
mupPR snapd#5000 closed: errtracker: make TestJournalErrorSilentError work on gccgo <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5000>01:25
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zygaCaelum: yeah, I'll ask for that now05:13
Caelumzyga: ideally they'd have a nightly cron job or something05:16
zygaI just asked, not sure how it is set up05:16
zygaAnd we have another point release of snapd05:16
zygaI will prepare the build05:17
zygaAnd maybe, just maybe, work on features again05:17
zygaThis week was tough05:17
zygaUseful, fantastic bug fixes, but tough05:18
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zygaI have updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/releases/tag/2.32.306:21
zygaCaelum: do you want to update the package to 2.32.3?06:22
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kalikianagood morning07:14
Caelumzyga: sure I'll give it a go07:22
zygathank you!07:22
mupPR snapd#4998 closed: release: 2.32.3 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4998>07:24
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zygahey pawel07:30
CaelumI figured out how to make my laptop not shutoff randomly so that should help07:30
mborzeckizyga: i left one comment in #499607:36
mupPR #4996: overlord/ifacestate: store and use revision with security profiles set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4996>07:36
mborzeckiotherwise looks sane to me07:36
zygathe formatting07:40
zygais the error really a problem?07:40
mborzeckizyga: it is in if/then/else block, the thing is if Get() fails, the err will be swallowed up, don't know if that's intended (maybe it is?)07:41
zygawhich err is swallowed?07:43
zygathe one from Get or the one from setup affected tasks07:43
mborzeckizyga: one in line 20607:43
zygathe Get one is deliberate07:43
mborzeckiaah ok then07:43
zygawe don't want to err n that07:43
zygaI misunderstood your comment then07:44
mborzeckiall clear now07:45
Caelumzyga: do you know if we still even need the libtool patch?07:45
zygaI suspect it is needed07:46
zygabecause there's some build flags that get injected in some odd way I don't understand07:46
zygawe will simplify the C build system soon07:46
zygadrop auto mess07:46
zygaand remove more (all) conditionals07:46
zygapopey: I reverted irccloud-desktop on my system as the latest revision is not working08:10
zygarevision 25 is ok08:10
zyga41 doesn't start08:10
popeyThis is because you reverted snapd08:12
popey2.31 breaks irccloud08:12
popey2.32 fixes it.08:12
popeyWhen will 2.32 come back to stable? (You could get core from beta to work around)08:13
zygaI see08:17
zygaI think next week08:17
zygabut I don't know for sure08:17
zygawe just released a new beta08:17
tomwardilli got core from beta due to the nvidia fixes, can confirm irccloud-desktop works08:22
tomwardillalso the font issue I had in irccloud-desktop with twitter previews appears to have gone away, so thanks whoever fixed that! :)08:23
popeyzyga: it broke other applications too, ones we were waiting for 2.32 for. Quite frustrating as I'm now being pinged everywhere that my applications are all broken08:24
zygado you know which feature missing in 2.31 is key?08:25
zygaI hope we can update to 2.32.308:25
popeyIt's the new stuff from jd strand to turn kernel errors into warnings.08:26
popeythings that request process-control or try to chmod files break08:26
popeyso games break, nodejs applications break. we waited for 2.32 before releasing them and making a splash, now we have to go and clear up that mess08:26
SkuggenI'm struggling a bit with updating an older snap (mysql). Paths for various library files and binaries are no longer loaded by default. Do I need to manually specify every path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?08:34
Skuggen(snapcraft 2.39.2)08:34
ChipacaSkuggen: you're updating _the_ mysql snap?08:36
ChipacaSkuggen: or a snap that uses mysql?08:36
pedronispopey: 2.32 broke people doing snap install lxd though08:37
SkuggenChipaca: The mysql snap08:37
ChipacaSkuggen: nice :-)08:37
popeySure. I understand there was an issue. But we got a "surprise, we broke your apps to fix someone elses"08:37
popeyI would like for there to be an incident report for this. Why was this not caught in QA?08:37
pedronisbecause basically    snap install lxd  only exercise core once its in stable08:38
pedroniswe need to find a way to test that before08:38
SkuggenChipaca: We were blocked by various missing features (privilege dropping, setting file ownership, etc.) so haven't looked at it for a while. I'm working on getting it updated so we can see what might still be missing for us to properly support it08:38
Caelumzyga: any new data files in .32 I should know about?08:39
ChipacaSkuggen: daemons still only run as root, that hasn't changed08:39
