[00:05] very few updates today === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [03:34] Why is the bionic using such an old linux 4.15.0 kernel release instead of the current 4.15.15? We seem to be missing a slew of fixes like https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10279307/ which would make suspending more reliable. [03:41] howarth: I'm on 4.15.0-15-generic - which I guess will come out of -proposed soonish [03:45] Okay, I guess current is -13 [03:45] I just checked kernel's git and 4.15.13 doesn't have that fix [03:46] I am hoping the Gnome 3.28 suspend issue may have nudge a decent number of fixes into the kernel recently like that [03:47] I wish it was easier to cherry pick out of proposed instead of taking everything. [03:48] I haven't been able to find a web view of the repo outside of hash directories for direct downloads [03:49] And https://packages.ubuntu.com/ doesn't seem to have -proposed as an option to search [03:55] howarth: I either reinstall 'a thing' when proposed is enabled or synaptic [03:57] howarth: It appears the fix you are looking for is already in the current Ubuntu kernel though: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+changelog [04:02] Went ahead and switch on proposed. Hopefully the churn won't be as bad now that the release is slushy [04:02] Surprised mesa isn't out of the rc releases yet though [04:04] (And by "current" I meant in 'release' btw.) [04:04] I guess you can toggle 'proposed' back off and hope everything eventually syncs up in 'updates' [04:05] rebooting [04:08] final beta released? [04:09] dont you guys keep up with updating? [04:10] they've said if you keep updating, you'll have the final in the end [04:10] i want to test iso [04:10] i couldnt tell ya then :) [04:10] Okay, now to see if that stabilizes suspend on a Radeon HD2600XT [04:11] i just keep apt updating [04:11] phoenix_firebrd: no - not yet [04:11] flocculant: major show stoppers? [04:11] Also puzzled out the Google Chrome indicator under bionic. Installing the Unite chrome shell extension brings it back. [04:11] and rather pointless to look at it anyway - it'll be out of date pretty quickly [04:11] phoenix_firebrd: no idea - I do Xubuntu [04:12] Unite also shove them all to the right making it looks a bit more like Unity. [04:12] afaik there where only 1 high [04:14] http://omgfoss.com/ubuntu18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-release/ [04:16] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [04:17] there is your iso [04:18] final beta freeze was the 5th [04:19] Don't forget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/pending/ [04:20] Used that to get yesterdays [04:20] are the dates the same? [04:20] no wayland eh [04:21] I wish they would stop installing gnome components as snaps [04:21] ill switch over then [04:21] i run hexchat as a snap [04:21] They have some 3.26 snaps there instead of the 3.28 ones [04:22] my guess is by mid summer or fall [04:22] gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor [04:22] i might be wrong, but i thought i saw the date for gnome 3.28 as in sept [04:23] need to log out and in [04:23] That is 3.30 [04:26] ahh [04:26] well now night mode works under x-org [04:28] just noticed daily builds are in the topic, bhwhaha [04:30] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule < - also in topic, final beta this week [04:32] and tomorrow it will be out of date ;) [04:33] i was kinda hoping for wayland tbh [04:34] however, i have noticed tonight the night mode / f.lux isnt working under wayland [04:36] the point of alphas and betas is to get testing, and in particular get bugs fixed [04:37] the installer is so important for a good release [04:37] people can do all that with dailies - unfortunately eveeryone is primed to want alphas/betas [04:37] good to be reminded of that valorie [04:38] flocculant, it appears as though, there is 1 beta and a final beta [04:38] katnip: for flavours only [04:38] and possibly a RC [04:39] ubuntu only does final beta [04:39] then everyone does RC [04:39] i was just only looking at the link above [04:39] flocculant: but deadlines help people get those bugs get fixed [04:40] we could do it with "test the daily day" maybe once per month [04:40] but there wouldn't be the urgency [04:42] we could all agree to do them together, and build that urgency [04:42] there would be if we trained testers [04:42] but then what's the difference between that and the milestones? [04:42] I think our testers are getting better and faster [04:43] valorie: