
inetprogoeie more06:58
bmg505I am back, joys of a 3rd world isp :(08:52
Kilosafternoon everyone10:22
Kilosinetpro: included of course10:22
Kilosif he is back from holidays10:23
Kilosbad lag, bad internet10:23
Kiloshmm... i forgot how10:26
chesedoHI oom Kilos12:28
chesedopro was here earlier12:28
Kiloshi chesedo ty12:28
chesedoHow's it going with oom lately?12:29
Kilosstill kicking ty lad. how are you?12:31
Kilosmeds keeping me ticking12:31
Kilosjust not fast enough12:31
Kiloswhere is maaz and QA12:32
chesedothen make the hardness count :P12:32
Kilossomewhere betwen pro and fly they killed them12:32
chesedobut i'm good, looking forward to a week of completing last few assignments for the semester12:33
Kiloscocooncrash: hi there, is Maaz a casualty of some bad thing?12:33
chesedoyeah they are off everywhere12:33
Kilostumbleweed: what broke in the ibids12:34
Kilosand hit there hope you 2 are ok over there12:34
Kilosoh who was it working on them paddatrapper?12:34
Kilossad  to poppin here and no bot12:35
chesedopaddatrapper: might be holiday too12:36
nlsthzno/ all15:57
nlsthznping uncle Kilos...15:59
nlsthzn... so...17:50
Kiloshi nlsthzn18:13
Kilosyou well lad18:13
Kilospong nlsthzn18:13
Kilosim in and out so miss alerts18:14
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos, long time... I hope all is well?18:16
Kilosyes sir still going18:18
Kilosim scarce because of bad internet and sleeping lots18:19
Kiloshows things that side nlsthzn18:19
nlsthzngetting hotter... but hopefully before the end of the year it will get damn cold (should have my British citizenship by then and be in Scotland hopefully)18:25
Kilosgreat news nl18:34
Kilosnlsthzn: 18:35
Kiloshi superfly18:35
Kiloswhere are the ibids18:35
Kilosty for that superfly18:36
superflyKilos: I started QA again. I don't have control over Maaz18:37
Kilosyes i see her. ty superfly18:37
Kilosi need to learn ibid all over again18:38
Kilosinetpro: fix it18:45
nlsthznhey superfly18:46
superflyhey nlsthzn18:46
superflyhow does getting your british citizenship work?18:46
nlsthznmy mom was born in scotland and recently the law changed so I can request citizenship also... my papers are submitted to UK and now I have a 6 to 9 month wait for some reason and then a ceremony and I get citizenship and can apply for passport etc,18:50
nlsthznmy mom was 14 when they came to sa18:50
nlsthznso she is also now applying for her british passport18:51
nlsthznman #ubuntu is a nightmare for assistance >.<  18:51
Kilosi have never liked that channel18:53
Kilosi got nowhere with them when i started so fly brought me here18:54
nlsthznnow here is a bit of a ghost town :/18:56
Kilosyes i see so18:56
Kilosat least chesedospoke to me today18:57
Kilosmy typing got even worse18:57
superflyIt's a bit difficult because there's a 9 hour difference between me and SA, so y'all are chatting when I'm at work18:58
Kilosi even battled to renew his ubuntu-afr membership18:58
nlsthznsuperfly even when you are asleep it seems everyone else is also18:58
Kilosyes  fly we understand but there are many locals right here18:58
* superfly has to go, lunch time18:59
nlsthznI have popped in and out at random times and all the same names are showing but eveyone seems afk18:59
nlsthznenjoy dinner superfly18:59
Kilosyou going to go to scotland nlsthzn?18:59
nlsthznthat is the plan... well perhaps someplace in the UK if I can get work...19:00
Kilosthey are even harder to understand than the english19:00
nlsthznmy wife has her heart on scotland because she is silly :p19:00
nlsthznwell I am 50% scot so I guess it would be good to see the place 19:01
Kilostell her watch some scottish movies19:01
nlsthznsean connery :p19:01
Kilosbeautiful countrysides but language ai!19:02
nlsthznwhen my mom used to call her sister in scotland she used to give up after a few minutes because of the accent19:02
nlsthznI used to understand my gran fine... depends on the town19:02
Kilosi suppose if you choose the right area you will be ok19:03
Kilosotherwise you wont be able to even buy a loaf of bread19:04
Kilosonce you have your citizenship you can go anywhere19:05
nlsthznwell... brexit >.<19:05
Kiloseven australia let them in easy19:05
nlsthznhmmm.... will have to look into it19:05
Kilosno visa needed in aus even19:06
Kilosza peeps struggle to get there19:06
nlsthznI wouldn't mind australia or even canada to be honest... need to settle down. the big four oh later this year 19:06
Kiloscanada is too cold man19:07
Kilosyou'll freeze your nuts off19:07
nlsthzn... and there is another set of small feet in the pipeline due on halloween -_-19:07
nlsthznwish my nuts would freeze off :p19:07
Kilosi dont know wen halloween is19:08
Kilosmy h key is stukkend19:08
Kilos-eish this connection19:11
Kilos-sometimes ping of 7 or 8000 ms19:11
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
nlsthzninternet is one thing I will miss from here... exept for censorship the speed and cost we pretty good19:13
Kilosmany areas here have 4g, im just far out on a farm by ian19:14
Kilosi think only fibre is faster19:14
nlsthznI am not the biggest fan of wireless... I preffer fibre. cheaper, more reliable, cheaper, better ping, cheaper...19:20
Kilosi agree but in the sticks with no phone lines you have no choice19:22
Kilosand here is bad in the sticks, sometimes only 2g connection19:23
Kilosanyway they are building new towers within a year they said19:23
nlsthznthey never specified which year...19:24
Kilosbut i go to pta tomorrow for a week so will test the 4g when i get time19:28
Kilosinetpro: should know , he was on lte, maybe he has 4g now too19:29
Kiloslte is fast, up to 22 mb/s19:29
Kilosmaybe mB/s19:30
Kilosi forget19:30
nlsthznbits and bytes... I used to think I understood it 19:31
Kilosi do just bforget which one19:32
Kilos8 bits in a byte19:32
nlsthznthe speed is typically expressed in bites19:32
Kilosyes normally19:32
Kilosbut i have got 8 mB/s download  here before for about 3 hours19:33
Kilosthen down to 2g and when you fone they blame the towers and my modem19:33
Kilosthey control it all from their centres with computers saying who gets what speeds19:34
Kiloswhen you get fast net the messed up for a while19:35
Kilosnlsthzn: i need to sleep my friend. you look after you and yours, and good luck with the citizenship19:36
nlsthznI have a 20mbs line so I get 2.5MB/s download19:36
nlsthzngood night uncle Kilos... sleep well19:36
nlsthznand thank19:36
Kilosbe good19:36
nlsthznnever >:)19:36
* nlsthzn has to actually work ... good night all19:37
Kiloshe missed coffee19:39
KilosQA: coffee on19:39
* QA flips the salt-timer19:39
QACoffee's ready for Kilos!19:43
KilosQA: ty19:43
QAOnly a pleasure Kilos19:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:48

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