pedronispopey: about  an IR, that's fair,  mvo should look into that08:39
SkuggenChipaca: Yeah, that is an issue. We could have some limited support of it even so, though. But first I need to actually get it working again :)08:44
ChipacaSkuggen: just the other day somebody was asking about using mysql in a snap, fwiw (via embedding), and looked at the mysql snap as an example08:44
Chipaca(and then looked away in haste)08:45
ChipacaSkuggen: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/mysql-server/487708:45
Chipacajust yesterday, in fact08:45
zygaCaelum: no, it's all the same08:45
CaelumI need to redo it at some point to do a make install on data08:47
SkuggenChipaca: Ah, can respond to that at least :)08:47
ChipacaSkuggen: do you know what version of snapcraft you used to build the snap before?08:48
SkuggenHm, can you get that information from the snap itself?08:49
ChipacaSkuggen: I don't think you can08:50
* Chipaca is not a snapcraft expert though08:50
Chipacakalikiana: snapcraft doesn't record its version in the snap in any way, does it?08:50
SkuggenWe used a xenial host, but don't know what version it had at the time08:51
SkuggenSubmission date08:52
Skuggen2017-01-27 08:18 - 1 year, 2 months ago08:52
SkuggenThat's the one on the store08:52
ChipacaSkuggen: and the one in the 'latest' track is even older, 2016-12-1908:54
Chipacathat's latest/beta08:54
zygaCaelum: and I heard the install instructions are now live08:54
Caelumindeed they are, fantastic08:55
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Chipacapopey: do you know if there's a guide or knowledge base or sth to update a snap that was created using snapcraft in the pleistocene?08:57
Caelumzyga: /usr/lib/udev/snappy-app-dev is gone, do we drop it or add it as a source09:00
popeyChipaca: wat09:00
zygaI think we want to copy snap-device-helper over as snappy-app-dev09:00
zygaCaelum: I think that's what we do for now, as there are still some transition complexities09:00
kalikianaChipaca: Nope. Though you can use SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO=1 to have it record manifest.yaml which contains Debian packages and snaps installed during the build.09:01
kalikianaAnd therefore indirectly Snapcraft's versions or revision09:01
Caelumzyga: got it09:01
Chipacakalikiana: popey: Skuggen here is tasked with updating the mysql snap, and the newest revision is over a year old, and the snapcraft.yaml no longer works, and they don't know what snapcraft it was built with09:01
SkuggenMight be simplest to start over; It's not super complicated, but contains extra binaries and libraries that are accessed by shell scripts (to replicate some of the install logic of the regular deb packages so users don't need to manually initialize databases and such)09:02
ChipacaSkuggen: possibly, snapcraft's changed a lot, although i'm surprised a snap stopped building entirely (i thought it had tests for that)09:02
Skuggene.g. I got it to build, but it has issues finding things like the libaio1.so we include09:02
popeyAh, understood.09:02
kalikianaRight. If the existing snap doesn't contain manifest.yaml I'm afraid that information won't be available.09:03
ChipacaSkuggen: so, that's one thing to do: for your future self, make sure SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO=1 is set in the build environment09:03
ChipacaSkuggen: so you can answer 'what was this built with'09:03
popeySkuggen: I'm a touch busy today, but I think if you pasted the yaml in the forum we could mobilise some people to look09:04
Chipacakalikiana: wait, can you drop SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_INFO into the snapcraft.yaml itself?09:05
Skuggenpopey: Can do that, sure. Thanks09:05
kalikianaChipaca: No, it's an envrionment variable.09:06
Chipacakalikiana: and the environment: section of snapcraft.yaml is passed through to the snap, not acted on?09:06
Chipacai thought it influenced the build09:06
kalikianaChipaca: Right, those don't actually affect what Snapcraft will look at09:08
Caelumzyga: this test fails completely randomly on me, usually it passes but sometimes I get this: https://gist.github.com/rkitover/460ebe31c6bc3d7508ff584d505cdbce09:14
zygafeels like a timing racy test09:14
pedronisthose tests use settle09:16
pedronisso it's probably deeper09:16
pedronisa bit hard to tell from that error though09:16
zygaCaelum: has that happened before?09:22
zygaI suspect it's not new to this release09:22
Chipacazyga: question about your lab09:38
zygayes sir?09:38
Chipacazyga: do you have an nfs mount in there09:38
zygano, I'm afraid I don't09:38
zygabut it could be arranged09:38
zygathe pi3-1 machine has a HDD and we could arrange for NFS export there09:38
zygado you want one on the ppc box or somewhere else? (client side)09:39
