
=== flexiondotorg is now known as wimpress
=== wimpress is now known as Wimpress
=== Wimpress is now known as wimpress
=== wimpress is now known as Wimpress
=== Wimpress is now known as flexiondotorg
=== flexiondotorg is now known as Wimpress
lubot3<tsimonq2> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3930.png17:30
lubot3<tsimonq2> https://i.imgur.com/sPOINxb.png17:31
coolpolygons[m]Looking good19:11
coolpolygons[m]Meanwhile participating in code jam so cant even sleep rn ugh19:11
lubot3<joancipria> @tsimonq2, So cool 😍😍. Are you using it as your daily use os?19:22
lubot3<tsimonq2> @joancipria, I am :)19:33
lubot3<Wolfenprey> @tsimonq2, Not bad! ItΒ΄s the new Android?19:34
lubot3<Wolfenprey> (Sticker, 512x140) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3932.webp19:34
lubot3<tsimonq2> πŸ˜†19:34
lubot3<Wolfenprey> Seriously, looks good!19:34
lubot3<tsimonq2> Little more than a gig of RAM on idle with QTerminal running an SSH session, Thunderbird, and Telegram.19:39
lubot3<Wolfenprey> Not bad at all!19:40
lubot3<tsimonq2> ikr :D19:40
lubot3<Jyoti> @tsimonq2, But, Simon,  how did you solve the problem of the lack of a wifi connection? When I installed Lubuntu Next 1804 from the daily release, the wifi does not connect ...19:42
lubot3<tsimonq2> @Jyoti, This is on a desktop computer.19:42
lubot3<tsimonq2> I need to solve that still.19:42
lubot3<Jyoti> ok19:42
lubot3<tsimonq2> And alas, Lubuntu Next 18.04 will not be released, just kept as a daily ISO.19:42
lubot3<Jyoti> days ago, I installed, via the terminal, the PPA and desktop of lubuntu LXQt on Ubuntu 1804 (on a desktop) and wifi worked that way19:45
lubot3<tsimonq2> Let's see if I can figure it out.19:46

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