
leftyfbVjdfMQ: boot from a live cd/usb and test00:00
leftyfbAlready what?00:00
VjdfMQIn Live it works like acharm00:00
VjdfMQTried Ubuntu 17.0400:00
VjdfMQ16.04 *00:00
Xionabahi im an idiot! how do you through terminal install and run the NES emulator fceux ?00:01
VjdfMQI think it caused some kernel update00:01
VjdfMQA bug or something00:01
VjdfMQSo, now only multitouch works00:02
leftyfbXionaba: just like any other package in ubuntu. You can also do it through the "Software" application00:02
VjdfMQWithout trackball and left, right, middle buttons00:02
Xionabaleftyfb: i typed "sudo apt-get install fceux", got an exe file, no idea how to open00:03
Xionabaleftyfb: linux based OS but not ubuntu00:03
leftyfbXionaba: Only ubuntu is supported here00:04
VjdfMQSo, leftyfb Do you have an idea what could it be ?00:04
leftyfbVjdfMQ: what version of ubuntu?00:05
Xionabaleftyfb: ah ty00:05
VjdfMQUbuntu 16.0400:05
leftyfbVjdfMQ: what kernel are you running00:05
leftyfbthat's the latest ... everything should be running fine00:06
VjdfMQThat's a strange.00:06
VjdfMQIt started after last update.00:06
akemnacc, yep, i missread, no PGP needed, i was able to report the bug.00:08
leftyfbVjdfMQ: 4.13.0-38 came out last month00:08
VjdfMQI've updated day ago00:08
VjdfMQAlso dmesg gives:  TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 1 bytes away.00:09
yohannaAnyone here??00:14
bazhangubuntu support issue yohanna ?00:15
blinderGood evening I made a assembled a computer and installed ubuntu in it and now I have the "low graphics memory" so I tried to look for it online and I do not have wired connection and I cannot join wifi from cli00:16
voltyhi, I cloned my root to ssd, then grub-update (from another partition), have two versions of the same OS. I had to manually edit UUID = ... in the grub menu, but I'm finally inside. What do I have to do now for grub to fix that?00:16
GautamSHow am I supossed to switch to GNOME in the login screen?00:22
GautamSBack in the older versions you could select the shell you wanted to afaik00:23
GautamSThe gear icon only shows Ubuntu and Ubuntu Xorg, even though I installed gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop00:23
SlidingHornVjdfMQ, You say this happened "maybe" after an update.  What exactly did you update when this started occurring00:27
blinderAny have ideas about version 2.02 grub in ubuntu00:28
VjdfMQOnly sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade was done00:28
SlidingHornblinder, what is your question?  Details and specificity is important.00:29
blindermain question is this:Good evening I made a assembled a computer and installed ubuntu in it and now I have the "low graphics memory" so I tried to look for it online and I do not have wired connection and I cannot join wifi from cli00:29
blinderi came online this afternoon and got a few sugestions but none of them seem to be working at this time00:30
GautamShow do I switch to GNOME?00:30
SlidingHornVjdfMQ, you can see what was updated in /var/log/apt/term.log00:30
blinderpress escape or escape during boot time00:30
blinderu can go to GNU grub00:30
akem_GautamS, you should have Gnome by default, 17.10?00:30
compdocblinder, in the bios you can add more memory to onboard video, if thats what you have. give it as much as you can00:30
blinderi have a gpu in this computer too00:31
blinderbut i think its the drivers00:31
compdocdo you use both?00:31
blindercan u please give me the details on the driver solution00:31
blinderi mean bios solution00:31
VjdfMQSlidingHorn: http://termbin.com/u7x900:31
GautamSakem_: Oh00:32
compdocdo you use both video ports? two monitors?00:32
GautamSI mean the default GNOME shell00:32
bazhangblinder please dont use the enter key as punctuation00:32
GautamSLike without the sidebar and stuff00:32
akem_GautamS, What Ubuntu version?00:32
SlidingHornVjdfMQ, and after which of these updates did your problem occur?00:33
VjdfMQThis one update00:34
VjdfMQIt was done in day ago00:34
VjdfMQSo after a some time mouse was just stopping work and I've rebooted00:34
VjdfMQSo, after reboot mouse stopped to work completely00:35
akem_GautamS, with Gnome there's still a side bar it's the dock, but you can put it to the bottom or whatever.00:35
VjdfMQAfter modprobe -r psmouse; modprobe psmouse; it works, but only multi touch00:35
VjdfMQButtons and Trackball don't work00:35
GautamSakem_: Ubuntu 17.1000:35
akem_GautamS, then you got Gnome already. Top bar with activities and tray on the right + side dock with app icons.00:37
GautamSakem_: Oh. I see00:37
GautamSWhat is something that uses less resources than GNOME?00:37
GautamSMy laptop seems to be overheating rn00:38
akem_GautamS, Possibly XFCE.00:38
GautamSHm. I just installed mate-desktop, but I still don't seem to be getting it on the settings bar?00:40
GautamSakem_: Oh.00:40
GautamSI should look into XFCE00:40
SlidingHorn!desktop | GautamS lxde & xfce would be smaller - the others listed are just window managers, not full DEs00:40
ubottuGautamS lxde & xfce would be smaller - the others listed are just window managers, not full DEs: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors00:40
GautamSs/settings bar/settings icon on login screen00:40
GautamShm thanks00:40
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rud0lfi forgot.. how do i get the system log that appears on screen when SPLASH is disabled?00:48
rud0lfsomething with journalctl i think00:49
rud0lfjust it, nvm00:49
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GautamSI installed Xubuntu-desktop00:58
GautamSHow do I switch to Xubuntu?00:58
akik, å~01:00
GautamSI can't seem to select Xubuntu/XFCE from the login screen?01:01
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BillD73GautamS: it should be on the top bar away from the login dialog01:07
rud0lfwhen i setquota -g group_name, is it collective quota for entire group or per each user on group?01:08
OnkelTemHi all01:08
OnkelTemI don't get how to use Alt Gr key to enter additional charactrers01:08
OnkelTemAltGr + 1 should produce small 101:08
OnkelTemKDE here01:08
OnkelTemActually, nothing for that article works01:10
pragmaticenigmaOnkelTem, If you are on KDE, take a look here: https://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials/ComposeKey01:12
OnkelTempragmaticenigma: yeah, thank, I was there. And so I've configured compose key to be "Right Win"01:13
OnkelTemBut yet I don't know how to enter characters from the third level01:14
gogetaOnkelTem, ???01:14
gogetafn key01:14
lapionOnkelTem, you should set the keyboard to one where there is a third level01:14
gogetathat to01:15
OnkelTemgogeta: what fn key? I don't have any01:15
gogetaOnkelTem, do you mean media keys01:15
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, Yes, group quota sets the collective group's limit of filespace01:15
OnkelTemhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey - gogeta look01:15
OnkelTemin the middle there are examples01:15
pragmaticenigmarud0lf, this looks like a good article to read up on https://www.linuxnix.com/how-to-linux-group-disk-quota-implementation/01:15
lapionOnkelTem, fn key is irrelevant for you purposes01:15
OnkelTemlike `123456789-=   ---- first level. Then the second. And the third and 4th01:16
gogetadunno what he means by third level01:16
lapionhe means things like the Euro on 5 or 301:16
OnkelTemlapion: I think I selected just regular keyboard01:17
OnkelTemlapion: that too. I mean... the Layout advanced settings tab in KDE is a total mess01:17
lapionOnkelTem, you should select a keyboard where there is a a third level and that third level contains the wanted character01:18
gogetaOnkelTem, yea slecting non us would help if thats what your talking about01:18
lapionOnkelTem, slect a us-international or something01:19
OnkelTemlapion: "Generic | Generic 101-key PC" is my selection01:19
OnkelTemops, that's a model01:19
OnkelTem"us" is my selection yeah01:19
gogetaOnkelTem, us has no third level so its not mapped for it01:20
OnkelTemgogeta: why? Then what Layout would have them eh?01:20
OnkelTemI think they are standard01:21
OnkelTemAnd the question is how to select Third level01:21
lapionOnkelTem, well English (US) English ( International AltGr dead keys)01:22
lapionOnkelTem, regular us keyboard selection has no third level01:22
pragmaticenigmaOnkelTem, Keyboards themselves only have so many addresses that refer the keys pressed. Through the use of modify keys like shift, you get another set. Those are what are programmed into the driver. If you select US, there are only 2 levels per key.01:22
lapionOnkelTem, you need to select us-international01:23
OnkelTemlapion: thanks, seeking for it now... in the Variants list01:23
gogetaOnkelTem, this might help to https://fsymbols.com/keyboard/linux/choosers/01:23
lapionOnkelTem, no brand names please..01:26
OnkelTemlapion: thanks! I got it. That variant works perfectly01:26
gogetahad a felling it was not mapped01:27
lapionOnkelTem, you had the wrong keyboard map set..01:27
OnkelTemlapion: yep01:28
lapionnow OnkelTem if you type ' followed by e you should get the same é01:29
lapionand you can also try " followed by a01:30
yates_homewhat does ubuntu use for its open-source video driver for nvidia cards? nouveau?01:31
gogetayates_home, yes01:31
OnkelTemgogeta: how to get the circumflex accent?01:32
lapionanyone know how to find what package a binary file with an incorrect filename belongs to ?01:32
yates_homegogeta: thanks01:32
OnkelTemwhich looks like a roof01:32
lapionOnkelTem, do you mean accent to the left or right ?01:32
OnkelTemI stupid, like this: ^01:32
yates_homehave there been any known, recent issues (say, the past year) in which the nouveaux driver would hang the system?01:32
lapionthats a ^ and a character01:32
yates_homewith certain nvidia cards (e.g., the GTX 660)?01:33
OnkelTemlapion: +01:33
gogetayates_home, dont see why it would01:33
gogeta660 is a pretty old card01:33
Bashing-omyates_home: A couple of factorts to consider, the rlse, the kernel version .. and how new the card is . (14.04 - GT710 had no support- for instance )01:34
lapionyates_home, probably has something to do with certain older cards and modeset maybe you are trying ubuntu on a apple ?01:34
lapionOnkelTem, no problem01:35
yates_homeno, it was fedora on a pc with the 660.01:36
yates_homefedora 2701:36
gogetathers your issue lol01:36
yates_homebut since nouveaux spans distros, i thought i ask here in addition to #fedora01:36
gogetafedora is not know for well being not buggy as f01:37
lapionplease no mentioning of the F word in here there might be fanbois in here01:38
yates_homeit's nouveaux, not the distro. at least that's my suspicion01:39
gogetayates_home, it would relly be hard for us to say being it could be a big they didnt fix and only affecting that01:39
lapionyates_home, try booting with nomodeset01:39
gogetayates_home, better off to ask them01:40
yates_homei have01:40
lapionyates_home, and also remove the quiet option at boot01:40
lapionyates_home, and also set nosplash at boot01:41
gogetayates_home, if it was ubuntu i would point you to newer drivers and see if that helped01:41
lapionyates_home, so set the following options at boot: nosplash nomodeset01:41
lapionyates_home, and remember to remove quiet from the boot options01:42
gogetayates_home, you can always install the nivida driver its a 660 should still be getting them01:42
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yates_homegogeta: well not really.01:44
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yates_homethis is on booting a liveusb, so i can't even get the os loaded/installed01:44
gogetayates_home, ah then pass the commands they suggested it may help01:45
yates_homeyes, good suggestions. thanks01:45
lapionyates_home, during the startup in the grub phase you should be able to set nomodeset and nosplash01:45
yates_homethere is no grub phsae - it's a liveusb01:45
gogetayates_home, there is that menu is the grub phase01:45
gogetayates_home, eg where it says start live usb01:46
lapionyates_home, a liveusb allways has a botloader and these days it should be grub if not lilo01:46
yates_homeyes, i remember it now - i was mistaken - sorry.01:46
yates_homei think..01:47
yates_homeit's at work.01:47
yates_homeanyqay, gotta run. thanks everyone.01:47
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lapionhe probably has a 2012 mac then he has a different problem it's then a mac-efi problem01:51
pragmaticenigmafedora is known to cut releases that focus on the bleeding edge, and often older hardware just isn't supported. If they were interested in sticking to a RedHat based distro, we'd been better to propose they check out CentOS. But really, we should have encouraged them to join the Ubuntu family :-)01:54
gogetapragmaticenigma, pfft arch family02:06
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:35
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peetgood morning to you02:51
lotuspsychjetnx peet02:52
blenderHello can I get some help setting up my new ubuntu install03:22
cfhowlett!ask | blender03:23
ubottublender: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:23
blenderSo I have installed ubuntu on new machine. it is telling me low graphics. I looked up the issue and it is fairly common. But the problem is I do not have Ethernet cable just wifi03:24
blenderthis is version 16.04 btw03:25
lotuspsychjeblender: graphics card and driver plz?03:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/03:28
blenderNvidia Titan xp,03:30
blenderdriver dont have yet03:30
lotuspsychjeblender: ubuntu-drivers list03:34
blenderafter entering lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'03:35
blenderI got nouveau, the result of ubuntu-drivers list is nvidia-38403:36
lotuspsychjeblender: try sudo apt install nvidia-38403:38
blenderit didnt intsall... says reading state information... Done  Some packages could not be installed..... been moved out of Incoming       . The following packages have unmet  dependencies:  nvidia-384 : Depends: dkms but it is not installable03:42
blenderyou have held broken packages03:42
blenderis there a way to know if my system is detecting the wifi hardware?04:04
BillD73blender: lspci -nnk -d ::028004:06
blenderHi billD73 i was blinder this afternoon, finally infront of the system04:07
BugzBunnyblender: Why you color is green?04:08
BillD73blender: figured as much  sorry I wont be on long but will help as mucha s i can04:08
blenderwhen I entered that command it returned Network Controller [0280]: Realtek semiconductor., ltd. Device04:08
Jonno_FTWhas anyone else had a problem where you can't play music and media in chrome at the same time?04:08
blendernot a problem at all04:08
Jonno_FTWas in music from an external player04:08
blenderthanks for the help04:08
BillD73blender: it listed nothing else?04:09
blenderI will probably intall windows 10 if I still cant do04:09
blenderthe second line was "Subsystem: ASUTek Computer inc. device [1043:,....]04:09
blendertwo lines04:09
blenderBugzbunny: I dont see any green sorry04:10
BillD73blender: ok that means its not loading the module you need for your wifi04:10
blendergot it. I think I am in a bit of chicken & egg situation. Idk if its the low graphics thats the problem i solve first or the internet04:11
BillD73wifi first04:11
blendergot it04:12
BillD73if you cant get wifi/internet04:12
blenderI have also tried everything mentioned here:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/461825/how-to-connect-to-wifi-from-the-command-line?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa04:13
blendernothing worked04:13
BugzBunnyI figure it out blender04:14
blenderU did?<304:15
blenderthats awesome04:15
BugzBunnyblender: Yeah, I change Irssi04:16
BugzBunnyblender: This new Irssi has nickcolors04:17
BugzBunnyblender: I forgot I had it04:17
blenderO cool. Thats pretty awesome.04:17
BillD73blender: lspci | grep Wireless    we need the exact info04:18
blendercurrently reading this https://www.datamation.com/open-source/overcoming-ubuntu-wi-fi-not-working.html   if anyone knows please help04:18
blenderumm ... its blank. No resutls04:19
BugzBunnyblender: What issue are you having?04:20
BillD73BugzBunny: he needs to get his wifi up so he can get the correct nvidia drivers04:20
BugzBunnyWhy wifi? is this a notebook?04:20
BillD73Im not going to be on much longer04:20
BillD73PC and no access to cable04:21
BugzBunnyNo ethernet card?04:21
BugzBunnyHow do you have access now?04:21
BillD73would assume he has ethernet card at least on board but no access   phone/tablet likely?04:21
BillD73it would be easier if he could locate close enough to use  a cable and update everything04:23
blenderi am on my windows laptop04:24
blenderI do not have an ethernet cable it is in other room04:24
blenderlike the other corner of the house04:24
BillD73anyway I gotta run  I will be back on in the morning  leave me a Pm if ya want blender and let me know where your at04:24
blendersure thing will try to do that04:25
blenderhopefully this can be resolved soon.04:25
blenderThanks for all the help04:25
BugzBunnyblender: What is your objective?04:29
blenderi just dont want to buy windows04:30
blenderalso learn somelinux and get job04:30
BugzBunnyblender: I have Windows 10, dual boot with UbuntuBudgie on UEFI04:30
blenderthats cool04:31
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Guest75869Guest 7586904:36
BugzBunnyblender: If you have problems, I will try to help solve the problems you crrently having?04:39
blenderyea sure04:40
blenderafter entering lsmod, I see that my wifi card is not listed04:41
blenderthat means it is not loaded I want to know what should have been loaded and want to load it04:41
BugzBunnyblender: No04:43
BugzBunnyblender: lspci04:43
BugzBunnyblender: Pastebin04:43
blenderI did that too04:43
blenderits not showing04:43
BugzBunnyPastebin it please04:44
blenderits in a different system04:44
blenderno thanks04:44
blenderi think i will just install windows04:44
blenderthank you04:44
BugzBunnyYou don't want fix04:44
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alive876hi all, i was wondering why sometimes a window will collapse into the menu bar, i dont how to get the whole window back?05:35
lotuspsychjealive876: are you on unity?05:41
lotuspsychjemoring EriC^^05:48
wyseguyhey all05:51
iamamI have been using PPAs for quite a while but I assumed that those are the packages that are maintained and verified by Ubuntu community. Does Ubuntu community put in efforts to verify PPAs ? I know there is no way that a package can be verified with 100% guarantee. But when using a PPA, is there any way to verify its authenticity to a certain extent ?06:07
SlidingHornOutside PPAs are not supported unfortunately06:08
iamamDo you mean that those are not verified to any degree ?06:09
SlidingHorn!ppa | iamam06:09
ubottuiamam: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:09
SlidingHornThere you go :)06:09
iamamOh ! So I have been using a lot of packages at my own risks. -.-06:10
