
laptopis lubuntu 16 better than 17 in terms of software and which one is faster after all the updates01:37
laptopany plans to contineu lubuntu 32 bit01:37
jbmorris289I don't think there are much differences in terms of software or speeds after upgrades, as far as I know.01:54
jbmorris289It depends though.01:57
Thomas_¿como puedo hacer booteable lubuntu?02:55
krytarik!es | Thomas_02:56
ubottuThomas_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:56
Thomas_Thank you very much ubottu02:57
Thomas_muchas gracias ubottu02:57
laptopwhat is best distrubtion that is still doing 32 bit and uptodate12:37
Irritiable|LTWindows 98?12:37
laptopbesides window for llinux12:37
laptop32 bit12:37
Irritiable|LTDefine "best."12:38
Irritiable|LTIMO: Lubuntu's the best.12:38
Irritiable|LT1% CPU idle and ~250mb (full installation and setup) usage for me.12:38
laptop32 bit12:47
laptopI need one that continues at 32 bit12:47
Irritiable|LT32-bit's being phased out, fortunately.12:47
Irritiable|LT64-bit CPUs have been out on the market since ~2004 (publically).12:48
Irritiable|LTAFAIK: Lubuntu (naturally) supports 32-bit.12:48
Irritiable|LTlaptop: You do realize that there are literally /hundreds/ of Linux-distros out there, right? Trying to ask channel-by-channel in hopes of finding out which do and do not support 32-bit copies is uhh... Inefficient?12:51
Irritiable|LTYou'd be better off checking the official homepage sites.12:51
Irritiable|LT[07:37:03] <laptop> what is best distrubtion13:12
Irritiable|LTDefine "best."13:12
AscavasaionI have a 19" monitor and Lubuntu detects 1024x768 as the maximum resolution.  I know it can go higher... could someone please point me in the right direction please?14:04
Irritiable|LTAscavasaion: 1024x768 maximum resolution...?14:57
Irritiable|LTDo you have an on-board GPU or a dedicated GPU?14:58
AscavasaionIrritiable|LT, YEs, and I am almost certain I got higher resolution in Debian.14:58
Irritiable|LTHuh. This laptop's a native 1080 display. I've 0 issues with it (on-board Intel HD 505).14:58
Irritiable|LTStart bar > Preferences > Display Setting14:59
Irritiable|LTIt should list all available resolutions (and "auto").14:59
AscavasaionIrritiable|LT, It does... 1024x768 is all.  Seems a bit low on a 19" monitor.14:59
AscavasaionI cannot be 100% certain though14:59
Irritiable|LTI do not know what to say. Google? D:15:00
AscavasaionIrritiable|LT, HAHA... exactly what I was thinking (and already doing)15:01
Irritiable|LTSorry. I haven't run into that issue (ever). It's normally a software setting.15:01
Irritiable|LTHave you looked up the monitor itself?15:01
Irritiable|LTEG: Google.15:01
AscavasaionIt is a dodgy relatively unknown monitor.  So not too helpful.15:02
Irritiable|LTDoes it have a name?15:03
Irritiable|LTName / Serial # / HW # / MAC # (if special)15:03
Irritiable|LTIf it has an ISBN: I'd even Google that!15:03
Irritiable|LTYou said it was "dodgy!" :)15:03
Irritiable|LTBRB - Rebooting15:06
AscavasaionWelcome back15:11
AscavasaionI foun it on a site only in Chinese... https://www.eclife.com.tw/pc_nb/moreinfo_8640.htm15:11
Irritiable|LTThaks, Ascavasaion. How's that ISBN search going?15:11
AscavasaionRes there is definitely higher.15:11
Irritiable|LTYou have a "Chinese monitor?"15:12
Irritiable|LTDespite it being Lubuntu you're working under: I'd keep /that/ part quiet and just ask in #ubuntu (this channel is +/- dead).15:12
Irritiable|LTBRB rebooting (tinkering with boot images).15:12
Irritiable|LTThis IRC client has some issues (wireless is DHCP'd IPv4 / IPv6).15:15
Irritiable|LTMy new splash image (1920 x 1080 resolution) is beautiful. :)15:15
AscavasaionPastebin it :-)  Or it never happened15:15
Irritiable|LTAscavasaion: Start menu > System Tools > Benchmark & Performance15:16
Irritiable|LTContains all of that information and more.15:16
AscavasaionThank you again.15:16
Irritiable|LTDisplay / Monitor under the: "Display" tab can differ.15:17
Irritiable|LTAscavasaion: http://ch20webmaster.com/dragon-hd-wallpapers-1080p-ch35d/15:19
AscavasaionThat is impressive15:19
Irritiable|LTNot the same one; but similar.15:20
AscavasaionGoing to pop into BIOS15:20
Irritiable|LTI upped the saturation; it has a WAY more vivid blueness hue to it now.15:20
arthuredelsteinE▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  hntubgcqy: Unit193 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄22:51
arthuredelsteinE▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  jwgjaqud: markus-k ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄22:51
arthuredelsteinE▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  lrfxip: finsternis ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄22:51
arthuredelsteinE▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  jxpymcmq: m4sk1n ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄22:51
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - bioterror, genii, hyperair, IAmNotThatGuy, jared, krytarik, Myrtti, stlsaint, Unit193, wxl.22:51
arthuredelsteinE▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ HAPPY APRIL FLOODS DAY BROUGHT TO YOU BY iяс.sцреяиетs.ояg сни sцреявоwl  cfyqvfpz: yofel ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄22:51
* tsimonq2 slides krytarik a cold one22:51
krytarikThanks, duuude.22:51
tsimonq2Thank YOU! :)22:52
jbmorris289What in the world? okay then22:57

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