
nacccpaelzer: postgresql-10 is now blocked by the freeze, feel free to pick it up from here (pg-repack has already migrated)00:06
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paul__Can anyone recommend a web app I Can install on my home server to allow basic file management to a specific server location (upload, download, delete) through the browser?01:05
paul__remaining space on partition would be nice too01:06
sarnoldowncloud or nextcloud seemed popular01:08
CodeMouse92__(Nextcloud is awesome)01:23
CodeMouse92__paul__: I would definitely look into Nextcloud for that. Nice, clean web interface, good controls, sync clients, etc. You can also set quotas on users.01:25
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lordievaderGood morning06:05
cpaelzernacc: I see pg-10 is now just waiting for freeze as you said06:29
cpaelzernacc: there is not much more to do, I pinged the release team, but we are good if that migrates next week as well06:30
cpaelzernacc: IIRC after the beta spins are complete it should migrate prior to release06:30
cpaelzeror do you think without pings it will automatically become a post release SRU?06:30
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=== Guest7888 is now known as ahasenack
Gargravarrtyhicks: think i figured out why the Precision (on the 4.4 kernel) still broke despite removing intel-microcode - i updated the BIOS, which as i proved with the XPS, also updated the microcode12:44
Gargravarrtrying your 4.4 kernel now12:44
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Gargravarrhallelujah, 4.4.0-119 working with SSSD13:07
Gargravarrtyhicks: many thanks for your hard work fixing this13:11
tyhicksGargravarr: thanks for the testing!13:46
ahasenackrbasak: hi, since you know debian14:15
ahasenackrbasak: https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/logwatch.git I'm trying to see the commit for "dovecot: Ignore "Logged out" and "Debug" lines. closes...", at the very end of the "short log" section14:15
ahasenackbut I get "bad object id"14:15
ahasenackis anonscm.debian.org broken?14:15
rbasakahasenack: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/logwatch.git/commit/?id=f431e2e386af0da575d58fe80748199849d705ef14:19
rbasakahasenack: maybe a bug? I went via the log page.14:19
rbasakahasenack: also given the move over to salsa I wonder if somebody broke something doing something by hand to the repo.14:20
ahasenackddstreet: hi,14:39
ahasenackddstreet: I'm doing some bug triaging, and this old-ish bug came up: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlan/+bug/170102314:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1701023 in vlan (Ubuntu Trusty) "(on trusty) version 1.9-3ubuntu10.4 regression blocking boot completion" [High,Confirmed]14:40
ahasenackdoes that ring a bell? The bug fixed since 10.1 (which is the last working package for the reporter) is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlan/+bug/157327214:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573272 in vlan (Debian) "default gateway route not installed for bond interfaces through reboot" [Unknown,New]14:41
ahasenack3 attempts even14:41
nacccpaelzer: ack15:02
OliPicardHey Everyone, I was wondering how do I download an older version of SQLite? I'm looking for SQLite 3.10.1 but I'm not able to find a download link on SQLite.org to the older version. I was wondering if theres a method I could use directly in APT to request an older version of the application?15:07
rbasakOliPicard: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sqlite3 -> View full publishing history15:07
Gargravarrtyhicks: so which combination of intel_microcode and kernel is it that causes SSSd to go down in flames?15:08
rbasakOliPicard: click on the version string you want, then see the Downloads section15:08
OliPicardrbasak: Thank you Robie :)15:08
Gargravarri'm looking at machines in Landscape and trying to figure out which ones are safe to upgrade15:08
tyhicksGargravarr: intel-microcode with 3.20180312.0 in the version string with any of the recent 4.4 and 4.13 kernels (since January)15:09
Gargravarrokay. i've got a machine with that version microcode and kernel 4.13.0-2615:10
Gargravarri assume upping the kernel (before the current patch is released) would be Bad :)15:10
Gargravarrare previous versions of the microcode affected?15:11
tyhicksGargravarr: you could downgrade the microcode if you wanted to run the latest kernels15:18
tyhicksGargravarr: you could also uninstall the intel-microcode package until the new kernels are available15:18
Gargravarri might do that, thanks for clarifying15:34
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bladernrHey, is the live ISO (Subiquity) going to completely replace d-i for 18.04, or will both options be available?17:26