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amazoniantoadWhy can't I join #ubuntu-touch06:13
SlidingHornamazoniantoad, are you registered & identified on freenode?06:14
SlidingHornit forwards to #ubports06:14
mystictotHi all,06:43
mystictotI've videos in wrf format. Any suggestions how could I play those videos in linux.06:43
energizerin gnome i have mirrored displays and i want to change to extended display06:44
energizerinstead of showing the same thing on the other screen, show an extension of the primary06:44
energizerhow do i do this?06:44
SlidingHornmystictot, never heard of wrf before, honestly.06:46
ducassemystictot: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ubuntu-user-community/rLzF84l5TjQ06:48
SlidingHornenergizer, check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo06:51
energizerbackstory: i had extended display a minute ago and then i pressed some keyboard shortcut by accident and now i have mirrored display06:52
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energizer(this is a ux disaster)06:55
guivercenergizer, can't you type `displays` into menu (super key the displ); then just move the screens around to the position you want/need? (deselecting mirror) - i'm not a gnome user; but that worked on a 17.10(gnome) machine nearby07:11
energizerguiverc: theres only one display visible in the box07:12
energizerno mirror checkbox07:12
guiverci had a mirror tab; but it could be you hit a key caught by machine-bios that altered hardware? (second screen disabled/hidden by firmware until you re-enable with key)07:13
energizero your suggestion led me to the answer!07:14
energizerdisabled each monitor in 'displays' and turned it back on07:15
energizerback in business07:15
cheggghello i have just got a new ISP and am having trouble with some connection terminology in lubuntu07:16
chegggi rang the ISP and they say they know nothing about linux07:17
chegggit's weird because windows 7 connected automatically07:17
TJ-cheggg: That's worring since their systems probably rely on it :)07:17
TJ-cheggg: what's the issue?07:17
chegggi talked the sales girl into it so that was good07:17
Ben64it's not in the script so they don't know what to say07:17
chegggin this lubuntu set up part, (they say it's definitely VDSL tick DSL/PPOE not Ethernet)07:18
chegggyou get to say "service" ( most ISPs leave blank07:18
TJ-Ben64: I have to try that excuse in here sometime... You say the window won't go full screen? oh, my script says it's an ACPI issue :p07:18
chegggbut I think it is the top box, parent interface / protocol something of this nature07:18
TJ-cheggg: wait wait wait, let's go back07:19
chegggit's weird how win7 conctd auto, it's usually the other way round right07:19
Ben64TJ-: have you tried clearing your temporary internet files?07:19
Guest57550Welp, new install of Ubuntu, click the little wrench icon in the dropdown at the upper right to see what it does, whole thing freezes and I have to reboot :x07:19
Guest57550It was going great until I tried to open settings, though07:19
TJ-cheggg: Does your ISP provide amodem/router that is connneted to the incoming phone line for xDSL ?07:19
chegggi am using the old fritzbox router07:19
chegggi mean it workd for windoze so must be possible07:20
TJ-Ben64: you know - that's porobably it - how silly of me! I did try turning it off and on again but systemd got stuck on the shutdown screen :)07:20
chegggam not familiar with xDSL07:20
chegggi took some snapshots of the windows settings07:20
Ben64cheggg: does it have a phone jack and then some ethernet jacks?07:20
TJ-cheggg: Right, so you have a 'standard' local gateway router for your LAN giving out internal IP addresses for wired and wireless clients?07:20
cheggghang on give me 5 min07:20
TJ-cheggg: the fritxbox is the gateway router, yes? All device go through it to get Internet07:21
chegggyeh it's broadband off a phone line ben6407:23
chegggin windows it even seemed to call the connection fritz.box07:23
TJ-cheggg: Right, your devices connect to a router/gateway called 'fritzbox'07:23
chegggthe phone will come out of the fritz box too07:23
TJ-cheggg: is your Lubuntu PC using a wireless connection, or wired?07:24
TJ-cheggg: so, you've an ethernet cable from the PC to the fritzbox07:24
chegggi can give you all the .. yeh07:24
chegggsettings from the windoz details07:24
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TJ-cheggg: OK, and now, in Lubuntu, on the task bar, there's a network icon07:24
chegggbut ... the lubuntu interface is like odd07:24
cheggg(all by memory seeing as am in window7)07:25
TJ-cheggg: OK, right click that icon. A sub-menu will show, near the bottom should be a "Connection Editor..." option, choose that07:25
chegggit seems to temporarily connect to DSL1 and then fail after 20 secs or so07:25
BugzBunnyTJ-: What is the problem so far?07:25
chegggam leaving "service" _ value blank07:25
chegggand the "parent interface" value well we have no idea07:26
chegggthe password and username seem correct07:26
chegggand that's the main page of the settings07:26
TJ-cheggg: in the connection editor dialog box, you should select the wired interface wihich is likely called "Wired Connection 1"07:27
chegggbugzbunny i can have internet in windoz but not lubuntu07:27
chegggyeps TJ that's all happening07:27
BugzBunnyI am asking TJ- if he has idea07:27
BugzBunnyI just reading now07:27
TJ-cheggg: In the first tab presented ensure the connection is set to automatically connect, and is for all users. Then goto the "Ipv4" tab and set the method to "Automatic (DHCP)"07:27
chegggone worrying thing is that windowz seemed to autoconnect without password07:28
chegggyeps am pretty sure i did that07:28
BugzBunnyI had hope TJ- offer some information07:28
chegggit's definitely IPv4 she said07:28
chegggVDSL -ppoe07:28
TJ-cheggg: You do not enter a password from the PCs to use your ISP connection. The Fritzbox gateway router does that07:28
chegggi wish i could have found a reset button on the router07:29
chegggbut ... if windoz is connecting, that's not the issue right07:29
TJ-cheggg: the router will have a web-page based admin interface where you can set the ISP login details07:29
GautamSI'm getting pretty low download speeds in Ubuntu for some reason07:29
chegggwon't let me in to that interface07:29
chegggsays my pw is wrong07:30
GautamSTried chromium, firefox, download speeds are painfully slow07:30
BugzBunnyGautamS: How did you determine that?07:30
TJ-cheggg: right, it sounds like the Fritzbox is OK, you just need to setup the Lubuntu wired connection correctly07:30
chegggyet gives me internet anyway, in windoz07:30
GautamSBugzBunny: Downloaded blender from ubuntu, Downloaded blender from Windows on the same machine07:30
chegggthat's my got-to point so far07:30
GautamSAverage speed was 700K on Windows, 36K on Ubuntu right now07:30
cheggghmm hmm hmm07:30
cheggg most of the lubuntu settings seem to be just extras07:31
Ben64GautamS: try speedtest.net07:31
GautamSlet me restart07:31
TJ-GautamS: using wireless? radio congestion? use "iwconfig" and check if there are excessive retries or other high error counts07:31
cheggglike ... PAP tick CHsomethign tick.... and on another page IPv6 .. not so relevant07:31
GautamSTJ-: nope. Using ethernet07:31
chegggwhy not let me finish :)07:32
GautamSI think it'll resolve after a restart07:32
TJ-cheggg: What are you talking about? none of that is required. If you've added a PPP connection on the Lubuntu PC that is not going to work07:32
chegggPPP is one of the tabs under the DSL setting07:32
BugzBunnyGautamS: That's not emperical07:32
chegggi didn't do anything in that tab07:32
BugzBunnyGuest57550: More information you give, the better I understand07:33
BugzBunnyGuest57550: sorry07:33
chegggi'm just trying to say that only one of the tabs on the lubuntu settings seemed to matter07:33
GautamSBugzBunny: I don't have much information other than downloads being slow07:33
GautamSThat's what I'm trying to figure out atm07:33
chegggand apart from parent interface it seemed all good07:33
BugzBunnyGautamS: Than that's ISP problem07:34
GautamSInternet works fine07:34
GautamSBugzBunny: It's not an ISP problem07:34
GautamSDownloads through apt-get and Windows work07:34
GautamSPretty fast07:34
adrian_1908GautamS: did you try speedtest.net?07:34
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chegggokies i'll just stay in windoz til my boyz wake up :/07:35
SlidingHornadrian_1908, GautamS don't use speedtest...it's awful and inaccurate.  testmy.net is much more "real world" oriented07:36
GautamShttp://www.speedtest.net/result/7200755207 there07:36
GautamSI don't think the ISP is a problem07:36
GautamSI can download on this machine with the same connection just fine hmm07:36
GautamSAlso Windows on the same machine07:36
BugzBunnyGautamS: So it's internet problem07:38
BugzBunnyIt's being subjective07:38
GautamSIt's weird man07:38
GautamSI can browse the internet normally07:38
adrian_1908GautamS: hard to say then. Downloads in FF/Chromium are reliably slow, yes?07:38
SlidingHornBugzBunny, what??  An ISP has no interest on what OS you're using.07:38
BugzBunnyInternet doesn't gaurantee speed07:39
BugzBunnySome servers are slower than others07:39
GautamSadrian_1908: The weird thing is.. apt-get works normally07:39
Ben64apt isn't a lot of traffic07:39
adrian_1908GautamS: I would have suggested checked if a proxyserver is accidentally set, but then speedtest.net wouldn't have been fast either.07:39
TJ-GautamS: have you tried using a web browser to download a large Ubuntu package from the archive - which is exactly what apt does07:44
GautamSYeah I just did. Hmm, I got about 600K which is normal07:45
GautamSSeems blender need to fix their servers for Indian clients :P07:45
TJ-GautamS: sounds like they might be operating a transparent HTTP proxy. Does the slowness affect HTTPS connections?07:46
GautamSSeems blender need to fix their servers for Indian clients :P07:47
adrian_1908GautamS: usually, you'd use the Blender package from the Ubuntu repos. If you download a binary/installer, http://graphicall.org/ is another good source for custom builds.07:48
TJ-GautamS: you can use a debug option in apt to examine the HTTP headers to see if it mentions a proxy too, e.g: "apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update"07:49
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apicult0rHello, world! If anyone else is running bionic, could you let me know if the VPN config GUI offers you anything other than PPTP out of the box?07:50
wyseguyapicult0r no idea07:52
ducasse!bionic | apicult0r07:52
ubottuapicult0r: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+107:52
apicult0rYeah, I know its not out yet, thanks07:52
apicult0rI'm running the pre-release07:53
BugzBunnyapicult0r: I think you are confused07:53
SlidingHornapicult0r, (the point is that it's not supported here yet)07:53
BugzBunnyapicult0r: PPTP?07:53
ducasseapicult0r: yes, so support is in #ubuntu+107:53
apicult0rI'm not asking for support07:53
BugzBunnyapicult0r: Why that assumption07:53
apicult0rI'm just asking if anyone else sees only PPTP07:53
apicult0rThat PPTP is insecure?07:54
BugzBunnyapicult0r: NetworkManger, nm-applet07:54
BugzBunnyapicult0r: Supports a few protocols07:54
TJ-apicult0r: users with 18.04 are in #ubuntu+1 so that's the channel to ask in07:54
ducasseapicult0r: for any questions about it, please use #ubuntu+107:54
apicult0rThanks, TJ-07:54
OerHeks!info network-manager-vpnc07:58
ubottunetwork-manager-vpnc (source: network-manager-vpnc): network management framework (VPNC plugin core). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-4 (artful), package size 107 kB, installed size 668 kB (Only available for linux-any)07:58
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rollingubuntuhello! anyone experienced that scrolling just suddenly stops? like scrolling down a long page and suddenly the touchpad does not scroll any more? then I have to use the scroll bar and then I can scroll again with two figers on my touchpad?08:03
rollingubuntu(also, I can mess around with my fingers on the touchpad - two & three fingers - for a while and the scrolling starts again?)08:03
rollingubuntuthis is something related to some recent kernel update I guess as before yesterday it did not happen08:04
rollingubuntuUbuntu updates can drive people crazy... or... can drive me crazy08:04
rollingubuntuany of you awake? alive?08:07
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TJ-rollingubuntu: i was experimenting with that and just discovered I can zoom the screen with alt + 2-figer drag :) Are you sure you're not triggering some such other mode by accident? I don't know where all the possible permutations are documented even08:17
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Squarismcan one partition a monitor into 2 "virtual" screens? Working just like dual monitors would so to speak08:26
rollingubuntuTJ-: well, 100% sure that I am just scrolling down a long web page :) just like any other time of the day and suddenly the scroll stops... if I fiddle around on the touchpad, after about 3-7 seconds, it starts working again08:26
rollingubuntujust as I described earlier; or if I want instant scrolling again, I use the touch pad & the scroll bars or the arrow buttons or the page up & down buttons, etc08:27
rollingubuntuTJ-: thanks for your reply any way :)08:27
TJ-rollingubuntu: I cannot reproduce that on 18.04 with the 4.15 kernel and Xorg/Xubuntu08:28
TJ-rollingubuntu: could be gnome/Wayland-specific issue if you're on 17.1008:29
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DysanixHey everyone08:31
wyseguyyo yo08:31
DysanixI think I did some stupid command and then my ubuntu shut off and now it doesnt boot anymore08:31
HannibalWhat was the command?08:32
rollingubuntuTJ-: I'm on 16.04 on 32 bits as the 17.09 with 64 bits had many issues (minor however very nerving ones)08:34
logithacki need to install java and the java browser plugin. ive got java installed. when i type java -version, it shows me the proper JRE installed. how can i get the java browser plugin working though? firefox no longer suports java, chrome doesnt either (since version 34). any ideas?08:36
TJ-rollingubuntu: have you looked in the logs (/var/log/kern.log and/or /var/log/syslog and $HOME/.xsession-errors ) for clues?08:37
Dysanix@Hannibal I downloaded Skype. It didnt have an installer, it was just a folder with /usr/bin and /usr/share08:37
DysanixSo I tried to move all the files from that download folder to the actual /usr08:37
DysanixAnd now it doesnt boot anymore08:37
DysanixI dont know what happened08:38
DysanixThose were my commands08:38
DysanixIn the image08:38
DysanixAfter the last command "sudo mv -v Downloads/usr/share/* -t /usr/share/*"08:40
DysanixEverything messed up08:40
DysanixCan someone explain what that command does08:40
DysanixSo I can revert it08:40
DysanixI thought it moved files from the usr share in Downloads to the real usr share08:41
Ben64Dysanix: why would you do that anyway08:42
DysanixBecause Skype didnt come with an installer08:42
DysanixSo I wanted to place it in the correct directories08:42
adrian_1908Dysanix: ##linux might be another channel that could help08:42
DysanixThank you adrian08:42
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:43
TJ-Dysanix: sounds like yo over-wrote some key OS files with files of the same name08:44
DysanixBen64 its a bit too late for that08:44
Ben64it's never too late to learn08:44
Ben64for the most part, on ubuntu you don't go to blah.com to download blah08:45
AmisSkype has a debian installer I think08:45
Ben64lots of things have installers, but almost all of those things are in the ubuntu repositories08:45
lotuspsychjeskype is on snap now too08:46
Ben64that works too08:47
logithackive uninstalled Google Chrome but i can still see it using dpkg -l | grep google. how can i entirely remove it?08:48
TJ-Dysanix: You'll have to reinstall, you totally replaced the core /bin /usr directories08:48
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TJ-logithack: is it showing as installed thought  ("ii ... ")08:48
TJ-logithack: better command is "apt list --installed '*google*'  "08:49
DysanixI feel like an absolute idiot08:49
logithackTJ-: lol, suddenly its no longer there08:49
DysanixBut thanks guys08:49
logithackive just typed dpkg -l | grep google again and it doesnt show up anymore08:49
DysanixReinstalling ubuntu keeps files right?08:49
logithackTJ-: the command you suggested doesnt show anything apart from Listing... Done08:50
logithackso i guess its gone now08:50
TJ-Dysanix: you might be able to get it to hobble by booting the LiveISO in "Try Ubuntu" mode, and copying core files from the live ISO into the broken install, and then doing some other tricks to clean it up08:50
TJ-logithack: Yes, it's gorn!08:50
logithackalright, thanks!08:50
TJ-Dysanix: the LiveISO you use must be the same Ubuntu release as is installed, though08:50
DysanixOkay Im going to try08:51
DysanixI hope it works08:51
survey0rDysanix, I would save documents on a usb or whatever and reinstall. This time create separate / and /home directories. :)08:51
survey0ri mean partitions08:52
DysanixWhat about installed packages?08:52
DysanixCan I back those up08:52
TJ-Dysanix: do you have 2 PCs so we can talk you through it whilst you're doing it?08:52
DysanixI am dualbooting with windows and currently on my phone to IRC08:53
TJ-Dysanix: if you go this route we can reinstall all the packages that contains files you wiped out.08:53
DysanixI am.booted into Windows right now creating bootable Ubuntu stick08:53
TJ-Dysanix: OK, so we can talkk to you via the phone... that's good08:53
DysanixThank you so much08:54
TJ-Dysanix: once the PC is booted in Try Ubuntu mode it can get network connectivity, then you can connect it to IRC too using the wrb browser to http://webchat.freenode.org/ so you can copy/paste information easily08:54
TJ-Dysanix: sorry, that should be https://webchat.freenode.net/08:55
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DysanixOkay! It might take a second to make the USB. Flashing right now08:56
DysanixI feel so dumb lol I have learnt not to use sudo commands anymore unless I am absolutely sure08:57
TJ-Dysanix: more like don't blindly follow instructions without considering them and invesitgating how they might change things08:57
DysanixI guess thats a fair point. I just copied and answer on stackoverflow08:58
TJ-Dysanix: E.g. I have disposable simple LXD containers with various versions of Ubuntu in so I just drop into one of those to test things without messing up the host OS, then if it goes wrong, I just delete the container and relaunch it08:58
Dysanix@TJ- thats actually a really good idea09:00
TJ-Dysanix: part of it is also inexperience, you didn't know that there's a BIG difference between "mv bin /bin" and "mv bin/* /bin/" - the former completely replaces /bin/ directory wiping out whatever was there, whereas the latter only moves files that are *in* bin/* to be files inside the existing /bin/*09:00
