
FurretUberI've bought a controller (yay!) and I noticed that when I'm playing a game using it, the screen turns off because of the power settings, as if I was not pressing anything01:15
bluesabreFurretUber: yeah, controller input doesn't register as a power inhibiting event01:54
bluesabreUpdated release notes for final beta, https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/18.04/release-notes01:54
FurretUberAre there plans to correct https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13979 ?02:04
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13979 in General "Some application names are not localized in applications menu" [Normal,Needinfo]02:04
FurretUberFor 18.04 release02:09
bluesabreFurretUber: makes sense to. Not sure garcon has a current maintainer, but I might try to resolve it this weekend.02:09
bluesabreTidied up blueprints a bit02:14
bluesabrenighty all02:14
flocculantbluesabre: thanks :)03:53
flocculantUnit193: grabbed numlockx from -proposed - I assume the update should change the naughty line in 55numlockx? or do we need to do that seperately? 04:10
flocculantbecause if we don't 'need' to - I've got news for you :p04:10
flocculantthat said as I wake up - I think my assumption is wrong in the first place ... I now assume that's from one of our xubuntu-* things04:11
Unit19355numlockx is from numlockx.04:27
flocculantmmm perhaps it took a reboot then - now see else ... /usr/bin04:28
flocculantif I had a useful laptop I'd check :p04:28
flocculantvm showed change immediately so I guess I was half asleep04:51
flocculantali1234 bluesabre - re 'someone noticed it in debian in november' so that's around when I first noticed it and asked if anyone could reproduce ... really must ask these things in CAPSLOCK next time ;)05:01
flocculantbluesabre: last ping this morning for you - marked us ready05:05
willemhi all. I'll have time to do some more testing later today. Just wondering what the right strategy is: should I keep testing with the beta 2 ISO as I downloaded it yesterday? Or should I use zsync to keep it up to date?06:47
=== sorinello_ is now known as sorinello
knomewillem, unless there has been respins, the ISO is the same (that's the whole point of the freezes)07:32
willemI'm new to this, so bear with me: a respin is a new version/build of something? The final beta will be frozen for now? And if there is a respin of the beta that will be announced so that I can update my iso?07:51
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - i386 - i386 built.09:52
bluesabreflocculant: CAPSLOCK? Did you say something, that's all I was able to read. :D10:16
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.10:17
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
flocculantwillem: I marked final beta ready this morning - so no more required - and you only need zsync when a respin happens16:33
willemso, no worries then?16:34
flocculantnope - all good :)16:35
willemI'll resume testing the dailies again then, shall I?16:36
flocculantyou can have a rest now - the daily is effectively pointless now till tomorrow :)16:39
ali1234flocculant: i think laney just uploaded the fontconfig patch16:42
willemIs the number of "issues" found in the second beta more or less what you'd expect in this point of time?16:42
flocculantwillem: pretty much16:43
flocculantali1234: ack - just been looking in -desktop16:43
willemgood. I´ll be at the piano then... :-) Back tomorrow, end of the day I expect.16:46
flocculanthave a good time in between then :)(16:46
enycHumm, who shoul be IPv6-enabling the xubuntu services please?19:23
enyccanonical have IPv6-enabled on vairous fty anh otherwise, as well as their 91.189. etc [e.g. for www.xubuntu.org]19:23
enycthe wiki.xubuntu.org,  on linode, needs tohe server advin to turn on IPv6 with linode (NB: be careful of IPv6 forward-formimed reverse-DNS to avoid email trouble), and add AAAA-pointers there.19:23
flocculantknome pleia2 ^^19:23
pleia2yes, I'm very familiar with using IPv6 on Linode ;)19:24
pleia2we just haven't bothered since the migration from canonical, I can do it if there's interest19:25
pleia2the main blocker is that xubuntu.org can't have it (still Canonical-hosted) so I wasn't sure about enabling some of our resources, but not others19:26
enycpleia2:what!?!?!? caninical have IPv619:26
enycpleia2: e.g. ftp.ubuntu.com all dual stacked19:26
enycpleia2: you can definitely enabled separate services one at atime19:26
pleia2enyc: are you sure? the last time I asked they hadn't added IPv6 to the community servers19:27
knomeenyc, thing is we have root access to only certain subdomains.19:27