Chipacazyga: I don't mind the arch for this09:39
Chipacajust need nfs09:40
Chipacazyga: but if it's not set up i can probably do something at home instead09:40
zygaChipaca: I just installed nfs server on pi3-109:40
zygacan you ssh there?09:40
Chipacai can09:40
zyganow it's just a matter of exporting something09:40
Chipacazyga: I can't sudo there though09:41
zygalet me fix that09:41
Chipacazyga: because the password i have for the others doesn't work there09:41
zygaChipaca: reset your password to your username and gave you sudo09:41
zygafeel free to export /home or something you want09:42
zygaI can stick another device if you want really networked NFS09:42
zygaI have a few more PIs and beagles09:42
Chipacazyga: thanks09:43
mborzeckibash: line 3: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device <--- 2018-04-06 11:42:41 Error preparing google:ubuntu-16.04-32:tests/main/09:45
zygawho used all the space? :)09:45
Chipacahue hue hue09:45
* Chipaca laughs in brazilian09:45
pedronisis resizing broken?09:48
Caelumzyga: yes it happened with .31 too09:48
mupPR snapd#4986 closed: snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not available in stable <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4986>09:49
pedroniszyga:  blargh09:49
zygawhat's wrong?09:49
pedroniswe don't want that fix09:49
pedronisbecause is going to conflict with the new code09:49
zygasorry, I can revert taht09:49
pedronisthat just works09:49
zygano worries, it's a revert away09:50
pedronisI'm going to merge 4900 today, once it's green09:50
pedronisit should have been marked blocked09:50
pedronisbut lots of stuff going on yesterday09:50
mupPR #5001: Revert "snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not av… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5001>09:51
mupPR snapd#5001 opened: Revert "snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not av… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5001>09:52
zygapedronis: can you do a review of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/499609:53
mupPR #4996: overlord/ifacestate: store and use revision with security profiles set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4996>09:53
zygaand I guess we want to add gustavo to review list09:53
pedronisnot sure I get to it today, more likely monday09:54
Caelumzyga: request sent10:02
zygathanks, looking10:02
zygai forgot the details but fair that symlink must be a real cop10:04
zygaotherwise +110:05
Caelumsure, one moment10:16
Chipacamborzecki: setre[ug]id works \o/10:17
mborzeckiChipaca: yay :)10:17
Chipacamborzecki: yes =)10:17
mupPR snapcraft#2053 opened: meta: implement pass-through of properties to snap.yaml <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2053>10:18
mborzeckiChipaca: nfs too?10:18
Chipacamborzecki: that's what i was testing =)10:18
mborzeckiChipaca: great, so we can kill #4990 now10:20
mupPR #4990: many: implement a poor man's privileges drop, use for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4990>10:20
Chipacamborzecki: with extreme prejudice10:20
mborzeckihaha :)10:20
kalikianagreyback: I reckon you might wanna take a peek at snapcraft#2053 as you expressed your interest in the forum10:21
mupPR snapcraft#2053: meta: implement pass-through of properties to snap.yaml <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2053>10:21
Chipacamborzecki: I'll tweak the code to retry a couple of times on EAGAIN before panic'ing10:21
Chipacamborzecki: as we've learned that EAGAIN happens =)10:21
Chipacamborzecki: also might as well move Sete[ug]id to sys10:22
Chipacamborzecki: thank you again for reminding me about this =)10:22
mupPR snapd#4990 closed: many: implement a poor man's privileges drop, use for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4990>10:24
mupPR snapd#4983 opened: osutil/sys, client: add sys.RunAsUidGid, use it for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4983>10:24
Caelumzyga: fixed10:25
zygathank you, looking10:25
zygaand sorry I didn't mention this10:26
Caelumyou did say copy over10:26
zygayes but I wasn't clear it is important :)10:26
zygathank you for the work, it should be out soon :)10:26
pstolowskizyga: i've updated the tests of #4968 ; that got me thinking a bit about the old code of ubuntu-core -> core migration that's executed on startup; I remove stale connections *after* all the renaming in initialize. that's ok isn't it?10:29
mupPR #4968: RFC: ifacemgr: remove stale connections on startup <Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4968>10:29
* zyga thinks10:29
pstolowskizyga: question is if the core snap is alrady under new name, or is there a risk of considering the renamed connections "stale"10:30
pstolowskiit's hard to reason about this based on unit tests10:31
