
waglehow do i tell which beta I am rnning now?00:37
wagle.. "running" ..01:02
tomreynwagle: if anywhere i guess it would say in lsb_release -sd. but i think it just says "18.04 development version" or something. this probably makes more sense, too, since it gets constant updates.01:39
wagletomreyn: yeah, it doesnt say much, but suppposedly beta2 was released today, and I'm curious if it upgraded01:41
TJ-wagle: beta is just all the packages on a certain date. if the system is up to date then it's there01:46
wagleTJ-: oki01:46
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
CMEE_fieHello, I'm having a little trouble testing lubuntu 18.04 beta2, i thought asking here since there's more people and the issue doesn't seem to be specific of lubuntu02:56
CMEE_fiebasically i have two HDDs, a toshiba formated with GPT and a WB formated with MBR02:57
CMEE_fieand lubuntu 18.04 beta2 running from a usb stick isn't mounting the WB drive formatted with MBR02:58
CMEE_fiethe computer motherboard is from 2009 and bios only tho02:58
CMEE_fiebtw when i say it isn't mounting the wb drive at all i mean i can't see it anywhere, not even on gparted02:59
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: From the USB stick what results ' sudo fdisk -lu ' is the hard drive seen ?03:00
CMEE_fiebut the drive is working, i just restarted a moment ago again into my installed lubuntu 16.04 and i can see there both of my drives03:00
CMEE_fieBashing-om: one sec03:00
CMEE_fiei see the toshiba drive on /dev/sda: 1,8 TiB, i see the usb stick on /dev/sdb: 7,5 GiB, then there's something on /dev/sdc: 3,7 GiB. not sure what that 3,7 drive is03:02
CMEE_fieand then three /dev/zram03:02
CMEE_fieno sight of my western digital 500GB03:03
CMEE_fieon dmesg i see "ata4: reset failed, giving up"03:03
CMEE_fiei've never seen that before03:03
CMEE_fiei also see "ata4: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)" and "ata4: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)". but i've had those messages since i bought the western digital03:04
CMEE_fiethe western digital seem slow to turn on03:04
CMEE_fiekernel seem to still be trying to mount ata4 but failing. ill upload the relevant log on pastebin03:06
CMEE_fiewent for pasteall tho :P03:07
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: reading . back soonest .03:07
CMEE_fieyou might notice some of the message repeat again and again, they are still repeating with more recent timestamps, meaning the kernel is still* trying to mount the drive03:09
CMEE_fiebtw, the WB drive had never taken this* long to be mounted before, usually takes 2 minutes and then is mounted before* the desktop show up03:11
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: Right off hand I would say the drive is dieing/dead . What does SMART relate about the health of the drive ? Might also ask in the #hardware channel .03:12
CMEE_fieSMART hasn't given any warning or error so far, the firmware might be faulty tho03:13
CMEE_fiethat's why i bought the toshiba, but i intended to keep using the Western Digital as a backup03:14
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: Could be a number of things else - like sata cable, connections or the port .. Alk we know presently is that the system can not bring the drive up .03:14
CMEE_fieWould you say i can discard systemd and the problem is most probably the kernel if not the hardware?03:15
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: No comsolation, but I have have 3 WD drives here recently with the same issues . I have replaced them .03:15
CMEE_fiewith same issues you mean slow to turn on and messages of "COMRESET failed" or unable to be mounted at all?03:17
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: " COMRESET failed (errno=-16) " I have beem able to temporatily resurrect by repaiting the file system and sparing off the super block - in my case . You are advised to get other opinions .03:19
CMEE_fieIn other words: move everything to the toshiba ASAP :P03:20
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: I sure would ! safty is no accident .03:21
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: In all fairness - I had issues with 2 drives *after* installing a SSD and enabling AHCI . I have not tested those drives in other systems .03:23
CMEE_fiemaybe testing lubuntu 17.04 is worth doing03:25
CMEE_fiei mean 17.1003:25
valorieofftopic here, CMEE_fie03:27
CMEE_fieexactly, on the bright side if the issue happen there i can ask on the channels for already released versions, thanks for everything Bashing-om03:28
Bashing-omCMEE_fie: :)03:29
BionicMacMultitudes of upgrades today. The Beaver is running like a charm over here.03:54
valoriesame here04:01
valoriehaven't restarted yet though04:01
valorieafter the upgrades04:01
BionicMacSame here. 04:13
BionicMacInstalled Ubuntu Server 17.10 on an ancient machine today. No X. Samba/Dns/Gateway/dhcpd/ etc etc. Put some life back in that old box.04:16
Bashing-omflocculant: "want to check if the fontconfig update......." I got the update, what do you need for verification ?04:48