pleia2enyc: I know I can ;) I do know how to use computers19:27
enycpleia2: what you must NOT do is create (a) a broken AAAA-pointer (before service ready / consistent ipv6 address /firewall-rule etc working)   and (b) IPv6-enable a host without setting up forward-confirmed reverse-DNS  on the address  (assuming dost requires revers, which is very good practice and CRITICAL for getting emails out especially to gmail)19:27
knomepleia2, maybe we should create a new RT ticket and try?19:28
pleia2enyc: you're kind of insulting my intelligence at this point, maybe stop?19:28
enycplease try, though i wonder if its' best todo after 18.04 'released' ?19:28
knomeenyc, please, pleia2 doesn't need technical advice. as she describes, this is a social issue19:28
enycpleia2: knome asked about "wasn't sure about enabling some of our resources, but not others" hence giving reasonable answer19:29
pleia2as knome explains, this is a social thing, not a technical barrier19:29
knomeenyc, that refers to what i said; we have root acces to only some resources19:29
flocculantenyc: it's extremely doubtful this would even get looked at by the team before 18.04 is released - we've got a distro to release 19:29
flocculantI certainly won't have time to think about it19:29
enycflocculant: right yes, hence my point about best todo after 18.04 released19:30
knomeyes, but even if our team looked at it, it's likely that the canonical IS team will likely not do anything or even reply before release...19:30
flocculantthey've got a hugh queue I read elsewhere19:30
enycknome: right yes nthat makes snes, so make a project issue/diary/alarm/whatever to choose better time to requset it =)19:30
enycmain thing is your project aware of the issue =)19:31
pleia2yeah, it's something I've spoken to Canonical about before, and we do have the techincal expertise to address, it just hasn't gotten much attention of late19:31
enycMy organizization relevant IS team, simply needed telling about TLS1.0 limit on a key/core authentication system and they quickte quickly tested/fixed it to TLS1.2 enablement,  for example.19:31
knomeenyc, you could file a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website; no need for the technical details, just mention enabling ipv619:33
knomei wish all IS teams were as responsive as yours then, i guess19:33
knomeyou have to remember they are paid to provide services mostly for other people who are paid19:34
knomecommunity like xubuntu is just a thing they do in the side when they have time (not completely true, but it helps understand the situation we're in)19:34
flocculantthat is pretty much the case - just sometimes we manage to make some time19:37
knomewell i was about to say "or when there is enough pressure to make canonical look bad if they don't do anything" but i didn't want to be that aggressive...19:38
knomeand tbh, that's not correct either19:38
knomethere are things that happen very quickly....19:38
knome(even when they aren't critical to anybody by any means)19:38
knomethis is all mostly related to repeating processes though, but still19:39
knomeat least they've got something fixed :)19:39
knomeaiui, the IS team is also very overloaded with work19:40
knomebut enough of that.19:41
ondondilI just tested the beta iso instalation process. Would it be helpful if i submit the result here? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/388/builds/169633/testcases/1301/results19:44
knomeondondil, yes, yes and yes!19:44
knome(if you don't submit, it's next to useless)19:44
flocculantondondil: you have to - I closed the beta earlier today :)19:44
knomeoh :P19:44
knomeit was about versions19:45
* knome hides19:45
flocculantany and all reports of tests are welcome - and I even read the archived ones :)19:45
* flocculant can still see knome ...19:45
flocculantwillem: re did you by any chance look at systemctl status system-reboot.service? https://i.imgur.com/mUzRaIv.png19:47
akxwi-davegot a weird bug  to post for suspend on lid close for a laptop..  an old core2duo.. just need to check that its not the laptop first19:59
flocculantakxwi-dave: there has been talk in here for days about some lid close issue19:59
flocculantwhich has completely passed me by because - no lid ...19:59
akxwi-daveaye.. thats why I ran extra tests :-)20:00
TJ-akxwi-dave: I'm still working on it20:00
TJ-akxwi-dave: is it this? Bug #175995020:00
ubottubug 1759950 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Lid-close suspend: blank screen when switching to user session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175995020:00