actually I'd prefer a roll your own milestone - where a flavour can turn off build when it suits them [04:43] I know I am much more efficient [04:43] anyway - I think we've had this discussion a while ago :D [04:43] with tsimonq2 iirc [04:43] flocculant: why not throw that idea out? I bet a lot of flavor leads would follow you [04:43] if the release team supports it [04:44] I think Adam wanted to discuss stuff next cycle (iirc) [04:44] right, tsimonq2 doesn't like the milestones much either [04:44] cool [04:44] I'm willing to talk, listen, think together [04:44] * flocculant too [04:44] having a week to test instead of waiting around until the magic hour [04:45] would be so much better [04:47] I'll think about kick-starting a discussion early in the cantankerous ciacada cycle [04:48] going to be too many c's after bionic releases ... [04:49] ill show my age a little here, i remember this +1 channel yrs ago, i upgraded so to say, and within 2 days, my system was garbage, so i think this has come a long way to have a working system at this point. [04:50] katnip: iirc that's a lot to do with how they deal with proposed packages now [04:51] not surprised [04:51] it's much better [04:51] indeed [04:52] i started with linux in '99, speaking of a nightmare, redhat and debian, slackware too [04:54] i left linux in '05 though due to illness and came back last year, quite impressed at the improvements made [05:01] http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-final-beta-released-available-for-download-now-520571.shtml . === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [05:08] i like the 'darker' theme [05:09] i see you do not really need flux and night light now [05:13] I'm trying to upgrade a unattended install from xenial to bionic beta, but having problem with the partioning. The installer stops at the "Installation type" screen, waiting for input. Any changes to partman in bionic? === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd === JanC_ is now known as JanC === bart is now known as Guest82229 [07:11] Hi, question about snaps... I see that there are multiple mounted versions of the gnome calc app. Is this normal ? [12:53] !bug [12:53] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [12:55] hey all, is launchpad still the place to file a report for 18.04 beta 2? No crash or major issue, just an oddity with minimal installation and software center [12:57] hitchhiker54: yes - ubuntu-bug [12:59] cheers. amusingly software center doesnt know firefox is installed [14:15] No joy with the proposed update 4.15.15 kernel eliminating the suspend issues on the HD2600XT radeon. [14:16] Still see an occasional checkerboard (B&W) when coming out of suspend. [14:16] Any suggestions of kernel arguments to make suspend play better with ACPI? [14:17] This is on a 2008 MacPro FYI. [15:05] howarth: I would test with 4.16 from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.16/ [15:09] I guess there is no ppa for that as a repo [15:29] help! yesterday I've installed Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu. then I decided to uninstall them. after rebooting the laptop, everything appears huge on the screen! any ideas? [15:30] Exterminador: I absolutely have because I had the same issue ... [15:30] let me find the info [15:31] That sounds like no driver loaded [15:31] oh. and weirdly my screen appears as only 640x480 [15:31] Ian_Corne: almost [15:31] so it's resorting to a very small resolution [15:32] I've even installed nouveau-firmware and no cigar [15:32] Exterminador: check in /etc/modprobe.d for a nvidia file - I had it left after nvidia uninstall - it was blacklisting nouveau [15:32] right away [15:33] if there is one - and remocing said leftover fixes it - what version of nvidia did you install? I bug reported against nvidia-340 [15:33] yeah. there's a nvidia-340.conf there [15:33] \o/ [15:34] so, deleting it and reboot solves the problem? [15:34] either remove it completely or move it somewhere like desktop [15:34] did for me - can you me to bug 1761593 [15:34] bug 1761593 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (Ubuntu) "Uninstall left nouveau blacklisted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761593 [15:36] assuming that fixes it for you :) [15:37] flocculant: that did the trick! thanks a lot! [15:38] np - don't forget to me too the bug please - that'll confirm the issue [15:38] perhaps we should use '--purge' while apt remove? [15:38] shouldn't need to do that for it afaik [15:39] a file got left ehind by nvidia - not one