zygathe transition is a task10:32
zygait's not instant10:32
pstolowskizyga: right. but the renaming of conns happens on snapmgr init10:33
pstolowskizyga: so it kicks inafter re-exec, so we have new snap at hand correct?10:33
zygawell, remember the is a version of this code that runs on ubuntu-core10:34
zygathat's not as up-to-date10:34
zygaI think this is ok10:36
zygabut more than happy we didn't do it earlier10:36
zygapedronis: can you please merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/500110:44
mupPR #5001: Revert "snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not av… <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5001>10:44
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popeyI have reverted back to core stable and now I get this when launching snaps:- failed to create prefix path: /tmp/snap.rootfs_M8USmi/var/lib/snapd/lib/vulkan/icd.d: Permission denied10:46
zygapopey: that's fixed in beta10:46
zygastable is stable but buggy10:46
popeyyeah, i am trying to use stable because that's what normal people use10:46
zygaI think this will be fixed once beta promotes10:47
popeywe're lining up snaps to promote on the social media, but I can't tell what will and won't work for users10:47
zygait's a bad week10:47
zygawe have nothing better10:47
zygabeta is most stable IMO10:47
mupPR snapd#5001 closed: Revert "snapstate: fix `snap refresh --amend` when the snap is not av… <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5001>10:59
pedroniszyga: done, thanks10:59
zygathank you11:00
pedronistrying to get #4900 to green again and then will merge it11:00
mupPR #4900: many: use the new install/refresh API by switching snapstate to use store.SnapAction <Blocked> <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4900>11:00
pedronisand prepare the backport, but the backport  is probably to merge once .3 is in stable11:00
pedronisand then we can do a .4 in beta11:00
zygathe backport will be for 2.32.4?11:00
pedronisthats' what I discussed with mvo11:01
zygaare we doing standup at 14:00 or 15:00?11:39
zygaI need to leave in 40 minutes to go to school11:39
mborzecki3pm i presume11:40
mborzeckiheh, amazon linux 2 is 64bit only, they don't provide any *.i686 libs11:42
mborzeckithis makes one of our unit tests to fail https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JyqX9Wh9Rw/11:43
pedroniswe should really add some sort of skip logic to that test11:47
pedronisit also fails if you don't have the right deps11:47
Chipacait also fails if you try to run it on a banana11:50
* Chipaca is full of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ today11:50
pedronisChipaca: let put it this way, as written is not very friendly to porting to random other distro11:51
Chipacapedronis: tbh i'm surprised multilib works at all11:54
Chipacacross-distro i mean11:54
Chipacabut, yes, agreed11:54
Chipacai'm being somewhat facetious11:54
zygaI need to go AFK11:56
zygasee you at the standup, from the phone11:56
mupBug #1761253 changed: Installing a network-bind snap along with core fails results in incorrect permissions <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761253>11:57
zygaCaelum: approved, it's out :)11:57
mupPR snapd#4900 closed: many: use the new install/refresh API by switching snapstate to use store.SnapAction <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4900>12:03
* cachio afk12:20
mupPR snapd#5002 opened: many: use the new install/refresh API by switching snapstate to use store.SnapAction <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5002>12:22
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Chipacamborzecki: #4983 is green and happy as a bean12:38
mupPR #4983: osutil/sys, client: add sys.RunAsUidGid, use it for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4983>12:38
* kalikiana lunch12:39
pstolowskiChipaca: standup?13:02
Chipacapstolowski: yeah, was jiggering my camera13:03
mupPR snapd#5003 opened: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5003>13:04
eraserpencilHey guys! are snaps able to work with USB and serial devices well?13:11
Chipacaeraserpencil: yes :)13:12
Chipacaeraserpencil: only issue might be if it's a new flavour of serial, as they're whitelisted13:12
Chipacaie if you start having /dev/ttyFunky0, it'll need a patch13:12
Chipaca(although that one in particular might not =) )13:13
eraserpencillike erm communicate with multiple USB ports and one serial connection whilst having web servers and processing algorithms?13:14
eraserpencilI'm looking at the ROS-Snap tutorial, not sure what the limits of snaps are13:14
Chipacaeraserpencil: probably a kyrofa question13:23
pedroniscachio: now I see, the issue is that secrets are encrypted per repository, you cannot reuse a snapd secret for snapd-cron13:30
cachiopedronis, that makes sense13:31