akxwi-davenope this is really weird.. when i open it teh screen is all blue and when I move the mouse it sort of moves another bl;ue screen up and down screen20:02
akxwi-davehang on i'll video it20:02
TJ-akxwi-dave: does it happen if you switch away from the GUI tty before closing the lid?20:02
flocculantknome: if no-one turns up at meeting it's because the time link was wrong :p20:03
akxwi-davenot tried that20:03
knomeflocculant, haha20:03
flocculantI only noticed - because utc and uk summer confuses me till about October :D20:04
flocculantthen time=utc and I'm cool for another 6 months 20:04
ochosi!team | reminder: community meeting in roughly 2hrs20:05
ubottureminder: community meeting in roughly 2hrs: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19320:05
flocculantnot sure I'll be functioning still ochosi 20:05
knomeDST should not be used...20:05
ochosiflocculant: anything you wanna mention now so we can carry it to the meeting?20:05
flocculantI took both the links I had on there off - both look soon sorted20:05
ondondilokay, so I submitted a passed test result. I'm not entirely sure if I did it right but I hope that helps tho20:05
flocculantthank the new testers 20:05
pleia2ondondil: thanks \o/20:06
flocculantondondil: where did you post it?20:07
flocculantand thanks :)20:07
flocculantor are you seanmc ?20:07
ondondilhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/388/builds/169633/testcases/1301/results my nick there is imrahil20:08
akxwi-davewhere teh best place to post a video?20:08
flocculantondondil: thanks 20:08
akxwi-davelol.. (sod off mate.. 😃20:08
ochosiakxwi-dave: some ppl use youtube..? :)20:09
flocculantI often use streamable.com20:09
flocculantochosi: lol20:09
akxwi-daveI cnnt believe I forgot about yourtube20:10
flocculantwell you also forgot I'd likely say 'internet' ...20:10
knomeochosi, some people also use 4chan (:20:11
akxwi-davewhen reopen a second time the bug stops.20:12
flocculantI've seen that before20:12
flocculantobviously not the youtribe video20:13
flocculantnever seen The Photon Raiders though20:13
akxwi-daveahhh :-)  old gaming clanm I used to help run20:13
akxwi-daveThe laptop is a HP Compaq 6730b core2duo P8700 with intel 1625 video20:15
flocculantI think laptop isn't necessarily the issue - I've had that on desktop way back20:17
akxwi-davesorry Intel GMA 4500MHD   20:17
flocculantcouldn't reproduce though20:17
flocculantit used to just happen20:18
ochosibluesabre: i just found another small icon bug that needs fixing for 18.04 - can we do another xubuntu-artwork upload?20:26
flocculantwe can't keep changing the release note you know :p20:27
ochosiit's really just a bugfix ;)20:28
ochosi(and it's also unreported, so nothing to announce apart from: we have nicer icons!)20:28
* flocculant changes release note to 'Ochosi just keeps on finding icon issues'20:29
* flocculant goes looking for elusive elliptical circles20:29
knomei didn't know flocculant was so grumpy and against change that he didn't even allow fixes for bugs ;)20:33
flocculantochosi: sorry - can't stay awake for another 90 minutes - so I will read the logs in the morning.20:48
ochosisure thing20:48
ochosinighty flocculant 20:48
knomenighty flocculant 20:48
flocculantfinal beta is likely to be released late 'today' or tomorrow if you want to announce - but frankly I'd rather we didn't advertise milestones - will leave that decision to you20:48
flocculantas long as you make the right one :D20:49
flocculantquick shout to testers20:49
knomewould probably make sense to write down some policies on announcement stuff etc.20:49
flocculantmmm 20:49
knomethe release note/announcement differences too20:49
knomebut... later20:49
flocculantyea that for sure - should be different 20:49
knomethey have been too20:49
flocculantanyway - night all20:50
flocculantyea I know :)20:50
knomebut good to have stuff documented20:50
knomeand nighty :P20:50
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.7.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-7-2-released-tp50883.html (by Alex)21:38
krytarikLP #1685502 has just been reassigned btw.21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761606 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1685502 Two Wi-Fi network applets appear after logging back into live-usb Lubuntu 18.04 session." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176160621:57
ochosi!team | final reminder: meeting in <5min21:58
ubottufinal reminder: meeting in <5min: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19321:58
knomea very brief reminder;)21:58