of of the dependencies I think [15:46] well, I've done my contribution in the bug ;) [15:46] thanks a lot again, flocculant [15:47] cool and glad I could help :) [15:58] I was like, WTF, when I've rebooted the laptop. [16:03] it's amazing how such a new OS version can run so smoothly on my ancient laptop [16:03] nice - and you're just the sort of person Xubuntu is after - new testers ;) [16:06] didn't experienced much troubles on my daily use. just that one today. I'm having a few issues with Stremio but I don't know if it's Xubuntu fault or not. [16:06] well - never heard of it :p [16:08] it's a stream application to watch series and movies. but now, when I try to search for a movie/series, the "cover" simply doesn't appear. weird tho [16:09] also having troubles with Appimage of the program. it simply doesn't start. :/ [16:11] not sure about those things tbh [16:13] Exterminador, flocculant: if you run "dpkg -S /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-340.conf" and it outputs something then this file belongs to a package you still have installed (or whose configuration were not yet purged) [16:14] tomreyn: too late for me for sure [16:15] well, I've done apt remove nvidia*, then it said that some packages weren't needed no more and to do "apt autoremove", which I've done. but still, the file was there after all that steps. I can reinstall the drivers and do it all again [16:16] Exterminador: remove or purge? [16:16] Exterminador: remove may leave some files around, depending on the file [16:16] I think, in particular, conf files [16:16] I've done just "apt remove nvidia*" [16:17] Exterminador: right, that doesn't remove configuration files (iirc) [16:17] so, "apt remove --purge"? [16:17] Exterminador: apt purge [16:18] well, I can try to install it in a bit and do that and see if the problem persists [16:18] * flocculant wanders off to do that on the 'let this install break partition' [16:31] nacwell - that all happened again [16:31] nacc: ^^ [16:32] flocculant: the same stray file(s)? [16:32] seems that after additional drivers reinstalls nouveau - that blacklist file is still there [16:32] there were some packages to autoremove - did that - still there [16:32] flocculant: autoremove won't purge [16:33] why should I need to purge? [16:33] well [16:33] flocculant: because config files aren't removed otherwise [16:33] flocculant: i think you need to call `sudo apt-get remove --autoremove --purge` to do it?, not sure [16:33] what I mean is - if nvidia is leaving a blacklist - then additional drivers should do that [16:34] you and I know about apt - but bert up the road might not - he's just got 640x480px now [16:34] flocculant: additional drivers as in the dialgoue? [16:34] yea [16:34] hrm, sorry, i hadn't read the backscroll all the way :) [16:34] so it's a matter of clicking then unclicking said dialogue? [16:35] nacc: ftr - I've done this previously in this cycle and it worked fine - and during a and z and y cycles :) [16:35] in *theory*, i think apt is supposed to remove config files that are unmodified [16:35] so i wonder if it's a bheavioral change in apt [16:35] (see `man apt`, purge section [16:35] possibly [16:35] also not sure if it's just nvidia-340 [16:35] flocculant: Exterminador: i'd file a bug, add tasks for apt, nvidia-340, and whatever owns taht GUI dialogue [16:35] I guess tseliot would be the one to know [16:36] nacc: ok [16:36] flocculant: it would be good to know if manually purging nvidia-340 fixes it [16:36] nacc: right [16:36] I'll just get a cup of tea and redo it in the more broken install partition :) [16:37] flocculant: :) [16:37] then I can update the bug some more [16:37] Good day folks. How goes it? =) [16:37] flocculant: Exterminador: were you both using apt or apt-get? [16:37] i wonder also if it's a behavioral difference between them (technically allowed) [16:40] nacc: I used the gui in software and updates - additional drivers - which is the normal (for non tech people) way [16:40] mostly because I can't be bothered to work out which driver is for the card ;) [16:40] flocculant: right, but i don't know what that actually uses :) [16:40] * flocculant neither [16:40] so in a moment I'll do it the techy way :p [16:40] heh [16:41] if that's fine - then there is a problem with the gui method which I'm guessing -release would like to know about :d [16:41] biab [16:58] so did you guys break dhcp [16:59] vivid: this is the support channel, not necessarily where developers live, so maybe re-ask the question, with details. [16:59] which