=== ole_ is now known as ole_denmark [08:29] https://imgur.com/a/3TnCq , hi all how to recognize which state of 'beta' could be ? === Menzador83 is now known as Menzie [13:46] Bom dia! Recentemente instalei o sistema operacional ubuntu mate, substituindo o meu Windowns 10. Ocorre que como trabalho utilizando um certificado digital, preciso fazer com que o sistema operacional do ubuntu reconheça o certificado. [13:48] ocorre que não estou conseguindo ativá-lo, ja tentei varias formas dentre elas a que vou demonstrar abaixo: [13:48] https://thepasteb.in/p/y8h6WMyqGL2TO [13:48] porém o arquivo fica quebrado. [13:49] Alguém consegue me ajudar? [13:54] !br | mate|46543 [13:54] mate|46543: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. === Menzie is now known as CommaBoy === CommaBoy is now known as Menzador [18:18] hi world [18:19] hi cktizen [18:20] citizen* [19:21] hii [19:21] help me [19:23] !ασκ [19:23] !ask [19:23] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:35] i want to install windows sftware oracle database 10g on ubuntu mate wht should i do? [19:44] Hello, I love this distro so much I just sent a donation. [19:45] I am hoping that when the 18.04 final build goes live that it might have some additional, newer themes, please.