DysanixI am at 90% of flashing the USB stick09:01
TJ-Dysanix: and you wanted the latter form to move files into the existing /bin/09:01
DysanixThe weird thing is that I am currently studying application development and we have linux lessons.. and things like this never got explained09:01
DysanixThe whole class is just about copying and pasting commands and writing down the result09:01
TJ-Dysanix: much of this is 'shell fu' too, comes from experimenting and reading man-pages as much as from anywhere else09:02
Ben64theres a really good switch with mv,       -i, --interactive              prompt before overwrite09:02
TJ-Dysanix: understanding the shell is a semester all on it's own09:02
TJ-Ben64: agreed, but you've still got understand the underlying mechanics of what the operation will actually do09:03
DysanixHow do I boot from GRUB into the USB stick? I rebooted from Windows to the USB stick but it seems to ignore it and just boot to GRUB09:06
lotuspsychjeDysanix: try F12 for boot media option09:09
DysanixOeh got it!09:10
adrian_1908Dysanix: I didn't follow the conversation, but if you want to boot from the stick you'd need to find the correct key to press. Could be F12, could be something else.09:10
adrian_1908That's before GRUB.09:10
DysanixOkay try ubuntu without installing09:10
DysanixOkay i am in there right now09:11
DysanixLet me switch to web irc09:11
DysanixI'm on webIRC now09:13
DysanixBooted into LiveISO09:13
TheGrumpyScotI have a "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" on a server. system reports that errors were encountered nginx-core and nginx. Any ideas on what do next ?09:13
dragosphi all, I am trying to set up an ipsec site to site, and I need a bit of a help09:14
TJ-Dysanix: OK, I'm just chasing my Huskies and getting a coffee, give me 2 minutes09:14
DysanixTJ-: Alright! You seriously have Huskies? I'm so jealous09:14
TJ-Dysanix: prepare by opening a terminal and doing "sudo apt install pastebinit"09:15
dragospi am using openswan to connect to an already set up provider end09:15
TJ-Dysanix: yes... and one has managed to lose her collar09:15
xristos_perl or python guys?09:16
dragospmy linux is being a nat router so I forwarded the ports, the question is: my left in /etc/ipsec.conf is my linux ip not my routers public ?09:17
rvgatexristos_, that is a very generic question... what would you like to hear?09:18
TJ-Dysanix: Let's collect some initial info so we know what we are dealing with: "pastebinit <( lsblk -f )"09:19
Dysanixhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SnsD7PsXkg/  @TJ-09:19
xristos_im new to programing in linux and between python and perl. So perl or python ?09:21
BugzBunnyDysanix: Is this a laptop?09:21
DysanixBugzBunny: Yes, it's a laptop :)09:21
DysanixI use it for school09:21
TJ-Dysanix: so it looks like Ubuntu root fs is nvme0n1p6, yes?09:21
VanRenessexristos_: I would say Python, but purely personal preference09:21
BugzBunnyDysanix: You have a spin disk and NVME NAND ring?09:22
Dysanix@TJ- That's correct. sudo parted -l it tells me number 6 is the ext4 ubuntu partition09:22
TJ-Dysanix: so let's create a change-root environment to explore it. "sudo -i" so you have root then "mkdir /target; mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /target; for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"09:23
DysanixBugzBunny: Spin disk? I only have an NVME SSD afaik09:23
DysanixSpin disk you are referring to an oldschool HDD?09:23
TJ-Dysanix: then enter the change-root with "chroot /target" and do "mount -a" then check it has network connectivity with "ping archive.ubuntu.com"09:24
BugzBunnyDysanix: Exactly09:24
TJ-Dysanix: actually, don't do the "chroot /target", wait09:24
TJ-Dysanix: as it's missing /bin/ that ain't going to work, doh!09:24
BugzBunnyTJ-: Are we enemies?09:24
BugzBunnyTJ-: I am asking again, are we enemies?09:25
Dysanix@TJ- oops I already did it09:25
DysanixI was up to the ping part : 12 packets transmitted, 0 received09:25
TJ-Dysanix: well actually it probably will work, you replaced /usr/bin/ not /bin/ I noticed from the photo09:26
BugzBunnyTJ-: So I am on ignore09:26
TJ-Dysanix: do "hostame" - is the it the name of the installed system?09:26
rvgatexristos_, if you are starting with programming, it does not really matter which one you take.. but it does matter if you have something specific you would like to build... some programming languages are just better for certain things you would like to do... but for the purpose of just learning principles of programming, take any09:26
pelmenoidhello, did somebody know what linux kernel will be used in 18.04?09:26
Dysanixthe installed system should be dysanix-ubuntu09:26
DysanixWell that's the PC name I entered during installation at least09:27
TJ-Dysanix: ok, so the chroot /target failed because files were missing, that's good09:27
TJ-Dysanix: so... "pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls )"09:27
TJ-pelmenoid: 4.1509:28
BugzBunnyDysanix: Have you know how to mount it09:28
Dysanixroot@ubuntu:/# pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls ) find: ‘/target/usr’: No such file or directory Sorry, command-not-found has crashed! Please file a bug report at:09:28
TJ-Dysanix: ouch! just in case we're stuck in between the chroot do "exit"09:29
TJ-Dysanix: if the GUI terminal is still there, it means you were in the chroot09:30
TJ-Dysanix: if not, re-open the GUI terminal09:30
TJ-BugzBunny: please stop, now09:30
G66Khello everyone, im using lubuntu 32bits, when im trying to compile for 64bits using gcc -o file file.c -m64 i got bits/libc-header-start.h: No such file or directory09:30
BugzBunnyTJ-: NO, re-open the gui?09:30
daknuett@G66K is this a user or a system file?09:31
DysanixAlright I exited09:32
DysanixNow I see "ubuntu@ubuntu"09:32
TJ-G66K: you would need the 64-bit support files09:32
DysanixSo I am no longer root right?09:32
TJ-Dysanix: oK, now you're stable. Do "sudo -i" once more09:33
daknuettIt is a system file.09:33
G66Kdaknuett, sorry i didnt get your question09:33
BugzBunnyDysanix: No09:33
TJ-Dysanix: then do "ls /target/usr" and ensure that directory exists09:33
G66KTJ-, can you please names those files ?09:33
daknuettI got it here: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h09:33
DysanixYes it does!09:33
BugzBunnyDysanix: Make sure you understand waht you doing09:33
Dysanixbin games include lib local sbin share src09:33
BugzBunnyDysanix: It's better that way09:33
DysanixBugzBunny: What's wrong? Lol09:34
DysanixWhy do you keep saying no09:34
TJ-G66K: I'm guessing you need to enable the amd64 foreign architecture in the package manager, and install the amd64 dev packages that contain those headers and the supporting libraries09:34
TJ-Dysanix: ignore BugzBunny09:34
BugzBunnyDysanix: I personally don't like people who doin't know what people is doing09:34
BugzBunnyDysanix: I have a strong opinion about that09:34
TJ-Dysanix: So "pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls )"09:34
DysanixBugzBunny: I am trying to recover my Ubuntu installation so this is kind of beyond principles lol09:34
BugzBunnyDysanix: I have mont it to /targert/usr?09:35
albrechtBugzBunny: TJ- is a well-versed volunteer here (has been for years), you've suggested earlier that an ISP is slowing someone's connection because they're using Ubuntu. Just take a back seat.09:35
albrechti.e. shut up.09:35
BugzBunnyalbrecht: I actually never suggested that09:35
DysanixTJ-: pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls ) Failed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] [Errno socket error] The read operation timed out09:35
DysanixI am not being lucky am I09:36
BugzBunnyalbrecht: I said use mirrors09:36
daknuettapt-get install gcc-multilib might do it09:36
TJ-Dysanix: oh, failed to contact the server means the network failed09:36
albrecht03:38 < BugzBunny> It's being subjective09:37
DysanixTJ-: But I am currently using the same network to chat09:37
TJ-Dysanix: can you "ping paste.ubuntu.com" ?09:37
TJ-Dysanix: right, but you have an established connection... it might just be affecting NEW connections09:37
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albrechtyou have no clue what you're saying.  Stop interfering with someone giving valid support BugzBunny09:37
Dysanix100% packet loss09:37
Dysanix10 transmitted, 0 received09:38
Guest57550Anyone else experiencing hangs with multiple monitors and 17.10?09:38
TJ-Dysanix: ouch!09:38
BugzBunnyalbrecht: 5:37 < albrecht> 03:38 < BugzBunny> It's being subjective09:38
TJ-Dysanix: can you web-browse to some random web site to see if it's only console has the problem?09:38
BugzBunnyalbrecht: That's what you proof09:38
DysanixTJ-: Browsing seems to work fine09:39
BugzBunnySo far, I see the problem is deaper09:39
DysanixTried youtube and google09:39
FlannelBugzBunny, albrecht: lets just drop it and keep things technical support.09:39
albrechtsomeone ban this fool before he has someone wreck their system09:39
TJ-Dysanix: they fail too?09:39
DysanixTJ-: No, youtube and google work09:39
albrechtFlannel: done.09:39
DysanixSeems to be just the terminal09:39
BugzBunnyFlannel: I don't have any problem helping people09:39
TJ-Dysanix: hmmm, how about "ping archive.ubuntu.com" ?09:39
DysanixAlso 100% packet loss09:40
BugzBunnyDysanix: What are using right now >09:40
TJ-Dysanix: common theme being ubuntu.com ?09:40
Dysanixpinging google also 100% packet loss09:40
TJ-Dysanix: how about "ping launchpad.net" ?09:40
DysanixNope :(09:41
Dysanix6 transmitted, 0 received, 100% loss09:41
TJ-Dysanix: right... to save having to diagnose this, reboot the LiveISO and let's start again else we'll be down a rabbit hole trying to solve network issues instead!09:41
Dysanixmaybe restart09:41
Dysanixyes lol09:41
DysanixBe right back :)09:41
G66KTJ-, now im having different error : now im having other error fatal error: curl/curl.h: No such file or directory09:45
G66Kbut still compile for 32b09:45
Dysanix_TJ-: Alright I am back!09:45
G66Kand throw error when im trying to compile for 64b09:45
Dysanix_Pinging still does not work though09:46
Dysanix_Maybe I should give up the hope09:46
TJ-G66K: I'm not actually sure building 64-bit on 32-bit is going to work, it works the other way around (building 32-bit on 64-bit) - depends if the CPU is 64-bit or not09:46
=== Dysanix_ is now known as Dysanix
DysanixIdk if my messages sent because I wasnt authenticated09:46
TJ-Dysanix_: there's a local network issue then, since you've connected to IRC OK09:46
Dysanixmight be because of the school network09:47
Dysanixlet me try my 4G09:47
TJ-Dysanix: we started off OK because you pastebinned a report09:47
rollingubuntuTJ-: yes, I just checked those logs and could not really see anything or perhaps I do not know what to look for?!? :)09:47
TJ-rollingubuntu: there may be nothing there but they're the first place I always look for clues09:47
DysanixYes it works now!09:47
Dysanixusing 4G09:47
TJ-Dysanix: right, ready to roll again ?09:48
DysanixSorry for wasting your time so far lol09:48
DysanixHopefully all goes well now09:48
TJ-Dysanix: Terminal > "sudo -i"09:48
TJ-Dysanix:  "mkdir /target; mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /target; for n in proc sys dev dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"09:49
TJ-Dysanix: then "pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls )"09:49
Dysanixroot@ubuntu:~# pastebinit <( find /target/usr -ls ) Failed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] The write operation timed out09:50
Dysanixpinging still works though09:50
TJ-Dysanix: I think the output might be too long09:51
TJ-Dysanix: try this: "find /target/usr | wc -l" - how many lines does it report it counted?09:51
rollingubuntuTJ-: so in case this touchpad issues would happen to you, what would you kind of expect to show up in the logs? anything I could seek for? :)09:51
DysanixTJ-: 16302909:51
TJ-Dysanix: Ahah!09:51
TJ-Dysanix: I think we'll be more selective in future :D09:51
TJ-Dysanix: that might be a good sign though, since the commands in your photo suggest that /usr/ was replaced by the ./bin09:52
Dysanixafter the very last command09:52
Dysanixeverything went down hill fast09:52
TJ-Dysanix: how about "pastebinit <( find /target/usr -maxdepth 2 -type d )"09:53
Dysanixthat was the command with the * in it09:53
TJ-rollingubuntu: experience allows me to spot 'unusual' messages but I wouldn't be knowing what to look for ahead of time09:53
rollingubuntuTJ-: got you! no worries & many thanks for your tips09:54
TJ-Dysanix: OK, I think we only need to focus in .../usr/bin and .../usr/share, so "pastebinit <( find /target/usr/bin /target/usr/share  -ls )"09:55
DysanixTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wWnMcZT6TD/09:56
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TJ-Dysanix: oh my! now my browser cannot reach paste.ubuntu.com !09:58
TJ-Dysanix: ahh, got it now09:59
DysanixTJ-: lmao phew09:59
Guest70243How to install stock gnome on 18.04? Guides I've seen say to install gnome-session, but there is no such package10:01
Guest70243nor vanilla-gnome*10:01
OerHeksGuest70243, there is, but seek support in #ubuntu+1 until release .. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-session10:03
TJ-Dysanix: right, more good news. /usr/bin/ content looks safe. The problem is under /usr/share/ where somehow you seem to have managed to move everything into /usr/share/aclocal/ !! I'm still studying it since the commands in your photo and the listing don't make sense - the comands wouldn't cause this!10:03
Guest70243Oh, I must have disabled universe repository, that might have caused this10:03
DysanixTJ-: I remember seeing a lot of alocal after typing the command10:04
DysanixWhile all the files shot by10:04
DysanixSo you might be onto something10:04
TJ-Dysanix: and it looks like there's a simple fix for that issue, although there may still be other issues afterwards to clear up. To fix the aclocal problem do "mv /target/usr/share/aclocal/* /target/usr/share/"10:05
TJ-Dysanix: that will move everything back... then "ls -a /usr/share/aclocal/" should show an empty directory10:06
TJ-Dysanix: we've still got to replace the files that *should* be in aclocal :)10:06
DysanixI did the command. There was no feedback after doing the command10:07
DysanixDoing ls -a command still shows its full of stuff10:07
Dysanixroot@ubuntu:~# mv /target/usr/share/aclocal/* /target/usr/share/ root@ubuntu:~# ls -a /usr/share/aclocal .                 iconv.m4         lib-ld.m4        size_max.m4 ..                intdiv0.m4       lib-link.m4      stdint_h.m4 codeset.m4        intl.m4          lib-prefix.m4    threadlib.m4 extern-inline.m4  intldir.m4       lock.m4          uintmax_t.m4 fcntl-o.m4        intlmacosx.m4    longlong.m4      visibility.m4 fontuti10:07
TJ-Dysanix: Wow, those were the files I thought we had to replace. Something very weird going on there!10:08
TJ-Dysanix: the command I gave you should have moved all those .m4 files to /usr/share/ !10:08
DysanixBut they are still in aclocal x.x10:08
TJ-Dysanix: I'm not going to question it for now since it's looking correct10:08
TJ-Dysanix: I think we can try a 'chroot' again now10:09
Dysanixthe share folder is full with stuff again10:09
Dysanixwhat's going on lmao10:09
TJ-Dysanix: yes, we just moved it bac10:09
TJ-Dysanix: you'd somehow moved everthing that should be in /usr/local/ into /usr/local/aclocal/10:09
Dysanixbut how did it know which files to keep10:10
Dysanixthat's weird10:10
TJ-Dysanix: going back to look at your photo to think if anything else needs checking before we do a chroot10:10
DysanixAlright :)10:10
DysanixThe commands without * didnt execute I am pretty sure10:11
DysanixI told me the directory was not empty10:11
TJ-Dysanix: I'm going to ignore the photo since it doesn't correlate with what we are seeing... I'll work off what we actually find!10:11
Dysanixso didn't work10:11
eraserpencilGuys! I cant download xtight vncviewer...10:11
eraserpencilgot this error10:11
TJ-Dysanix: let's try the chroot. did we do the mount --bind this time around?10:11
eraserpencilCan't find a source to download version '1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.10' of 'libirs-export141:amd64'10:12
lotuspsychjeeraserpencil: be carefull with vnc as its a security risk10:12
lotuspsychje!vnc | eraserpencil instead10:12
ubottueraserpencil instead: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:12
DysanixTJ-: If it wasnt in the initial script then we did not10:12
TJ-Dysanix: lets check: "mount | grep target" do you see /target/proc /target/sys etc?10:12
DysanixI see /target/proc,sys,dev,etc10:13
TJ-Dysanix: I thought we did but had to be sure, OK, now try entering the chroot. First do "exit" to drop from root to regular 'ubuntu' user10:14
TJ-Dysanix: so now the shell prompt should be a $ not a #10:14
TJ-Dysanix: then, enter the chroot with "sudo chroot /target" and if it worked the shell prompt should be a #10:14
Dysanixyes! It worked10:14
TJ-Dysanix: Yay!! OK, we're now effectively running the broken system. So we can use package manager to fix other issues if we find any10:15
TJ-Dysanix: first check it can "ping archive.ubuntu.com"10:15
Dysanixthat's so cool!10:15
DysanixI love Linux lol10:15
TJ-Dysanix: now do "apt update" to fetch the package lists then "apt full-upgrade" to ensure it's up to date10:16
DysanixTJ-: All done!10:17
Dysanixboth update & full-upgrade10:17
TJ-Dysanix: Right, the last one I want to do is check if any files seem to be missing. I need to write and test a script on my system for that which is likely to need about 10 minutes. The essence of it is it'll read every package file-list from /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list and check each file listed in those <package>.list exists in the file-system. If not, it'll print out names of packages we need to reinstall10:19
TJ-Dysanix: so, have a break :)10:19
DysanixTJ-: You are seriously a hero10:20
DysanixThank you so much for helping me with all of this10:20
DysanixIs there any way I can thank you for your efforts? :)10:20
OerHeks!cookie | TJ-10:20
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:20
BugzBunnyI would have of spoken say something other wise10:21
BugzBunnyI know TJ- do something but apparently TJ-  doesn't now wrong10:21
SlidingHornis there a cookie system here I didn't know about??  *angry face*10:24
eraserpencilbut whats this errr?10:25
eraserpencilCan't find a source to download version '1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.10' of 'libirs-export141:amd64'10:25
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OerHekslibirs-export141 is part of bind910:27
eraserpencilsorry, I'm looking to solve this error, it's preventing me from downloading some packages from the repo10:27
R13oseTJ-: hi10:28
SlidingHorneraserpencil, what version of ubuntu are you running?10:28
OerHeksxenial or artfull?10:28
eraserpencil64 bit10:29