flocculantBashing-om: I actually need to check the iso and first boot post install - thanks for offering though :)04:49
lotuspsychjemorning flocculant 04:49
flocculantmorning lotuspsychje :)04:49
lotuspsychjenew systemd in updates im curious :p04:51
lotuspsychjeloading to desktop still slow05:00
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TBOOK:~$ systemd-analyze blame05:01
lotuspsychje          8.966s dev-sda1.device05:01
lotuspsychje          8.098s NetworkManager-wait-online.service05:01
lotuspsychje          1.967s dev-loop2.device05:01
lotuspsychje          1.951s dev-loop1.device05:01
lotuspsychje          1.927s dev-loop0.device05:01
lotuspsychje          1.894s dev-loop3.device05:01
lotuspsychje          1.860s dev-loop4.device05:01
lotuspsychjeseems like snaps also booting time05:01
lotuspsychjelets unstall a few05:02
flocculantgood plan :p05:02
flocculantcorresponding dev-x.device here is 281ms05:04
lotuspsychjewhats that05:04
flocculantI assume you're installed on /dev/sda1 and 8.966s - installed on /dev/sdb5 here and 281ms05:05
lotuspsychjeflocculant: no ssd?05:06
flocculantthough maybe hdd vs ssd05:06
lotuspsychjeim on 850 pro of samsung, thats why i want it speed :p05:06
flocculanthah - that'd do it I guess05:06
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 1.167s dev-sdb1.device05:07
flocculantoh - I'm on some samsung ssd - I assume you weren't05:07
lotuspsychjenono :p05:07
lotuspsychjei am :p05:08
lotuspsychjemakes it even stranger...05:08
lotuspsychjewhy 8sec05:08
flocculantyea - but that blame thing never really seems to make much sense to me anyway lol05:08
Bashing-omsysop@x1804mini:~$ systemd-analyze >> Startup finished in 4.539s (kernel) + 3.596s (userspace) = 8.135s ; graphical.target reached after 3.571s in userspace .05:11
lotuspsychjeStartup finished in 6.680s (kernel) + 12.731s (userspace) = 19.412s05:11
lotuspsychjegraphical.target reached after 12.684s in userspace05:11
lotuspsychjebut your on mini Bashing-om 05:12
lotuspsychjecheat :p05:12
lotuspsychjedid you guys install preload?05:13
flocculantnot that I'm aware of05:13
=== derekcat_ is now known as derekcat
flocculantBashing-om: well - boot to desktop on live looks a whole lot better now with that updated package \o/05:18
lotuspsychjeah this looks more usefull05:19
lotuspsychjesystemd-analyze critical-chain05:19
Bashing-omflocculant: That " graphical.target reached after 3.571s in userspace" of mine irks me just a tad . Enter password and have to wait then for the DE to start  . I have not looked to this time to see what is going on .05:20
lotuspsychjeok new reboot05:24
flocculantwell I have to wait - not long though05:24
flocculantBashing-om: ^^05:24
Bashing-omflocculant: Not a big deal , just a wait in 18.04 that is not present on 16.04 boot .05:26
flocculantBashing-om: in fact probably about a second05:27
lotuspsychje 21.115s plymouth-quit-wait.service05:28
flocculantthat'll help05:28
Bashing-omrebooting the physical half - back in a few hours :)06:11
CMEE_fiehello i was here some hours ago, i was having trouble with the final beta of lubuntu 18.04, and i think it was BionicMac who mention that he started having issues when he enabled AHCI06:42
CMEE_fiea friend also suggested me changing the sata mode from AHCI to IDE, so i went to the bios but IDE was already the mode for SATA in the bios06:43
CMEE_fieso just for testing i changed the sata mode to AHCI, and for some reason the bios doesn't seem to recognize the Western Digital formated with MBR06:44
CMEE_fiei can boot with the WB, but i can with the toshiba06:44
CMEE_fieand once the lubuntu 17.10 i have on the toshiba loads i can actually use the WB drive06:45
CMEE_fieand BTW i dont have any drive issues on lubuntu 17.10 with either IDE or AHCI06:45
CMEE_fieso the issue is truly limited to lubuntu 18.04 beta206:46
CMEE_fiei haven't tried lubuntu 18.04 + ahci tho, and i can't until tomorrow, dont ask why im an idiot06:50
Ian_Cornemaxb: did you find a solution?07:34
Ian_Corneif not, to wich package would you log a bug? I'm having a touchpad issue as well07:34
Exterminadorhello guys. I'm facing a weird issue. suddenly my volume buttons stopped working (even Fn + arrow up/down). any ideas where to gather more info or what the problem can be?08:29
alkisgRun xev and see if it gets the events; also try with an older kernel08:57
Exterminadoralkisg: here's what I've got running xev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m6s55hK4QD/09:08
Exterminadorall the keys seems to be zeroed09:09
Exterminadorweird. kernels 4.15.0-12-generic and 4.15.0-13-generic have this issue (on Xubuntu, btw)..09:19
ExterminadorI'm updating the other install of Ubuntu main and I'll see if the problem persists. otherwise can be something related to xfce?09:34
Exterminadorokay. this is weird. on main Ubuntu, volume buttons work with kernel 4.15.0-13-generic, but not in Xubuntu with the same kernel. thoughts?09:58
flocculantcan you reproduce this will the daily? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/09:59
flocculantalternatively add a test user - login in there and see if you can reproduce it10:00