pedroniscachio: I'm not sure how gustavo created the key for snapd, but  we need to rencrypt it for snapd-cron, or create a new one and encrypt13:31
pedroniscachio: probably need to discuss with him13:32
cachiopedronis, yes, I'll wait until next week13:32
zygapedronis, cachio: yes, I bumped into that as well13:34
zygathis prevents people from copy-pasting secrets around13:34
zygabut if you know the decrypted secret you can easily re-encrypt it and add it via travis13:34
pedronisyea, but we don't13:35
eraserpencilChipaca: whats a kyrofa question13:51
Chipacaeraserpencil: 'multiple USB ports and one serial connection', in the context of ROS13:52
Chipacaeraserpencil: I see ROS, I defer to the kyrofa13:52
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids13:53
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you pull in r1018? (just a few more overrides)13:59
roadmrjdstrand: absolutely. Here I go!13:59
jdstrandroadmr: thanks! :)14:00
zygajdstrand: hey14:03
jdstrandzyga: hi!14:08
jdstrandroadmr: fyi, snapcraft 2.40 is now in stable and -updates everwhere. this is what we were waiting on for the resquash tests. in the coming weeks I'm going to request an isolated pull to turn on enforcement14:09
jdstrandroadmr: we'll want to keep an eye on it though in case we want to back it out14:10
roadmrjdstrand: ok. How do we turn it on? set an env var?14:10
jdstrandroadmr: today, that is how. I'm going to flip the logic for that14:10
jdstrandand request a pull14:11
roadmrjdstrand: oh understood. Think we should put that behind a feature flag so we can have a panic switch in case it all goes awry?14:11
jdstrandroadmr: how do you envision implementing that? I figured that was what the env var would do14:12
zygajdstrand: I'd like to deconflict and merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/486814:15
mupPR #4868: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secure bind mount implementation for use with user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868>14:15
zygait's already reviewed just FYI14:15
zygaI picked up user mounts14:15
zygaexpect useful stuff on ~Tuesday14:15
jdstrandzyga: well, it needs an additional comment14:15
* zyga -> cooking14:16
jdstrandI owe the PR a response. I plan to do that today14:16
zygaI will look for your response then14:16
jdstrandcodewise it is fine. james and I disagreed on the phrasing of a comment14:16
jdstrand(a comment I suggested, so it wasn't added)14:17
roadmrjdstrand: yes but how do we set/unset the env var in the store? a feature switch is a thingy we can flip on/off in the django admin and that controls stuff in the code14:17
roadmrjdstrand: so something like if is_set('the_flag'): os.environ['RESQUASH_CHECK'] = "true"14:18
roadmrjdstrand: because otherwise, if we need to switch this on quickly, we'd need a redeploy or something14:18
jdstrandroadmr: ok, I wasn't sure where you wanted the feature14:18
roadmrjdstrand: well no matter, let me ponder and we'll implement this if needed14:18
roadmrjdstrand: I mean - it's fine that the tools themselves have a way to control this, but remember this lives on a production server where I have no direct access14:19
jdstrandroadmr: I think it sounds like a nice idea. the worst that can happen is things end up in manual review. but, that could be a big number so being able to stop the bleeding quickly would be good14:19
roadmrso I can't easily e.g. ssh in and set/unset that variable in /etc/environment14:19
roadmrjdstrand: ok so I'll look into doing that then14:19
jdstrandobviously tyhicks and I believe that things are all worked out, but, you never know :)14:20
jdstrandzyga: I was confused. the comment I owe is in pr 495714:22
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>14:22
* Chipaca hears rumours of cake and goes forth14:23
jdstrandalso, the code in 4957 is also ok14:23
jdstrandI'll add my response to that so you can consider it too14:24
jdstrandzyga: what is the 'squash-merge' label?14:26
Chipacajdstrand: PRs that are to be cherry-picked should be squashed before merging14:29
Chipacajdstrand: so it's just the one cherry14:29
jdstrandChipaca: does that remove all the comments/etc/etc that are in github?14:29
Chipacajdstrand: not the comments on github, but it replaces all the commits with one (the default commit message is a summary of the commits it's squashing)14:30
jdstrandChipaca: eg, for a commit that ends up squashed? it would be a shame if there was a ton of discussion on a particular point, then we resquash and it goes *poof*14:30
jdstrandI feel like this has happened in the past...14:31
Chipacajdstrand: it only affects the git history, not the github discussion14:31
jdstrandinteresting. since the git hub discussion is hidden based on certain commits14:32