TJ-Dysanix: right, this should work: "  for pkg in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums; do cat  $pkg | while read sum file; do if [ ! -f "/$file" ]; then echo -e "PACKAGE: $(basename "${pkg%.*}") missing\t\t /$file"; break; fi; done; done |& tee /tmp/problems.log  "10:29
TJ-Dysanix: it'll take some time to run I think10:29
DysanixIt finished pretty quickly10:30
DysanixPACKAGE: gettext missing /usr/share/aclocal/codeset.m4 PACKAGE: intltool missing /usr/share/aclocal/intltool.m4 PACKAGE: xfonts-utils missing /usr/share/aclocal/fontutil.m410:30
DysanixAs in 5 seconds10:30
DysanixI am not sure if that's a bad sign?10:31
TJ-Dysanix: wow, so just a few aclocal files! That's fantastic :D10:31
TJ-Dysanix: so do "apt install --reinstall gettext intltool xfonts-utils"10:31
TJ-Dysanix: so now time to clean up and then do a reboot test...10:32
DysanixI am seriously really thankful10:32
DysanixFor all your time10:32
TJ-Dysanix: ... "exit" to leave chroot then "for n in etc/resolv.conf dev/pts dev sys proc; do sudo umount /target/$n; done"10:33
DysanixDone! :)10:33
TJ-Dysanix: now "sync" to flush to disk10:33
TJ-Dysanix: then "sudo umount /target" and reboot and test10:33
guiverceraserpencil, do you have xenial-security in sources.list?  https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libirs-export14110:34
DysanixTJ-: Alright! I am going to be right back!10:34
DysanixHopefully I'll come back with good news!10:34
* SlidingHorn readies the marching band10:34
akem_Do i have to do anything before unplugging a USB CD-ROM on Ubuntu - There is no CD inside?10:37
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DysanixIT WORKS!!10:37
TJ-Dysanix: Yay!10:37
DysanixYou are a magician10:38
TJ-Dysanix: no more messing though :p10:38
DysanixThank you so much!10:38
DysanixI promise I wont ! lol10:38
TJ-Dysanix: you're welcome... to the power of GNU/Linux  :)10:38
DysanixI'll install things through apt-get10:38
mingdaoakem_: no10:38
Dysanixinstead of replacing random stuff myself10:38
kunjiHi, when my computer (Ubuntu 16.04, default desktop environment) comes back from sleep and the screen is locked it sometimes won't accept my password.  In this case, if I switch to a different tty (via ctrl+alt+f#) and then switch back, then it will accept my password.  Is this a known bug?  It doesn't really bother me much, just wondering why that switch would make it start working again like that.10:39
akem_Ok thanks mingdao, just to be sure.10:39
DysanixTJ-, Do you have your own website?10:39
TJ-Dysanix: you've still got to sort out getting skype to run but use the factoid and ask here for people who've done it... I think there is a 'snap' package for it10:39
TJ-Dysanix: I do but it's a bit of a mess right now... in perputatual 'reorg coming soon' mode :p10:39
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:40
kunjiTJ-: Hmm, the deb package Microsoft provides directly has always worked for me.  I'm guessing that is what didn't work for Dysanix though?10:40
TJ-kunji: well, Dysanix copied files from the extract location over the system /usr/bin and /usr/share directory which killed the OS. don't think he'll do that again10:40
TJ-I don't use Skype so can't talk from experience on best way to install/use it10:41
kunjiTJ-: Ah, I see, just the usual install via dpkg and it should work.10:41
TJ-^^^ Dysanix here's an expert on Skype :)10:42
TJ-right! time for a sunny x-country run with the Huskies, Dysanix I'll leave you to your skype10:43
kunjiTJ-: Meh, I haven't installed it in over a year I think :P, it looks like they do have a snap now, should be as simple as just "sudo snap install skype" if he's on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer, if he's on something older then he may need to install snapd first.10:44
kunjiTJ-: Have fun!10:45
Dysanix_But yeah I have learned my lesson10:47
Dysanix_No more messing around in system folders10:47
vachohow do I make this command run in the background so when I close my terminal window (on mac os x) that is connected through ssh, it will continue to run? npm run watch-poll10:47
s10gopalwhat command i should use ?10:48
s10gopalBisecting: 1811 revisions left to test after this (roughly 11 steps)10:48
s10gopal[cbcd4f08aa637b74f575268770da86a00fabde6d] Merge tag 'staging-4.13-rc1' of git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/gregkh/staging10:48
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DysanixTJ-, How did you build your knowledge?10:53
DysanixJust messing around or did you get this at school?10:54
akem_I added my printer MG2900, network printing, i could print the test page, but the printer can also scan, however i think i need to install something separated for that, right?10:59
akem_In Windows i could directly import scan in gimp, but not on Ubuntu.10:59
akem_I'm not sure cause it has to scan via the network too, it's not connected on USB.11:00
akem_nm, i'll check the Ubuntu scanner howto.11:01
akem_I think it's not so easy i don't have sane server/backend for my scanner.11:05
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PitmasterHi guys11:13
zetheroowhat does 'Community-maintained free and open-source software.' mean exactly in relation to the Universe repo?11:13
guiverczetheroo, everything in Universe is maintained by the community.  Main is maintained by Canonical employees11:15
zetherooWhat is 'the community'?11:15
guiverca high ranking of devs/maintainers is MOTU (master of the universe); or devs who have upload privilege to universe...11:16
guivercanyone who joins a project (volunteers) and contributes code... they need to be sponsored by a MOTU11:17
zetherooguiverc: I guess I am trying to gauge how trustworthy it is to install software from Universe, especially regarding security updates etc11:17
guiverczetheroo, https://community.ubuntu.com/t/developers/27  may provide some clues...11:17
guivercits not like anyone can contribute code (good/bad) without peer-support; their are procedures (inc. sponsorship of change) for Ubuntu that [some] other distros don't directly have ..11:19
guiverczetheroo, i think Universe is trustyworthy because of its reviews, sponsorship etc.  i'm not a dev/maintainer, and whilst the software is open-source (thus you can do your own audit which applies to others too), its reviewed because of procedures laid down for debian & ubuntu.11:22
zetheroosounds good11:22
zetheroowhat about security updates?11:22
guiverchttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers  (this contains more; even mentions motu)11:22
OerHeksWhat are you trying to say with "what about security updates"11:24
guivercsecurity updates are mostly done by canonical & in main. One thing with Universe. Where as MAIN has five years support (for Ubuntu LTS), Universe strictly only needs to have two years (but ideally three).  Hence a flavor Ubuntu possibly won't be as secure as Ubuntu LTS in year 3-5  (flavors contain main code + univers - universe has a shorter guaratee)11:24
zetherooOerHeks: are security updates applied to Universe like they are to Main?11:24
OerHeksdepends who writes the update patch, i guess.11:25
zetherooguiverc: ok, interesting. 'flavor' Ubuntu is the releases inbetween the LTS releases ... ?11:26
guivercflavor = xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu-mate, ubuntu-kylin, ubuntu-gnome...11:26
guivercubuntu-gnome being before 17.10 - its now 'main' Ubuntu11:27
guivercbut flavors have their next LTS at the two year mark, which provides security if it worries you (16.04 will become 18.04 very soon)11:28
Woodpeckeri cant get my sudoers file to work with /bin/cp11:29
Woodpeckeror anything11:29
Woodpeckerakiva   ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp11:29
Woodpeckeri tried that line, and yet I am always prompted for a password, even after restarting11:30
JimBuntuWoodpecker, are you sure that's the "cp" you are using? Try `which cp`11:30
OerHeksi think you want: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp11:31
WoodpeckerOerHeks: ill give it a shot11:31
Woodpeckerim still being prompted11:32
Woodpeckerdo I need restart?11:32
JimBuntuI use `<username> ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: <commands>`11:32
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: tried that as well. no dice11:33
Woodpeckerunless I have to restart11:33
neildugancan anyone explain I get this dopey message from postfix... when sending to "me@isp.net" I get a error saying "550-Verification failed for <root@julian.localdomain> "11:34
guiverczetheroo, as for Universe & flavors.. If you want a definite 2, 3 year support clarification - you have to go to the flavor itself & see what they provide for each release.11:36
zetherooguiverc: right. We are sticking to the official Ubuntu.11:37
BugzBunnyTJ-: Why does Rythombox forget music when I log out?11:40
WoodpeckerAHHHHHHH so bloody annoying11:41
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LorraHi everybody, I'm using KUbuntu 16.04.04. I was trying to use my bluetooth speaker with KDE5. Association works just fine and the speaker emits its successful associaton tone, but then I cannot change the audio profile to A2DP nor to HSP/HFP. Does anybody have a clue about this? Thank you ^^11:43
JimBuntuWoodpecker, still not working?11:43
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: no.11:43
JimBuntuWoodpecker, Ok. Please allow me to start fresh. Did you post a pastebin/etc of your complete sudoers file yet?11:44

JimBuntu: sure that would be good. Sec: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/c6PM06oJ/11:46
JimBuntuMy initial suggestion is to remove the line from in the user priv section... make a new line, typed by hand as the last one in the file. Use spaces instead of tabs...11:48
Woodpeckerthe only thing I can think of is when I initially editted it, I did so using sudo vim instead of sudo visudo , and had to force a save.11:48
JimBuntuHave it read... `akiva ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL`11:49
JimBuntuI edit mine with nano11:49
JimBuntusave the file, and try using `sudo su -` then please pastebin/etc the terminal session with the command and what happened when you tried.11:50
zetheroowhats the best/easiest way to browse the Ubuntu repos?11:51
jluci like synaptics11:51
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: it just prompted me for my password.11:52
Lorrazetheroo, jluc I also like synaptic, you may install it doing "sudo apt-get install synaptic" from a terminal11:52
JimBuntuAfter you made the new line at the bottom of /etc/sudoers, it asked you for the password when you tried to `sudo su -` ?11:52
neildugancan anyone tell my why postfix ignores "root: neil@aurous.net" in both /etc/aliases and /etc/postfix/virtual ?11:53
zetherooLorra,  jluc , thanks, but I am looking for something where I can search for packages on multiple repos - like to see what version of x-package is in Main vs Universe vs Backports ...11:54
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: yep11:57
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: oh wait,11:57
Woodpeckerlet me try that again11:57
JimBuntuMay I see a new pastebin/etc of the current /etc/sudoers ?11:57
OerHekszetheroo, that does not happen, a package is in main OR universe, and backports are just updates11:57
TJ-zetheroo: "rmadison <package>"11:58
zetherooOerHeks: ok, so the version of PHP for instance doesn't change from one repo to another11:58
OerHeksunless you add a PPA *11:59
TJ-the major version can change for some important backports, but between release -updates/-security/-proposed it's only minor bug-fix version bumps12:02
jk^tomreyn, i installed the package, but system still doesn't recognized the printer12:02
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: I think that did it.12:02
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: placing the command at the end of the file.12:03
erdemim looking for a graphical texteditor that is capable of opening large files12:07
erdemwithout major slowdowns12:07
erdemis this possible? any suggestions?12:07
JimBuntuWoodpecker, Ok. If it is still setup for ALL instead of only cp, you could now try editing it for only the commands you want to be included12:08
Kriss3dIs there any ubuntu programs that will let me import and sort lots of openvpn profile and let me pick them based on country instead of just listing them like openvpn do ?12:08
JimBuntuerdem, I think notepadqq will allow you to do this, checking12:09
WoodpeckerJimBuntu: it worked like a charm. thanks12:09
JimBuntuWoodpecker, you are welcome!12:10
Woodpecker!cookie | JimBuntu12:10
ubottuJimBuntu: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:10
JimBuntuerdem, Yes, Notepadqq seems to do this very well.12:10
JimBuntulol, thanks!12:10
erdemJimBuntu, thank you, i will check it out12:10
R13oseThe repeating + sign is annoying12:11
JimBuntuerdem, I do note that when I opened a 500MB+ file, it slowed down.12:13
erdemi think i wont open files that large but thank you for letting me know12:13
BillD73R13ose: See your still having issues. I know you've tried differing kernels. Have you tried  different distro, from a complete reinstall?12:14
R13oseBillD73: nope.12:15
BillD73R13ose: well I would suggest trying another live cd distro to try an narrow down either hardware or ubuntu related.12:18
R13oseBillD73: no CD ROM drive and all USBs are too small12:19
BillD73R13ose: either run out and grb ya a 4GB stick/borrow one possibly?  Also iirc did you attempt to "pop" the key off of the keyboard? did the nipple under the key seem to function?  Ir eally dont know what else to tell ya, you've had some of the brightest here helping you with it12:22
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R13oseBillD73: I did the pop the key off12:26
R13oseBillD73: this is not happening in bios or grub command line so most likely happens after that12:26
BillD73R13ose: ok. Have you tried adding a newuser, login as them with a clean desktop env?12:30
TJ-R13ose: I've been doing some research on the i8042 <> APIC issue; I cannot find any other instances of the same issue or any sensible looking workarounds so far. I'm more convinced than ever its a hardware issue, or the PC firmware is misconfiguring the hardware in some way before the OS starts. Have you tried going into BIOS setup and doing the Restore Factory Defaults option ?12:30
R13oseBillD73: happens before I login12:31
TJ-BillD73: it's a problem with the keyboard controller chip (i8042) or the interrupt controller (APIC) generating massive numbers of spurious interrupts12:31
neilduganwhen trying to root email set out to me .... I finally get postfix to use the correct <to> address... but now its saying "(delivered to mailbox)"  ... how do I get it to actually do what its told and send it.12:32
R13oseTJ-: what will restore factory defaults do?12:32
TJ-R13ose: in general, the PC firmware should specify to the OS how to configure the APIC via ACPI tables, so if there's some change in the way those tables are being interpreted by the kernel version, that could also cause this. Can you try a really old v4.4 kernel?12:33
TJ-R13ose: Restore factory defaults resets all settings to what the manufacturer thinks they should be12:33
BugzBunnyTJ-: No12:34
R13oseTJ-: I didn't change anything in bios12:35
BugzBunnyR13ose: The defaults is what ships that manfacture should always work12:35
OerHeksineresting, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/28736/what-does-the-i8042-nomux-1-kernel-option-do-during-booting-of-ubuntu12:35
R13oseTJ-: I could try an old 4.4 kernel but will that really fix this?12:36
TJ- R13ose the point of testing 4.4 is to find out if it's kernel regression or not.12:37
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TJ-OerHeks: yes, that article is good overview. We used to see these issues alot in the mid 2000s12:37
R13oseTJ-: let's do it12:38
TJ-R13ose: going back to kernel command-line options that might help, here's one more you could try: "i8042.nopnp=1" (you can keep the existing debug entries whilst adding that)12:42
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R13oseTJ-: keep or remove unmask?12:44
lapagaHello all...i have my panel on the bottom how do you center the items? In Xubuntu you added separators but I do not see a way to do that in Ubuntu 17.1012:46
TJ-R13ose: keep the other options12:48
akemlapaga, I think you need gnome-shell-extensions for that.12:49
akemthen you can install "dash to dock", via the gnome website there is a browser module that takes care of that12:51
akemlapaga, https://extensions.gnome.org12:51
lapagawill have a look  thanks12:51
R13oseTJ-: this isn't happening and all I did was add that option, update grub and not reboot.12:53
BluesKajHowdy all12:53
R13oseHi BluesKaj12:56
TJ_RemixR13ose: Did you create a bug report to track this issue? If not, can you do so and let me have the number so we know what has been tried12:57
BugzBunnyHow Do I install Spotify?12:58
edunnHello, is there someone that can help me with my post? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2388621&p=13754139#post1375413912:58
R13oseTJ_Remix: I didn't as I don't know how12:58
BluesKajHi R13ose13:00
R13oseBluesKaj: what's up?13:00
TJ_Remix!bug | R13ose13:00
ubottuR13ose: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:00
TJ_RemixR13ose: you can start with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug13:01
Irritiable|LTWho here is experienced with setting up a static IP address for local WAN usage between their Ubuntu box and router? (In other words: The equivalent of a static IPv4 address on the WAN; but IPv6 dual-stack.)13:01
kostkonBugzBunny, sudo snap install spotify13:02
edunnIs there someone here that can help me with CPAN issues?13:02
R13oseTJ_Remix: is happening less but still happening.  I will reboot now to see if the option we added helpped or should I file bug report first?13:03
BugzBunnykostkon: It was already installed13:04
BugzBunnyI forgot13:04
kostkonBugzBunny, it happens13:04
edunnHello, anyone here able to help with CPAN issues?13:05
TJ_RemixR13ose: do the test but we should still have a bug report to track what is helping and the system hardware, things tried, etc.13:05
R13oseTJ_Remix: I will.  Can you let me know what to type in there?  I will add in what problems I see.13:06
TJ_Remixha, didn't spot my nick has changed... sat in sun and can't see the screen too well13:07
kostkon!details | edunn13:07
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
ubottuedunn: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:07
edunnCan you check my forum post here? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2388621&p=13754139#post1375413913:07
edunnit has all details13:07
TJ-R13ose: create the bug with a title and repeat the title in the description then I'll add accurate details later. "i8042 generating thousands of spurious keypress interrupts" will do as a title13:08
neurrehow do I add domain name search path to resolv.conf?13:08
TJ-neurre: generally you'd add it through whatever service managed the interface. For a desktop that'd usually be network manager, so edit the connection settings13:09