Exterminadorit happens with all the users I've on the laptop. I just updated the OS today, in both distros10:06
flocculantand worked previously?10:06
Exterminadoryep. it keeps working in the main distro but not in Xubuntu. sometimes you press volume buttons, it does nothing and after a while the volume decrease/increase without visual output. like, after a few minutes10:09
flocculantdid it work previously in xubuntu?10:10
Exterminadoryes, it did10:10
flocculantand now after updates it doesn't? if that's the case check in /var/log/apt/history.log for what's been updated10:11
Exterminadorflocculant: this is what i have in /var/log/apt/history.log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ffNHBYVc9P/10:19
flocculantand it last worked when?10:20
flocculantso you added most of kubuntu then?10:21
flocculantcan we go back to checking it on a daily?10:22
Exterminadori can't try it now, as i have no usb/cd and no more partitions to install :x10:22
lotuspsychjewelcome AlexMao 10:23
AlexMaolotuspsychje, Thanks10:23
AlexMaoAnyone running into issues with the ubiquity/installer on the latest/final beta ? 10:23
Exterminadorand i didnt explicitly added anything related to Kubuntu.. I've upgraded from Xubuntu 16.04.3 to 18.0410:23
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: whats happening exactly mate?10:24
lotuspsychjeExterminador: its not reccomended yet to upgrade from xenial10:24
flocculantExterminador: you added plasma desktop10:24
Exterminadorflocculant: i guess i installled it to use with something else. but i can uninstall it10:25
lotuspsychjeExterminador: we reccomend if you help test daily, you install a daily live iso10:25
AlexMaoWell simply put the installer crashes each time I try to install lubuntu on a spare machine. I get passed the partition process, the initial installation process begins. At some point near the end the installer crashes. 10:25
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: have you tryed another machine if you can reproduce this?10:26
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: I know. but I like to live on the edge :)10:26
AlexMaoI've gone through the launchpad reports and it appears to be a known issue, one post suggested updating the installer but that was a bit odd. 10:26
lotuspsychjeExterminador: i know, but the problem is we cant properly help you, if we dont know if its real bug or a leftover from a wrong upgrade10:27
AlexMaoI can try another machine certainly, but to note I've tried different copies of the ISO as well in case I botched something during download and/or DD-ing it to a usb 10:27
Exterminadorlotuspsychje: I've upgraded at almost one month. so, I assume isn't a leftover10:28
lotuspsychjeflocculant: you know who to poke for lubuntu dailys?10:28
flocculantExterminador: so when did it stop working?10:28
flocculantstill don't know that ;)10:28
flocculantlotuspsychje: tsimonq2 or wxl wherever he's hiding10:28
lotuspsychjeExterminador: again, its not yet advisable for upgrading lts to lts10:29
lotuspsychjeflocculant: tnx10:29
Exterminadorflocculant: well, I've noticed it today. can't give you a correct date, because on Stremio I use the built-in volume control10:29
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: lubuntu= <AlexMao> Anyone running into issues with the ubiquity/installer on the latest/final beta ? 10:29
flocculantAlexMao: how does it actually fail? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/175417410:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754174 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Lubuntu] "Install Lubuntu" fails with several commands not found and permission denied" [Critical,Confirmed]10:30
flocculantthat one?10:30
AlexMaonot that one. 10:32
flocculantExterminador: well - not sure then, assumign it worked post-upgrade then I now don't know how plasma would impact10:32
flocculantAlexMao: does the installer tell you anything at all or does it just crash?10:32
Exterminadorwill a sd card suffice to try those daily installs?10:32
lotuspsychjeExterminador: think ubuntu needs 8gig10:33
flocculantand xubuntu about the same 10:33
flocculantcos that's what we're talking about :D10:33
Exterminadoroh damn. mine is just 4Gb10:33
flocculantoh hang on10:33
AlexMaolet me set up the other machine and start the process. if/when it crashes I'll chime in here. 10:33
flocculantif you can get the iso on there it should boot10:33
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: tnx for testing, perhaps add yourself to the bug?10:34
flocculantExterminador: ^^ 10:34
flocculantAlexMao: this was normal lubuntu not the Next thing?10:34
flocculantExterminador: so try it 10:35
AlexMaothis is the beta that was released yesterday/day-before-yesterday. I had similar issues with previous version of the 18.04 release as well 10:35
flocculantAlexMao: ok - well I think they've had some issues - but hard to know until we've some idea of what the error actually is10:36
flocculantit should if it dies - start the desktop and report the bug - or I've seen that at least10:37