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.6.15 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-6-15-released-tp50885.html (by Alexander Schwinn)21:58
bluesabreNice timing22:00
bluesabreEvening all22:00
ochosi#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting22:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  5 22:02:39 2018 UTC.  The chair is ochosi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.22:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick22:02
ochosi#chair ochosi knome bluesabre22:03
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre knome ochosi22:03
ochosihi everyone :)22:03
* bluesabre is wired in at a coffee shop22:03
bluesabrehi ochosi22:03
ochosienjoy that coffee!22:03
knomebluesabre, a coffee IV?22:03
bluesabreSomething like that22:04
ochosi#topic Open action items22:04
ochosiare there any..?22:04
ochosi(there aren't on the agenda, but then again)22:04
knomenot from meetings22:04
ochosisome coordination regarding social-media-ing of final beta testing..?22:04
ochosibut i presume that has been done22:06
ochosii noticed at least on the things i use22:06
knomeit's past that time, yes22:06
ochosiand this has been a fairly awesome cycle wrt new testers anyway22:06
knomei'm pretty sure pleia2 worked hard to get it done because this time i didn't do anything :)22:06
ochosiwell done pleia2 22:06
knomenot that i do anything else than twitter anyway... :P22:06
pleia2and thanks to flocculant for reminding me to do the things ;)22:06
ochosigood teamwork then (knome doing nothing, flocculant doing the reminding and pleia2 doing all the work)22:06
knomewell i didn't step on anybody's toes or tell them they did it wrong...!22:06
ochosianyway, if there are no open action items i'll move along22:06
knomeack from me22:07
bluesabrecarry on22:07
ochosi#topic Updates and Announcements22:07
ochosibtw, i forgot...22:07
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: TOPIC22:07
knomethere you go ;)22:07
ochosiwho's all here?22:07
ochosijd109: wanna introduce yourself?22:08
ochosior any other new faces?22:08
jd109what to say22:08
knome(those who haven't typed anything, just make any noise now)22:08
jd109How is everyone doing22:08
jd109I am one of the wallpaper submitters22:08
ochosiah cool22:08
ochosisubmitters or also winners?22:08
ochosi(great in any case!)22:08
jd109have the winners been announced?22:09
ochosii think so - knome ?22:09
pleia2no, but we've reached out to them22:09
ochosithat's what i meant22:09
jd109I have been keeping an eye out22:09
pleia2alas, if you haven't heard from us, you are not one of the finalists22:09
Unit193WHich one(s) did you submit?22:09
pleia2but the competition this time was fierce, we've never had so many high quality submissions22:09
pleia2it was hard deciding22:10
bluesabreYeah, it was pretty great22:10
jd109um quite a few22:10
jd109the arch22:10
jd109the opera house22:10
jd109the flowers in the tea house22:10
knome_webi hit some lag that might mean i need to use this webclient...22:10
jd109and sesto22:10
jd109just those 522:11
jd109yeah there were lots of good submissions22:12
ochosianyway, thanks for showing up and we're glad if you wanna stick around!22:12
knome_webdid i miss the #subtopic?22:12
ochosithere are lots of ways to contribute - not just wallpapers ;)22:12
jd109I agree I have been testing the latest iso too22:12
ochosiknome_web: not really, i didn't want to discuss the walls really, just have jd109 introduce himself22:12
knome_webaha, goodie :)22:12
ochosithat's great22:13
ochositesting helps a lot too22:13
knome_web(there i go!)22:13
ochosianyway, let's move the meetnig along a bit22:13
bluesabrejd109: the perspective on the arch one is really awesome btw :)22:13
ochosi#topic Updates and Announcements22:13
knomenot that.22:13
knomebut hello from here again...22:13
bluesabrehello again knome22:13
ochosi#subtopic Wallpaper contest results22:13
ochosiknome: you're on22:14
knomesince i'm going to post to our blog soon, no spoiling here, but:22:14
knome#info We have 6 winning wallpapers from 6 different contestants!22:14
knome#info We're still working with the contestants, but at least 5 of the winning submissions will be included in 4k resolution (woot!)22:15
* pleia2 has envelopes queued up to send them all stickers22:15
knome#info Blog will be updated soon with winners' names and winning submissions :)22:15
knomeyes, we also have the addresses for all winners so we're good to with our prizes as well!22:16
ochosido we want to make all contributions available somewhere on the website?22:16