R13oseTJ-: great.  I will add in my thoughts now.  I reboot and this is still happening but not as often for some reason13:10
neurreTJ-, I cannot find setting where to add domain search13:10
TJ-neurre: for ifupdown, if the interface is specified in /etc/network/interfaces, see "man resolvcong" and the dns-search option13:10
=== HobGoblin is now known as UukGoblin
TJ-neurre: typo, "man resolvconf"13:11
Irritiable|LTHello, TJ-.13:11
edunnubottu: Can you check my forum post here? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2388621&p=13754139#post13754139 it has all the details13:12
ubottuedunn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:12
neurreTJ-, thanks but do you know any more details?13:12
neurreTJ-, should I edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail or what?13:12
neurrelooks like tail doesnt even exist13:13
R13oseTJ-: I have made the bug report.  Let me know if you find this.13:16
neurrelooks like my /etc/resolv.conf says # This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit.13:18
xpun saluto a tutti13:19
edunnhello, anyone here able to assist with CPAN issue?13:20
Irritiable|LTedunn: Perl?13:21
yeatsedunn: what's the issue?13:21
edunnIrritiable|LT: Yes. I am trying to install HaCi and there appear to be several things i need to make sure are installed. When enter "cpan" then do "install (module name)" it gives me errors. I have a forum post with the error of two i tried if that would help.13:22
Irritiable|LTedunn: apt-get install <package name> I believe.13:23
yeatsedunn: the packages are named libwhatever-perl13:23
edunnYeats: so what would be CGI::Session?13:24
TJ-R13ose: what's the bug # or the URL?13:24
R13oseTJ-: 176150213:25
yeatsedunn: libcgi-session-perl13:25
TJ-neurre: ahhh, so, you'll need to edit the connection config file, which if this is 17.10 would, I think, be via netplan.io, which you should find in /etc/netplan/ as a yaml file13:25
edunnyeats: have you ever heard of HaCi? http://haci.larsux.de/wiki/HaCiInstall13:25
yeatsedunn: prefix with 'lib', '::' becomes '-', suffix with '-perl'13:25
yeatsedunn: no I haven't but I'll take a look13:26
TJ-R13ose: thanks, I'll assign myself to it and the other details later today when I'm out of the sun and can see the screen a bit better!13:26
edunnyeats: can i PM you for further assistance with this?13:26
yeatsedunn: also, if you're comfortable with the consequences (e.g., the possibility of a broken system, you can force CPAN to install something)13:26
yeatsedunn: I prefer to work here in the channel13:26
neurreTJ-, I have /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml which says network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager13:27
neurre# Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system13:27
edunnyeats: ok, no problem. I am not super comfortable. I can follow guides and try and explore but thats about my limit. I am a net admin..13:27
neurreso.. is it networkmanager?13:27
R13oseTJ-: I only saw problems now when the command line login came up first which always come up first before Ubuntu loads Gui login.13:27
R13oseTJ-: thanks.  Does it matter if I am using Kubuntu or not?13:27
TJ-neurre: ahhh, so that means N.M. is using systemd-resolved for DNS, so what I said originally. Use the N.M. Connection Editor to change the IPv4 tab settings to specify the search domain13:28
yeatsedunn: you mentioned a forum post with the error you're seeing?13:28
TJ-R13ose: no, Kubuntu is part of the ubuntu family, but your issue is with the linux kernel which is common to everything13:29
edunnyeats: yes it was in cpan but the apt-get install appears to be working now. I will continue the install of everything. If i have anymore issues ill reach out but my ultimate goal is to try and get HaCi installed on this server13:30
R13oseTJ-: thanks13:30
yeatsedunn: ok - good13:30
neurreTJ-, exactly where can I find such dialog?13:30
edunnyeats: the post is https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2388621&p=13754139#post1375413913:30
yeatsedunn: note that not all modules in CPAN have been packaged for debian/ubuntu, so you may still need CPAN before it's all done13:31
TJ-neurre: the network icon in the task-bar, right-click, choose (near the bottom) "Edit Connections..."13:31
TJ-neurre: select the connection, goto the IPv4 tab, then set the Search Domain field and save13:31
yeatsedunn: oh - try 'sudo apt install make'13:31
edunnyeats: ok ill keep that in mind.13:31
neurreTJ- hmm so I am using gnome desktop, thats probably why I have trouble locating it13:31
yeatsedunn: and as for "Math::BigInt v1.8713:32
TJ-neurre: gnome-desktop should have the nm-applet icon in its taskbar13:32
yeatsedunn: " it thinks "v1.87" is a package name - not sure how to specify the version on the CPAN cli13:32
edunnyeats: i believe i got it, CPAN picked it up after i installed "make"13:33
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yeatsedunn: looks like CPAN is only going to install the latest version of whatever the package is (which is usually what you want)13:34
yeatsedunn: if an app requires a specific old version to run, I would probably stop trusting the app :-/13:34
edunnyeats: yes, i am ok with that. My biggest thing after all the installs is setting up mysql. The install guide has a walkthrough but the top user copy/paste doesnt work because the password field isnt name password anymore.13:35
neurreTJ-, am I anywhere right / close? https://imgur.com/a/dl97y13:36
=== Anders is now known as Guest21694
TJ-neurre: I don't use Gnome so not sure, but try pressing the Cog/Gear icon next to the connection, that's probably the settings dialog trigger13:37
neurrethere is no setting for search13:38
neurrethere is DNS and Routes13:38
neurrebut I suppose I should be able to edit this with shell / config files as well13:38
aLeSD_hi all13:38
TJ-neurre: Sounds like more Gnome dumbing down then. It's be under DNS though, or should be13:39
neurreTJ- This is no longer gnome13:39
Irritiable|LTneurre: GNome3? GNome4?13:40
aLeSD_how could I make my virtual machines start on boot ?13:40
Irritiable|LTaLeSD: A script?13:40
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neurreIrritiable|LT, I switched my desktop to "Ubuntu"13:40
Irritiable|LTaLeSD_: A script?13:40
TJ-neurre: you could use the command-line... run "nmtui", select the connection, navigate to the IPv4 CONFIGURATION line and select the "Show" 'button' next to it, there you'll find the "Search Domains..." edit box13:40
neilduganaLeSD_, there are many ways, but what type of VM are you talking about13:40
aLeSD_I followed some tutorials but it seems not workig13:40
aLeSD_neildugan, virtualbox vm13:41
aLeSD_Irritiable|LT, thanks. Do you know if ubuntu has already something buildin ?13:41
aLeSD_I was following this : https://askubuntu.com/questions/404665/how-to-start-virtual-box-machines-automatically-when-booting13:42
neurreTJ-, thanks, nmtui had everything13:42
aLeSD_but no success13:42
neurreTJ-, funny why they dumb the GUI down13:42
Irritiable|LTaLeSD_: As neildugan pointed out: There are a lot of ways to have a program / service execute upon start-up.13:42
TJ-neurre: I dispair of it in GUIs, I stick to terminal/shell nowadays since I can rely on it13:42
neurrewell nmtui is almost GUI13:42
neilduganaLeSD_, can you start your VM via the terminal?13:43
neurreshould be trivial to maintain a real GUI for that13:43
TJ-neurre: it's TUI ... Text User Interface (uses ncurses library)13:43
aLeSD_neildugan, yes13:43
neurrei know13:43
TJ-neurre: there is a real GUI, but your "Ubuntu" has removed the nm-applet that accesses it13:43
neilduganaLeSD_, do you need it to start at boot or at login?13:43
aLeSD_neildugan, boot13:43
aLeSD_actually vboxautostart-service is missing in my system13:44
Irritiable|LTaLeSD_: He's asking if you want Virtualbox started /after/ the desktop is loaded or before it ever hits that point in the execution train.13:44
Irritiable|LTaLeSD_: Virtualbox 5.2.8 ?13:44
aLeSD_Irritiable|LT, 5.1.34_Ubuntu r12101013:45
neilduganaLeSD_, this https://askubuntu.com/questions/886620/how-can-i-execute-command-on-startup-rc-local-alternative-on-ubuntu-16-10      says that if a file '/etc/rc.local' exists and is executable it will be run at boot... you could put your command to start the VM in there13:47
Irritiable|LTaLeSD_: No. What version of Virtualbox are you running? Lol! Virtualbox 5.2.8 or less?13:47
aLeSD_ok thanks13:48
Irritiable|LTWelcome, aLeSD_.13:51
Irritiable|LTYou should be able to uninstall whatever version you have (apt-get remove virtualbox*) and install it manually via the terminal.13:51
neilduganaLeSD_, if the test works can you let me know13:51
Irritiable|LTneildugan: Virtualbox, IIRC, has an auto-start service already.13:52
Irritiable|LT(v5.2.8 anyway)13:52
neilduganIrritiable|LT, oh13:52
edunnyeats: can you tell me the proper MYSQL command for this: https://pastebin.com/vPmH0LMs13:57
* OerHeks wonders why running a gui program on boot13:57
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
akikOerHeks: virtualbox vms can be started headless14:00
Irritiable|LTakik: He wants to auto-start it upon turning his box on.14:04
Irritiable|LTEG: Turn desktop/laptop on -> Virtualbox auto-starts14:04
R13oseTJ-: to let you know this might have gone away unsure.14:06
kus_ubuntui686hi guys, how do I create a gpg key over ssh? I am on artful https://hastebin.com/raw/pesuvujoyu14:07
Irritiable|LTArtful? Lubuntu? :D14:09
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kus_ubuntui686Irritiable|LT: no, Ubuntu.14:11
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hkekus_ubuntui686 Install and run haveged on the machine you're trying to generate keys on.14:11
tkzvHello, what is the correct way to get a user's UID from Systemd scripts? I need it for starting Docker.14:12
kus_ubuntui686hke same error https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Wh~Sv8PdJpPjRlgrjYWJzw/raw14:14
kus_ubuntui686gpg: agent_genkey failed: End of file Key generation failed: End of file14:15
Irritiable|LTksk: http://www.skyuser.co.uk/forum/sky-broadband-fibre-help/61192-ipv6-configuration-netgear-d7000.html#post46819014:15
chaigncHey guys, what is the standard way of pushing a critical security update on all linux distro for an opensource software ?14:16
Hulioanyone know how to disable sleep ?14:17
Hulioi don't want it to go to lock screen14:18
Huliocan it be done?14:18
TJ-R13ose: if it has gone away that is good news!14:18
HulioIf i am away of pc, it will lock, please show me how to disable that14:18
TJ-R13ose: the important quesiton then is do you know why!?14:18
R13oseTJ-: the + signs still showed up in command line as that login shows up first before Ubuntu loads into GUI login screen.14:19
R13oseTJ-: I have no clue why this might have gone away.14:19
OerHeksHulio, depends what ubuntu flavor, look into systemsettings > energy ( or power)14:20
Irritiable|LTHulio: systemd disable sleep-hybrid;14:20
Irritiable|LTHulio: systemctl disable systemd-hybrid-sleep *14:20
HulioIrritiable|LT, with the * at the end too?14:21
Irritiable|LTFull command: sudo systemctl disable systemd-hybrid-sleep && sleep.target suspend.target && hybrid-sleep.target14:21
ecormierHulio: it is easily doable on a lightweight (read do-it-yourself) DE, but on the larger DEs it's entirely dependant on what they let you do14:21
Irritiable|LTHulio: No. IRC and me fixing my typo. :D14:21
Irritiable|LTTo re-enable: sudo systemctl enable <service>14:22
kus_ubuntui686what DE do you use hulio? is it gnome?14:22
HulioUbuntu 16.04 LTS14:22
HulioIrritiable|LT, sleep.target: command not found14:23
Irritiable|LTHulio: Oh. Try this utility then.... Use BUM14:23
Irritiable|LTHulio: sudo apt-get install BUM14:23
Irritiable|LT(Boot-up manager)14:23
Irritiable|LTGUI based interface that shows descriptions / ALL services14:23
OerHeksno need for that, just go into systemsettings14:23
HulioE: Unable to locate package BUM14:23
Irritiable|LTAlso: I'd check in with systemd-analyze blame AND systemd-analyze time (to help cut down on unnused services).14:23
OerHeksinstalling something that is already available, not a good advice14:24
Huliowow is that complicated ? :)14:24
Irritiable|LTHulio: No. BUM's simple. Not sure why it's saying it can't find BUM.14:24
Hulioin windows, all i do is go setting set 'never sleep'14:24
Irritiable|LTHulio: Entirely different OS.14:24
ecormierHulio: if you're not concerned with local security, just disable user login in your DE and be done with it14:25
OerHeksHulio, in ubuntu you set energy timer settings to 'never'14:25
Huliowell, how do i disable ?14:25
cvdd43is there any girl here14:25
Huliooh okay14:25
Irritiable|LTHulio: Do you have Canonical Partners PPA enabled?14:25
OerHekscvdd43, sure, butthis is not a dating channel14:26
kus_ubuntui686haha I thought this was because of the canonical partners comment14:26
kus_ubuntui686I was going to say that's not what partner means14:26
R13oseTJ-: could your commands in grub have helped?14:26
Irritiable|LTHulio: https://www.devmanuals.net/install/ubuntu/ubuntu-16-04-LTS-Xenial-Xerus/how-to-install-bum.html -- sudo apt-get install bum14:26
HulioIrritiable|LT, i got it14:26
Hulioit is in the System Setting14:26
Irritiable|LTHulio: Ahh.14:26
TJ-R13ose: maybe the last one you added is solving it?14:26
Hulioi can do that with their UI14:26
Irritiable|LTYou have BUM package installed already?14:27
Irritiable|LTAwesome! :)14:27
HulioThanks though14:27
Hulioit's 'Brightness & Lock' setting14:27
Irritiable|LTIt's actually in a config file somewhere; GUI programs just 'make it easier' (I guess).14:27
Irritiable|LTkus_ubuntui686: Lol14:28
konradosIn a pc with ubuntu, which isn't mine, I can see the mysqld process. While I do know how to stop it, I have a different question - what is it doing there? What installed it and needs it? How to check it?14:33
konradosIt's a pc for a typical home usage14:33
konradosLike browsing facebook and ... the like.14:33
Irritiable|LTkonrados: MySQL? Probably shipped with the OS for something else (it is in and of itself a dependency).14:33
tkzvCorrect answer was `/usr/bin/id -u username`14:34
Deknoskonrados, it may be something like a file indexer like with KDE and baloo14:34
konradosDeknos: baloo - yeah, I remember that... sec...14:34
konradoswhen I killed that on my pc it became 2x as fast :)14:35
skinuxI need a file manager that will let me type in search query and it will search current and child directories recursively for any matches.14:36
Deknosdepends on the version. it became a lot faster, but there may be other indexer programs which use that.14:36
konradosDeknos: - how do I know if it's running, is this simply a 'baloo' process?14:36
Deknosps aux | grep  -i baloo14:36
konradosok, sek14:36
Deknosotherwise look with netstat -tupen and tulpen which process is connected to your mysqld instance.14:37
R13oseTJ-: maybe, how do we check?  Why would +'s happen in command line?14:37
TJ-R13ose: not sure, unless all this testing has nudged something.14:38
R13oseTJ-: maybe but you can say that in your updates on the bug.14:41
usrshvhi! why when i commented out all the parameters of the /etc/default/tlp, but frequency scaling.. i won some Celsius grades on my laptop! Just with even only compositing off and scaling at 800 MHz per core (0 and 1) this was at 70C under long load. now some about 68C. Now (at chat) it is about 53C14:46
TJ-R13ose: I will. If the problem returns then put a comment on the bug and we'll gather more info14:46
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R13oseTJ-: sure and maybe others have comments as well14:47
Jonathan_Hello guys I am trying to install Ubuntu on Windows 10. Before that guides tell me I should shrink (make up) space for Ubuntu. I currently have 4 partitions (C, D, E, F), which one should I shrink?14:56
Irritiable|LTJonathan_: Whichever you want to install the Ubuntu distro on.14:57
Irritiable|LT~25GB of space or more.14:57
Irritiable|LTBare-bones is close to 15GB.14:57
Irritiable|LTDo not shrink more than 50% or you'll booger up Windows' partition.14:57
dragonbreathHey guys!14:57
Irritiable|LTHi, dragonbreath.14:57
dragonbreathTrying to setup disk monitoring using SNMP14:57
dragonbreathin snmpd.conf I've got disk / 100000 and /mnt/data 10000014:58
dragonbreathdoesn't work though14:58
dragonbreaththe result is: multiple paths with /mnt/data14:58
dragonbreathI haven't found a clear answer on forums on internet14:59
dragonbreaththe trustworthy IRC is my last resort :)14:59
Jonathan_Irritiable|LT: the two of them are "primary partitions", so it really doesn't matter which one I choose?14:59
Irritiable|LTJonathan_: I don't see why it would.15:00
psypriestHello have a problem, I have a post about it. Can I ask you guys to read it?   I desperately need help        https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022121/ubuntu-16-04-no-ethernet-cable-and-system-not-detecting-wifi-paired-with-low15:10
OerHeksthe only solution would be an ethernet cable ..15:17
Irritiable|LTpsypriest: How 'desperate?' :D15:18
OerHeksto determin manually what packages you would need, takes such huge effort15:18
Irritiable|LTI have a lonely package.15:18
Irritiable|LTLOL wrong channel15:18
psypriestIrritable | LT: will blow u for a solution :)15:20
OerHeksfor the graphcs issue, you could try nomoeset, but it is a wild guess without proper info15:20
OerHeksplease keep this channel family friendly, thanks15:21
psypriestOhh so sorry, I am desperate, very15:21
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:22
Irritiable|LTpsypriest: I thought this was #winapi; sorry.15:22
psypriestcant i download something on a usb and load the required packages that way?15:23
MetaRa1nYou Say in Russia?15:24
zack_s_for unkown reason I cannot ping any server in my local network15:26
zack_s_from a certain machine, call it A15:27
zack_s_however, i can ping A from all other machines15:27
Irritiable|LTzack_s_: Virtualbox or a local install?15:27
zack_s_Irritiable|LT: I use HyperV15:27
zack_s_all the other machine are also on hyperV15:28
zack_s_and they work without a problem15:28
Irritiable|LTA VM, okay.15:29
zack_s_a vm15:29
OerHekshyperv issue, not ubuntu15:29
zack_s_Irritiable|LT: I get always "unkown host"15:31
psypriestOerHeks: Since running lsmod and lspci doesnt show the wireless card i was wondierng if I could download the driver for the wireless card I could solve it]15:31
zack_s_from the other machines, I can ping A without any problem15:31
OerHekspsypriest, if lspci or lsusb does not show the card, no way to tell what you need. hook it up on wired networking, and updat15:31
zack_s_the dns server I have listed in /etc/network/interfaces is the same on all machines15:31
Irritiable|LTzack_s_: I don't know. I don't use virtual machines. Sorry.15:32
zack_s_I want to know, whethere there are some checks I can do15:32
psypriestcan i go over the issue if i install windows?15:32
lotuspsychje!english | Darkfire201815:34