lotuspsychjeAlexMao flocculant good idea choose 'try ubuntu' and let ubiquity debug from there, open a syslog:dmesg tail to see whats going on?10:38
lotuspsychjetry lubuntu in your case10:38
ExterminadorI'll download the daily build and see10:41
lotuspsychjeExterminador: tnx10:41
lotuspsychje!info firefox 10:43
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 59.0.1+build1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 45785 kB, installed size 175087 kB10:43
Exterminadormy internet is a pita. it downloads only at 1.6Mbps. so, after downloading, how do I make a bootable USB (I've found one)?10:43
lotuspsychje!usb | Exterminador 10:43
ubottuExterminador: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:43
flocculantlotuspsychje: I grabbed ff 59.0.2 from proposed this morning10:44
lotuspsychjeExterminador: i very like the ubuntu media usb creator10:44
lotuspsychjeflocculant: cool!10:44
flocculantI use gnome-disk-utility or whatever it's called 10:44
lotuspsychjeyeah thats the one10:44
lotuspsychjepretty fast and decent10:44
lotuspsychjeflocculant: shows in my updates Instellen van firefox (59.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1) 10:46
Exterminadorinstalling :D10:46
AlexMaoInstaller crashed: We're sorry. the installer crashed. After you close this window, we will aloow you to file a bug report using the integrated bug reporting tool. This will gather information about your systemand your installation process. The details will be sent to our bug tracker and a developer will attend to the problem as soon as possible.  10:47
AlexMaoIt occurred as the installation process was beginning. 10:48
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: yeah see if you can grab the details of the bug it creates10:48
Exterminadoris it named Disks after install? or isn't compatible with Xubuntu?10:49
flocculantwell I assume that it would open ubuntu-bug - then web browser10:49
flocculantExterminador: yea that's it10:49
Exterminadorokay, i need to let it finish download the iso10:50
Exterminadorthen i must see how to create the usb using that tool10:50
flocculantselect the CORRECT drive in the left pane - then from the menu use Restore Disk Image10:50
Exterminadoraight.. ty10:51
flocculantExterminador: https://i.imgur.com/x3WXumq.png10:51
flocculantAlexMao: did it do anything? 10:53
lotuspsychjeflocculant: lol look at this guy :p https://www.deviantart.com/art/Unity-1-73916010510:54
Exterminadordoes it auto format the USB?10:55
flocculantExterminador: yea it''ll do what's needed10:55
Exterminadorall my life I've used Rufus to do the usb thingy10:55
flocculantall my life I've never heard of it :p10:56
Exterminadornever created a USB from within (X)Ubuntu itself10:56
flocculantprobably done it about 200 times during this 6 month cycle :p10:57
flocculantI really should have more than 1 10:57
Exterminador:o that's a lot10:57
* lotuspsychje has a whole box of ubuntu usb's10:58
* flocculant really should go back to just having iso's listed in grub menu10:58
flocculantas I mostly just want to boot them to test something10:59
lotuspsychje!info gnome-disk-utility | adviced by flocculant 10:59
ubottuadviced by flocculant: gnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 244 kB, installed size 1192 kB10:59
Exterminadorerm.. my USB is only 4Gb too. will that be enough?10:59
lotuspsychjeExterminador: yes that will work11:00
lotuspsychjeExterminador: ubuntu needs 8 gig+ install space on target11:00
lotuspsychjeExterminador: your not gonna install on your usb right?11:01
flocculanteven if they were - xubuntu needs about the same ;)11:01
lotuspsychjebbl citywalk, sunny 22 degrees11:01
lotuspsychjelaterz flocculant 11:01
flocculantlotuspsychje: cya - cloudy here in UK11:02
Exterminadorin progress.. also, installing into removable devices isn't advised, right? :p11:03
flocculantwell some people do it - I have rarely for specific reasons - but slow ... 11:04
Exterminadorbooting into the USB (was pretty fast to create the USB). Try Xubuntu?11:08
flocculantExterminador: then check out the volume keys 11:09
ExterminadorI've borked something on my main install. for sure.. it's working on the daily one11:09
ExterminadorI assume I can't reinstall and keep the current data?11:10
flocculantright hang on and give me a moment to mull that over11:10
Exterminadorwhile on that I'm going to eat something11:12
Exterminadorit must have been one of those packages I've installed. I've removed plasma and no cigar (I don't remember why did I installed it :x)11:14
flocculantExterminador: by current data - do you mean things you have in your /home folders?11:15
flocculantor things you've installed?11:16
flocculantyou can keep your local data but not the latter11:17
Exterminadorwell, most of the things I can reinstall. the important is the /home11:17
flocculantyea you can keep that11:18
Exterminadorstill, I've installed xorg-server and nouveau-firmware (because that little issue with Nvidia drivers). can it be related?11:19
flocculantExterminador: when you removed plasma did it remove all the things it installed?11:21
