know that.07:57
apicult0rPPTP is insecure and shouldn't be used by... basically anyone07:57
apicult0rThat's my point07:57
BugzBunnyapicult0r: I'd preffer you understand07:57
BugzBunnySince you know07:57
apicult0rAt the very least L2TP-over-IPsec should be included by default, IMHO07:58
apicult0rBonus marks for IKEv207:58
BugzBunnyNot really, if you understand waht it is07:58
BugzBunnyIf it solve your use case07:58
apicult0rIt's so insecure that major OS vendors are removing support for it07:58
BugzBunnyDon't care07:59
apicult0rOK, so don't upvote the bug then07:59
apicult0rLe shrug07:59
BugzBunnyapicult0r: But I use PPTP btw07:59
apicult0rInstead of following me in here from #ubuntu to tell me to piss off, if you don't have anything constructive to say then why bother?07:59
apicult0rOK, cool, enjoy it07:59
BugzBunnyapicult0r: And L2TP07:59
BugzBunnynot L2TP-over-IPsec08:00
apicult0rYes, L2TP by itself is not encrypted, I realize that.08:00
BugzBunnyI thin it's encryped08:01
apicult0rNo, it's not.08:01
BugzBunnyBut I would have to read on it again08:01
apicult0rIt's almost always used with IPsec, though08:01
apicult0rAnd in that combination, it's quite secure08:01
BugzBunnyI would have to read again08:02
BugzBunnyIt's pretty fast08:02
BugzBunnyThat I remembered from it08:02
TJ-apicult0r: you still didn't say which seed you used? was it the ubuntu-desktop ISO (and hence Gnome)08:02
apicult0rLet me check08:02
TJ-apicult0r: The seed for that is here, and it does only include network-manager-pptp-gnome  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.bionic/desktop08:04
apicult0rSo, yes, the default one with gnome08:04
TJ-apicult0r: so add that seed link to your bug report08:04
apicult0rWhat's the best way to do that?08:04
TJ-apicult0r: add a comment to the bug you linked us when you joined this channel08:08
apicult0rI just dumped it in as a comment08:08
apicult0rOK, done, just wondered if there was a more official way to do so08:08
TJ-apicult0r: everything goes via bugs so we can keep track!08:08
TJ-apicult0r: I'll find out the correct package to assign it to and get some devs to consider it08:09
apicult0rTJ-, that is very much appreciated.08:09
TJ-apicult0r: I've subscribed myself to it08:09
apicult0rIMHO PPTP should be torn out by default08:09
apicult0rAnd L2TP, IPSec, and IKEv1/v2 should be included by default08:09
apicult0rPPTP only is absurd, it's like Windows 95 or something08:09
apicult0rThanks again. :)08:09
apicult0r(I get that users can easily add support for those more modern protocols easily, but they really should be included out of the box and the insecure option not included by default to avoid people who don't know any better from being tempted to use it08:10
apicult0rAnd the time to change what's included by default is right now, not April 26 ;)08:11
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TJ-apicult0r: the issue with seeding is the limited space in the ISOs. Adding one package can pull in many depends, so it cascades to add many megabytes08:14
TJ-apicult0r: there won't be any changes for 18.04 we're long past feature freeze08:14
apicult0rThat's unfortunate :/08:19
apicult0rNobody else noticed this before then?08:19
TJ-apicult0r: well it's usually just an "apt install ..." away, or the GUI variation of that via ubuntu-software/gnome-software application08:20
apicult0rYeah, but this is a bit basic, no?08:20
TJ-apicult0r: most users don't require a VPN08:20
apicult0rAnd insecure on top of that08:20
TJ-why is it insecure?08:21
apicult0rMost home users don't, no, and businesses would likely have someone who knows better, agreed08:21
apicult0rI included a bunch of relevant links in the bug08:21
apicult0rPPTP was cryptographically weak ten years ago08:21
apicult0rIt's now worse than that because it can lull people into a false sense of security08:21
TJ-I'm not talking about PPTP, I'm talking about the basic connectivity after install08:21
apicult0rAs in, if you're using open Wi-Fi at least you *know* it's insecure so you might restrict what you do08:22
TJ-Install > connect via wifi > router/gateway > ISP > Internet 08:22
apicult0rAh, because including only one deprecated and insecure type of VPN might lead some people to believe that's all it supports, so they'll just shrug and use it instead of something they should probably be using instead08:22
apicult0rI don't know what you mean by "Install > connect via wifi > router/gateway > ISP > Internet"08:23
apicult0rI saw your comment btw, ovpn is good but IKEv2 is where things are going, and L2TP-over-IPsec is ubiquitous08:24
apicult0rIKEv2 also supports MOBIKE08:24
apicult0rMuch better mobility support08:24
apicult0rAs in, the tunnel stays up if the client IP changes08:25
apicult0rwireguard is already included in the kernel but anyone using that will know what they're doing so exposing it in the GUI by default is unnecessary08:25
TJ-apicult0r: Have you ever seen the hoops setting up IPsec via openswan/freeswan causes!? That is not going to get shipped OOTB!08:27
apicult0rTJ- Not really -- server IP/FQDN, PSK, username, password, done.08:32
apicult0rIf it's more complicated than that, something is wrong.08:32
apicult0rSure, if you want to use certificates it's a pain, but at that point it's very likely going to be done with corporate oversight08:33
apicult0rI don't mean support for using Bionic as a server08:33
apicult0rI mean just as a VPN *client* OOTB08:33
apicult0rAnyone who needs to set up a server is out of scope for "include support by default without further downloads"08:34
TJ-apicult0r: right, but that still requires openswam/freeswam under the hood to setup the connection, the same as with openvpn08:34
