
bluesabreSmaller future diffs that way00:00
ali1234after the vacuum there are 114 instances of the target colour00:05
ali1234some files still have multiple copies :(00:06
ali1234ah, some of this are not the same gradient at all00:08
ali1234this should be a list of every svg which has a linear gradient with exactly two stops, and both of those stops are #d7e866 or #8cab2a00:45
bluesabreAll the arrows are there, so that's a good sign01:32
Unit193bluesabre: https://salsa.debian.org/dbnpolicy/policy/blob/master/policy/upgrading-checklist.rst#version-4-1-402:18
ochosiali1234: have you pushed your vacuumed stuff anywhere?07:14
ochosiif you want to, i can take a look and review later07:14
jarnosHello, how can you change keyboard layout, when booting 18.04 ISO? In 14.04 08:11
ali1234ochosi: pushed to https://github.com/ali1234/elementary-xfce08:58
ali1234vacuum-defs and export-plain branches08:58
ochosiali1234: any recommendations/feedback on the two branches..? shall i just "take a look" to see if i spot diffs? :p09:46
ochosialso, is it easier with either of the two branches to script the color-change?09:47
ali1234export-plain cleans out more stuff09:47
ochosi(without the latter benefit i think i'd postpone the vacuum stuff for post 18.04)09:48
ali1234it probably isn't any easier09:48
knomeotoh, the package would then be "clean"09:49
ochosiknome: the package contains only pngs09:57
ochosithe git repo would be clean/er09:58
ochosiwe convert and optipng everything anyway09:58
ochosialso because it's way faster than using svg-based themes09:58
ali1234where's the script to build pngs?10:00
knomeochosi, right10:00
knomeochosi, so why wait then?10:00
ali1234found it10:04
ali1234both of the branches produce byte-identical png files10:39
ali1234tested with http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f2NtDMt6rP/10:40
ali1234all three directories are identical according to diff -Nur10:40
flocculantafternoon 12:53
ochosiali1234: wanna file a PR on github? i'll go ahead and merge then and then we can continue considering a scripted conversion15:07
ochosifrankly even just adding the gradient to every file would help because thats otherwise a manual process15:07
ochosiso that would save me a lot of time15:07
ochosiand the old gradient would be kicked out by vacuuming anyway15:08
ochosiknome: i wanted to wait because i didnt want to have to manually check the output after the vacuuming. but if the png output is the same then that's not necessary anyway15:09
willemhi all, in testcases I'm asked to start "thunar". But in Xubuntu, in the whiskermenu, typing "thu..." thunar does not show up. I got in contact with the whiskermenu maintainer (https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14326); he's looked into it, and now thinks it is something that should be reported at Xubuntu. I don't know against which package I need to report this issue; could anyone give me a pointer?15:45
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14326 in General "Thunar should show up by name, if user searches the app by typing in 'thunar' in whiskermenu" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]15:45
flocculantthat's really a testcase issue15:46
flocculantwell - kind of - the reason you found it is at least, bluesabre ^^15:47
willemhmm, I don't know: when I open whisker and start typing "fire..." 15:47
willem... yes, indeed, I found it thanks to a testcas15:48
willembut thunar should pop up if I start typing its name in whisker I think15:48
flocculantpossibly a .desktop file15:48
willemI'd be happy to report this on launchpad, but I don't know against which package.15:49
flocculantwe'll let sean see the ping first15:49
ali1234ochosi:  okay but which?16:09
ali1234i'm rerunning the vacuum now cos you added stuff...16:23
ochosiali1234: if both produce bit-identical png output i'd go with the more stripped down version16:39
ochosior with whatever elementary use, as its 'proven in use'16:39
ochosithought so16:39
ali1234i just hope it doesn't re-order all the attribs every time you run it16:40
ali1234that's possible if it uses unordered dicts16:40
ali1234or hash tables or whatever16:40
ochosii'll add a local pre-commit hook16:40
ochosiso it'll happen automatically for all new/edited files16:40
ochosii'm also considering to add a makefile that runs the svgtopng converter and then installs the icon theme16:42
ochosifor people who dont use the package or xubuntu as a wholr16:42