knomethey are already available on the contests website :)22:16
ochosioh crap :D22:16
knomeand yes, we will link to that page and for now it shouldn't disappear22:16
* ochosi should better shut up22:17
knomedisclaimer: the 4k versions aren't available on the contests page22:17
ochosiyeah, that's fine though22:17
ochosias long as they are included in the release22:17
knomewe'll have to figure out if we want to make them available somewhere apart from the package and its bzr branch22:17
knomemostly a question of bandwidth usage i guess22:18
knomeand finally22:18
knome#info A huge thank you everybody for submitting! We had a total of 162 submissions compared to less than 100 last time. We have an awesome (and I hope a growing) community!22:18
jd109Thanks for running the contest! 22:19
pleia2yeah, it was really great22:19
knomeno problem!22:19
knomethat's all from me :)22:20
bluesabre(thanks to the team for getting your votes in a timely manner too)22:20
knomenext time we will make voting easier...22:21
knome(even easier than it was now)22:21
ochosialrighty, perfect22:21
ochosiany other topics for updates and announcements..?22:21
bluesabre#subtopic Release Schedule22:22
Unit193knome: I kept having to refresh the page for the indicator on each image to refresh after voting yay/nay.22:22
bluesabre#info Bionic Final Beta should be landing soon, today/tomorrow22:22
bluesabre#info Translations are due next week22:22
bluesabre#info Final Freeze is the 23rd22:23
knomethere shouldn't be much changed apart from the slideshow?22:23
bluesabre#info Final Freeze is the 26th22:23
knomei mean at least that will have time to land?22:23
bluesabreknome: yeah, will be doing a batch of translation updates this weekend probably22:23
bluesabreAnd bug fixes22:23
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO22:23
bluesabre#info Final Release is the 26th22:23
bluesabreContributors, come and get it :)22:24
bluesabreThat's it for dates22:24
knomepleia2, maybe a social media run for making people translate the slideshow?22:24
bluesabreone more22:24
bluesabre#info Release Candidate on the 19th22:25
pleia2knome: if we have some very clear instructions as to how to do this, we absolutely should22:25
ochosibluesabre: so i presume we can still get today's thunar release in?22:25
knomepleia2, we should be able to make it relatively brief...22:25
bluesabreochosi: pretty sure, yeah22:26
ochosibluesabre: plus i pushed two small icon fixes today that should also go in22:26
ochosi(small but not irrelevant)22:26
bluesabreochosi: will take a look and upload sometime in the next 36 hours22:26
ochosiawesome, thanks a bunch22:26
ochosianything else regarding the release schedule?22:27
ochosik, any other subtopics for "updates and announcements"?22:28
bluesabreNone from me22:28
knomei don't think - yet22:28
knomeeither on the last meeting of the cycle or first after22:28
ochosiUnit193, pleia2 ?22:28
Unit193ochosi: Hi!22:29
pleia2nothing from me22:29
knomeor the hiding krytarik 22:29
Unit193Well, there's the new thunar we should try and "slip" in.22:29
Unit193Oh, numlockx is fixed.22:29
ochosi@lurkers: rise from ye dwellings!22:29
ochosialright then22:30
ochosi#topic Discussion22:31
ochosi#subtopic Icon changes after UIF (ochosi)22:31
ochosiso i just briefly wanted to run something by you22:31
ochosithere have been a few changes in our icon theme's upstream (elementary) 22:31
ochosithey have started to rework the palette22:31
ochosiand you can see this already in bionic because i pulled in quite a few reworked icons22:32
ochosinow we have e.g. some inconsistent greens22:32
ochosileft is new, right is old22:33
ochosii could spend some more time updating these icons to the new green22:33
ochosibut we're past UIF22:33
ochosiso the main question is: does this qualify as bugfix?22:33
ochosior: would you even care enough for me to do the work and for us to push this?22:33
bluesabreI'd say... not really a bugfix. But the purpose of the freezes is to make sure we're not crunched for time with replacing screenshots and the like22:34
knomei don't think it's a bugfix, but i don't think the UIFe paperwork or getting the ack is too much work if we want this in22:34
knomeon another note: will this rework finish before the release?22:34
ochosiwell we're already in this semi-consistent state22:35
knomeor in other words, will we release with all-consistent icons even with the UIFe paperwork and uploading thingy?22:35
ochosiso there's really not much to lose22:35
ochosihard to say, it's a lot of icons22:35
knomeand to go even further: do we want to release an SRU?22:35