dpb1both will be available17:28
dpb1and supported17:28
bladernrdpb1, thanks!17:31
bladernrI was just playing with the live one to answer some questions and it's come along nicely.17:32
dpb1thoughts so far?17:32
dpb1I mean, it's pretty much final at this point of course17:32
dpb1but we have things in store for
jbichahi, when you get a chance, it would be great for you to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes17:54
jbichaBeta release is scheduled for today-ish and the Server section is incomplete (I filled out the Desktop section but didn't know what y'all wanted to highlight)17:55
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ProCycleI'm trying to figure out what the apache varible HTTP_REFERER could contain but there seems to be no documentation. Anyone know if it gives the full url or just the domain?18:27
ProCycleOr how I might expose the contents of that varible so I can find out?18:28
sdezielProCycle: the referer is included in the default logging of Apache18:35
ProCycleSo it sounds like it's the full url18:36
sdezielgrep -w combined /etc/apache2/apache2.conf18:36
sdezielProCycle: it is whatever the browser/UA decided to put in18:36
ProCycleTrying to redirect people coming from scam coupon sites to a disclaimer page18:36
tomreynProCycle: the best way to have a webserver print the value of a variable is probably a http response header (make up your own X-header (e.g. X-VAR-REFERER) and have the webserver return it and the value of the variable.18:50
tomreynyou can then view this with curl, wget or the web development utilities integrated into firefox or chromium18:51
ProCycleInteresting approach, thanks18:51
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ProCycleWell shoot I get a redirect loop because the redirect doesn't strip the referer header which triggers the rewrite again19:12
ProCyclePutting [L] at the end doesn't stop it, and putting [END] breaks my server19:13
ProCycleHuh I don't get why it just loops. The only thing I can think of it's because the host uses a nginx reverse proxy for apache19:36
ProCycleGuess it's time to move to a better host19:37
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aroonitrying to connect to a mysql server from another machine... ri20:24
aroonilets reprhrase that20:25
arooniif i cant telnet to that ip / port number; theres going to be no hope to connecting via mysql right20:25
sdezielarooni: indeed, if you you cannot telnet to $IP:3306, then the mysql client won't be able either20:26
arooniwhats weird is that i have allowed access via ufw from this ip address and port number; and restarted ufw20:27
arooniam i missing something ?20:27
lordcirth_workarooni, are you sure that mysql is listening on that ip instead of only on localhost?20:27
arooniwell i did telnet locally to 3306 and it did work20:27
aroonii.e. telnet localhost 330620:28
arooni(from the machine running mysql server)20:28
arooniand ufw reports 3306                       ALLOW
aroonifixed it; apparently a bind-address of localhost in mysql conf disallows it to thikn about listening to any remote connections20:33
naccarooni: yes, that seems correct.20:34
aroonii credit my amazing insomnia for making me stupider today20:35
JanCit's a good thing that it only listens locally by default too  :)20:35
aroonido i have to do something when i make ufw changes or are they live immediately20:35
jdstrandarooni: if you use the ufw command (eg, ufw allow to any port 3306 from, it is leve immediately20:40
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naccteward: ping -- you've got some noise in your last nginx merge (i'm fixing it up) -- will probably need you to sanity check what i end up dropping (e.g., you've got undocuemnted chagnes to debian/gbp.conf and d/p/0003....patch22:26
ProCycleHuh what would cause the root account to write files as -rw-r----- but directories as drwx------23:35
ProCycleso group can read files but can't read directories...23:36
sarnoldthe modes are computed by what the application requested for the operation along with the umask in place at the time23:37
ProCycleso when I run sudo is it using the root account umask or the user running sudo?23:40
sarnoldProCycle: like everything else with sudo, it's complicated :) see umask_override and umask in sudoers(5) for the details ..23:43
ProCycleHmm so, it's complicated. Best just set file permissions afterwards23:51
ProCycleWriting a backup service file so need to make sure files it makes have the right permissions so the backup server can grab them23:52
sarnoldsystemd.exec(5) has a UMask= setting you may find helpful23:53
ProCycleAh cool that looks useful23:56
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