
blackboxswsru-create.py -b 1759406 --bugs 142001815:34
ubot5`bug 1420018 in cloud-init "docs: user-groups uses - instead of _" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142001815:34
* blackboxsw forgot the -d 03/29/2018 -v 18.2.4 on that command15:45
blackboxswrharper: https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/217:05
rharperblackboxsw: https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/318:12
rharperblackboxsw: do you want me to mark those done in the trello checklist ?18:23
blackboxswrharper: you can ~~ ~~ on the hackmd file to mark the line item done. We mark it done in the SRU trello card when we've run the specific test and captured output within === begin|end SRU verification output ===  bookends in https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/blob/master/bugs/lp-1750884.txt18:30
blackboxswrharper: ec2 -proposed on artful and xenial has our SRU'd cloud-init. we can start manual testing there, gce and azure looks like19:04
blackboxswI'm back from lunch and can start wherever19:04
blackboxswif you are working on cloud_tests that's more valuable probably (from a reuse perspective)19:04
blackboxswinitial check on ec2 upgrade path, clean boot looks fine19:05
rharpersure, sounds like you've got a groove there19:05
blackboxswso I'm not worried about initial regression potential and putting up a new upload today... but I wanted to get through openstack test today if I could too19:05
blackboxswthat and vsphere check for the init-local hostname set19:06
blackboxswI think I'll add a manual vsphere test script to this SRU just because we've altered things to specifically fix ubuntu/juju k8s solution19:09
blackboxswminor manual changes https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/419:28
blackboxswnext PR will be the SRU verification results19:29
blackboxswsru results ec2 and azure, + a bump in sru-templates for next time https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/521:10

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