ubottuDarkfire2018: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:34
=== enko_ is now known as enko
blackflowlotuspsychje: is that in reply to "moin"?15:35
lotuspsychjeblackflow: moin is often used on german joins15:35
Darkfire2018hallo or good evening15:36
lotuspsychjeDarkfire2018: welcome, how can we help you?15:36
blackflowlotuspsychje: moin is internationally accepted generic hello on IRC since the dawn of the nets15:36
blackflowif you have a problem with that, you have a serious problem :)15:36
BlaQMagiKhow do i run a .bash script in 14.0415:36
BluesKajmoin is supposed to mean good morning, but it's supposedly internet "cool talk"15:37
blackflowmore like timezone agnostic, rather than "cool"15:37
BluesKajmorning isnt agnostic15:37
Darkfire2018I have a exfat card and I  will change the dateisystem to fat15:37
lotuspsychjeblackflow: feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-discuss15:37
blackflowBluesKaj: right, that's why I'm talking about moin, not morning.15:37
blackflowlotuspsychje: sure, sure. I was just.... apaled that someone would object like that to "moin".15:38
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
Darkfire2018moin is the greetingform in Northgermany15:38
lotuspsychjeDarkfire2018: you can use gparted if you like?15:38
Darkfire2018like Hamburg or Kiel15:38
Darkfire2018year thanks15:39
BluesKajoh my appalled at being prompted to use proper english in an international forum15:39
lotuspsychje!info gparted | Darkfire201815:39
ubottuDarkfire2018: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.28.1-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 476 kB, installed size 1936 kB15:39
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Type ./bashscriptfile15:39
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Make sure the *.sh (bash) script is marked as EXECUTABLE.15:39
Irritiable|LTchmod +x15:39
BlaQMagiKIrritiable|LT: i just figured that part out, i was missing the proper exec rights, thanks :)15:40
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: EG: ~./foo.sh15:40
Irritiable|LTWelcome. :)15:40
blackflowBluesKaj: you're right. I forgot this is #ubuntu.15:40
Irritiable|LT[10:36:06] <Darkfire2018> hallo or good evening15:40
Irritiable|LTDarkfire2018: You're wanting to format a flash drive?15:40
Irritiable|LTYou can use "dd" or if you prefer visual programs: gparted or gdisk15:41
=== Anders is now known as Guest89449
Darkfire2018yeas a Flashdrive with 64GB but it shows 59 GB15:41
Glorfindelhow do I add user glorfindel to the sudoers file?15:42
lotuspsychje!users | Glorfindel15:42
ubottuGlorfindel: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo15:42
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:42
BlaQMagiKdoes anyone know how to install "HTML::Entities" i tried in cpan but it fails15:43
Irritiable|LT[10:41:52] <Darkfire2018> yeas a Flashdrive with 64GB but it shows 59 GB15:44
Irritiable|LTMy 8.2GB does that. It's normal. I forget what the reasoning is. Something about the MBR / GPT sucking up space.15:45
lotuspsychje!tab | Irritiable|LT instead of copy paste the whole line please15:45
ubottuIrritiable|LT instead of copy paste the whole line please: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:45
BlaQMagiKdoes anyone know how to install "HTML::Entities" i tried in cpan but it fails, its there a apt-get install file i can download?15:46
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: No idea.15:47
Irritiable|LTlotuspsychje: I don't use tab.15:47
Irritiable|LTClient specific; not sure how you're implying it's IRC server based (nonsense rubbish).15:48
Irritiable|LTDarkhero: Open GParted -> Devices -> Find your flash drive -> Delete partition table (apply) -> Create new partition (GPT / Ext4) -> Format (1MB -> Max)15:49
Irritiable|LTThat should 'fix' it.15:49
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BlaQMagiKIrritiable|LT: can you check the log on this, i dont see what i am missing but i dont have an experienced eye ether: https://pastebin.com/ia3jD7Zk15:54
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: I'm no pro myself. :)15:55
BlaQMagiKbetter than me sir15:55
Irritiable|LTShould I call you, Evan?15:55
Irritiable|LT/bin/sh: 1: cc: not found15:55
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Whatever program "cc" is: It's saying it's not found.15:55
BlaQMagiKlol, got no clue.. FML15:56
Irritiable|LTcc / gcc15:56
Irritiable|LTcc's supposed to be some sort of symlink (shortcut) to gcc compiler, I'm guessing.15:56
Irritiable|LT"While using GNU+Linux (like Ubuntu) consider cc and gcc to be synonyms for each other."15:56
BlaQMagiKdo i have to install those?15:58
BlaQMagiKgot it15:59
BlaQMagiKapt-get install gcc15:59
monk12Hey all, is a ssh syntax question fine to ask here? (#ssh seems kinda dead)16:00
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Sorry. Arguing about C++. :s16:00
BlaQMagiKfixed problem, re-ran the cpan install and it worked16:00
Irritiable|LTWelcome, BlaQMagiK. ;016:00
Irritiable|LT;) *16:00
BlaQMagiKthanks sir16:00
Irritiable|LTReward yourself, Evan, by listening to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQTW7Pd1vqc16:00
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Don't forget to install OpenGL!16:00
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Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: https://medium.com/@Plimsky/how-to-install-a-opengl-environment-on-ubuntu-e3918cf5ab6c -- OpenGL16:01
Irritiable|LTUbuntu doesn't ship with DirectX (obviously); and AFAIK does not ship with OpenGL by default.16:01
Irritiable|LTYou're probably playing on some default dummy VGA adapter (horrible).16:02
BlaQMagiKi am not using the GUI, i am doing it all via CLI16:03
BlaQMagiKnow apache wont start because of something else...16:03
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: I meant for general use. ;)16:03
BlaQMagiKah ok16:03
BlaQMagiKill keep note of it, but CLI is fine for me right now16:03
Irritiable|LTI experience screen tearing (BAD) without OpenGL installed (Intel HD 505 graphics).16:03
Irritiable|LTThe terminal is still running under Linux's desktop environment.16:03
Irritiable|LTKill lightdm and you'll see your logon screen reduce to *strictly* a CLI.16:04
naccIrritiable|LT: they might not be using a desktop16:04
Irritiable|LTnacc: The moon might not be where you think it's at right now either.16:04
Irritiable|LTHowever possible: Doubtful.16:04
naccIrritiable|LT: just stick to support please, not guessing at other user's configs16:05
dichello, need a hand over network configurations, have a l2tp server running on ubuntu but cant figure out why the clients are isolated between them but can acess the internet from origin, can someone give me a hand16:06
lotuspsychjeskupra: no advertising here please16:06
BlaQMagiKIrritiable|LT: everything looks like it is running but my .conf file has an error  with this line "PerlRequire   /var/www/HaCi/etc/startup.pl"16:06
Irritiable|LTnacc: I wasn't guessing anything. Logical deduction. If you can do calculus: I can only logically deduce you know arithmetic.16:06
Irritiable|LTIf he can't do algebra: Odds are: He's learning arthimetic.16:07
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Hold on. G/F walked in16:07
naccIrritiable|LT: please stop. just help people and move on.16:07
dichello, need a hand over network configurations, have a l2tp server running on ubuntu but cant figure out why the clients are isolated between them but can acess the internet from origin, can someone give me a hand16:08
Irritiable|LTBlaQMagiK: Sorry. Girlfriend wanted me to queue up a movie we watched last night on Netflix.16:10
Irritiable|LT"Patchwork." Lol. Sick, but unique movie. :016:10
Irritiable|LT:) *16:10
Irritiable|LTYou didn't need to PM me, BlaQMagiK. I didn't quit typing / helping 'cause nacc. Just ignore him.16:10
Irritiable|LTI'm not getting paid to help anyone here. He might be getting paid $$$, but I'm not.16:10
lotuspsychje!ot | Irritiable|LT16:10
ubottuIrritiable|LT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:10
Irritiable|LTFree country, free channel. Feel free to +b me and let the remaining 1.6k users see.16:10
Irritiable|LTBoy cotting seems to be in high demand.16:10
naccIrritiable|LT: please stay ontopic, that's all I asked.16:11
Irritiable|LTI see it now: "Ubuntu supports attacking persons for helping others."16:11
Irritiable|LTI think anonymous likes to dox people.16:11
OerHeksIrritiable|LT, please move that to #ubuntu-offtopic.. and stop the rant16:11
Irritiable|LTNot threatning, just saying what I see on bad sites.16:11
Irritiable|LT[11:08:45] <BlaQMagiK> hello16:11
Irritiable|LT[11:09:15] <BlaQMagiK> im heading to grab a bit, be back shortly... hope you can help with my apache issue.. i believe it might be the last thing on my issue list.. lol16:11
Irritiable|LTSpeaking of help: Anyone here familiar with IPv6 and static IP addresses for the intranet (local machine <-> router)? Also known as: Local-only link?16:12
Irritiable|LTLink-local only * FE0816:12
Irritiable|LTNobody? :|16:13
OerHeksask your real question and find out?16:13
lotuspsychjeIrritiable|LT: see !patience and perhaps also visit ##networking ?16:14
nicomachusanyone wanna help me run down a dpkg error? Trying to update an RPI running Mate 16.04 and getting dpkg errors from a pre-removal script, I think: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wBwJtjzN4R/16:21
nicomachustried a reboot, tried apt clean, tried dpkg --configure -a.16:21
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naccnicomachus: LP: #176012816:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1760128 in avahi (Ubuntu) "package avahi-dnsconfd 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176012816:24
naccnicomachus: if i had to guess?16:24
naccnicomachus: lots of similar reports, not sure if any have a workaround16:25
Irritiable|LT[11:13:55] <OerHeks> ask your real question and find out?16:25
Irritiable|LTThat was a real question. If you don't see the question: You don't know the answer.16:25
naccIrritiable|LT: you asked a poll, which is not a support question for this channel.16:25
nicomachusIrritiable|LT: That wasn't a real question.16:25
nicomachusI'm familiar with IPv6! Problem solved! NEXT16:26
naccnicomachus: i'm seeing if you can force dpkg to ignore the prerm failure16:26
Irritiable|LTAre you familiar with Netgear / Nighthawk series, nicomachus?16:26
Irritiable|LT"Fixed" isn't exactly a protocol. Support pages don't explain anything but how to navigate to IPv6.16:26
nicomachusIrritiable|LT: no, I already answered your question.16:26
Irritiable|LTCorrect. Now there is a following question, since you allegedly knew the first.16:26
nicomachusIrritiable|LT: and I haven't seen you mention Ubuntu once, which means you're in the wrong channel.16:26
Irritiable|LTThat's how this works.16:26
nicomachusIrritiable|LT: /join ##networking16:27
Irritiable|LTnicomachus: If you cannot set up a router: What am I going to set up on Ubuntu? Nothing?16:27
naccnicomachus: i think you could try to force remove avahi-dnsconfd (i would --dry-run to make sure it doesn't break other packages) and then reinstall it?16:27
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
naccIrritiable|LT: router setup is not ontopic for this channel.16:27
Irritiable|LTYour logic leads into a path of: Disconnect from the internet and then what?16:27
Irritiable|LTnacc: I wish it were that simple.16:27
nicomachusnacc: what does the package do? just DNS?16:27
TempleOS_fanDisconnect from the internet and run over CIA ninjas with your car (they glow in the dark)16:27
Irritiable|LTYou see. There's hardware here and an OS and another piece of ROM software and hardware.16:27
naccIrritiable|LT: what is your ubuntu support question?16:28
nicomachusIrritiable|LT: set up your router, then come back here and ask your ubuntu questions.16:28
Irritiable|LTThey're really tightly knit together. Before someone says: "Oh! Just go to XYZ." I want to ensure you know what an X is.16:28
naccnicomachus: i believe that particular package passes dns server back to resolvconf for avahi16:28
Irritiable|LTHow does one enable a static IPv6 IP address on the intranet connecting to the router? Pretty sure it was asked earlier.16:28
Irritiable|LTnicomachus: If the router wasn't set up: How would I be here? LOL16:29
naccIrritiable|LT: what version of ubuntu?16:29
Irritiable|LTNetworkManager service provides IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack. Great.16:29
naccIrritiable|LT: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-ipv6-networking-configuration/16:29
Irritiable|LTI'm more accustomed to Windows, subnet masking and IPv4. Not IPv6.16:29
naccIrritiable|LT: there are probably many other examples16:29
Irritiable|LT"Prefix" in said GUI menu refers to the FE08 or the shorthand /64?16:30
Irritiable|LTSeeing as how that's router dependent: It seems you're back at square one16:30
naccIrritiable|LT: how what is router dependent?16:30
Irritiable|LTAnyone here familiar with IPv6?16:30
naccIrritiable|LT: are you saying you don't know how IPv6 addresses are written?16:30
Irritiable|LTnacc: Very poorly: I have an idea.16:31
naccIrritiable|LT: in which case, ##networking, as nicomachus said16:31
Irritiable|LTOkay, thank you.16:31
naccIrritiable|LT: just like configuring IPv4 statically, the presumption is you know what static address you want to use in any configuration environment.16:31
nicomachusnacc: well I added myself to that bug report, so I'll follow there. This device IS my DNS for my home network, so rather critical for me. :D16:34
naccnicomachus: right, but you should be able to purge and reinstall the package, I think16:34
nicomachuslet's see16:34
naccnicomachus: but again, not sure you want to :) i'd check what the package fixes or wait till it updates16:34
naccs/it/the bug/16:34
lotuspsychjenicomachus: did you try dpkg -P ?16:34
nicomachuslotuspsychje: what does the -P flag to?16:35
naccsince the prerm fails, you'll need to probably pass some --force option16:35
naccnicomachus: purge16:35
nicomachuslooks like a simple purge of the avahi-dnsconfd package would also remove ubuntu-mate-core* which seems a bit excessive.16:35
naccnicomachus: ah ok, that's what i wasn't sure about -- there are no reverse-dependencies in 18.04, but i don't haver a 16.04 handy16:36
lotuspsychjenicomachus: found this too, not sure how they solved https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/apt-upgrade-and-apt-get-clean-broken/16276/1816:37
nicomachusglad I did a --dry-run. :)16:37
naccnicomachus: yeah that's why i suggested that, good practice whenever purging/removing manually (-s to apt)16:37
nicomachuswell, I guess I'm waiting for a fix then. Thanks fellas.16:40
naccnicomachus: any chance you can run the prerm in bash -x ?16:41
psypriest  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022121/ubuntu-16-04-no-ethernet-cable-and-system-not-detecting-wifi-paired-with-low have access to ether net cable now what do i do16:41
nicomachusnacc: sure16:41
psypriestwhat commands?16:41
naccnicomachus: it should be in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ iirc16:41
naccnicomachus: and pastebin what is actually failing16:42
nicomachusnacc: yep I see it there. so just 'bash -x avahi-dnsconfd.postrm'?16:42
nicomachuserr prerm not postrm16:43
naccnicomachus: yeah, i think so (prerm, for sure) ... it will run, but in theory it already has16:43
nicomachusdpkg-maintscript-helper: error: maintainer script parameters are missing16:43
naccnicomachus: ah bah, it needs to be invoked properly16:44
naccnicomachus: (if i had to guess), from dpkg16:44
naccnicomachus: so i'd leave it for now, i'll see if i can look later16:44
nicomachusfull: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wf2n8Qdfr9/16:44
tomany other ubuntu users out there.16:44
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nicomachustom: everyone here.16:44
naccGuest57550: do you have an ubuntu support question?16:46
lotuspsychjenicomachus: perhaps ppa's creating this error?16:48
nicomachusnickware-idle: no PPAs on that device.16:51
nicomachusuhh... lotuspsychje ^16:51
nicomachusnot sure how I got nickware-idle, sorry bro16:52
lotuspsychjenicomachus: kk16:53
nicomachusit's pretty bare-bones. pi-hole and some media applications and that's about it.16:54
ericuson a fan with RPM control, black is ground, red would be 12v and yellow would be for fan controller, right?16:54
naccericus: you may want ##hardware16:55
ericusquick google search showed me the answer16:57
OerHekstacho speed, yes16:57
BlaQMagiKIrritiable|LT: Ok, can you possibly help me with the apache issue?16:57
xerox123should I be concerned about this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DHH4k2wDPP/17:00
psypriestRegarding this issue:        https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022121/ubuntu-16-04-no-ethernet-cable-and-system-not-detecting-wifi-paired-with-low  I have access to ether net cable now,  Can I please get a pastebin of what to do?17:01
OerHeksline 16: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays.  ..17:01
naccOerHeks: that's not the error17:02
naccOerHeks: line 1817:02
naccthat's not an ubuntu kernel / headers17:02
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nicomachuswhy the double //17:03
xerox123I don't know17:03
naccOerHeks: err, sorry, it is an ubuntu pacakge, did't realize17:04
nicomachusxerox123: are you on raspbian?17:04
xerox123ubuntu for raspberry pi17:04
naccxerox123: however, your package is ... 77 versions behind the current one?17:04
nicomachusxerox123: just curious because this is the EXACT same error and it's someone trying to hold both raspbian and debian packages: https://github.com/ev3dev/ev3dev/issues/38617:05
BlaQMagiKhello, when trying to start apache i get the error "Invalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"17:05
BlaQMagiKcan someone help please?17:05
naccBlaQMagiK: do you have mod-perl2 installed?17:06
naccBlaQMagiK: libapache2-mod-perl217:06
xerox123could it have something to do with this, nicomachus? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nccsdjCgjf/17:06
naccxerox123: yes, you're holding an old package, and running an old kernel, afaict17:06
BlaQMagiKnacc: installing now17:06
xerox123let me update it, Ill get back to you once it's done and I try upgrade again17:07
naccBlaQMagiK: so ... PEBKAC :) can't really use perl with apache2 without ... enabling perl with apache2 :)17:07
nicomachusxerox123: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'17:07
BlaQMagiKnacc: sorry im not a super good person with ubuntu, trying to learn. Here is my next error "PerlRequire directive not allowed in a <Directory> block"17:08
naccBlaQMagiK: you may want to ask the apache channel, for that17:08
naccBlaQMagiK: or read the apache docs17:08
BlaQMagiKnacc: apache channel?17:08
nacc!alis | BlaQMagiK17:09
ubottuBlaQMagiK: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:09
xerox123nicomachus: same error as the first pastebin I pasted17:12