ochosieven if the work is repetitious and anyone could help, i doubt anybody apart from me will contribute22:35
bluesabreThat's the nature of these things :)22:36
ochosias we dont use the icons in screenshots in our docs i consider an SRU absolutely doable22:36
ochosibluesabre: the nature of icon updates is that i have to work on them alone..? :D22:36
bluesabreWhat sort of work load is involved? Surely it's more than search & replace?22:36
ochosiwell i have to open every icon and add a new gradient, replacing the old one22:37
ochosii doubt the svgs are consistent enough to be able to script this22:37
knomei didn't mean the SRU would be not doable even if we had screenshots or that22:37
ochosimost of them are in the actions/ subfolders though22:37
ali1234i would be willing to have a go at scripting if you can explain what needs to be done22:37
knomethe question is if we think that getting this consistency is important enough for an SRU on itself22:37
ochosi(and i already fixed a lot of icons already)22:38
ochosiali1234: that'd be awesome!22:38
knomebecause the SRU process is a different beast than an UIFe22:38
knomeand that said...22:38
ochosiknome: i know, my main target would be UIFe22:38
knomeif we think we will be doing an SRU, then don't sweat on the UIFe's now22:38
knomebut if we think we can get it all in by release, then for sure i vote for some more sweat for ochosi - and can do the UIFe paperwork22:38
bluesabreI think it'd be a nice to have.22:40
bluesabreThe difference isn't drastic, but any additional polish we can have is welcome22:40
knomedefinitely - we're kind of in a state where i'd rather go all way than leave the inconsistency there22:40
bluesabreIf we enter SRU territory, it gets painful22:40
ochosi(so the two current commits are in fact fixes of icons that were broken - we should get those in anyway)22:40
knomebluesabre, i vote for more polish only for the polish speaking users!22:40
ochosiok, so then i propose the following:22:41
ochosi1) bluesabre uploads the two commits that are bugfix as bugfix22:41
ochosi2) ochosi tries the scripted approach with ali1234 22:41
ochosi3) if 2) fails ochosi tries to update the icons manually (as many as possible)22:41
ochosi4) knome does the paperwork for UIFe22:41
jd109can I make a suggestion22:41
jd109if It is not stepping on toes22:41
ali1234how many icons are we talking about, approximately?22:41
jd109how about switch the greens on the new icons 22:42
knomeochosi, ack from me on that proposal22:42
jd109back to be consistent with all the others22:42
jd109it would be much less work22:42
ochosijd109: not really, the new greens outnumber the old ones by far22:42
jd109oh okay22:42
ochosiali1234: hmm, maybe 50?22:42
knome(and even if not, then we would be "outdated" for two years until the next LTS)22:43
ali123450 x 8 different sizes each or 50 total?22:43
knomepretty sure ×22:43
ochosi50 total22:43
bluesabreoh wow22:43
ochosix8 would include the symlinks22:43
bluesabreSeems obvious22:43
bluesabreLet's go for it :D22:43
ochosihey - i've done a lot of work already!22:43
ali1234i guess svg doesn't have different sizes22:43
knomeyes indeed, let's go for it22:43
ochosi>900 icon updates in this cycle22:43
bluesabrewith just one ochosi... we need more ochosis to be more productive22:44
knomeochosi, now the proposal with #action and we're good to go ;)22:44
ochosijust one more follow-up question22:44
ochosii can also clear out some other inconsistencies22:44
ochosiwhere icons look very different in different sizes22:44
ochosie.g. MS excel files look totally different in 128px22:45
knomeif the changes are trivial (eg. don't take a huge amount of time), go for it22:45
knomewe can bunch this all up as an "consistency" update22:45
ochosi128px: http://i.imgur.com/a01oBEf.png22:45
ochosi64px and below: http://i.imgur.com/gPuWqVn.png22:45
knomehah, yes22:46
ochosithat's really confusing and misleading22:46
ochosii just noticed it a short while ago22:46
ochosi(i obviously don't work with office files "enough")22:46
knomeyes, i'm all for fixing this as well while we are at it22:46
bluesabrehence your sanity22:46
bluesabreI agree22:46
bluesabreOne nice UIFe bug to cover it all22:47
ochosi#action bluesabre will push beaaf3f6f47fb1e80fb7821fe69b3513a707cfbe and 28120d05e011ec89412d33d7dc5897d7f6bcf8ee from elementary-xfce to xubuntu-artwork as bugfix22:47
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre will push beaaf3f6f47fb1e80fb7821fe69b3513a707cfbe and 28120d05e011ec89412d33d7dc5897d7f6bcf8ee from elementary-xfce to xubuntu-artwork as bugfix22:47
knomeand not even by a stretch, it really is one thing22:47