Exterminadorit must have been something on the last 2 days. my son was watching YouTube videos in the middle of the week and volume was working.11:21
Exterminadorflocculant: I've done "apt remove --purge plasma*"11:22
AlexMaoThis is a bit strange. I booted into the live environment, opened the terminal ran an apt update && apt dist-upgrade (as sudo), ran the installer and now it's installing the system. (so far). 11:23
flocculantright - hard to know if it removed everything from here :p check your paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ffNHBYVc9P/plain/ did it remove all the things in the big list from Start-Date: 2018-04-06  20:51:16 ?11:24
flocculantExterminador: ^^11:24
flocculantAlexMao: ok - good to know11:24
ExterminadorI'll check it now11:24
Exterminadorbooting into the system11:24
Exterminador(and eating)11:24
flocculantAlexMao: did it do a bug report? 11:24
flocculantExterminador: everytime you say that I remember I'm hungry :(11:25
AlexMaoIn the previous attempt yes. 11:25
Exterminadorflocculant: just imagine I didn't said anything. :p11:26
AlexMaoThis time round no crashes after updating the live environment and running the installer 11:26
flocculantExterminador: are you in the usb or on the installation?11:27
Exterminadorflocculant: installation now.11:28
Exterminadorflocculant: do you want to know? I've done again "apt remove --purge plasma*".. it uninstalled a ton of things.. and suprise!!!11:29
Exterminadorvolume keys works again!11:30
Exterminadorso, we've found the culprit :)11:32
Exterminadorthanks for bearing with me ;)11:32
flocculantExterminador: I'll tell you a useful thing, this was my next suggestion - open the file manager and make sure you can see hidden . files and folders11:32
ExterminadorI can, when using Ctrl + h11:33
flocculantopen .cache and you'll see an xfce4 folder in there (also in .config) that's where the most of the things 'you' do personally to xfce land - so removing those can prove issues11:33
flocculantpretty much sends you back to a default setup11:33
flocculantanyway - all that aside - you found the issue :)11:34
Exterminadornext time I must remember "do not install plasma again".11:35
HarkalyGHi, I'd like to know if I install Ubuntu 18.04 beta2 will it automatic upgrade to it's final version at the end of April?11:38
flocculantas long as you update it 11:39
flocculantExterminador: back in the past I did similar - I then found it much better to have different installations11:40
flocculantAlexMao: all sorted now then?11:41
Exterminadoryeah. but my poor laptop is in EOL already (at least the HDD). 9y of constant rewrite11:41
* flocculant goes to finally eat something now ;)11:43
ExterminadorI've started to use *Ubuntu last year. I'm loving it!11:43
Exterminadorenjoy the meal!11:43
flocculantcool - gald to hear it - better to see Xubuntu though ;)11:43
ExterminadorI have both (Xubuntu and Ubuntu) along Windows 10 (for some games only)11:44
AlexMaoflocculant, all sorted now 11:57
* tsimonq2 stretches12:02
tsimonq2What's up?12:02
flocculantnothing now - all dealt with :p12:10
lotuspsychjelandspite: here you can try it already on daily image in beta stage14:06
lotuspsychjetill final release14:06
AlexMaohas there been any indication when ubuntu (canonical) or lubuntu will roll out lxqt as the default DE for lubuntu ? 14:11
lapaga...but in the case of Lubuntu Next, which is based on the very much work-in-progress LXQt desktop, those daily builds will likely be quite buggy.14:16
AlexMaoI suppose the silly question is what's taking so long for the transition to occur? LXQT is rather stable under Debian 8 + 9. 14:21
alkisgMaybe with the switch to wayland, desktop environments can't find enough programmers to keep up with all the changes...14:31
alkisgAnd maybe only the big ones (gnome/kde) will survive)14:32
lotuspsychjehey alkisg 14:32
alkisgHey lotuspsychje, how's everything?14:32
lotuspsychjegreat, playing bionic hard here :p14:32
alkisgI've had deployments in schools since 3 months now14:33
alkisgSince february it's been mostly OK14:33
lotuspsychjeburning lubuntu 32 bit bionic right now14:33
lotuspsychjetesting on customers laptop14:33
lotuspsychjei love normal/mini option at setup14:34
alkisgI think mate, if one removes snapd etc, is pretty much as light as lubuntu, and a LOT more mature14:34
AlexMaoI noticed on the most recent version of Lubuntu there was a minimal install option browser + basic utils. I thought that was a nice touch 14:34
alkisgLubuntu doesn't even implement inhibitors, one can just logout and lose all unsaved work...14:35
lotuspsychjeflocculant tsimonq2 confirming lubuntu daily iso crashes ubiquity at the end of setup with squashfs errors spam14:38
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: And this is from Try Lubuntu?14:39
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: no, install lubuntu14:39
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: known bug14:40
AlexMaoAbout the crashing, and forgive my ignorance, but how does updating the live environment correct everything to the point where I can install the beta? 14:40