details are missing? [17:00] vivid: any details? [17:00] vivid: no, dhcp is not broken, afaik [17:01] well its not working here after this mornings 81 packages of updates [17:01] vivid: logs? what kind of networking setup, etc/ [17:01] everything is default [17:01] vivid: ubuntu or one of the flavors/ [17:07] nacc: well that was interesting [17:08] flocculant: how'd it go? [17:08] so software & updates/additional drivers leaves behind files and thus 640x480px cos nouveau blacklisted - apt purge does as we would expect [17:08] and it took a pot of tea ... [17:09] I'll let infinity know [17:09] flocculant: strange, yeah --- that does seem like a regressions somewhere [17:09] yup [17:10] I don't really use nvidia tbh - only check it a couple of times a cycle - good timing perhaps :) [17:17] nacc: I changed bug to software-properties - seems more logical [17:17] flocculant: yeah [17:19] that's hopefully my good deed of the day - I can go be bad again :p [17:20] would I guess be useful if someone with a different nvidia card could look [17:20] but I guess it probably doesn't matter [17:24] sorry. I went afk. what do you need me to test? [17:25] Exterminador: it's ok - you escaped at the right time - I did it :) [17:25] hahaha. that's what happens when kids are on your tail. xD [17:25] :) [17:27] just wondering if anyone knows a backup system that can use Gdrive or Dropbox to store the backups automatically [17:33] hi [17:34] I'm using Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch). whats the [17:34] differents between this and the last beta? [17:34] lastest [17:42] ? [17:43] ZaZaQR: if they are both fully updated, nothing [17:43] ZaZaQR: beta is just a point in time [17:43] ZaZaQR: ubuntu has only had one beta anyway [17:43] for some cycles now [17:47] oh ic [18:57] nacc: just tried the same in 17.10.1 iso - works fine there [18:57] from software-properties that is [19:00] Why +1, as it was a totaly revolutionary release? [19:01] flocculant: interesting [19:01] LevierMRQ: are you asking about flocculant's point? [19:04] nacc: wasnt. Reading back a bit. [19:04] nacc: yea indeed :) [19:04] LevierMRQ: ok, unclear who your question was directed to, and regarding what, then [19:05] nacc: tagged it regression-update - not sure there's much more that I can do :) [19:05] flocculant: ack [20:42] Bionic seems to have removed the ability to right-click using the bottom-right corner of my touchpad. Does anyone know how to get it back? Googling is less fruitful than I expected in this case. [20:43] maxb_: does tapping with two fingers (i use my pointer and middle) on the right-side of the touchpad work? [20:44] two fingers works, independent of position, but that's not what [20:44] .. I've spent the last few years being accustomed to [20:44] maxb_: sure [20:44] maxb_: just wondering [20:44] maxb_: can you check if you are using libinput or synaptic? [20:45] synclient works ... is that an answer? [20:46] maxb_: yeah, that probably means you have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed [20:46] 'xinput list' says 'SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad' [20:49] Behaviour seems the same after removing it and switching to libinput though [20:50] maxb_: you *might* need to reboot after switching it [20:50] maxb_: i really don't know [20:51] I did (I'm on IRC via a bouncer) === maxb_ is now known as maxb [20:51] maxb: ok [20:51] I think it's time to fall back on fetching my second machine that's still on artful, and diffing all the synclient properties before and after upgrade [21:07] I tied to install touchpad-indicator before, but it didn't launch [21:08] https://github.com/atareao/Touchpad-Indicator/issues/12#issuecomment-379371876 [21:11] It's working now apparently :) [21:17] Don't see that option though [21:50] Well. First, I'd forgotten I'd upgraded my second laptop to bionic back in March. But it turns out bionic back in March was old enough to predate the issue. [21:51] A bionic->bionic intermediate upgrade managed to turn the touchpad off entirely! [21:52] Having fixed that, it appears that the main problem is that all the values for 'Synaptics Soft Button Areas' are getting zeroed out [21:52] maxb: hrm, weird [22:02] Weird indeed: [22:02] maxb@spectre:~$ grep SoftButton .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log [22:02] [ 23.969] (**) Option "SoftButtonAreas" "50% 0 82% 0 0 0 0 0" [22:02] maxb@spectre:~$ xinput list-props 11 | grep "Soft Button" [22:02] Synaptics Soft Button Areas (308): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0