nicomachusxerox123: and what does uname -r show now?17:13
nicomachusxerox123: that didn't update then.17:13
nicomachusxerox123: what release is this? what does lsb_release -a show?17:14
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nicomachusI wonder if this is one of the RPI releases that requires 'rpi-update' to update the kernel17:16
xerox123no such command17:16
xerox123also, isnt that for bleeding edge kernels?17:17
nicomachusdid you reboot after that previous update?17:21
nicomachusoh. well do that. new kernels don't take effect until after a reboot.17:22
akemHey, i ask here cause ##linux is registred only: I want to test full system backup with tar, so i need to experiment/test backup/restore, any idea what small Linux distrib could i use? - it needs an installer, so i can't go Damn Small Linux for ex...17:26
akemI wanna test on Virtualbox.17:27
nicomachusakem: register your account and then ask in ##linux17:27
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nicomachusor use lubuntu17:27
akemnicomachus, i guess i could register...i don't know why they set this channel mode.17:28
nicomachusbecause they don't want a bunch of noobs or spammers clogging the channel.17:28
BugzBunnyakem: You here on #ubuntu to ask about ##linux?17:29
xerox123made a backup of some important things, restarting now17:30
akemBugzBunny, I'm on ##linux too but i can't speak of course. I don't like to have to register...but don't worry i do ask about Ubuntu related here AND i try to help about it when i can.17:31
BugzBunnyakem: Next, try #freenode17:32
BugzBunnyakem: next time*17:32
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
BugzBunnyBest place to ask questions like that17:32
BlaQMagiKhello, can someone tell me what this error is about "Cache::FastMmap does not support threads sorry at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2/Cache/FastMmap.pm line 1323"17:33
xerox123nicomachus: uname -r still shows the old kernel17:33
xerox123and the same apt-get upgrade error persists...17:35
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psypriestRegarding this issue:        https://askubuntu.com/questions/1022121/ubuntu-16-04-no-ethernet-cable-and-system-not-detecting-wifi-paired-with-low  I have access to ether net cable now,  Can I please get a pastebin of what to do?17:37
ioriapsypriest, can you paste  inxi -Fxxprzc0   ?17:44
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Sven_vBwhen using xfce, do I have to rely on xfce-specific tools (xflock4) to lock my screen?18:05
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pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, not necassarily, though it's certainly a lot easier to use the tools that come with the desktop18:06
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, so what would be a good fallback mechanism to lock my screen when xflock4 failed?18:06
SlidingHornSven_vB, You can choose your own locker, I believe.  Take a look at man xautolock18:07
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, I would investigate why XFLock failed to work18:07
Sven_vBI've tried that, but I couldn't find any error message except its exit status 118:08
SlidingHornSven_vB, I'd agree w/ pragmaticenigma though - It'd make sense to look into why xfloock didn't work18:08
Sven_vBI asked in #xfce already but I'll gladly accept your help as well :D18:08
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, My only concern with just replacing it, is there might be another contributing factor that caused to fail, which may carry to any new locker18:09
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, do you use any screensaver with the lock?18:09
Sven_vBusually xscreensaver, but that seems to not start up correctly sometimes.18:10
Sven_vBI'll check how I can make xscreensaver more verbose18:11
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, is xscreensaver set to just a blank screen or one of the millions of other savers?18:11
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, just black.18:11
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, that'd be strange for it to cause problems then. but xflock and xscreensaver do compliment each other. so one failing may affect the other18:12
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB, what about just locking the desktop manually... is there any issues there?18:12
boblamontTrying to install BUTT (Broadcast Using This Tool) in Lubuntu 17.10 (64). I've installed the latest PortAudio lib (19.something) from Synaptic. Getting some portaudio related errors in make. I posted the terminal log for config and make here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FZYTNYMBgV/18:13
Sven_vBdunno, how do I lock it maually, other than running xflock4?18:13
nicomachusWindows key + L18:13
Sven_vBmy xfce keyboard settings do map Super+L to xflock418:13
Sven_vBthere's no effect when I press those keys so I assume it fails there as well18:14
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Sven_vBxautolock seems to be just an activity monitor. it mentions xlock so I'll look at that.18:19
Sven_vB"No manual entry for xlock", "No current or candidate version found for xlock" :(18:20
PlainDaveIs "cat /etc/*-release" the best terminal command for upgrading to the newest LTS?18:20
Sven_vBPlainDave, that just shows some info, doesn't upgrade anything.18:21
Sven_vBat least it shouldn't. :D18:21
PlainDaveOooops, I meant "sudo do-release-upgrade"18:21
SlidingHornPlainDave, when the new LTS is officially released, yes.18:22
PlainDaveOkay, thanks18:22
Sven_vBI found an xlock man page for Ubuntu precise, but it doesn't seem to be in trusty.18:24
Sven_vBI could try disabling all screens with xrandr, then floating all mice and keyboards with xinput. however, if my USB auth token fails, I won't have the option to type my password as a fallback. :/18:26
=== Tom is now known as Guest66798
Sven_vBthere seems to be some other feature active that blanks my screen after a while. I'll try disable that first so I can more reliably tell whether xscreensaver might have started.18:29
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: did you add xscreensaver to startup items with an option?18:30
boblamontI just looked at line 434 in the Makefile.. in my text editor, that's a blank line, but around there it starts being about cscopelist18:32
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, nope, I have another way to start it, but I'll clean that up a bit before I show you.18:33
lotuspsychje!compile | boblamont can this help?18:34
ubottuboblamont can this help?: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall18:34
Sven_vBmeanwhile if someone has an idea how I could lock my screen without relying on xscreensaver, please tell me.18:34
lotuspsychjeboblamont: we also suggest searching the official ubuntu repos first before you compile something18:35
boblamontI did, Butt doesn't seem to be there.. there used to be a repo with a deb, but it's several versions/years behind now18:35
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: have you tried in #xubuntu?18:35
lotuspsychjeboblamont: whats the package mate?18:36
boblamontIt's Butt (Broadcast Using This Tool)... it looks like it's having a problem with port_audio. Supposedly it needs version 19, which is what was I installed with Synaptic. I stuck the terminal output in this pastebin https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FZYTNYMBgV/18:37
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lotuspsychjeboblamont: perhaps the git page, or find a more decent ubuntu alternative for butt?18:42
lotuspsychjeboblamont: tons of streaming packages out there18:42
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, nope, thanks for the idea! I'll try there later if we run out of ideas here.18:43
TJ-bboles: the problem is in the butt-0.1.16/port-audio.cpp  - it's changing the type declaration18:43
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boblamontI like that it has a gui with a vu meter... I haven't found another one that does that... good for quickly checking that it's getting the audio18:44
lotuspsychje!info tunapie | boblamont interesting?18:44
ubottuboblamont interesting?: tunapie (source: tunapie): Lists audio and video streams from Shoutcast and Icecast. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.19-1 (artful), package size 33 kB, installed size 203 kB18:44
boblamontI need an icecast source, tunapie looks like it just does playback. I could use darkice, but I'd like the gui vu meter to verify it's getting the source audio... not completely necessary, but useful18:47
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: re-ask your issue in the channel once in a while, all in one line so other joined volunteers can help18:47
lotuspsychjeboblamont: i see, some pages show there's a butt .deb, try that one instead of compile?18:47
netcrashHello, Is the 18.04 release ons schedule ?18:49
lotuspsychje!schedule | netcrash18:49
boblamontit's a few years older, I was worried it might not want to install on a newer system18:49
lotuspsychje!bionic | netcrash18:49
ubottunetcrash: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+118:49
lotuspsychjenetcrash: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule18:50
lotuspsychjeboblamont: this one seems to have VU meter aswell: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jortegasound/?source=directory18:52
boblamontI just checked the changelog, I was hoping for AAC+ compatibility, that came after the version in the deb package (of course)18:53
lotuspsychjeboblamont: unactive project? this is why i would seek further18:54
R13oseTJ-: the problem is back19:00
TJ-R13ose: does it happen when it's running on battery, on AC, or both?19:01
R13oseTJ-: both19:02
boblamontThe deb packaging for butt is inactive, the source is updated regularly (the latest in September). I looked at the JSound project page, it doesn't look like it'll work as a source client, but in the search results bringing it up, I found a thing called Nautic Radio Broadcast Console that says it's a darkice frontend that has a VU, so that might work.19:03
lotuspsychjeboblamont: aha, hope you find a more recent project mate19:04
boblamontTJ-: is there a way I can stop port-audio.cpp from changing the type declaration?19:04
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TJ-the error indicates it's declaring  const float * data_in when it shouldn't be a const19:10
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JPSmanSo, lets say I want to use the new DNS server.  How can I set my 16.04 to use that DNS exclusively, and how can I verify that I am using it?19:12
pragmaticenigmaJPSman, You can set it via Network Manager19:13
JimBuntuJPSman, Depending on your netwqork manager... you can go into the connection, edit it and include the, servers in the "Additional DNS servers" text box... my understanding is that it should default to those first.19:14
JPSmanpragmaticenigma, JimBuntu, Network Manager?19:15
JimBuntuAre you using a desktop environment (GUI) or at the command line?19:15
JimBuntuJPSman, ^^19:16
JPSmanWhy not both?19:16
JPSmanthe DE i'm using is gnome flashback19:16
JPSmanI'd like to learn both19:16
pragmaticenigmaJPSman, https://askubuntu.com/a/232519:16
JimBuntusomething like `nmcli device show enp3s0 | grep -i DNS`to see what's set after you make the changes19:17
JimBuntuYou could watch your network traffic with something such as `iftop` to see if requests are going out to the expected IPs19:17
JPSmanJimBuntu, hmmm, iftop shows the 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com, but nmcli device show shows something else for my DNS[1] & [2]19:21
frdn_hi there, someone please help. I'd upgrade ubuntu 16.04 with apt-get upgrade and then restarted. but after that no more desktop, or startx19:21
Bashing-omfrdn_: At the login screen key combo crl+alt+F2 .. can you log into the system here ?19:23
frdn_Bashing-om yes I'm on it19:23
JimBuntuJPSman, can yuo pastebin the command and results from asking nmcli ?19:24
JimBuntuJPSman, remember that DNS[1] is possibly your router19:25
Bashing-omfrdn_: K; let's see about the graphic's driver ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .19:25
frdn_Bashing-om thks http://termbin.com/9s1c19:28
Bashing-omfrdn_: Gimme a bit to set up and check ( new install ) .19:29
JPSmanJimBuntu, I'd rather not post my "nmcli device show" info - I'd heavily redact it anyway - but the IP4.DNS[1] and IP4.DNS[2] point to OpenDNS IP's.   ALSO - I went to zombo.com and iftop shows that its still routing to rezolver.openDNS.com soooooooo still not using
frdn_Bashing-om k19:30
JimBuntuJPSman, does `nmcli device show enp3s0 | grep -i DNS` show anything more than IP4.DNS[1] and [2]?19:31
JimBuntuJPSman, how did you wind up setting your DNS? Do you have admin to the router... and is that where OpenDNS is configured? If so, change it there.19:31
Bashing-omfrdn_: verified we want the 340 driver . show what is installed ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .19:33
JPSmanJimBuntu, "yes" only i'm using wireless (so no enp3s0) and not grep -- also no I am on a public router.19:33
JimBuntuJPSman, yes, I probably should have used <interface> to make it clear that it could be a different interface in your case19:34
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JimBuntuJPSman, so, how did you end up configuring your DNS? I'm guessing you used one of the options from the link that pragma posted, don't know which one19:35
JPSmanJimBuntu, I used that askubuntu link19:35
JPSmanJimBuntu, which is just adding it to the edit connections on my wifi icon.19:36
frdn_Bashing-om yes it is 34019:36
JimBuntuJPSman, you may want to double check it, and make sure you updated the IPv4 and IPv6 (if needed)19:37
ioriafrdn_, he asked you    dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | nc termbin.com 999919:38
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frdn_ioria k19:38
frdn_Bashing-om http://termbin.com/kxw819:40
TJ-boblamont: are you still there, and want to build butt?19:40
Bashing-omfrdn_: Looks good and no conflicts . next us os if "you" are authorized to access the desktop . show ' ls -al .ICEauthority .Xauthority ' .19:42
frdn_Bashing-om k19:42
frdn_Bashing-om ls: cannot access ".ICEauthority.Xauthority" :No such file or directory19:45
TJ-frdn_: you missed a space between the 2 filenames19:45
frdn_TJ- k19:46
frdn_Bashing-om both -rw------- 119:47
naccnicomachus: do you still have that problem instance (avahi-dnsconfd)?19:47
Bashing-omfrdn_: But ... who owns them ???19:47
nicomachusnacc: did you fix it??19:47
naccnicomachus: i have a request, as i'm actually not able to reproduce it19:48
frdn_Bashing-om my user fredn19:48
nicomachusnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/d9DM8pRHRd/19:48
Bashing-omfrdn_: K; .. What envirinment ? unity ? or other ?19:48
naccnicomachus: can you run it again (bash -x) but pass 'upgrade 0.6.32~rc+dfsg-1ubuntu2.1' as options19:49
nicomachusit's fixed though19:49
naccnicomachus: i wonder if apt is smart?19:49
frdn_Bashing unity19:49
nicomachusnacc: see line 18. that failed previously.19:49
naccnicomachus: i didn't think it tried the new one at all?19:49
naccnicomachus: i don't recall those messages, at least19:49
ioriafrdn_, uname -r19:49
nicomachusnacc: here's the old one, see line 34: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wBwJtjzN4R/19:50
Bashing-omfrdn_: unity is not my strong suit .. but I am aware of a few things we can try to restore ... OR we can take a sledge hammer approach to restore the desktop . your call .19:50
frdn_Bashing-om k19:51
frdn_Bashing-om thks 4 your help I'm gonna re-install lol19:51
ioriafrdn_, first your kernel version:  uname -r19:52
Bashing-omfrdn_: we do need to know the kernel you are runnubg ^ . want to see if we can isolate the issue or sledge hammer approach ?19:52
naccnicomachus: oh! sorry i missed that completely :(19:53
frdn_guys I know, but right now I need finish a job and I don't have time, thks19:53
frdn_thks guys19:53
Bashing-omfrdn_: K :) nucular solution always works .19:54
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ntdanyone present with the ear of the kernel team? upcoming 4.15 has a few shortcomings as of yet20:03
naccntd: #ubuntu-kernel ?20:03
d1str0If I'm running 16.04 Server for a non-critical service, is it unsafe to do automatic updates? I'd like as much up time as possible but restarts are fine as long as nothing breaks.20:04
d1str0Is there a good way to keep track of potentially breaking updates via some sort of news bulletin?20:04
nicomachusd1str0: on an LTS release like 16.04 you aren't going to get broken packages just from updating.20:12
nacchopefully, nicomachus :)20:12
myepmy ubuntu 16.04 LTS system is at 116.15 load. this appears to be running "/usr/lib/sysstat/sadc -F -L -S DISK 1 1 /var/log/sysstat" a lot, any ideas?20:13
d1str0@nicomachus makes sense. Especially since it's a non-mission critical server I'm not too worried. Is it best to use a package like "unattended-upgrades" or a cron job?20:14
Bashing-omd1str0: Unattended-updates is triggered by a daily cronjob: /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat .20:15
d1str0I suspected that might have been the case^ :P20:15
black_13how do configure a nic card to have a private static private address20:18
d1str0Now for an extremely nooby question, why do some config files have numbers prefixing them? like, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20automatic-upgrades for example?20:18
naccd1str0: so they are processed in a fixed order20:18
d1str0@nacc neat. Makes sense.20:18
myep@d1str0 i believe that has to do with the order like runlevels20:18
naccmyep: those particular prefixes have nothing to do with runlevels20:19
naccNicolas: do you have an ubuntu support question?20:19
NicolasI believe my Ubuntu 16.04 system is being hacked20:19
naccNicolas: why do you believe that?20:19
NicolasI can't access my main user20:20
NicolasCan any of you help?20:20
naccNicolas: what do you mean by 'access'?20:20
Nicolaslog in20:20
naccNicolas: how are you trying to login? desktop login greeter? ssh?20:21
NicolasI'm using my god damn password but nothing happens20:21
d1str0Wrong password message, or nothing?20:21
naccNicolas: please watch your language20:21
naccNicolas: 'nothing happens' -- you don't get a message saying incorrect password?20:21
NicolasIt just plays the same audio and shows no "Wrong password" message20:22
zanshinNicolas: Caps lock key?20:23
TJ-And NumLock key too!20:23
NicolasIf I used caps it would've said "Wrong password" or something20:23
TJ-Nicolas: are you saying the password is accepted, you hear the login sound, then it returns to the login dialog?20:23
myepcan someone help me figure out why my machine is at 116.75 load and climbing? i have found an unexpected process, and idk if its a bug, a hack, etc20:24
bemoNicolas: is this your own machine, or a shared machine?20:24
NicolasYes, Exactly that20:24
NicolasOnly I use it20:24