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: got the url?14:40
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: flocculant linked it a few hours ago, otherwise I can try to find it...14:40
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: well i gues if its known already, nvm will it work from try lubuntu?14:41
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: yep14:41
lotuspsychjecool lets test14:41
tsimonq2alkisg: What do you mean by "inhibitors"?14:41
lotuspsychjeAlexMao: what do you mean exactly?14:42
tsimonq2AlexMao: The LXQt transition is closer than one might think, I'll just say that.14:42
AlexMaothis was referring to my previous issue with installing lubuntu final beta 14:43
* tsimonq2 goes AFK for a bit.14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754174 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Lubuntu] "Install Lubuntu" fails with several commands not found and permission denied" [Critical,Confirmed]14:47
alkisgtsimonq2: logout inhibitors is an API for applications to tell the system NOT to allow log out because they have unsaved data15:14
tsimonq2alkisg: Link?15:14
alkisgSo for example when you try to logout from gnome, libreoffice blocks that, and prompts "do you want to save first"?15:14
alkisgtsimonq2: https://people.gnome.org/~mccann/gnome-session/docs/gnome-session.html#org.gnome.SessionManager.Inhibitor15:14
tsimonq2alkisg: Any Qt links?15:15
alkisgtsimonq2: I don't know how they're called in KDE15:15
tsimonq2alkisg: ok15:16
tsimonq2Thank you, I'll look into it.15:16
alkisgIt was just an example, that lighter DEs are missing things15:16
alkisgAnd that DEs that are more mature, of course also offer more15:16
alkisgAnother could be "automatic printer installation"15:17
tsimonq2Does e.g. Ubuntu MATE have that?15:17
alkisgYes, since gnome2 had that, mate has it as well15:17
alkisgmate is mature just because gnome2 was mature, not so much because of its current developers15:17
lapagaright now i have sda1(win), sda2(win), sda3 (swap),sda4(extended),sda5(/),sda6(/home) I am going to wipe out 3,4,5,6 and install 18.04...can I not have swap partition ?15:18
alkisgAFAIK if you have a swap partition, it sees it and doesn't create a swap fie15:18
tsimonq2lapaga: Why do you need it?15:18
tsimonq2And, right.15:18
lapagaI have 12g ram so have never had it use it15:19
alkisgAh, you want to have neither a swap partition nor a swap file; sure, you can do that, I'm not sure if the installer allows it or if you need to remove it after the installation...15:20
alkisgIt doesn't hurt though15:20
lapagaand if no swap then would not have to make extended partition15:20
alkisgWell the default installation gives you a swap file15:23
alkisgSo no swap partition, so no need for extended15:23
lapagaok-just have always made one15:24
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: confirmed it installed thru try lubuntu, tnx alot15:48
lotuspsychjelubuntu 18.04 32bit working like a charm on that box16:57
lotuspsychjenice wallpaper too16:58
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: great work mate :p16:59
BenLubarnot sure if this is an Ubuntu question or a VirtualBox question, but is there any way I can have an Ubuntu VM release memory back to the host OS? Rebooting doesn't do it; I need to shut down the VM and start it back up to get memory back when the VM isn't using it.17:00
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: Thanks!17:00
BenLubarIn this case, the VM is a build slave, but the host is my gaming machine, so I'd like to be able to reclaim the memory when I'm not using the VM to compile stuff17:00
tsimonq2BenLubar: I don't think Virtualbox will let you do that.17:01
mifritscherhow can I debug "Apr  7 19:21:33 server /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-wayland-session[13642]: dbus-daemon[13644]: [session uid=108 pid=13644] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' failed: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1" after a upgrade to ubuntu 18.04?17:42
mifritscherthis message is produced by gdm3, thus no graphical login - but ssh is possible17:42
lotuspsychjemifritscher: we dont reccomend upgrading to bionic yet in this stage17:42
lotuspsychjemifritscher: bionic is still in beta stage atm17:42
mifritscherI know ;)17:42
lotuspsychjemifritscher: so best to help us, is installing daily live iso, and see if you can reproduce17:43
mifritscherI upgraded another machine yust today without problems ;-)17:43
mifritscherI assume it has something to do with the old installation17:44
lotuspsychjemifritscher: this is just why we dont reccomend, as we cant know if its a real bug, or a leftover from previous install17:44
mifritscherI had some problems with systemd-shim regarding a link (/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service and usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.systemd1 I think)17:46
mifritscherlotuspsychje: I know it was a bit dangerous and so on, I yust need to have some help to get further (debug) infos ;)17:47
mifritscherI made a apt install --reinstall systemd, but didn't help17:48
