[09:17] Hello [09:17] Last weekend I was writing about timeout issues when doing dput from Travis CI [09:17] @cjwatson [09:17] agornostal: Error: "cjwatson" is not a valid command. [09:18] I was able to create a script so the issue can be easily reproduced [09:18] https://github.com/gornostal/launchpad-ftp-test [09:19] basically, put command fails if file size is large (> 1Mb) [09:19] 'open' command works fine though [09:19] so it has something to do with the file size [09:21] #cjwatson [09:21] cjwatson, if you are reading this, hope the script helps you guys to identify the cause [09:23] here is a log from travis https://travis-ci.org/gornostal/launchpad-ftp-test/builds/363444747 [09:39] agornostal: Thanks, that may indeed help. (I probably won't look over the weekend though.) [09:40] no problem [09:40] thanks === flexiondotorg is now known as wimpress === wimpress is now known as Wimpress === Wimpress is now known as wimpress === wimpress is now known as Wimpress === Wimpress is now known as flexiondotorg === flexiondotorg is now known as Wimpress