* bluesabre is prepared22:47
ochosi#action ochosi and ali1234 will try to script the gradient swap-out for most icons that need updating22:47
meetingologyACTION: ochosi and ali1234 will try to script the gradient swap-out for most icons that need updating22:47
ochosi#action ochosi will manually update whatever icons are left over from the script approach22:48
meetingologyACTION: ochosi will manually update whatever icons are left over from the script approach22:48
ochosi#action knome will file the UIFe paperwork once the branch is ready22:48
meetingologyACTION: knome will file the UIFe paperwork once the branch is ready22:48
ochosi#action bluesabre will again be doing the uploading honours22:48
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre will again be doing the uploading honours22:48
knomei'm filing the bug now that it's ready for subbing appropriate teams to it22:49
ochosiwhat's the latest point in time for getting the UIFe approved?22:49
bluesabreLots of xubuntu-artwork uploads in the next few days :)22:49
knomeochosi, as long as it happens before the release...22:49
ochosiyeah, but how many days before22:49
ochosii can't remember what was a realistic window22:49
knomei think we don't want to go into the final freeze territory22:49
bluesabreochosi: RC is the 19th, archive probably locked at that point22:50
ochosiso i have roughly 10 days22:50
ochosisounds do-able22:50
ochosithanks, we can move on to other discussion items (if there are any)22:50
* bluesabre believes in ochosi22:50
knomeyes, i have one22:50
ochosik go ahead22:50
bluesabreI need to relocate, bbiab22:51
knome#topic Discussion22:51
knome#subtopic 18.04 Community Wallpaper Contest Winners22:51
knomedone :)22:51
ochosiwell done22:52
ochosiany other discussion items?22:52
knomenot from me22:52
ochosi(we're slowly but surely running out of meeting time)22:52
ochosiok, if not...22:55
ochosi#topic Schedule next meeting22:55
ochosi#action Unit193 to schedule the next meeting22:56
meetingologyACTION: Unit193 to schedule the next meeting22:56
knomeiiiiit's Uniiiiiiiit193!22:56
pleia2thanks for chairing, ochosi 22:56
ochosithanks everyone for participating22:56
ochosihah, right in time for the wrap-up, bluesabre 22:56
knomethank you ochosi 22:56
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  5 22:56:59 2018 UTC.  22:56
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2018/xubuntu-devel.2018-04-05-22.02.moin.txt22:56
bluesabreThanks everybody!22:57
Unit193Dang, I'm awful at those.22:57
bluesabreThanks Unit193!22:57
pleia2knome: shall I social media the wallpaper post?22:57
Unit193What'd I do?22:57
knomepleia2, yes please22:57
knomebug 176162322:57
ubottubug 1761623 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Fix inconsistencies in the elementary-xfce icon theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176162322:57
knomeso that's there, ready for the process to roll22:58
bluesabreVery nice22:58
bluesabreGuess I have some work to do when I get home :)22:58
Unit193Testbuilt thunar.22:59
ochosiali1234: for the scripting, shall i start to describe the manual process..?23:00
ali1234okay so what am i looking at? i cloned elementary-xfce repo23:01
ochosiok, navigate to elementary-xfce/actions/2423:01
ali1234back.svg, bottom.svg look like the old green?23:01
ochosiopen edit-redo.svg, take the gradient from there and apply to go-bottom, go-down, ...23:02
ochositake the green from the path (the outline of the arrow from edit-redo.svg) and apply that too23:02
pleia2knome: how do we get the wallpaper winners blog post to the front of xubuntu.org ?23:02
ali1234okay. so this is just purely a colour change right?23:03
knomepleia2, there we go23:03
knomethe answer: make sure the post is in the "Articles" category23:03
ochosiali1234: yes23:04
pleia2good to know :)23:04
ali1234ochosi: can you show me a git commit where you've done this?23:04
ochosiali1234: that's why it could be scriptable23:04
ochosisure, one sec23:04
knomepleia2, updated the excerpt to a hand-tailored one23:05
* pleia2 thumbs up23:06
ochosiali1234: unfortunately the one i did manually and that would be a good example is part of a bigger commit: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/commit/b85a1d068836f07accd7c4b1605720581ba0b041#diff-a3092494930a2366b914d2f431145af723:06
ochosilook for 16/dialog-ok-apply.svg23:07
ali1234okay, i'm a bit puzzled by this23:08
ali1234what happened to xlink:href="#linearGradient2264"23:09
ali1234is that still in the file?23:09
knomei don't think that has any meaning23:10
knomesee how the nodes refer to the id(2427) later23:10