jdstrandok, well, if it is not supposed to remove anything, cool14:32
Chipacajdstrand: do you have an example of a hidden discussion?14:33
Chipaca(that is, i'll admit, a bit like asking "can you show me what was stolen")14:35
zygajdstrand: it's not really hiding it14:36
pedronisit's not something that happens to the PR, it happens on master14:41
zygajdstrand: I merged master into 486814:42
zygajdstrand: if you want to make some comment changes please go ahead14:44
* zyga is happy that latest core build is really just new snapd15:04
cwayneMe too :)15:07
Chipacazyga: note #4999 is now green15:16
mupPR #4999: advisor: use json for package database <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4999>15:16
zygathanks, looking15:18
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* Chipaca off for a while15:47
Chipacahave a good weekend all, if i don't see you before your eow15:47
jdstrandpopey: btw, that request for a review tools sync has the emoj override15:48
popeycjwatson: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/363464768/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_armhf_b69a088aa70edd446e36c2072b30e222-xenial_BUILDING.txt.gz15:50
popeysomething odd going on with this build - it's looping over a couple of files15:51
popey(giant log file, note)15:51
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popeyWondered if this was something broken at the launchpad end as the yaml seems fine to me.15:58
cjwatsonpopey: is there any particular reason to believe it's a problem with LP rather than snapcraft?15:58
popeyfair point, I'd just never seen that happen before.15:58
cjwatsonpopey: it would be pretty unusual for that to be caused by LP.15:58
popeyHmph. Ok. will dig more.15:58
cjwatsonnode-pre-gyp ERR! Tried to download(404): https://github.com/kelektiv/node.bcrypt.js/releases/download/v1.0.3/bcrypt_lib-v1.0.3-node-v57-linux-arm.tar.gz15:59
cjwatsonnode-pre-gyp ERR! Pre-built binaries not found for bcrypt@1.0.3 and node@8.11.1 (node-v57 ABI) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp)15:59
cjwatsonso it's probably just failing to pass proxy parameters to some bit of the build.15:59
popeyah that url is 40416:00
cjwatson(unless it's a real 404, which it could be.  but there's an "undefined" error earlier.)16:00
cjwatsonand then it loses its mind for many thousands of lines.16:00
popeyahh that project has no armhf builds.16:01
popeysorry for the noise.16:01
mupIssue snapcraft#1886 closed: Support for yarn --extra-args <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1886>16:23
* zyga -> shopping, ttyl16:23
mupPR snapcraft#2054 opened: tests: extract sources suite from general suite <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2054>16:50
popeyjdstrand: will you have time today to sort the aliases for ruby please?16:56
mupPR snapcraft#2055 opened: python: bring back support for older versions of pip <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2055>16:56
* kalikiana wrapping up for the week17:07
jdstrandpopey: I can, sure. 7 days haven't passed...17:22
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mupPR snapd#5004 opened: daemon,overlord/hookstate: stop/wait for running hooks before closing the snapctl socket <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5004>18:39
mupPR snapd#5005 opened: interfaces/hostname-control: allow setting the hostname via syscall and systemd <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5005>18:41
mupPR snapd#5006 opened: interfaces: misc updates for default, firewall-control, fuse-support and process-control <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5006>19:08
mupPR snapd#5007 opened: interfaces/desktop-legacy: allow access to gnome-shell screenshot/screencast <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5007>19:15
mupPR snapd#5007 closed: interfaces/desktop-legacy: allow access to gnome-shell screenshot/screencast <Created by jdstrand> <Closed by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5007>19:17
mupPR snapd#5008 opened: interfaces: misc updates for default, firewall-control, fuse-support and process-control - 2.32 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5008>19:24
mupPR snapcraft#2054 closed: tests: extract sources suite from general suite <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2054>19:57
mupPR snapcraft#2056 opened: Fix formatting of some store errors <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2056>20:21
=== devil is now known as Guest20480
mupIssue snapcraft#1673 closed: Add pre-stage/stage/post-stage <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1673>23:58
mupPR snapcraft#2049 closed: many: add override-stage scriptlet <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2049>23:58

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