mifritscherI think something is broken here17:48
lotuspsychje!info systemd17:48
ubottusystemd (source: systemd): system and service manager. In component main, is important. Version 237-3ubuntu7 (bionic), package size 2876 kB, installed size 12596 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:48
mifritschersame version as mine17:49
lotuspsychjemifritscher: perhaps try this in a liveusb? see if you can reproduce?17:49
mifritschersystemctl --user says "Failed to connect to bus" while is working on other system (also a upgraded 18.04 installation)17:49
mifritscherlotuspsychje: another upgrade with exactly the same version is working17:49
mifritscherso something is different on this machine17:50
mifritscherbig question: What? ;-)17:50
lotuspsychjemifritscher: you could try fix broken packages option from recoverymode17:51
lotuspsychjemifritscher: did your previous system have external ppa's?17:51
mifritscheryes, but removed & cleaned them (were only user mode applications, no drivers or system things)17:52
mifritscherI've no broken packages atm17:52
lotuspsychjeout of ideas myself then, i guess would affect different users too17:53
mifritscherall seems to be fine but something around systemd/dbus17:53
lotuspsychje(on your system)17:53
mifritscherproblem: it happens before login17:54
mifritscheryust at the moment gdm is starting17:54
mifritscherI get this message right after restarting gdm3 as well17:54
mifritscher(in /var/log/syslog)17:55
lotuspsychjemifritscher: you got docker installed?17:56
lotuspsychjemifritscher: related? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+question/28745417:58
mifritscherit is the right direction, yes18:00
mifritscher1ok, after reinstalling dbus and dbus-user-session it seems to work again :-)18:04
lotuspsychje!yay | mifritscher1 18:05
ubottumifritscher1: Glad you made it! :-)18:05
lotuspsychjedid that bug help you?18:05
mifritscher1honestely no, it was more or less a wild guess *g*18:05
mifritscher1I knew that there is somewhere a problem between systemd and dbus (also because of the name "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.systemd1.service")18:06
mifritscher1so first I looked after reinstalling systemd18:06
mifritscher1and after a while I thought "hmm, what packages with dbus in it are there?"18:07
mifritscher1and dbus-user-session has the description "simple interprocess messaging system (systemd --user integration)" - bingo :-D18:08
mifritscher1if that hadn't worked I had examined this package a bit further18:08
mifritscher1probably my "fix" regarding this link was not that right18:08
mifritscher1and broke things18:08
mifritscher1now a bit housekeeping - aka removeing orphaned packages^^18:14
mifritscher1hehe, firefox in 16.04 is a bit newer than in 18.0418:15
lotuspsychje!info firefox xenial18:16
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 59.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (xenial), package size 45231 kB, installed size 174337 kB18:16
lotuspsychjemifritscher1: you mean on your system?18:16
mifritscher1in the repos18:16
lotuspsychje!info firefox18:17
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 59.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 45939 kB, installed size 175740 kB18:17
mifritscher1hmm, ok, then my mirror is old18:17
mifritscher1on xenial I've 59.0.2, on bionic 59.0.118:17
lotuspsychjeupdate bionic :p18:17
mifritscher1I made a apt update; apt dist-upgrade 30 seconds before *g*18:18
lotuspsychjethen something is wrong18:18
lotuspsychjegot the FF update this morning here18:19
mifritscher1perhaps my mirror updates bionic not so regular than xenial18:19
lotuspsychjetry sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade18:20
mifritscher1ohoh - Use of uninitialized value $buf in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/debmirror line 2163, <RELEASE> line 1.18:27
mifritscher1I think I need to fix this before I get further updates *g*18:28
lotuspsychjeyou might wanna choose daily iso next time18:28
mifritscher1hmm, it seems that there are pubic keys messing18:29
mifritscher1/me don't know when he used isos at home the last time18:29
mifritscher1I always install per pxe-boot and local mirror, which in turn is updated against one official mirror all few hours ;)18:30
mifritscher1gpgv: Korrekte Signatur von "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2012) <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"18:32
mifritscher1.temp/.tmp/dists/xenial/Release.gpg signature does not verify.18:32
mifritscher1indicates really that the mirror I use for debmirror has a problem18:32
mifritscher1interestingly only xenial, bionic is ok18:32
mifritscher1hmm, same happens with de.archive.ubuntu.com18:37
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
mpbHello.  I am trying Ubuntu 18.04 beta2 on my Acer Aspire One laptop with AMD graphics.  Graphics is failing.  I get text/console login, but no graphical desktop.  I did get to a graphical desktop once, not sure how/why, but the keyboard and touchpad were frozen.  Is there somewhere I can report this problem and/or help diagnose the cause.19:07