ochosiali1234: i think not, there are oftentimes lots of unused gradients in svgs23:10
ochosiwould need to run the vacuum script more often...23:10
knomeochosi, this isn't even an unused gradient23:10
ochosi(or simply as a pre-commit hook or something)23:10
knomei think this is an inkscape-internal (?) link/id23:11
knomewhich isn't referred to from anywhere23:11
ali1234okay so the old gradient has only two stops, the new one has four, is that right?23:13
knomeactually the xlink:href is referred from the other linearGradient element...23:14
knomeand there that 2264 is too when you expand the code23:15
* knome facepalms23:15
knomehandling different amount of steps can be a bit tricky :)23:15
ali1234the stroke is different colour too?23:16
knomethat's likely23:16
ochosiso the transition that is probably hard is the steps23:17
ochosiand then the path/stroke also needs to be changed23:17
knomeochosi, do you know if the steps/offset is always the same though?23:17
ochosibetween icons of the new gradient you mean?23:18
ochositbh for the icons i'm interested in the steps would always be the same23:18
ochosiif it helps with the script, i can manually fix one single arrow icon23:19
ochosithen you have something to go on23:19
ali1234do you know the exact colours before and after?23:19
ali1234or is it a case of "move the sliders until it looks right"23:19
ochosino, this should be consistent across icons23:20
ochosiso we should be able to derive the colors before and after from a single example23:20
ali1234some of these svgs have like 15 copies of the original gradient23:21
ochosii know23:21
knomecould we create a simple script that runs inkscape without the GUI and vacuums?23:21
ochosithat's why i said, vacuuming23:22
knomeand repeat that on alllllll the icons23:22
ochosithose scripts already exist23:22
knomethat would likely help23:22
knomei'm sure23:22
knomeand it's a oneliner most likely so not an issue23:22
knomejust figure out the inkscape parameter23:22
ali1234found on google: for f in *.svg; do inkscape --file="$f" --verb="FileVacuum" --verb="FileSave" --verb="FileQuit"; done23:22
knomeoh lewl?23:23
knomeoutput from "inkscape --help" is funny23:23
bluesabregoogle master23:23
ali1234oh there is a --vacuum-defs parameter23:23
knomeali1234, that sounds like a lot better than that verb crap23:24
knomei'd say it would be more useful if it was the *other* column with more width23:24
knomecan't always win23:25
knome(or be helpful)23:25
ali1234mine looks different23:25
ochosithat's most likely what we want23:25
knomelooks fantastic :)23:25
ali1234don't need -z and --export-plain according to the manual page23:26
knomeautomatic stuff ftw23:26
ali1234it's assumed no gui and in place if you just say --vacuum-defs $file23:26
knomeright, but --export-plain removes all the sodipodi and inkscape namespaced nodes23:26
ali1234ah okay23:26
knomeplain SVG vs. inkscape SVG23:27
ali1234yeah that would probably be a good idea23:27
ochosii think i never vacuumed the theme because it gets converted to png anyway...23:27
knomeformer is smaller in size as well as easier to read23:27
ali1234gonna be one huge commit if you vacuum the whole thing :)23:28
knomesure :)23:28
ochosii know23:29
ochosifeel free to propose a pullrequest for that one23:29
ochosii gotta get some sleep now23:29
knomenighty ochosi :)23:30
bluesabrenighty ochosi23:30
ali1234export-plain really messes around with the files23:32
knomei think it would probably be ideal to have a quick visual look at the files after doing that...23:32
ali1234running it now. i have a feeling it will take quite some time23:32
knomeactually if you believe the inkscape wiki, no visual changes are made23:33
knomebut somehow this is so fishy;)23:33
ali1234it is re-ordering the attributes on nodes, causing diff inflation23:34
knomelike "i'll change 75% of your file, but don't worry, it's the exact same thing!"23:34
ali1234but not much in the way of real changes23:34
ali1234 3859 files changed, 439255 insertions(+), 986530 deletions(-)23:43
ali1234trying just vacuum now23:47
knomei'm off to bed as well23:51
knomenighty and thanks for looking at this (too) ali1234 :)23:51
bluesabrenighty cnoma23:52
ali1234... and just using vacuum defs ends up adding more cruft than it removes23:53
ali1234the diff is still significantly smaller though23:54
ali1234 3829 files changed, 49015 insertions(+), 466754 deletions(-)23:58
bluesabreBoth are effectively rewrites. If we're considering using that upstream git hook, might as well go for the full vacuum23:59

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