NicolasIt is personal.20:24
bemoNicolas: silly question, but... have you tried to reboot it to make sure it continues to misbehave?20:24
zanshinmyep: What process?20:24
NicolasThe reboot is what caused this in the first place20:25
myepaprox 111 crons that i think are kicking off " /usr/lib/sysstat/sadc -F -L -S DISK 1 1 /var/log/sysstat"20:25
NicolasMy computer crashed and when I reset I couldn't login20:25
kostkonmyep, 111 cron jobs?20:26
bemoNicolas: can you try to go to a virtual terminal and log in?  (e.g., something like   <ctrl><alt><f1>)20:26
bemoNicolas: (to try to isolate whether it's a UI problem or an actual authentication issue)20:26
NicolasYou mean go to the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and do what?20:26
myepkostkon: /sbin/CRON -F, /bin/sh -c command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1, and /usr/lib/sysstat/sadc -F -L -S DISK 1 1 /var/log/sysstat20:27
bemoyes, go to a text-only terminal and try to log in   (possibly "alt+f1" or "ctrl+alt+f1")20:27
kostkon!find sysstat20:28
bemo(btw, *not* ctrl+alt+t  -- that's a hot-key in your window manager, I believe)20:28
ubottuFound: sysstat, libsysstat-qt5-0, libsysstat-qt5-0-dev, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 275 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sysstat&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all20:28
TJ-Nicolas: can you get to a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F2 then login, then do "ls -l .Xauthority .ICEauthority" and tell us the owner of the files20:29
bemoNicolas: and technically, I should be calling them virtual consoles20:30
kostkonmyep, http://sebastien.godard.pagesperso-orange.fr/20:30
bemoNicolas: http://www.computerbeginnersguides.com/blog/2014/04/16/use-virtual-consoles-in-ubuntu-14-04/20:30
niranjanTrying to figure out where outgoing http connections are blocked. All other 16.04 boxes except one box is able to connect to outside urls such as http://www.whatsmyip.org/. They are all behind same router/firewall. https works fine.20:30
mingdaoI might have a Nvidia driver problem.20:31
TJ-niranjan: does it work using IP addresses instead of hostnames?20:31
myepkostkon: i have come across that site. But I guess my question is: why is this happening? 118.08 load and climbing is NOT normal20:31
mingdaoHow do I see which version is presently installed, and which was the previous?20:31
niranjan@tj - nope. DNS is working fine. If I do wget, it prints the ipaddress, but does not go anywhere. http://www.whatsmyip.org/ does not work, but https://www.whatsmyip.org/ works20:32
myepkostkon: to clarify i do not mean im at 1.18 load, i am at 118.0 load20:33
TJ-niranjan: have you checked for firewall rules? "sudo iptables -S"20:33
kostkonmyep, no idea you could check its log  /var/log/sysstat  see if it is being invoked too often20:34
Nicolasokay i used the visual terminal20:34
Nicolasstill nothing20:34
kostkonmyep, if you really have no need for it you could uninstall it20:35
niranjanTJ: Does not list anything. I get three lines with -P input accept etc20:35
Nicolasi am now sure that my computer is hacked20:35
zanshinNicolas: Do you know what caused the crash?20:36
kostkonmyep, there's also the question of how it got installed in the first place20:36
zanshinI.e., did you install something new or change something?20:36
NicolasI don't know Google Chrome just went crazy20:36
TJ-niranjan: next thing I'd do is monitor the outgoing interface to see if the connection request is getting out but the reply is not returning20:36
NicolasI couldn't even move my mouse20:37
zanshinNicolas: Do you have any account on that machine that you can log in with?20:37
TJ-niranjan: "sudo tcpdump -n tcp port 80"20:37
NicolasYes I am using it right now20:37
NicolasIt is not my main account20:37
zanshinCan you run the ls command the TJ- suggested?20:37
NicolasIt has none of my main account's data20:37
zanshinls -l .Xauthority .ICEauthority20:38
Nicolasi've tested logging in with a completely false password and that's when i got the "false password" message20:38
myepkostkon: that is also what i am wondering. I have not installed anything in a long time, but i do daily updates20:38
niranjanTJ: prints messages similar to 13:38:43.432461 IP > Flags [S], seq 3873378406, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 3800808836 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 020:39
TJ-Nicolas: does the user you're currently logged in as have sudo privileges?20:39
zanshinIt maybe that something in your primary account is hosed up. Determining the owner of those two files may help.20:39
Nicolasyes i've added them today20:39
TJ-niranjan: so the request ">" is transmitted, but no replies "<" ?20:39
Nicolasto this user20:39
Nicolasbut im a newbie with linux20:39
niranjantj: No "<"20:40
Nicolas6 months ago i thought it worked like windows20:40
TJ-Nicolas: what is the name of the broken user ?20:40
Nicolasyou'll laugh20:40
niranjantj: let me trying doing it with port 443 too20:40
TJ-niranjan: I think your gateway/router is at fault20:40
Nicolasi was in the dark side of the web20:41
Nicolasdownloading *illegal* torrents20:41
kostkonmyep, cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep -i sysstat   anything in there?20:41
TJ-Nicolas: OK, what does this report: "sudo ls -a /home/Nicolas/.{X,ICE}authority "20:41
niranjanTJ: Ya, that's what I'm suspecting. I'll double check the settings. Confused because all other boxes are working fine. Only one box is giving trouble and only for http.20:41
TJ-niranjan: some firewall rule on the router?20:42
Nicolasls: cannot access '/home/Nicolas/.Xauthority': No such file or directory20:42
Nicolasls: cannot access '/home/Nicolas/.ICEauthority': No such file or directory20:42
TJ-Nicolas: maybe the name is using lower case? "nicolas" not "Nicolas" ?20:42
niranjanTJ: trying to find out. I don't think we have any specific rules, but need to weed through all the rules and find out. Give me sometime to dig through the rules20:43
Nicolasill try that out20:43
myepkostkon: negative on your last. I found this in /etc/cron.d/sysstat = "5-55/10 * * * * root command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1"20:43
TJ-niranjan: it sounds like it'd be specific to port 80. Does the LAN have a transparent HTTP proxy maybe?20:43
TJ-niranjan: or are HTTP_PROXY variables set for the PC/user/browser ?20:44
myepkostcon: so thats the origin, but i dont know why it seems to be a runaway train20:44
Nicolasive tried using it with lower case and with 'nick' and this is what i receive20:44
TJ-Nicolas: OK, list the directories to identify the correct one: "sudo ls /home/"20:44
Nicolaswhat th20:45
zanshinmyep: That cron runs "At every 10th minute from 5 through 55" (crontab.guru)20:45
niranjanTJ: Nope and Nope. Let me see if router configuration is screwed up somewhere20:45
NicolasI just receive: /home/nick/.ICEauthority  /home/nick/.Xauthority20:45
TJ-Nicolas: OK, so the username is 'nick'20:45
kostkonmyep, https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/amd64/sysstat/filelist  looks like it's something that comes with that package20:46
TJ-Nicolas: Now do this and tell us what it reports  "sudo ls -al /home/nick/.{X,ICE}authority "20:46
kostkonmyep, apt-get source sysstat   will verify this20:46
Nicolasokay that actually did something20:46
Nicolas-rw------- 1 root root 3436 Απρ   5 19:20 /home/nick/.ICEauthority20:46
Nicolas-rw------- 1 root root   67 Απρ   5 19:19 /home/nick/.Xauthority20:46
TJ-Nicolas: there's the problem! root owns your files20:46
nacclooks like someone did a gui operations as root :)20:47
survey0rhow did that happen? root owning those files??20:47
Nicolasi was triyng to get a vpn mask for free20:47
TJ-Nicolas: so fix it with "sudo chown -R nick:nick /home/nick/20:47
naccsurvey0r: running a GUI application without gksudo can do it sometime, logging in as root in a desktop env can do it, etc.20:47
Nicolasand i went into lots of stuffs20:47
naccsurvey0r: or a user doing what Nicolas is implying they did :)20:48
survey0rnacc, ty20:48
TJ-Nicolas: once you've done that you can log-in as 'nick' again20:48
Nicolasthe problem must be with visudo20:48
naccsurvey0r: it happens, and as TJ- knows, it's a common cause of this symptom20:48
NicolasOkay thanks20:48
Nicolasnext time ill be more careful of what im doing20:49
Nicolasand i wont change anything with root anymore like its a bloody toy20:49
TJ- Someone else said that this morning after they made the OS unbootable by removing /usr/bin and /usr/share - replaced them with skype!20:50
myepkostkon: when i run that source command, i get a git pull, a gpg failure, and "W: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file 'sysstat_11.2.0-1ubuntu0.2.dsc' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)"20:50
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Guest69205I pray at you20:50
bluefox83i just experienced an unexpected shutdown, only 20 minutes after an update that required a restart. how do i find out what caused the shutdown?20:53
kostkonmyep, you could try this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sysstat/sysstat_11.2.0-1ubuntu0.2.debian.tar.xz20:54
myepkostkon: I am more concerned if this is a bug / hack, I havent even booted as to preserve evidence. only me and my sysadmin have access to this machine, and neither of us have made changes20:57
kostkonmyep, that cron file is in the source package so i don't think it's a hack20:58
kostkonmyep, you've got to find out how and why you installed it and when i guess.20:59
myepkostcon: OK, so in my apt term log it seemed to only go back to april, i should have the full install history somewhere correct?21:00
zanshinmyep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListInstalledPackagesByDate21:01
myepkostkon: /var/log/dpkg.log.2:2014-12-08 06:25:44 install sysstat:amd64 <none> 10.2.0-121:03
kostkonmyep, a long time ago21:04
TJ-myep: did you install postgresql ?21:05
TJ-myep: take a look at "apt-cache rdepends sysstat" - those are all packages that depend on ssystat and will cause it to be installed21:05
myepTJ: yes i do run postgres21:07
TJ-myep: so that will likely be why sysstat got installed. At least here on 18.04 sysstat is a dependency of postgresql21:07
myepTJ: you are correct, it is a reverse dependency. but my question is what happend in the past few hours that made it take me to 122.0 load and climbing21:08
TJ-myep: when was the most recent package upgrade applied (I missed your earlier discussion so forgive me if I'm asking you to repeat yourself)21:09
myepTJ: I do updates everytime it asks me, is that different than upgrades21:10
TJ-myep: I try to use precise language, but Debian/Ubuntu fudge the words. Technically "apt 'update' " just fetches the latest package lists; you have to do "apt 'upgrade' " to install the newer packages.21:11
Sven_vBI managed to fix my screen lock problem by just keeping the original xscreensaver process from startup around, by changing my unlock script from "kill" to "kill -HUP".21:12
TJ-myep: can you pastebin the /var/log/apt/history.log file so we can scan the list of recently upgraded packages; we might be able to narrow down some upgrade that could cause this (I'm strongly thinking a kernel upgrade right now!)21:12
Sven_vBis there a way to change the window icon of a window by its window ID? (the one from wmctrl or xdotool)21:14
myepTJ: brace yourself, https://pastebin.com/8xPaFmB521:17
myepexpires 1hr21:17
TJ-myep: probably looks identical to mine!21:18
kostkonSven_vB, change the icon of a running app?21:20
Sven_vBkostkon, yes21:20
kostkonSven_vB, strange request but why21:20
Sven_vBkostkon, I'd like to make a script that runs in a terminal show its state in its task bar icon21:21
myepTJ: another side note: even though my load is 123.55 my 4 cores are at ~ 5% each, and memory is 4GB/16GB used21:26
Sven_vBmyep, maybe disks or network are busy21:26
TJ-myep: nice read :) The only thing I can see that might be related is that thermald was upgraded. As sysstat depends on libsensors it makes me wonder if it is collecting thermal stats. Does sysstat log in /var/log/ ?21:27
myepthe system is responsive and network and disk are almost 021:27
TJ-myep: the load is just the number of tasks in the runnable queue21:27
TJ-myep: does "top" or "ps -efly" indicate excessive numbers of process/threads related to sysstat ?21:28
gogetamyep, dont run the defult cancer of ubuntu to my load is mutch lower21:28
OerHekswatch your language, gogeta21:29
myepTJ: ps -efly | fgrep sysstat |wc -l = 122 all in D state21:30
TJ-myep: so doing some I/O21:31
gogetaOerHeks, i was talking the stock wm21:32
gogetaOerHeks, xfcw or budgie they both rock21:32
myepTJ: in my load monitor wait is 0-1%, disk r/w ~ 0.0kb21:32
myepTJ: my pstree shows ├─cron───121*[cron───sh───sadc]21:33
TJ-myep: could be sensors though21:33
myepso i have 121 of these cron / sysstat / sadc21:33
TJ-myep: that sounds more like the cron job keeps firing up another but the original got stuck so every other one is blocking21:34
TJ-myep: what frequency is the cron job?21:34
myepand the start range is april 4, and about every 10 min since 1030 today21:34
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TJ-myep: I'm guessing the cron job is a 10 minute interval then?21:35
myepTJ: yes, 5-55/10 * * * * root command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 121:35
TJ-myep: so it makes sense if 1 run gets stuck, every other run will get stuck21:35
myepi agree, but do i just boot an mark it up as sun spots, or some freak occurance?21:36
TJ-myep: can you identify the earliest of those stuck processes (timestamp) so we can correlate that time with entries in /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/syslog ?21:36
myepin syslog i see the earliest: Mar 29 07:45:01 myhostname CRON[6239]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)21:40
myepTJ: in my kern.log i see MANY stacktraces, but idk if it is related to this21:42
myepTJ: WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 1302 at /build/linux-W6HB68/linux-4.4.0/ubuntu/i915/intel_pm.c:3675 skl_update_other_pipe_wm+0x16c/0x180 [i915_bpo]()21:43
myepTJ: 190 of those "i915_bpo" stacktraces, but it maybe a red herring21:45
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myepTJ: so i inspected the process with strace and ofc its on "wait4(-1, "21:56
TJ-myep: sorry, I was away. Can you pastebin the kern.log ?22:06
myepTJ: yes. question: should lsof |wc -l finish in a reasonable time?22:06
TJ-myep: but if you've got kernel OOPs then that would very likely be the cause22:06
TJ-myep: it might hang if the kernel has a problem, probably blocked the same as the sysstat process22:06
andrejI'm running a headless machine with a iwl7200 adapter. What file do I need to manually tweak to make it prefer 5GHz over 2.4?22:06
TJ-andrej: depends on what software is managing the interface22:07
myepTJ: i can send the kern log, but there is only 3 entries for today, and its CIFS VFS timeout22:08
TJ-myep: It might be better to create a bug report for this, against the "linux" package, and attach the kern.log to it22:09
andrejTJ- - there's no network manager installed, the box, from my perspective, pulls its settings out of /etc/network/interfaces22:09
myepTJ: OK i think i see a trace that references sadc aka systems activity data collector22:09
myep INFO: task sadc:23187 blocked for more than 120 seconds.22:10
TJ-andrej: so the network is managed by ifupdown? I presume it's using wpa_supplicant to do the wifi side, so you'll need to look at how it integrates with ifupdown's interfaces file to see if there's an option to prefer a frequency22:10
andrejI had a look at /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf, but that looks more like a script that config22:10
andrejCheers TJ- ... I'll have a look at wpa_supplicant22:11
TJ-myep: sounds like you're getting closer, but the OOPs will be at the root of this... something has gone wrong, so it's blocked22:11
myepTJ: ok, what is the official bug protocol? can i start a program on my machine?22:12
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myepTJ: looks like $ ubuntu-bug sadc22:13
myepTJ: ok i think i found it, $ubuntu-bug sysstat  , thanks for the help22:16
myepover and out22:17
TJ-andrej: seems like the only documentation on valid values is in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz22:20
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Squarismare there any popular low power devices to run ubuntu as a music streamer?22:53
R13oseMy issue is so annoying22:54
andrejOK. So, I edited /etc/default/networking and added a line for frequency; that seems to be ignored on boot22:58
andrejadding it directly into /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools worked, but that seems wrong22:59
andrejwhere can I set that environment variable so it gets picked up by /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools22:59
BudgiiAnyone know that distro made for audio and graphic editing..23:00
brainwashandrej: tried /etc/environment yet?23:00
brainwashBudgii: Ubuntu Studio23:01
Kon-Is there anything particularly special about Ubuntu Studio aside from the low latency kernel?23:01
brainwashKon-: the set of applications23:02
Kon-Is there an easy way to get the low latency kernel working with other Ubuntu flavors?23:04
naccKon-: i believe you can just install it?23:04
Kon-Okay, I'll have to try it. I know someone on Antergos who switched to their low latency kernel and it broke things23:05
nvcvlvsthe error "system program problem detected"23:07
Siamaster_I use Ubuntu 17.10, Just recently it updated and I noticed my icons in the docker was gone23:18
Siamaster_so I restarted23:18
Siamaster_now it's I don't have graphics drivers23:18
Siamaster_I looked in "Ubuntu Software" and notice no driver was in used, I've tried switching both the latest and next latest NVIDIA23:19
Siamaster_nothing helps23:19
dh128let's say I want to release a compiled binary for multiple platforms, including Ubuntu 16.04, 17.10, and eventually 18.04. what's the best way to go about doing this? create a new chroot? let a custom ppa take care of it?23:39
siva_machinaI need some help. I got this when updating. https://pastebin.com/Nrknb9Lj23:46
naccdh128: PPA or snaps23:47
naccdh128: what language is your binary in?23:48
naccnicomachus: siva_machina hit the same thign you did :)23:48
naccsiva_machina: i believe if you run it again, it might work23:48
siva_machinaI ran it a few time and even reboot and tried again23:49
siva_machinaStill nope23:49
naccsiva_machina: not sure what nicomachus did to their system to get it to work, tbh23:49
dh128nacc, i'm using the dolphin emulator as a thought experiment, since it has a bunch of dependencies and can't be statically linked. mostly written in c++23:50
naccdh128: snap is probably easiest23:51
naccdh128: for varying definitions of easy, fwiw :)23:51
siva_machinaapparently my issue is with avahi-dnsconfd23:54

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