lotuspsychjempb: are you on the xorg or wayland session?19:09
lotuspsychjempb: im running 18.04 fine on acer aspire one here19:09
mpblotuspsychje:  I just booted the live ISO off of a usb stick.  So whatever the default is from live ISO.19:09
lotuspsychjeClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: AMD C-60 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (1,03GHz) • Memory: Physical: 3,5 GiB Total (2,3 GiB Free) Swap: 2,0 GiB Total (2,0 GiB Free) • Storage: 72,3 GB / 129,5 GB (57,3 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 5 •19:10
lotuspsychje Uptime: 5h 57m 23s19:10
lotuspsychjempb: did you choose try or install ubuntu?19:10
mpblotuspsychje: I chose "try".19:12
lotuspsychjempb: nevermind, you might wanna install ubuntu19:12
lotuspsychjempb: you did not change bios settings ahci or ide?19:12
mpblotuspsychje: The live ISOs for 16.04 and 17.10 work fine on the same laptop.  I can try an install, if you think that will make a difference.  In the past, I have always done "try" and then installed from the live session.  I'm not sure about the bios settings at present, but 17.10 works fine.19:14
lotuspsychjempb: ok tnx for details19:14
lotuspsychjempb: at wich point does your system freeze exactly?19:15
mpbI can get to text consoles, so it is not a freeze, just no graphics.  If I turn of "quiet" and "splash", the last message that appears on console #1 is: "Started User Manager for UID 999."  I have the laptop running right now, and installed openssh-server, so I can look at any log files, if you want.  I also tried restarting GDM3.  GDM3 seems to go into a loop, writing lots of messages to syslog.19:17
mpblotuspsychje:  did my previous message come through okay?  I can only see the end of it.19:18
lotuspsychjempb: yeah got it19:20
mpbThe model of my Acer Aspire One laptop is: 722-BZ454, manufactured Nov 2011, 2GB ram.19:21
lotuspsychjempb: got also radeon card?19:21
lotuspsychje[AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290 is mine19:21
mpbfrom dmesg: fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0) is primary device19:22
mpblotuspsychje: I'm not sure where to look to see the model of the GPU.  I'm not sure if it is an APU (on the same chip as the CPU).19:24
lotuspsychjempb: sudo lshw -C video shows driver active?19:24
mpblotuspsychje: product: Wrestler [Radeon HD 6250]19:25
Bashing-ommpb: Set trust ? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2333630 <- oldfred : Ubuntu on Acer Aspire new Laptop .19:25
mpbBashing-om: why would the Acer "trust" setting prevent graphics from working?  The threads you linked to seem to be problems with dual boot, not with Live sessions via USB.19:31
lotuspsychjempb: its weird, as my system works like a charm with same card19:33
lotuspsychjempb: perhaps try 'install ubuntu'?19:36
lotuspsychjeand enable 3rd party software & updates during setup19:36
mpbfrom syslog, perhaps when I tried to restart GDM3: Apr  7 18:40:01 ubuntu /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[1196]: (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied19:37
lotuspsychjempb: what kind of hardisk in there?19:38
mpbalso:  (WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_ACTIVATE failed: Operation not permitted (EE) Fatal server error: (EE) xf86OpenConsole: Switching VT failed   (EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.19:39
mpblotuspsychje: no hdd/sdd at present.  I pulled it out of the laptop to avoid potential data loss.19:40
mpblotuspsychje: I'm running off of a USB disk.19:41
mpblotuspsychje:  I'm happy to try an install, if that is what you recommend.19:42
lotuspsychjempb: always backup before you try development versions19:42
mpbUpdate:  If I repeatedly stop and start GDM3, sometimse I get to the GDM3 login screen.  However, if I select "Live session user", the screen goes blank and comes back to the same GDM3 login screen.  So it seems like an intermittent graphics problem that happens most of the time.19:57
NycatelosHiya, I upgraded 17.10 -> 18.04 and my right click doesn't work22:10
NycatelosI have a synaptics touchpad22:10
lotuspsychjeNycatelos: i think they have played with doublefinger mouseclick22:13
Nycateloslotuspsychje: it seems to have affected my 'physical' right click in the corner of the pad, which confuses me a bit22:13
lotuspsychjeNycatelos: have you installed gnome-tweak-tool?22:17
Nycatelosuhh, yeah I have22:17
lotuspsychjeNycatelos: in mouse settings it says, right click simulation with 2 fingers22:17
Nycateloslotuspsychje: the fingers mouse emulation, I had that enabled.22:18
lotuspsychjeNycatelos: fixxed now?22:25
Nycateloslotuspsychje: nothing changed22:25
Nycatelosit was like that before, so no22:26
lotuspsychjenot really sure then sorry22:26
NycatelosI'm more confused than anything tbh22:26
Nycateloslotuspsychje: it works on KDE, but not gnome22:36
Nycatelosso uhh, I have no idea what the problem is22:36
lotuspsychjeNycatelos: did you disabled completly, aka last option in mouse emulation?22:47

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