ali1234just going to run export-plain again on the previous output to check it doesn't change anything16:53
ali1234if it doesn't then i'm happy16:53
ali1234okay bad news16:54
ali1234export-plain shuffles the order of attributes every time you run it16:55
ali1234meaning every time you run it on a file, the entire file changes, even if you didn't change anything at all16:55
ali1234i will try a newer inkscape17:00
ali1234getting somewhere17:18
ali1234inkscape doesn't randomize the attributes, it always reverses their order17:18
ali1234so running it twice will cancel out the effect :)17:19
flocculantevening you two17:22
ali1234okay, megapatch incoming17:59
ali1234just need to run the png diff one more time17:59
ali1234passed :)18:00
ali1234PR sent18:03
pleia2all the sticker+note letters are ready to be sent out to our wallpaper winners \o/18:37
pleia2didn't do anything formal, but I did include a quick hand-written thank you18:38
ochosiali1234: awesome, thanks! will review/merge later18:44
ochosipleia: nice work!18:44
flocculantpleia2: thanks for doing that stuff18:47
flocculantbluesabre: you might want to be aware of bug 176159318:47
ubottubug 1761593 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Uninstall left nouveau blacklisted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176159318:47
flocculantcan't remember if you commented here about that 18:48
flocculantat the time it would have been against nvidia18:48
Unit193Thunar was accepted, of course.20:26
ochosiali1234: what a homungous commit :p20:28
ali1234it's 60% smaller than the previous version...20:29
ochosiyou still pushed yourself to #9 of the contributor list with this one commit :D20:31
ochosiand you have more deleted lines than me now20:32
ochosiso would you suggest to just run the whole inkscape command twice as pre-commit hook?20:33
ali1234it's the simplest thing to do20:33
ali1234the alternative is to use a totally different tool20:33
ali1234or try to get inkscape fixed20:34
ali1234since we're working to a deadline i'd say go with the simplest workaround for now20:34
ochosii mean the pre-commit hook is not *essential* for getting the arrows fixed20:34
ali1234changing to a different tool could mean another monster commit20:35
ochosii would stick to just "doing it twice"20:35
ali1234it's not that slow unless you are doing the whole file20:36
ali1234the whole repo i mean20:36
ochosii usually change not more than 10 icons per commit20:37
ali1234ou probably saw i sent an upstream bug report. probably best to just see what they do and copy it :)20:39
ochosiyup, true that :)20:40
ochosiknome: i would love for inkscape to throw a readable warning when things like "union" don't work...20:52
ochosiknome: also, this is a direction that elementary is considering currently (not really decided at all yet though) https://github.com/elementary/icons/blob/26fed9053f2731351f36fa1aebcc7f248012b0a0/places/128/folder-documents.svg21:07
ochosiali1234: how do we best continue regarding the scripting? shall i convert a single arrow now manually as a sample so we see if it's doable?21:36
ali1234that would help actually21:36
ali1234i'm going to do it partially by hand21:36
ochosithere's more to it than the gradient and stroke :(21:42
ochosiat least if i wanna do it properly21:42
ochosiali1234: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/commit/960ff154294826a96e3653d8c98fd19ba46b62f421:47
ochosithese are the changes that need to be done21:48
ochosicraaap, should've pulled before i did the changes to clean up the diff21:49
ali1234well i can substitute all the linear gradients21:52
ali1234there's a whole new path in there?21:53
ochosithis is the rebased commit: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/commit/7ef5bd97c92c7eb2399d1281524c08cc99bec18021:54
ochosiyeah, there is a "new" path21:54
ochosithe arrow is one path in the old icon21:54
ochosifill + stroke21:54
ochosifor the new style, they have to be separated into two objects21:54
ali1234the one i looked at was already two parts21:55
ochosiso that the stroke can be 50% opacity and overlaying the fill21:55
ochosiyeah, i just cleaned up the diff a little21:55
ochosiso it's more readable21:55
ali1234no i mean yesterday21:55
ali1234i'll do all the gradients and then we can look at what's left21:55
ochosimaybe not all of those arrows are consistnt21:55
ochosithanks a bunch for helping on this!21:55
ochosigotta get some sleep now...21:56

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