apicult0rstrongswan works too, that's what Seth suggested08:34
apicult0rnetwork-manager-strongswan, with a few deps, not many08:35
TJ-yeah, I forget all the variations08:35
apicult0rAnd the GUI "just works" at that point08:35
apicult0rI checked, I didn't even need to log out08:35
apicult0rIn fact, strongswan is what a major cloud provider uses on their end for their VPN ingress to their cloud offering08:36
apicult0rI can't name them, but suffice to say I have a good source. lol.08:36
zetherooIs 18.04 being released with python 2.7?10:59
BionicMaczetheroo: python:11:03
BionicMac  Installed: 2.7.14-411:03
zetherooso same as 16.04 ... was expecting something newer11:04
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brainwashzetheroo: isn't that the latest?11:18
zetheroobrainwash: I thought 3.6 was the latest version11:19
brainwashbut that's python 3.x11:19
brainwashso, you were expecting that ubuntu will drop python 2 completely in 18.04?11:21
zetherooah ok, so that would be https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/python311:21
TJ-zetheroo: rmadison shows https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TchCFmkkYN/12:04
akem!info blender12:11
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.79.b+dfsg0-1 (bionic), package size 24557 kB, installed size 89403 kB12:11
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zetherooTJ-: what is rmadison?12:22
zetheroo TJ-: I just installed it ... very cool tool12:24
zetherooit doesn't seem to work for all packages though - or am I doing something wrong?12:28
zetherooLike if I do 'rmadison google-chrome-stable' nothing is shown12:29
zetherooah .. is that because that package is installed from a PPA?12:31
TJ-zetheroo: yes12:35
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h31_Hello. What's the recommended way to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 desktop to 18.04 nightly?16:57
nacch31_: do-release-upgrade -d, iirc16:58
nacch31_: although i'd recommend waiting until 18.04.1 comes out and you'll be prompted normally16:58
nacch31_: unless you are willing to deal with the fallout, potentially16:58
h31_nacc: Just going to try a new version. I've already done the backup.16:58
nacch31_: might be better to reinstall16:59
h31_Is it better to use do-release-upgrade, or a GUI verisn?16:59
nacch31_: as 16.04 -> 18.04 isn't really the supported path (or tested well, necessarily), it's 16.04 -> 18.04.116:59
nacch31_: they are the same, afaik16:59
h31_nacc: Thank you17:00
nacch31_: yw17:00
h31_If everything will be OK with a new version, I will reinstall the system. Just don't want to spend time reinstalling the system at this moment.17:01
nacch31_: i'm not sure how to tell that17:02
h31_nacc: Tell what?17:04
nacch31_: if everyting will be ok17:04
h31_I know :)17:04
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BionicMacphoenix_firebrd: Hello17:27
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h31_nacc: I've upgraded my system successfully. The only issue is a new font style. Something was changed in the fontconfig's settings, and I don't like it.18:03
h31_If anybody knows how to revert the previous appearance, please suggest me. It's such unfamiliar.18:04
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lotuspsychjeh31_: gnome-tweak-tool for more tweak settings18:25
phoenix_firebrdBionicMac: hi18:56
h31_lotuspsychje: I'm using Xfce419:08
h31_Tried all hinting types - no way to make it look like Ubuntu 16.0419:08
lotuspsychjeh31_: perhaps Bashing-om knows more of it19:09
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: h31_ updated xenial to bionic already and wants the xenial xubuntu look, n theme back19:09
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: h31_ Not too syr what we can do to get bionic xfce to "look" like that of xenial . I am still in that process of decking out my bioinc DE .19:12
lotuspsychjehavent tested xubuntu in a while so, dont have a clue here19:12
brainwashwhat is different in xubuntu 18.04?19:13
Bashing-omh31_: lotuspsychje : considering to copy my xenial theme over to bionic see what happens . ( be aware of the GTK engines employed ) .19:14
lotuspsychje!info xubuntu-tweak-tool19:14
ubottuPackage xubuntu-tweak-tool does not exist in bionic19:14
enycWhat is the prcess to get  IPv6-enablement of  ppa.launchpad.net  quickly-and-efficiently, please?19:18
enyc(AAAA record missing at present, total pain in some environments, etc.)19:18
flocculantbrainwash: not much 19:19
enycflocculant: wiki.xubuntu.org has no AAAA-record19:20
flocculantmail the xubuntu website team if it's of some importance 19:20
enycflocculant: linode support IPv6 fine, xubuntu developer sor this out?19:20
brainwashflocculant: h31_ was talking about look & feel related changes after upgrading from xenial to bionic19:21
flocculantoh right - I'm definitely not the person to talk to about that sort of thing ...19:21
h31_brainwash: Bashing-om: I was talking about fonts. Don't think that the theme will change font appearance.19:29
h31_The problem is that fonts are much more blurry. The font is same, DejaVu Sans.19:30
flocculanth31_: as far as I'm aware the default fonts are the same - we added some (noto) I believe19:32
flocculantI assume you've set them to be the same as on 16.0419:33
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Bashing-omh31_: Same experience - blurry foibts .. in terminal I am presently using the Noto Mono Bold for good effect .19:37
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flocculantdo they look blurry in a screenshot?19:38

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