
=== mark818 is now known as mark033
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IrcsomeBot<Manisha Sarap> How to set a logo for different users05:06
valorieset a face.ico I think it's called05:09
valorieit's .face.icon in your $HOME05:12
diogenes_it's .face05:13
valorie@Manisha Sarap ^^^05:13
IrcsomeBot<Manisha Sarap> Is any other option05:14
valoriethat is how it is done05:16
IrcsomeBot<Manisha Sarap> Sry i am not understand the concept05:18
valoriego to your home folder, and turn on "see invisible files" in Dolphin05:20
valorietype .face and open it up05:20
valorieupload a PNG image called .face.icon and symlink it to .face05:21
valoriethere might even be a readme file in there05:21
valoriemine is just the Kubuntu symbol05:22
krytarikAlso look at: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SDDM#Avatar05:23
koljahi there i'm facing blank screen problem on sddm with intel GPU i915, and i can't find any solution for that, the only trick i found is to start in recovery mode and than resume standard boot, anyone can help me? thank you07:23
koljaUbuntu 17.1007:23
koljakernel 4.13.0-38-generic07:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @kolja, SDDM can be avoided if you specify a user for autologin.  If that is not an option, ensure /etc/sddm.conf contains a line that says: Session=plasma.desktop07:38
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> you could also try: dpkg-reconfigure - reconfigure sddm07:39
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> make that: sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm07:42
koljaDarinMiller: Session propery in [Autologin] session is empty, i'll fill it as you describe , thank you, i'll be back07:51
koljaDarinMiller: all your suggestions did not solve the problem, other hint ?08:02
koljai discover now that there is the place to insert password (noted due to cursor changing) and i can login, but plasma does not start only previous session opened programs appears08:05
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koljahi again, session crashed before see answere if any09:29
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BluesKajHi folks11:55
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vespertatiahi there13:30
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wiqHi, I am having HP Pavilion G6 1004tx laptop which have AMD Radeon HD 6470M15:26
wiqHow can I get a driver for that?15:26
diogenes_wiq, it already has the driver15:27
wiqhow can I check if it is running or not?15:27
wiqdiogenes_, ^15:27
diogenes_wiq, sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A315:27
wiqdiogenes_, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VYVj9fycJW/15:28
wiqit is showing it there15:29
wiqbut i don't think it is actually working15:29
wiqany way to check its usage data?15:29
diogenes_wiq, run: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"15:30
wiqOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile15:30
diogenes_it uses intel now, because your system has two graphic cards15:30
wiqhow can i set it to use AMD?15:30
diogenes_you need to read this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/hybrid_graphics15:30
diogenes_also this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#Hybrid_graphics.2FAMD_Dynamic_Switchable_Graphics15:31
wiqdiogenes_, what will happen with this >echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch ?15:33
wiqwill it turn intel one off?15:33
diogenes_wiq, I don't use amd that's why I gave u info15:36
fayazhi, I have an nvidia bumblebee primus setup for steam. It was working until an abrupt shutdown. Now when I try to run steam with primusrun, it just runs the updater and quits abruptly. I can run it without primusrun and also with optirun, but the performance is not there. Also I am seeing some segfault errors on dmesg. Any clues on where I should go from here?16:07
tatiehello, i need to add an xmodmap command to enable scroll lock key to startup. how do i add it as a script?17:11
tatiei mean does it have to be added as a script? or can i somehow just make it run the command on start up?17:12
tatiesorry forgot to mentione Kubuntu 14.04 LTS17:13
IrcsomeBotTimApple was added by: TimApple17:55
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user|80491In the past, I downloaded ver 16.04.4 and 15.04.4 and ran the OS's frm live dvd. In both cases the wi-fi kept disconnecting from the server. Is there a version where this problem has been solved? I know that this is not everyone's experience.21:19
user|80491It looks like everyone has left21:23
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valoriehuh, then they left21:36
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IrcsomeBotTimApple was removed by: TimApple23:26
nmrp3hi - I seem to have lost all sound on my kubuntu install23:56
nmrp3there's no 'speaker' icon on my taskbar23:56

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